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Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"I.... I don't even know...." Sylvia replied to Lyna quietly, having shown no outward discomfort at the bodies despite how gruesome the sights had been. The monk was seemingly at a loss, hiding in the bushes as best she could, which was pretty damn good all things considered. "Should we.... Get in the middle?"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Hmmm..." Shivara stood pondering the bloody mess, not bothering to hide herself in the same way that her companions had. Then, as if coming to a conclusion in her mind, she nodded and stepped out of the bushes.

"You guys stay here if you want, but if they kill each other off, we'll have no clue where to search for the girl..."

Holding her sheer robes up above her knees with one hand to avoid dragging her blue and red silks through the blood-smeared muck, Shivara strolled forward to the fighters.

"Oi! Hold on! What the heck is all this about!" she called.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

The sight was...unpleasant to say the least, at least, that's what the shiver down Ares's spine seemed to imply. She had encountered the goblins multiple times before granted, driven them back and sent them sprawling into unconsciousness or crying home. Sometimes against the most unpleasant and inconsolable ones, she had slew them...no stranger to death she was at least. But such an awful degree of carnage, it was...horrible. Repulsive, over the top...thrilling.

It's then that a hand, her own, quickly reaches to cusp her mouth as she turns away for a moment, averting her eyes and seeming to observers as if she was going to be sick perhaps. But no...instead, she found herself...smiling, grinning widely in spite of her inhibitions at the awful...awful...wonderful sight she had just beheld. Somewhere inside her, a powerful fire had begun to burn, one that seemed to tell her that scenes such as this were where she belonged. Among fields of corpses, engaged in life threatening situations playing games of death... It'd be so easy for her to join too, perhaps introduce her companions to it as well.

She would simply cite her wish to aid the goblins, propose that in order to save their lives, the dog people must die. They would no doubt be hesitant of course, few of them had even seen death, much less to this extent. And the first combat...the first kill would be the hardest. But over time, they'd come to see its wonders. The pleasure in reaching forth, and dripping the ichor out of the livin-

No, no no! What was she thinking? It was bad enough that this desire was burning within her, but to include others as well? To throw her fellow sisters into danger, when she had come to be their guardian? Madness, utter madness. No, it was better to come up with a more reasonable course of action...perhaps negotiation at first, approaching them, and lending a voice of reason amongst chao- Or using the battle to their advantage, opting for stealth...sneaking up behind the kobolds and piercing their hear- No really, enough of that train of thought. Or thinking in general for a bit, clearly something was a bit off with her mind, and she should leave it to others for now.

Rubbing her temples, lifting her hand away from her mouth, Ares takes a deep breath...and another...then turns to face her companions again, having now adopted a rather grim and stoic visage.

"...Well, then...what to do? Shall we take a side? Slay or incapitate one faction, then befriend the other? Knock all of them out and have them cease the bloodshed? Or march up there and attempt to reason with them using reason and words?..."

Though of course, the need for that would fade as Shivara approached, and thus Ares would as well...trident in hand as walking stick...but in preparation for the worst. She wouldn't speak here, it wasn't her place really.
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Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Sylvia stepped up beside Shivara immediately as the mage stepped into the middle ground between the two battling factions, guarding her friend with her body and looking sternly between the two groups, watching both sides carefully.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

The bruiser held her nose as she surveyed the scene. Gory scenes always held such a pervasive smell. It wasn't even necessarily the decay of the bodies since most were still fresh. Just something about the death and savagery evident among the trees had a way of clinging to the inside of her nostrils and leaving a tactile feeling of invisible crawling insects against her skin. It left her wishing that she'd had a lighter breakfast and that she could have a bath to wash the sensation and stench away.

Erryn spared a moment to give Lyna what was supposed to be a reassuring pat on the back with her free hand, but afterward would follow Shivara and Sylvia with two fingers still clamped against her own nostrils. She decided to leave the others to talk strategy; battle planning wasn't her forte anyway and she just wanted to make sure that the two who had pressed ahead made it out okay.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Her companions were crazy! These people were not even going to hang back and let the situation play out or try to form any sort of plan! Shivara decided to charge into the thick of it and Sylvia was quick to follow in an effort to defend her. Erryn had done her best to try and reassure the healer, before joining them as well. Ares also decided to join the scene, bringing her own mad theories on how to end the conflict with her. Taking sides? What fresh hell was this? Much as the fight repulsed Lyna, she could stand idle by as her companions risked their lives. The healer sprinted after them, nearly falling to the ground from exhaustion and the fear of the situation. She used Erryn as a way to support herself and catch her breath before finally speaking out. "P...Please! End this bloodshed! No more lives need to be so casually tossed aside! Whatever grudges you have...please...put them aside. I beg of you! Do not condemn your race to extinction with all this fighting!" She prayed that her pleas would not fall of deaf ears or that her comrades would support her in her request.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Gosh..." Emelie muttered as they spotted the first dead kobold. That looked like a horrible way to die! As they continued on, they continued to find grisly example after grisly example demonstrating what kinds of ways you shouldn't end up perishing, and the girl found herself more and more apprehensive about her choice of outing for the day. Her metaphorical femboner was kinda deflated, now... hot dickings and gruesome deaths tended to be on opposite ends of the mood spectrum for Emelie, and the latter was far outweighing the former right now.

