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Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

(I didn't think Eleanor was originally from Artmirst.)

"Mmmmm, Xeon took the title, yes. Rightfully so though! Only our strongest become kings and queens, and Xeon is certainly better than anyone who ruled us before. It was with her blessing that we departed, which is unusually magnanimous for one of our kind!" the demoness began before taking a sip of her drink, "and no offense taken!" The knight's expression didn't sour when Eleanor mentioned her own orc troubles, "I'm happy to help clear up anything you'd like to understand better about our arrangement! Now is as good a time as any, and besides," she grinned widely, "there are a few things I'd rather be doing with you tonight~"

She seemed surprised that Eleanor wanted to speak more about her, but she nonetheless replied; "Anything in particular that you'd like to know? There's plenty to tell, so maybe we'd better start with what you do know about my kind and work from there. I can tell you that I am a succubus, that I'm over a hundred of your years old, and that I've been fighting for nearly the entirety of my life. If you have any immediate problems with your clients, I assure you that I can be of assistance~"
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Oh, so she's the queen of the demons then, and not just Acheron?" Eleanor asked, eager to learn more about the demons. "I may have to pay her a visit sometime." Eleanor chuckled. She didn't think she'd ever actually see this demon queen, but it was amusing to her to think about.

"I suppose this is as good a time as any, but why waste this time talking business when we could be having fun?" A smile that matched Corlia's own stretched across Eleanor's lips at the demoness' comment. "My, you're persistent~" Eleanor leant forward, and taking hold of Corlia's tabard she made to pull the demoness closer towards her. If the demon knight allowed it Eleanor would press her lips against Corlia's own for a brief few moments, the tip of her tongue barely glancing against the demoness' lips before she pulled away and smiled once more. "Keep this up and I'll have no use but to give in to you~ But y'know, I've already promised my bed to another tonight, so I hope you don't mind sharing~"

"Oh you're that old, huh? Well, you certainly look good for your age. And well, there's not much I do know, really," Eleanor joked before she began, sitting back once more before calling for a refill. "I haven't really met many demons before, or at least if I have most haven't revealed their identity to me. Aulekia was the first really and we didn't have much time together to really learn anything. And like I said, Lani, my daughter, summons demons but I've not really talked to any of them. Sure, we have a pack of hellhounds living at the farm but they aren't exactly a talkative lot." Eleanor chuckled before continuing on. "I know you're all originally from Hell though, and you're a varied lot in terms of appearance and ability. Anything would be helpful really, especially if it'd help me understand what my daughter is going to go through or become as she gets older."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"It's hard to say really," Corlia replied, "she does not rule Hell, but we have no contact with them. For all intents and purposes, she is the strongest demon on this world, and so she is our queen. Some might dispute that, of course, but it is up to them to prove the validity of that dispute." The demoness made no comment on her desire to go and see the one she had named as queen of demons, merely smiling knowingly.

She seemed to read Eleanor's intent when she leaned in, not that such was difficult to figure out at that point, and so their lips met in an embrace that briefly silenced their table and all those in its immediate vicinity. Corlia proved to be a skilled kisser, her tongue flicking out in the brief time when their lips were pressed together with perfect timing to meet Eleanor's, the tip of her tongue circling that of the human rancher and tempting her to engage with it in a dance while her lips widened invitingly. Whether she gave in to that urging, however, when their mouths separated a few seconds later Corlia was grinning at her shamelessly. "Mmmmm, I am far too stalwart to give up, I am afraid~ With victory so close, how can I stop now, hrm? I am happy to be a gracious winner, however, so long as you don't mind sharing either!" Gloria blushed at the demon's remark, but she didn't seem to dislike the idea.

"I do~ And I am still quite vigorous, I assure you!" she replied after Eleanor had joked about her age and confessed her ignorance about demons. "Hah, they really aren't... Not usually," Corlia replied with a short laugh after Eleanor's remark about hellhounds not being talkative, "you are right to say that my kin can vary greatly in appearance. We can change our shapes, some to a greater degree than others but all such that we can at least alter our general features. I don't know if your daughter inherited such an ability, but she probably would have exhibited it by now if she had. Many of us are succubi, necessitating that we take energy from others, and most of us - me included of course - prefer that we gain our sustenance through intimacy. Our homeland is a barren, inhospitable place, and the competition simply to survive there is rather fierce. It has earned my kind a not entirely undeserved reputation for sin when we come here, unfortunately, but I assure you that not all of are so unrestrained~

"Again, I am not sure of the exact conditions of your daughter, but she may be subject to some of our natural hungers. I may speak to her if you like, and see what of us she has, but when we mate with uncorrupted humans our children usually aren't full blooded. Were I to get a child on you, for instance, it would not be a full demon, even though our blood normally overpowers that of a mortal. There are almost always traits of some sort that are inherited, usually including the fast pregnancy and growth and some of our inherited memory, but which ones aren't terribly consistent, and I am afraid I would need more information to be of much use."

