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New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Chloe Williams
Avatar ID: Chloe Grimslayer
Age: 23
Trait: Axe Expertise 0

Description: {See Character Sheet}
Offline, Chloe looks much the same as her avatar though she sports blonde hair and a slightly smaller bust, and often wears three quarter length bottoms, hiking boots and a loose fitting shirt with a camisole underneath.

Chloe is an outdoors enthusiast, spending much of her time hiking up mountains, biking, and camping. She's quite a happy, cheerful girl, and it takes quite a lot to get her riled up. Though when she gets angry the target of her rage better take cover.

Being a fan of outdoor activities and generally straying away from any activity that involved staying inside and in one place for long periods of time it was quite the surprise to her friends when Chloe said that she was going to try out EGG. Though it was mostly to see what all the fuss was about video games. She thought that perhaps one that allowed the user to link up to a virtual world and do whatever they wanted would open her mind to them. And so she created herself a female warrior, much in the same design as her real self.

Well, It was up and at em, Chloe, her alarm clock screaming at her in it's usual annoying fashion early in the morning, reached over to slap it only to find the EGG Program invitation acceptance letter taped to the clock, a surefire way to remind her that today was the day she had to get up and do something outside the normal range of her outdoor activities. Trying new things was never a bad thing, but this one was a little farther off base for the blonde then normal so she'd taken a few extra steps to ensure she got there.

Rubbing her eyes, Chloe opened the letter again and read it one last time, looking at the clock.

- Miss Chloe Williams. It is our great pleasure to inform you that your application for testing of the E.G.G. Virtual Reality System has been processed and accepted. During this time of implementation testing, the usual processes have been waived and you shall be picked up from your residence by a vehicle and driver we're only too happy to supply at 8:00 AM Thursday morning of this week. Please be punctual as the driver has been instructed to only wait a half hour. Upon arrival at our facility, you will be greeted by your own personal technician who will explain everything from there. Welcome... To a World of your own making Chloe Williams...

E.G.G. Human Resources Team

It was simple and too the point, and she had an hour, the clock showing the usual 7:00 for her morning routine. There were additional instructions, such as not bothering to pack extra clothing or food, simply telling her that anything she needed would be provided should such a need arise. So today was the day, well then... Time to get moving.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Chloe stirred from her slumber as the morning alarm sounded, blindly turning it off before sitting up. She stretched and yawned for a moment, rubbing sleep on her eyes before looking at the clock, and the letter that rested next to it. The letter for that new game... Chloe thought to herself. The young woman stared at the envelop for a moment or two before picking it up and reread it once more. She had read it at least a half dozen times since it had arrived, still unsure about going to check it out. After all, it wasn't the type of activity she would usually lean towards, but it did sound vastly different to the usual sort of games that flooded the media.

With one final yawn Chloe climbed out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. The young woman showered quickly, washing away the night grime that had gathered on her body as she slept, and washed her hair before drying herself. Then she brushed her teeth and headed back to her room to dress, choosing a simple white camisole, a pair of khaki three-quarter lengths, and a soft pink hooded jacket with her usual sports sneakers. Checking the time, and noticing that it was nearly 8am, Chloe made her way out of her house and into the street to wait for her ride.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Chloe, taking care of her morning business and heading outside, found a sleek, black car waiting for her as promised, the windows tinted as the engine idled slowly and a man in a simple business suit waited, smiling softly as she came outside. Checking a picture in his hand, he folded it up and simply opened the back door for Chloe, gesturing for her to enter so they could be on their way, before getting inside himself and pulling away from her home.

Heading through the twisted streets of the city that Chloe called home, it wasn't too long before she saw their destination through the window, a towering steel and glass structure, curling slightly into the sky, the towers that made up the building seeming like a triple helix as they neared it, standing like some kind of pearlescent beacon as Chloe was driven nearer.