Also scary was that, by her count, there were waaaaayyyy more of both goblins and kobolds than she'd originally thought. So, if they managed to make either side mad during this exchange, the tribe might have to fight them... the tribe, where all the children were, and where there were about only ten adults... and that wasn't even excluding women! They should probably tread carefully...

When they finally happened on the battle's 'main site', as it were, Emelie finally whispered aloud to the rest of her group; "I thought that board said this was a 'slight dispute'?! This isn't 'slight' at all!"

While the two pairs in the clearing exchanged murderous glares, Emelie tried to think up a way to persuade them to get along... but, sadly, nothing sprang to mind. Yet. Meanwhile, the rest of the group seemed to want to stroll right up to them, so she joined them - safety in numbers, after all, right? The more people in the group going to talk, the less likely they were to get hostile, right? Lyna started to spout some peacy-huggy stuff, and the flying-obsessed girl got a little ruffled at her requests. Walking up behind her, she whispered into her ear. "Don't trivialize them! They care enough to fight this hard over it, you'll only make them mad if you come out of the bushes telling them what to do, like you were involved!"

The half-elf knit her hands together and then strolled up with them, until she was close enough to ask without shouting, "Hellooo~ Do you mind if we ask why you're fighting?~"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

One of the black Kobolds snarled, taking several steps towards the Goblins, when Shivara decided to burst into the center of the clearing. The almost feral looking creature comes to a halt, it's ears flattened against it's head, baring it's teeth but not growling. When the others began to join her, the Kobold backed off, slowly circling in a small area. When Lyna decided to join the group, the two parties looked very unhappy at her appraisal of the situation.

"Blimey! Are yew fuckin' Patrick Swayze?!" A goblin shouts. The other gives him a slight nudge, leaning over as the two began to confer with one another.

"Oi. Oi, wot's that?"

"Patrick Swayze? Loike, Chicken Oriental, Radio Rental, or chicken Jalfrezi, yew git."

They stand straight once more, crossing their arms, and glaring at Emelie, the last to join the group. After listening to her, the first Headhunter points.

"See?! Dis one 'ere gets it!"

"Yeah, she knows what's goin' on. Nuff said, yah?"

"Stuff it, Fred." Comes the short reply, the two Goblins crossing their arms as they glare at the group. The Kobolds only seemed capable of snarling and growling, but neither of them seemed interested in fighting the group - right now, only interested in trying to look past them at the Goblin Headhunters.

"Now, if deese idiots 'adn't started dis whole fng, we'd still 'ave mawer van two 'oles left!" The other headhunter smacks his comrade on the arm, glaring at him through one eye.

"I said Stuff it, Fred! Dun go tellin' 'em aaahr numbahs!"

The closest Kobold let out a sharp yelp, and a snarl, digging his claws into the ground at the Goblin blaming them. It might be easier if one of the parties would talk... or, could talk.

[Translation notes:]
Patrick Swayze, Chicken Oriental, Radio Rental, and Chicken Jalfrezi are all Cockney for 'Crazy'.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"B...but... the gentle healer felt weak. Her knees shook slightly as her words were cast off like old trash. Was no one in this damn world willing to listen? Let level heads prevail? The words of Emelie rang in her ears, only helping to further dampen her spirits. The kobolds couldn't even speak their language and the goblins were calling her all sorts of strange names. She slumped slightly, leaning even harder on the bruiser she was using as a support. But she pulled herself up and took a few deep breaths . She mustered up the strength to finally speak again.

" So you mean to say that they attacked first? And have caused severe damage to your homes? Wouldn't fighting as you are now only further risk your friends and loved ones? Consider that for a moment at least." The situation was odd. One side clearly was suffering, but the other couldn't verbalize their grievances. So many ways this could go. Lyna could only hope for some kind of peace.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Emelie didn't reply for a moment, wearing a slight (and perhaps unfitting) pleasant smile, though she kept the two pairs both in her field of vision. I have -no- idea what they just said, she thought to herself. Okay...

