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Prologue: Lexwyn

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Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

A quick glance in the window revealed a young man close in age to Lexwyn herself. He looked to have fallen asleep at a desk on which sat the candle illuminating the room. A scrap of parchment sat under his head and an ink pen sat loose in his grasp as though he had fallen asleep while writing. The door was closed and no one else was in the room from her quick glance. It seemed as though her first hunt might be rather easy she thought, though she remained cautious.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn eyed the boy for a moment, longer than she really needed to. There was just something about his sleeping, vulnerable form that entranced her. Kinda cute, she guessed. She moved in quickly and as quite as she could after that, slinking up beside him. She idly looked at his papers, curious, but there would be time to look more closely after she had a drink... Leaning down, one hand ready to cover his mouth if she wasn't fast enough, Lexwyn gently leaned in against his neck as to not wake her prey, then bit as soon as she was close enough.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

A slight gasp escaped the boys mouth as she bit though he didn't awaken, he seemed more to be in the same throes of euphoria that Lexwyn felt. The feeling from feeding was wonderful and she could understand how easy it might be to take too much from someone while feeding. She is able to pull away after a few seconds without taking too much however. She licked the wound she had caused as her sire had mentioned before leaving and watched as it healed perfectly.

She can't help but be amused by the writing on the paper when she gets the chance to look. It seems to be a rather romanticized version of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. It certainly didn't portray her sire in a good light from what she could read.

Yeah I forgot to have Morgaina mention closing the wound after feeding so I just sort of added it in.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn took a closer look at the paper, laughing a bit as she gently cradled the human. Most amusing. Part of her wanted to actually look through this young man's stuff more carefully, interested after her recent encounters. Morgaina might find the story humorous too. Sadly, Lexwyn gathered that staying put here after feeding probably wasn't a good idea, and even if she wasn't in danger of detection, even her limited knowledge of vampire... "culture"... told her that lingering might be considered 'playing with her food too much', to put it in simple terms. At the very least she moved the young man to the bed, though, no harm in that, and it might even be less suspicious than him appearing to have fallen asleep at the desk, even if that was what actually happened.

Carefully out back the window Lexwyn went, making sure she didn't make much noise again. She did feel confident enough that the ground would muffle her if she jumped off the building, though, and her new strength was more than enough to handle it. Then to find Morgaina... Lexwyn actually had no idea how to go about that really, though personally she thought she completed her task rather quickly... Morgaina might not be done yet if she picked a harder target. For now Lexwyn would walk around the edge of the woods, trying to spy Morgaina if she could, but not really trying for a few more minutes just in case her sire was still busy. Interrupting her would be quite embarrassing most likely...

Yeah, I shoulda known too, but forgot, heh, oh well...
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Having put the now heavily sleeping young man to bed, Lexwyn leaves the same way she had entered. The snow is more than soft enough to mask the sound of her fall and she quickly returned back to where her sire had departed feeling rather proud at her success in her first hunt.

She was able to see the front of the inn where the raucous noise of celebration issued and after what seemed like an hour of waiting she saw two people emerge. A rather drunken noble judging from his appearance and a young blonde noblewoman close in age to Lexwyn herself. The woman leads the noble down the road towards the hiding spot and somehow Lexwyn realizes that the woman is a Cainite just as she is.

The woman leads him off the road into the forest almost directly opposite where Lexwyn hides, though she does seem to glance directly at Lexwyn before doing so. It was almost as if the other could see right where Lexwyn had hidden and she didn't seem happy to see her.

Not like it would have mattered if you had forgotten since I hadn't reminded you, I always forget something like that in the prologues.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

The sensation of boredom was definitely something her new condition did not eliminate. Lexwyn was just about to wander closer in when the couple left the inn. This was something to pay attention to! Her first thought was, of course, that these were more Norman bastards. The man actually was anyway, but the woman... now she was the interesting one...

Her second thought had been even more obvious, that these two were going for a romp in the bushes. The realization of what the woman was didn't change that, just what type of romp it was. Perversely, Lexwyn found herself wanting to follow, at a distance of course, and watch. Hell, if it was another bout of feeding, it might even be educational! Lexwyn couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by her thoughts, from years of social conditioning. It was just a natural instinct though... or was it, now that she was changed? Her idle thought was interrupted by the unmistakable look she got from the blonde though. Guess she didn't want a curious onlooker... or more likely, competition.