Gloria interjected at that point; "Wait, you can... Get a girl pregnant?" Corlia turned to her and nodded, "yes. I've begotten children by several other women, actually, though I've had some of my own as well."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Well, if Gloria doesn't have a problem with it then I certainly don't~" Eleanor had to fight off the urge to lunge at Corlia, to feel her lips pressed against her own once more, their tongues entwined. There was plenty of time for that later on though, she thought, and much more besides. Eleanor then looked over at the older woman as she sat back, a lustful smile spread across her lips as her gaze lingered on Gloria for several long moments. While it was earlier than Eleanor would have liked the thought that she was going to experience what having and using a penis feels like in several hours sent a rush of excitement through her, and the fact that she was to experience it with Gloria made the thought that much more thrilling.

Eleanor sat, listening to the demoness in rapt silence, as she answered her questions and explained everything to the best of her ability. She noted the usual abilities shared between most demons; their hunger for energy and their shapeshifting capabilities being foremost of their powers, remembering feeling weaker than usual after her sessions with Lani though never noticing her daughter exhibiting any kind of transformation ability. She also noted both implications hinted at; that of the demon's less than consensual means of acquiring their much needed energy through carnal pleasure, and that hellhounds, surprisingly, could be communicated with in some fashion. The former she had heard rumours of, and it was a pretty obvious given that the nature of most people and even creatures were to force themselves upon others if they could and they were of the persuasion. It was a harsh world after all, and while Eleanor didn't approve of or condone rape she knew it was a part of every day life, especially around those in poorer areas or those who lacked the strength to defend themselves. She herself had witnessed it in her younger years before Lord Drake had taken her in after all, even being a victim to it on a handful of occasions back when she was rolling as a mercenary. But it wasn't slavery, despite slavery being so commonly tied together with rape, so she didn't actively persecute rapists that didn't affect her or those that she knew or wasn't paid to deal with back in her mercenary days. That didn't stop it from leaving a bitter taste in Eleanor's mouth though. And the latter she made a mental note to ask Corlia about later on.

"Unfortunately Lani's not with us at the moment, she's running around on some adventure. I have sent our head hellhound after her, but when my daughter has her mind set on something nothing can deter her," Eleanor joked, though she rested an arm against the table and took a long draught from her glass, draining half of its contents in one in go. Placing the glass back down she sighed and stared, looking almost wistful, passed the group of women for several moments. Eleanor missed her days of adventuring and mercenary work, the bonds she had made with the groups she had travelled with were special to her regardless of whether they were friends, rivals or enemies. A part of her longed for those days once more, but she knew deep down in her heart that they were over. Eleanor had only been on the road for vengeance, and what had that gotten her? Another loved one killed out of her own stupidity and an empty space where wiping out the slaver group should've filled. She was happy with where her life was now, with a simple life etched out for her and people she cared about in it.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I wasn't pregnant with Lani for long. It was about three days. It shocked me at first, I'd never been pregnant before but I knew how long they normally take, and I was completely unaware that I was even pregnant to begin with," Eleanor continued, returning to a more joyful and energetic manner. "I mean, sure, Aulekia and I had sex, and yes, she did come inside me, but at the time I had more important things on my mind and no morning after potion on hand. But hey, at least I didn't have to suffer for as long as most other women when they're pregnant. Though if I were to get pregnant again I think I'd prefer it to be another demon. Less hassle and downtime is better for my line of work after all." And at Gloria's surprise that Corlia had the ability to impregnate, and had indeed impregnated women before, Eleanor added, "Oh, uh, did I not mention Lani's father was another woman, much like Corlia?"
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"I don't~" Gloria purred, grinning. "It has been a while since I got to have more than one partner at a time! I hope I'm not too out of practice~" Corlia only grinned in turn, before the conversation advanced in a less lewd direction as she explained some things about her people.