Stopping right in front of it, Chloe was guided out of the car by her driver, before the man smiled again, and left, the car pulling away without ever a word spoken, the silence surreal... of course right up until it was smashed by the sound of a short woman hopping up and down and waving at her from the double doors that marked the entrance to the complex. "Hello~! Chloe Williams? Come come come, My names Robin, I'm your technician and from the sounds of your application, waiting around and wasting time is just that, a waste. So if you'll follow me, we'll throw you in headfirst and just have some fun with it!" She said excitedly. Robin, barely above 5 feet tall, was sporting a simple blouse and skirt underneath the long white labcoat and seemed quite cheerful, opening the door for Chloe and gesturing for her to step inside so they could get underway. The short brunette was plain in just about every sense of the word, barring her unusually short stature, and spoke again as Chloe entered into a white tile and marble lobby, leading her into a hallway behind a large curling desk.

"If you have any questions nows the time to ask~ Because I got up early this morning and couldn't sleep so everything is fired up and ready to go! Oooo this is so exciting... Also, I may have had too much coffee but that's the life of a tech!" It seemed Robin was simply a firecracker despite her appearance, always fidgeting and bouncing with probably too much energy, thick glasses with oddly coloured lenses adorning her freckled face, and, as Chloe got closer to her, an odd looking tool belt fastened around her waist.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Walking out of her house and spotting the man and the car Chloe raised an eyebrow at the overall shiftiness of the setting, though she pushed those thoughts out of her mind. It wouldn't do to get cold feet now, she didn't want to miss this opportunity. Who'd know when they'd process another application if Chloe bailed now.

"Hey," Raising a hand to the man and nodding at him Chloe climbed into the backseat of the car, secretly thankful of the silence that passed between the two of them as they made their way to wherver the hell it was that she was being taken to.

Though as the building came into view Chloe couldn't help but look at it in wonder. Getting out of the car Chloe waved goodbye to the driver as he pulled away, and waited for a moment, wondering if she was expected to enter the building or if someone was to pick her up. Though Chloe wasn't left long to ponder on what to do as a female voice called out to her. Turning around Chloe saw an excitable looking short woman, devoid of any noticeable features save for perhaps the smattering of freckles covering her face and maybe her height. Chloe couldn't remember seeing a woman her height before.

"Hey, and yeah that's me," Chloe greeted Robin cheerfully, though still feeling a bit apprehensive about what she was about to do. Chloe walked in silence, letting Robin do all the talking as the two of them made their way through the building to wherever she was supposed to be taken to, though as the technician asked if Chloe had any questions one did spring to mind instantly.

""Uh, I do actually," Chloe hesitated for a moment, quite out of her comfort zone. "What does this game entail exactly? Like, what will I be doing? I understand it's some kind of... virtual reality set up? But, what's the extent of what I can do in it?"
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Robin, hearing the question, just turned and smiled softly at Chloe. That really is the beauty of EGG, you'll get into your pod, close your eyes while things load up, and WHAMMO! Your own world to enjoy, quite literally. You can do anything you want to be honest, your application said you enjoy physical activity? This is great, because there's a lot of it... All you need to do is answer some questions after getting settled and off you go. So just relax dear, and enjoy the ride.

Never once had Robin stopped smiling, and she seemed to not only enjoy her job as a technician, but also eager for someone else to enjoy the program, that was what games were for after all. Leading Chloe further in, she would be taken through a long, and mazelike set of hallways before being led into a room filled with, funnily enough, egg shaped pods. Each pod, made of a gleaming silver metal that Robin griped about because she didn't like alloys, was stamped with a large number, and Chloe was directed to number 13, a seamless door sliding up with a hiss before slipping to the right and revealing a large form fitting chair.

As Chloe took a seat, the chair would adjust to her exact measurements and the door would slide back into place. The door itself, which had a viewing window set in it's center, would hum softly before Chloe's view of the pod room was cut off and the window was replaced with a screen showing a short questionnaire regarding her preferences along with a small side panel showing Robin at a desk giving her the thumbs up. Just answer honestly and off we go! You're in good hands.