Something about the situation wasn't right though. Morgaina had demonstrated that she could change appearance, but she highly doubted this was her, even though Lexwyn knew not the extent of her sire's power. It made Lexwyn both excited and a bit nervous. Morgaina couldn't get back fast enough, because now she had many more questions, important questions if she took the liberty of saying so herself. Lexwyn would stay put, mostly, allowing herself to move so that she could see if the blonde approached, though not so she would intrude on the woman's privacy. It wasn't her place to butt in, but by any standard she could think of she was perfectly fine continuing to wait here. She was here first, after all... Lexwyn just hoped the blonde was reasonable and didn't come over to disturb her after she'd drank her fill...
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn is just beginning to get comfortable within her hiding spot once more when she hears a dry twig snap behind her. She spins surprised by the closeness of the sound only to catch Morgaina appearing as though from nowhere. She certainly hadn't been there before the snapping of the twig. No sight of the blonde vampire since her retreat into the forest on the opposite side however. Morgaina smiles as she walks closer and says. "I take it your first hunt went well. Tell the truth though, my child, you took the easy route and found someone asleep in their room?"

She seemed rather jovial and her accusation seemed to be more of a gentle admonishment than actual disappointment at how Lexwyn chose to hunt. She looks around as though she senses something before her attention returns to her pupil as she says. "You will get plenty of chances to learn other methods of hunting int he coming years. Perhaps next time you can try something a bit harder such as seduction of your prey. Is there something you are worried about, my childe."
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Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"I see my hiding spot is even worse than I feared..." Lexwyn startled a bit, but quickly got a hold of herself. She had no shame in admitting it, even with two instances of being seen. One could not help being new at something, after all. The same went for her feeding technique... "I suppose you could look at it that way..., though one could also say I was quite reckless in my choice of the first human I saw, no?" Her tone was joking too. Lexwyn didn't know how tolerant Morgaina was of such talk yet, though her mood certainly signaled that it was okay to be less than serious with her.

Unfortunately all issues could not be so frivolous, and Lexwyn was somewhat glad Morgaina could tell she was on edge. "We are not alone. There is another like us that came out of the inn, with blonde hair. I just thought you should know. I would be totally out of my element in any dealings with her..."
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Morgaina certainly seems capable of enjoying the levity in her childe as she smiles genuinely. However she gets a curious look on her face at the mention of another like them, a cross between caution and curiosity. "I wonder. Perhaps my wayward sister, Morgause has seen fit to return to these lands after many years. We should investigate but cautiously, our kind often come to distrust one another as we grow old. Stay close and do exactly as I tell you."

With that she stepped out from the bushes and moved as quietly as possible through the under brush on the other side of the road. The combination of snow and thick brush leaves Lexwyn apprehensive as the other had clearly seen her in her hiding place. Eventually they came to a clearing where the noble lay as though sleeping, though the woman was nowhere to be seen.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"She was with... oh..." Morgaina took off a little fast for Lexwyn, but then again she was the one who knew what she was doing. She tried to follow just as quickly and quietly, stopping beside her sire when they found the noble, which incidentally was what she was going to mention earlier. "Yeah... she was like taking him to feed it looked like. Guess she was quick about it." She felt less nervous now, even if the blonde wasn't Morgaina's sister. Even despite the fact she was once again following someone more experience, there was always safety in numbers.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Well at least we didn't interrupt their feeding whoever they might be." Morgaina says as she carefully scans the ground near the sleeping noble. For the first time Lexwyn realizes how utterly quiet the forest is, it was as if the animals were to afraid to make a sound. As disturbing as the lack of sound was she was more disturbed by the thought that she was in way over her head.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement or she thought she had, but turning to look only revealed the brush moving as though in a slight breeze. Then she saw it again on the other side of the clearing, unnerving her even more than she already was. Morgaina seemed not to notice this movement as she smiled and kept surveying the scene before them.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn hesitated, her normal instinct of not looking like a fool suppressing her urge to speak up at first. However, if ever she had a pass to ask stupid questions, it was now, when she was freshly turned. "Do you see that. I swear something is moving quickly through the brush, all around us, but I can't seem to get a good look." On the other hand, how could Morgaina not notice something... she had better trained senses, didn't she? Lexwyn kept herself turned so her back was to Morgaina, so if anything tried to jump her she'd see it coming, unless it tried to pass her sire, would would surely be a losing proposition for whatever could be stalking them...
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"I noticed." Morgaina said as Lexwyn turned back to back with her. Her sire's voice rang out clearly as she stood watching the bushes to the front. A hint of anger and rising annoyance in her voice only managed to make lexwyn more nervous.