"Um... soo, what did you say you were fighting about, again?" she pressed, after a moment of pondering how to proceed. "Aanddd... I don't suppose you've seen any other humans around, lately?"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Hey! Speak plainly! What's the matter with you? Are you too stupid to do anything but fight? Now one of you four explain what's going on. Then, MAYBE, we'll let you get back to killing one another. But really, don't you think you've done enough? Huh?"

Shivara stood with her hands on her hips, leaning forward as she glared at the kobolds with annoyance visible in her eyes. Also visible was her cleavage, which she showed off on purpose to distract the smaller creatures from thoughts of blood and murder.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

[Goblin Conversation]

As Lyna piped up, the Goblins rose their eyebrows, listening to her. After a few moments, they shared a glance, then, one of them, burst into tears, falling to his knees.

"By Gawd it's true! We ain't got nothin' left, save da clothes on ahr back!" He blubbers, snot pouring down his bulbous nose. His comrade nods gravely, reaching down to pat the Headhunter's shoulder. Looking up, he nods, solemnly adding on:

That's right! One ov 'em over dare even raped me wife!" He says, pointing his club at the Kobold closest to Shivara. The creature was entranced by the mage as soon as she bent down to look at him, tilting his head as he looked down her shirt. As the Goblin issued his claim, the Kobold snapped out of it, the his hackles raising as he lets out a deep growl, taking a few steps towards Shivara - but not actively towards the group. Things were going downhill rather quickly - it seems like this battle would start up again if the Goblins didn't keep their mouths shut.

"So, let us 'ave ahr revenge, eh? Sorted mate." The first Headhunter ceases his blubbering, standing up straight as he dusts his hands off, smiling at the group."Now, yew girls be on yahr way. We'll come back fer yew later, know what I mean?!" He says with a grin, blood drooling from beneath the makeshift eyepatch.

The other Kobold's ears twitch, and after a few moments, he starts towards the group, walking right up to Emelie. He grabs onto a loose piece of her clothing, giving it a little tug, before pointing towards the North, looking up at her.

[The Kobolds say... Something!]
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

'This isn't going well....' Sylvia thought to herself, mentally preparing for battle but not making any overt action just yet. The goblins and kobolds didn't look to be interested in attacking THEM at least, which was good, but still, it didn't hurt to be prepared.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Emelie frowned inside her head, maintaining her pleasant outward expression. Man, those gobbos were fishy as fuck - she didn't trust 'em at all. When that kobold came over, she was a little wary - but it just pulled on her skirt a little. Emelie was sure it was asking her to follow it... and... well, either it was innocent - or, shit, it was really darn crafty.

Without a word, she nodded, letting it lead the way, following along at a comfortable few paces behind. She was... pretty sure this wouldn't end poorly, though, given how completely outmatched she would be if they did decide to jump her, she wouldn't want to be held to that bet.

"Would one of you girls like to stretch your legs with me?~" she said behind her before she went off to see what those kobolds wanted.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

I only understand every third word out of these goblins' mouths, the bruiser lamented, still clamping her nose, as she listened to the headhunters reply. What sort of weird, primitive language are they even speaking? Something about their tones bothered her too. And she wanted to speak up but since she was never very good at talking and couldn't really understand the goblins there wasn't much room to interject herself.

When Emelie offered an escape from having to listen to the goblins, the strong earth descendant chose to take it without hesitation. There wasn't any tactical or diplomatic reasoning behind it, she just wanted away from the unsettling creatures. She finally allowed her hand to fall to her side. "I'll come with," she announced as she made to follow her kindred descendant.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Lyna's spirit picked up significantly as she noticed the goblins realize the gravity of the situation. Maybe. Just maybe, she was getting through to them. Or they were playing a very clever ruse and was able to trick the good natured woman.This good mood suddenly plummeted when the goblins turned the conversation to revenge. Oh Mother Solaris. How could they have been consumed by such feelings? She had to keep trying. She just had to. Her words were sinking in, but she needed the extra spark. She saw Emelie and Erryn step aside, to do heaven knows what. But that was a start. She still had the level heads in her company and that would speed things along. "I know you must be pained greatly by your losses and the wrongs that have been committed, but revenge is a hollow pursuit. It'll only lead to more of your people dying and suffering. So please...consider peace for just one day." All the while, she prayed to Mother Solaris in the hopes that her divine wisdom would help the goblins see the light. Thats all she could hope for now.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

One might think that Aers, being a daughter of Solaris would have perhaps happily joined in Lyna's peacekeeping attempts, uttering stern warnings to have them cease the conflict altogether. In truth however, the high and mighty words demeaning conflict as a whole, and by extension those involved within it, were...uncomfortable to to the blue haired warrior, infuriating even. It was not the place of an outsider, one who knew nothing of the circumstances behind a warrior's battle to claim their fight had no value. Doing so would be, and is an insult to all the parties involved, as well as any true practitioner of war. Yet it was not Aers's place to speak. Without a silver tongue, her role was merely that of a guardian's. And thus she remained silent while fuming a bit to herself... mulling over how prudent it would be to take her weapon and deliver a sharp disciplinary thwack to the rear of her fellow sister of Light, to teach her that it was not her place to speak in such a high and mighty manner.