"I know how that can be!" Corlia said with a chuckle after Eleanor explained that Lani had left the farm, "my mistress is like that~ It certainly helped on our journey here though!"

The conversation would ultimately turn to the manner by which Lani had been sired, and at that Gloria would eventually nod. "You did! It's just.... Hard to get used to, you know?" she said, prompting Corlia to chuckle slightly. "I think I can help you... Acclimate... To the idea tonight~"

Their food would be served moments later, and the conversation would become somewhat more muted as they ate. The food was good, not the best compared to some of the meals she'd had with Lord Drake but certainly of a higher quality than what she normally had to eat. Once their food was eaten, their plates taken away, and any desserts or additional drinks ordered, they would be able to get their bills. Corlia's wasn't much, but with everyone else Eleanor's meal would cost her a fairly expensive 25 denarii not counting anything else she'd ordered after.

"Mmmm, that was a lovely meal!" the demoness said once all was said and done, "now then.... Shall we go and have some... Dessert? Or do you have anything else you need to take care of first?" The demoness was gazing at Eleanor hungrily now, and Gloria offered a curious look as well while Treyja and Anaise shot sly looks between the three women as they planned their lewd encounter to take place at some point that night.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Mmmm, I'm sure we'll all enjoy ourselves regardless~" Eleanor replied, gazing lustfully towards Gloria once more before her and Corlia continued their discussion.

"The travelling must've been fun, I know it certainly was for me. You'll have to tell me of your journey sometime, I remember the roads from Artmirst, well, Acheron now I guess, to Crolia. Last time I traveled them was two years ago, with a merchant group."

"Mmm, yeah, I get that. It took me a little while to get used to the idea as well, though I've seen a lot during my days on the road so it didn't take too long," The rancher said, admitting that she too took some time to get her head around the circumstances of Lani's conception. "It was certainly the first time I had ever seen a woman grow a penis though!" Eleanor joked, chuckling for a moment.

Once the food arrived Eleanor tucked in right away, savouring every bite of the exotic dish. She alternated between each portion of the meal at first, sampling small bites to get a taste for everything. The fish, as she expected, was cooked to perfection and its taste was exquisite. The rice, normally a bland dish usually used as an accompaniment with the meals produced on the ranch, turned out to be quite the surprise to the woman's taste buds. The sweetness of the shorn sauce was what hit Eleanor first, eliciting a surprised but pleasant 'mmm' from the rancher, and as she let the sweetness settle on her tongue the second wave rolled over her. She knew spices would be involved with the dish however Eleanor hadn't expected it to be as quite the kick as she got. Still, the hotness of the spices complemented the sweetness of the shorn sauce surprisingly well, adding it to the ever increasing list of stuff to acquire for the farm, and after a mouthful of wine she resumed. The vegetables were, of course, vegetables, there's not much else to them. However they were of a much higher quality to what Eleanor was used to on her farm, and like everything else on her plate, were cooked to a very high standard.

Eleanor ate her meal slowly, enjoying every bite of it, until finally it was all gone. She called for one final drink and whatever else the girls fancied along with the bill, paying the bill once it had arrived. "Mmmm, it certainly was! I haven't eaten anything like that in quite some time. Hm, I'll need to get changed first, before we head back to mine. As much as I love this dress it's not exactly made for road travel." Eleanor remarked, climbing to her feet. "But other than that, no, I don't really have anything left to do before we set off, unless the girls have anything to do? Collecting some stuff to bring along?"

Eleanor met Corlia's hungry gaze with a wicked smile, catching the demoness's words. She pulled Corlia into another brief kiss, though lingering for as long as the knight did, mimicking her actions before the two split. "You really are insatiable, aren't you~ Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time later on, and we've still got business to discuss." With that Eleanor motioned to the girls that she was ready to leave, thanking the staff for their service and even giving their waitress (should she be available) a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out of the building. She would then head back to the Clandestine Hall, greeting Iliana as they made their way back to the staff changing rooms, changing quickly though allowing the girls enough time to view her naked body, teasing them with a sensual strip and then back into her own clothes. Eleanor would then head back to the main foyer, waiting for the girls should they split up to collect their own belongings before bidding Iliana a final farewell once everyone had met back up to head to the stables where they'd mount their horses and head back to Eleanor's ranch.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Mmmm, if you like fighting off slimy tentacle monsters and half crazed racists~" Corlia remarked when she suggested that the journey North had been fun. Gloria still seemed to be unsure as to how to take the idea of a woman growing a cock, but Corlia would only grin and say; "Well, if you haven't gotten used to the idea now, I'm sure you'll be acclimated by the time I'm done with you~"