Monster Girls: (Y1-Y5, Usually denotes monsters in the form of attractive women, for example a mermaid or minotaur)
Monsters: (Y1-Y5, denotes non-humanoid monsters like tentacle monsters or slimes)
Mechanical Constructs: (Y1-Y5, denotes robotic constructions like milking machines or even mechanical enemies)
Egg Laying: (Y1-Y5, denotes the laying of eggs in yourself or enemies, usually done by insect monsters)
Yuri: (Y1-Y5, denotes sex with people of the same gender)
Hetero: (Y1-Y5), denotes sex with people of the opposite gender)
Futa: (Y1-Y5, denotes girls or women with dicks)
Slavery: (Y1-Y5, denotes enemies that may make you a slave upon defeating you or you defeating them)
Corruption/Redemption System: (Y/N, denotes a morality system)
Unbirthing: (Y1-Y5, denotes being forced into a enemies womb)
Vore: (Y1-Y5, denotes being swallowed whole by certain enemies, this is classed as soft vore as in you are not digested)
BDSM: (Y1-Y5, denotes bindings and bondage)
Body modification: (Y1-Y5, denotes changes to your body like breast expansion etc.)
Transformations: (Y1-Y5, denotes changing into a different species)
Roughness: (Y1-Y5, denotes how rough enemies are when they defeat you)
Anything else?: (Specify something we missed)

Easy | Normal | Hard | Nightmare

Into the fire. An accidental trip into Hell
Warm nights and mazes. The largest Hedge Maze in existence.
Cold Knights. Medieval setting.
Pass the Ammunition. The Future really is now, Cyberpunk.
Request your own! Seriously! I'll roll with it! <3 Robin~

Once Chloe had made her choices, the pod would grow impossibly dark, the EGG processing the information, and the ride of a lifetime for the nervous girl was thrust upon her.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

"Anything, huh?" Chloe repeated, unable to hide the curiosity that had returned. "That sounds pretty cool."

Chloe then fell silent until the two of them made their way to a room full of egg-shaped pods. Thirteen, huh? Here's hoping it doesn't end up being my unlucky number, eh?" Chloe chuckled slightly at her own joke, before doing as she was instructed and slipped into the egg pod, sitting down in the large chair. "Woah!" The woman cried out suddenly as the chair conformed to her figure and the pod door slid down to seal her in. "Answer honestly, huh? Well, okay..."

Though as the screen lit up and displayed her choices a shocked expression appeared on Chloe's face, some of the more dubious options surprising the woman.

"The hell kind of options are these?" Chloe said aloud, annoyance in her voice as she cycled through the choices available to her. "Monster girls..? Egg laying..? Unbirthing..? Vore..? What kind of game is this?" Chloe paused for a moment, expecting to hear a response from Robin, though getting none. "Hmm, I guess probably could try some of these out..."

Monster Girls Y3
Monsters Y5
Mechanical Constructs N
Egg Laying Y2
Yuri Y4
Hetero Y4
Futa Y5
Slavery Y3
Corruption/Redemption System Y5
Unbirthing N
Vore N
Body Modification Y3
Transformations Y3
Roughness Y3

Difficulty; Normal

Setting; Cold Knights. Medieval setting.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Despite any of Chloe's reservations about the settings that she was asked to pick, the girl still did, and soon enough her pod had gone completely black, not even the light outside shining through the viewing glass before a wave of dizzyness and mild nausea passed through her. Reaching out her hand instinctively, Chloe caught herself against a rough wooden wall, the side of a dingy looking little house in her home village...

That was right, she was supposed to be picking up flux and more wood for the smithy where she worked, why had she been daydreaming? The bustle of people around her, mostly in roughspun clothing and leather, and many also in rags, Chloe remembered how very poor her own village of Fersh had become after the kingdom had collapsed. King Verj, dying at a respectable old age, had never procured a legitimate heir, and that had inevitably led to a struggle for power among his surviving family members.

Such conflict had led to the destruction of the economy as the local lords and ladies jostled for power and the country was torn assunder by civil war, small skirmishes turning into outright battles along new borders that seemed to spring into existence every day, and refugees pouring in by the hundreds. In fact, the only business in town that seemed to be doing well, was the smithy her father ran, no shortage of weapons and armour in Fersh! That was simply unacceptable! And so the family business kept their village afloat during the harsher times. Winter, fast approaching also heralded a food shortage and as Chloe looked around at those already hungry, it was simply an accepted fact that many would not survive the harsh cold months to come.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Chloe threw a hand out as she felt herself topple, the young woman placing it against a wooden wall to stop herself from falling onto the floor. Shaking the nausea away Chloe tried desperately to remember what the last images were going through her head. And how did they even get there?