...Fortunately though, Emeile, surprisngly enough, would serve as a voice of reason and reprimand Lyna's naive speech. Praise be to Solaris, even if the former was one of the village sluts. With new found respect for Emeile though, and growing just a wee bit suspicious of the goblins...but also of the kobolds trying to lure one of them away alone, when the former asked for others to accompany her, Aers would be among those to respond. Especially when Erryn volunteered as well, as the warrior always did want to see which of them was the better combatant, if worst came to worst.

"As will I. One for each kobold should suffice. The rest should stay here, and keep an eye on the goblins."

And thus, with her piece said, she too would make to follow. Besides, if she had to hear another naive speech soon, she probably would make do with the rump smacking. Well, at least it was becoming obvious why Solaris had blessed her with strength for battle, rather than that of healing or harvest. How sentimental could you get?
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Fine then, you three go with those kobolds and figure things out. Lyna, Sylvia, and I will stay here with these goblins. If after talking to us and telling us your stories, you still feel like killing each other, we'll let you, but right now, we're here on official human business too." She said to both groups before the kobolds led Emelie away along with Ares and Erryn.

Setting her sights back on the one goblin who hadn't had his 'wife' raped, Shivara started over again.

"All right look. They're not here right now, so just tell us how it happened, from your point of view. We're also looking for a human girl, one from our village. If you know anything about that, even if you were somehow involved initially, we need to hear it. We're not interested in getting into a fight with anyone, but we're not afraid to if it means we can get the girl back. You goblins don't have your numbers anymore, so I don't think you want to have to fight us AND the kobolds, right? So tell us what we need to know."
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

[What Erryn, Emelie, and Ares see...]
The Kobold stares up at Emelie as she asks about legs, and stretching them, a confused look crossing his face as he looks back at the other kobold. The tiny creature gives a shrug to his companion, both of them idly following after the three women that volunteered to move North. When they reach the small bushes surrounding the clearing, the Kobolds clearly become distressed, talking to each other in short grunts, whines, and growls, the original Kobold looking up at Emelie with bright blue eyes. He started to make different motions with his hands, letting out little barks and growls, staring up at her imploringly...

[Int Check:]
20 or more needed to understand the Kobold.
Emelie DC: 16 + 14 = 30. [Pass]
Ares DC: 20 [Success]
Erryn DC: 6 + 8 = 14 [Fail]

...and, Ares and Emelie working together, were able to figure out they weren't really trying to lead the three away - but to point something out. Maybe they could understand them, just not speak English? Was that possible?

The seemed to be answering Emelie's question about other humans; maybe there were some of these new comers to the North?

All Erryn really understood was the Kobolds were gesturing and making dumb noises.


[What Lyna, Sylvia, and Shivara see...]
The Goblins watch the two Kobolds start towards the North with the other three, one of them leaning in to murmur something.
[Hearing Check:]
Shivara: 5 + 8 = 13 [Fail]
Sylvia: 11 + 14 = 25 [Pass]
Lyna: 9 + 10 = 19 [Fail]

"We can git 'em roight now," The apparent leader, with his missing eye, whispers.

"An' these sweet Ocean Pearls, mm?"

"Nah, Black Skulls don't need no more of dem. We'll kill 'em too,"

Sylvia was a little perturbed by what she heard- and to make matters worse, Lyna and Shivara seemed to have missed it completely. The goblin with the missing eye unclasps his club, starting towards the Kobolds slowly, as the other stays behind to answer a few questions - or act as distraction.

Lor' luv a duck! Revenge is all what matters, sweet 'eart, He says, glancing over Lyna's body, before grinning at Shivara, "And we don't know abaht dis area, sweet 'eart. We're Black Skulls and, all due respect, we'd be able ter beat yew an' da dogs - Asides, we don't need anymawer slaves. No reason ter take a 'uman girl..." He pauses, looking over Shivara, a lecherous grin spreading across his lips, Unless yew need a Master there, girly? Know what I mean?
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Sylvia scowled slightly. Ocean pearls? What did that even mean? The mention of "killing them too" caused her to scowl darkly, and the monk suddenly gripped both Lyna and Sylvia by the shoulder. Both of them knew what that meant, and she leaned in and whispered to her two comrades; "They intend to attack the kobolds - and us too when they're done. I overheard that muttering. They mean to kill us."