"You can come out whoever you are. I might not be the prince of these lands, but I defend them as such. Now reveal yourself!"
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn maintained her stance and posture, feeling the eyes in more than one direction was a valuable tactic. She scooted a bit closer to Morgaina for good measure, though tried to play it off coolly. Showing emotions in a fight could be a very bad thing, and she didn't want to let on how nervous she was, even if a younger self would be shaking in her boots right now. Her kind, especially ones like the blond, probably pounced on the slightly sign of weakness...
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

The blond noblewoman finally stepped from the bushes a dozen feet to their left. Her eyes flicked cautiously between Lexwyn and Morgaina as though she were sizing them up when to Lexwyn's surprise she gave a gracious curtsy to Morgaina and spoke in what sounded like Saxon to Lexwyn. After a minute with no response from Morgaina she changed to French and said.

"I beg your pardon, milady. I was merely passing through these lands and have little intention of violating another's domain. Though perhaps I should have guessed such when I noticed your companion hiding near the road."

Morgaina simply shakes her head as though she doesn't understand and turns to Lexwyn saying. "I'm afraid I don't understand either of our guest's tongues, Perhaps you could translate, my childe?"

I'm not a big stickler on languages since that would be next to impossible at this time period. Feel free to understand Saxon, French, or even both in addition to Welsh.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn turned so one eye was looking at Morgaina as she spoke. "She says she's just passing through, and means us no harm..." She spoke slow and deliberately. French was a language she learned as a matter of course being a noble, but she never had a true chance to practice it outside of some teachers here and there. It took her quite a bit of focus to remember enough to translate, and even then she might be butchering it. But there was another reason to. Though she didn't say it, Lexwyn did not believe this woman. Why then had she given her such a dirty look earlier? Her demeanor probably suggested a bit of apprehension, but Lexwyn did her best to contain it. It was Morgaina's call, and her own instincts were probably not fully developed yet...

I'll take basic French then.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Morgaina nods as Lexwyn translates the other Cainite's statement to her sire. She contemplated a moment before telling Lexwyn to ask the woman's name and clan, after introducing them and asking if there is anything they can do to speed her passage through Morgaina's domain.

The woman for her part is rather beautiful and certainly looks out of place for such country. Lexwyn could almost swear her mind was being read as the woman stared towards the pair. Her smile might be disarming if Lexwyn had not already seen the look earlier from her hiding place.

Best to know your enemy, I always say. French it is. Also despite English not really existing as of yet, it's still free so that most characters in London can speak to each other.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

This was an act, Lexwyn was sure of it. To be fair, it was probably the reasonable response. It reminded her of some spoiled brats at court as a child who'd steal toys then put on a sweet face when the adults game out. Of course, the blonde hadn't really done anything wrong, as far as she could tell, but it was just a feeling. Lexwyn was no snitch either, and would be perfectly happy to just move the woman on her way.

"What is your name, and from which clan do you hail? Is there anything we can do to... assist you in your journey?" Maybe her words came off as condescending, but mostly it was her unfamiliarity with French. Lexwyn hoped that the blonde got the picture either way though, that she should move on as quickly as possible...
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

The blond Cainite looks as though she would blush if it were possible and with her head bowed low she answers Lexwyn. Her French is heavily accented and comes out almost as slowly as Lexwyn's own.

"I am Lady Clio of clan Toreador. I again apologize for any violation of the traditions as they are followed in your domain. I merely seek permission to stay within your lands for one or two nights at the most. I am following and attempting to inspire a young man with great aspirations in histories of these lands."
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Hmmm..." It sounded pretty reasonable to Lexwyn, but she knew not how unusual this was or not. She looked over at Morgaina to see if her sire had gotten the name and the clan. Lexwyn hopped the clan was the same in both languages, as she didn't even know what the other clans were yet, let alone what their alternative names might be. With that sorted she went on with the rest of the message.

"She says she is... tracking someone she wishes to embrace... I think..." Lexwyn paused to think for a moment. Perhaps her thoughts were colored by last night's events. "Or maybe just some other form of interaction... though, that is strange, yes? The gist of it is though that she wishes to stay for a night or two and track this young man for some purpose..."
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