Chloe remembered being sent to fetch some more kindling for the smithy that she worked in, but little else between then and now. The young woman rested against the poor excuse for a house as she allowed herself a moment to rest from the sudden bout of dizziness, idly watching the faces pass her by as the people went about their business. All looking terrible, and it's no wonder. They all had to endure the hardships of their king dying, the lords of the lands competing for the crown, the common man needlessly suffering. Chloe was surprised that her village had been left unmolested this long, though aside from her family's smith it didn't really offer much, so perhaps none of the lords deemed it worthy of acquiring. Which was something to be thankful for she guessed.

As Chloe got up from against the wall she set off to fetch the kindling once more, wondering for a moment upon those brief images that had flashed in her mind before their details faded completely.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

To Chloe, this was no longer a game, and her life, her entire history of growing up here with her father, the early death of her mother, the once beautiful village and the memories of seasons coming and passing settled firmly into place. She was home and working like she should be and despite everything that was wrong, in her village, all was as it should be, and as good as it could be given the situation.

The large coal box was where it always should be, around the back of the smithy, along with the barrow and the shovel, her apron, and her gloves. That's right, she was helping with a special project today, her father had been commisioned to make the executioner's axe for the royal family and she was to make the blade.

Bending her back to the work as she always had, her muscles lean and rippling under her simple clothing, it would take her mere moments to get everything she needed and head back inside through a door to her left, the soft ping and loud banging of her father hard at work inside signalling that he'd already started.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Finally making her way to the coal storage Chloe quickly donned her apron and gloves, to better protect her clothing and hands before taking hold of the shovel. As the young woman shovelled coal into the barrow, a task that had only grown easier over the years as Chloe's body become more and more toned, she let her mind wander.

Firstly, back to the mother she had lost when she was young. Chloe didn't really remember much of her, which sent pangs of regret through the woman's mind. She was the woman that had brought Chloe into this world, and each day she faded a little from her memory. Soon she wouldn't even be able to recall a single memory of her, and that saddened Chloe even more.

Not wanting to dwell on sad memories Chloe then thought on the order she had been tasked to produce, the blade of an executioner's axe. While not something that classed as a happy thought it did at least give Chloe something to focus on, something to distract her from the war and death surrounding her every day life. She had never made anything like it before, and was excited to get the chance at making it.

The sound of metal striking against metal rang out from the smithy and to Chloe, snapping the woman from her thoughts and signalling that her father had already begun work. Putting the shovel back Chloe set off with the barrow, wheeling it and its contents back to the smithy so that she may begin her work.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

The smith, a hot interior of her home, ringed with the dark grey of unworked metal and the orange flickering of stoked flames always hungry for more as mortal men hunger for power. There was something that always sang to her soul about the smith, the way that it called to her, that same fire burning in her. It made her heart soar, to be here.

Looking at the large steel and cobblestone ring of the furnace, she remembered what she was doing. There was the side panel, waiting for her to shovel the coal into the furnace, her steel already blocked and basking in the flames, starting to glow with the fury of the inferno it was in, and her anvil, begging for her to take up the craft and turn such raw materials into beautiful hand crafted arms that shined softly in the light.

The rest of the world could go to hell was she was here, happy and willing to work, and work hard next to her father, a beast of a man bedecked in black leather as his powerful arms smashed steel and iron against eachother, his face shadowed by the smoke and flames as he concentrated on his work. Turning for a moment to look at Chloe, he smiled softly and gestured at her anvil encouragingly. Today they toiled within the flames as their ancestors had, and crafted something of both beauty and function. Today was a turning point in her life.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

As Chloe stepped into the blazing smith she took in a deep breath. Most people would've ended up choking on the heat and fumes, but not one that had lived her entire life in the heart of the blaze, working tirelessly with her old man. The place made her feel safe. As the world around her fell to ruin Chloe knew she always had her anvil and furnace to comfort her with its song of splitting coals and ringing metal.

Giving her father a single, simple nod Chloe set the barrow next to the furnace, young woman began to shovel large piles of the black stone into the roaring inferno, fuelling the already powerful flames for the job ahead. Once done with that Chloe set about gathering her tools for the task ahead, the tongs for taking hold of the metal as she hammered it into shape with her trusty hammer.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

A blade.... few things were as much fun to work into shape, the intricacies of blade work had always come so easily to her critical eye and it was a joy to be entrusted with such important work. As Chloe set to her task with a will, each pound of her hammer forcing the metal to her will, her mind focused on the shape the blade had to take to be both effective, balanced, and alluring to the eye.

Several of her smaller works, daggers, and short swords, littered the walls on sale to any who had the coin, and they were all expensive, Chloe never turning out anything but the finest blades from her anvil, she even knew that several of her own blades had wound up as gifts to the royal families hunters, and they were prized gifts. Chloe had made a name for herself and her family with her toiling, and her father had always showered her in affection for it, the bear of a man showing a soft side and a warm place in his heart for his daughter.

Hours passed and the ring of metal upon metal fell into a steady tempo with her heartbeat and her breathing, its own music and melody within fires that would rival the heat of hell itself. This axe, this blade that would bear her mark for ages would be her skill shown to all, and she took particular pride as the shapeless glowing steel took it's form under her relentless arm. With sweat and blood and strength of sinew and bone, Chloe willed the blade into life as her father handled the long handle and shaft.

Through the day, and into the night they worked, not stopping or resting for more then a short meal of bread and water, Lots of water before the moment came to affix blade to wield and Chloe hammered away next to her father's trusting and steady hands as the weapon took it's final shape, and was left to bank in the fading coals, the carbon of the coal allowed to taint the metal slightly before, with an explosion of steam, and a hiss that always signalled the end of a crafting, the entire thing was set into a trough of water, and within the water, sat the weapon they had been commisioned to create. But still, it wasn't finished, there was one final task to be handled before she could sleep, the polish and grinding, and another form of music filled the smithy as Chloe worked the spinning stone.

A day of work passed, and, leaving the finished, and now shining ax resting reverently upon a hardwood, oak case, wrapped in silk, Chloe collapsed in her bed after simply dousing herself within the cool run water of the trough. She was free now, after a short moment to catch her breath, to head to the tavern if she wished, and blow off some steam herself, or to simply sleep, and await the new dawn.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

After a full day's work in the smith Chloe's body ached all over. But it was a good ache. A pain that sang of a day of productivity, of creating something that she was truly proud of. And sure, it was to be used to kill people, but wasn't that the purpose of almost everything she made? No, she didn't particularly care what her creations were used for, she was just glad that she had the chance to make them. To her they were her and her father's children. And she was proud of every single last one of them. Though as that thought went through her mind a shiver ran through Chloe's body, before she chuckled softly to herself. Her and her father's children? What a disturbing thought.

Though despite that she continued to chuckle quietly to herself as she stripped naked, washing her sweat covered body in the now cool water that was used to cool her tools. Chloe spent a fair bit of time just enjoying the cooling sensation of the water as it washed over her, washing away the grime of the day's work. Once done the young woman grabbed her dirty garments and walked naked to her room, putting on a pair of simple roughspun linen undergarments, loose enough to allow for easy movement whilst she slept before flopping onto her bed, the exhaustion of the day's work catching up with the woman.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Her and her father's children... Well, hopefully she wouldn't have any wierd and confusing dreams... And she didn't! Chloe passing out and waking up almost in a flash, the night passing so uneventfully that it may as well have not happened.

Waking up feeling refreshed, and only a little sore, she heard her father stirring as well, moving around their home to get wood in the fire and a pot over the flames. Breakfast was porridge, it was always porridge, but there was something to be said for familiarity, and the smell soon wafted through the air, forcibly rousing her from her sleep and towards the smell of food.

Father, being the huge man he was, couldn't be quiet when he moved about, it was simply impossible, and his thundering footsteps echoed through the house with every motion until he settled in his chair at the small table, and gestured to a fresh bowl waiting for Chloe. "Good morning Clover" He said brightly, the odd pet name branded to her since she was a small child.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Chloe stirred in her sleep as a familiar smell wafted through the air and her father's steps echoing throughout the house, and soon enough the young woman awoke, feeling refreshed and ready to take the day head on. Rising, Chloe sat at the edge of her bed and stretched, a loud yawn escaping her before getting up. Her body still felt sore, but it was almost unnoticeable.

With no immediate plans right now Chloe set off for breakfast, not bothering to put anything on over her night things. After all it's not like her father hadn't seen her in them before, even bathing her when she was much younger.

"Morning, father." Cheerily greeting her father as she entered the room Chloe sat down at the table and began to fill her mouth with porridge, its taste, whilst bland was a welcome familiarity to the young woman. It tasted of home, of the bond between a father and daughter, and their tireless work in the forge.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Father smiled and simply went about eating, and everything was blessedly normal for now. Finishing his meal, Chloe's father wandered back into the smith, and returned with the axe, and it's case, openly admiring her work before wrapping the weapon and placing it within it's temporary resting place, the thing almost a full 6 feet long, and heavy.

Looking at Chloe, he beamed with pride. "Clover, such fine work, really, I'm proud, you've turned into a smith in your own right. You're free to use the forge as you please" He said quietly, an admission of her skill and her passage into the family trade as an adult. Although Chloe had always had free use of the forge, those simple words meant she could ply her own trade now without worry about offending her father. But there was still one more task to complete, they had to deliver the damned thing.

"When you're ready Clover, get your riding gear, it's time to drop this off, and claim our payment, the royal britches might get in a twist if they think they need to come here to pick it up, I'll get ready myself." He added, wandering off to get properly dressed in the thick riding leathers, that were nonetheless thinner then the heavy smith padding she was used to.

Part of owning the only successful business in town, meant that they had the luxury of their own horses, and Chloe's, a shot black mare with a white crest was happily munching away at her own breakfast, and waiting for her owner to come ride her. Their goal today was the castle of course, about 8 miles away. Smaller then most, but proud and with the surrounding town doing alright behind it's heavy walls, the ax was to be delivered before night fell.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Chloe sat in silence as she shovelled the porridge in her mouth, only looking up once her father had finished his and left the room for a moment, only to return with the axe the two of them had made yesterday. At his words Chloe's face glowed red from blushing, a beaming smile stretched across her face. While the admission was jut a formality the young woman's heart swelled with happiness all the same, and with a clatter as her chair fell backwards Chloe ran to her father and threw her arms around his massive body. "Thank you so much, daddy."

Chloe then did as instructed, quickly rushing off to her room to dress in basic clothing before putting her riding leathers on. She then made her way to their stables, heading straight to her horse. "Hey girl," The young smith patted the horse on its head and gently stroked her before saddling the animal, mounting it and waiting for her father to set off.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

"Yev earned it girl" He said quietly, hugging Chloe tightly before she left to saddle and ready her mare. The horse, as happy to see her as she was it, lipped at her hair before staying still and letting her saddle the large creature. Once she was mounted, the horse couldn't sit still, wanting to get moving as it stepped in placed and whickered at the gate, wanting to move around. Thankfully her father wasn't far behind her, his own horse, a chestnut stallion, had the ax strapped along his side as he was led, and her father opened the gate before mounting.

With both of them ready to go, they set off down the main road, or rather, the only road and headed northwest out of town, the soft breeze and the smell of the nearby apple orchards, long overgrown and untended, but still bearing fruit for any that wanted it, Chloe's father did what he always did when they passed this way, simply reaching up to an overhanging branch and plucking two apples, one tossed her way as always, the sweet fruit thick and heavy as it sailed through the air over his shoulder and straight into her hands.

They didn't have an overly long trip today, the castle they were heading to not all that far away, but it would still take several hours and to kill the time, her father pulled an old flute from his saddle bags and started to play.
Re: New Horizons. (Chloe/SirOni)

Chloe deftly caught the apple as her father threw one to her, her years of practise kicking in as the young smith flicks out her arm without breaking her dreamy gaze from the road ahead, taking a bite as soon as she caught it. Once the apple was down to its core she lent forward and gave the rest of it to her horse, patting the beast on her neck before sitting back up. Though as Chloe's father began to play his flute the young woman began to daydream once more, leaning forward she rested against her horses neck and let the music wash over her, sending her back to childhood memories.