After their meals had been eaten, no one finding fault with their meal, Corlia would nod to the rest of her needs, but before they departed Treyja would say; "I'll need to go home and get some things. I'll meet you at the stable!" Anaise would nod to Treyja and add; "Everything I need is at the brothel, but I'd like to check my home first. Lock things up, you know~" Gloria had everything she needed and made no comment, and with Treyja splitting off the rest would make their way back to the Clandestine Hall... But not before Eleanor engaged the demon knight in another kiss.

Her intention to make that embrace brief would go unrealized as Corlia deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue into Eleanor's mouth before lifting the rancher and swinging her around to lightly pin her against the wall. The knight's tongue swirled through the rancher's mouth, one hand resting against the back of her head to hold her in the kiss while the other trailed down to give her ass an energetic groping. Corlia held Eleanor in her embrace for nearly a minute before allowing the kiss to end, and when she did the demoness let her lips hover against Eleanor's, just barely not touching, and purred; "You are just asking to get your brains fucked out~" She pressed her mouth to Eleanor's once again, her tongue guiding the rancher's into a frenzied dance as she gave a soft moan, a brief connection between their spirits forming that allowed the demoness to take a tiny nibble of the mortal woman's essence. Pleasure rocked through Eleanor's body with no discernible physical source, her entire body buzzing and her sense of touch magnified so that the kiss and the rhythmic kneading of her plump backside were even more intense.

"It's so refreshing," she broke the kiss only to start it anew for a few more seconds, "to find a human woman," she did it again, "that isn't afraid of a little fun~" She gave Eleanor one last kiss before finally pulling away, albeit hesitantly. "Ahhhh, yes, business! We can talk about that on the way to your home, presumably?" the knight continued, still grinning lustfully at Eleanor, and when they departed after Eleanor got to kiss their server the woman would be surprised but would then smile at Eleanor, especially if she had left a generous tip.

Madame Iliana would nod in greeting, but her exchange with the mistress of the brothel would be brief. Corlia and Gloria would both watch Eleanor's little teasing dance hungrily as she changed from the dress she'd borrowed back into her own clothing, and Anaise would catch the end of it. Iliana would bid them goodbye, and they would meet up with Treyja at the stable where Eleanor would be able to reclaim her horse, its saddlebags now loaded with sacks of rice. Corlia would say that her own mount had been left outside of town, and with none of the others having the wealth to own horses they would all go on foot. It wasn't exactly a terribly difficult journey though, so none of them would complain, leaving Eleanor to ride or walk her horse as she preferred. About a mile outside of town, Corlia would slip two fingers into her mouth and give a shrill whistle, and a few moments later a beast would come down from the sky, landing on the round in front of the demoness with a crashing impact and a brief burst of flames.

The nightmare was unlike any creature that Eleanor had ever seen, its body thick and massive and covered in black chitinous plating rather than hair. Its form was generally equine, with four hooved feet, long legs, and a horse's head, but its mane and tail were both formed from flame, and a single straight horn jutted from the demonic stallion's head and ended in a wicked point. "Hello Califex," Corlia said fondly, moving to mount the creature despite that it had no saddle or bridle to speak of. "So... Shall we talk business?" she suggested, grinning at the three whores tagging along with them who had all ducked for cover in the woods when the nightmare had made its dramatic entrance. Her own horse had been spooked by the other demon's arrival, but Eleanor had been able to keep it under control well enough that it didn't bolt.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor nodded to Treyja and bid her a 'see you soon' as she headed off to deal with what she had to do before the rest of the group got up to leave. While her intentions were for a brief kiss Eleanor didn't complain as Corlia drew her in, spinning her around and pressing her against the wall. Eleanor's own tongue danced enthusiastically against the demoness' as she felt hands wandering over her voluptuous body, one moving down to grope at her round ass while the other held her head in place, stopping her from breaking away, not that she had any intention of doing so. Eleanor's own arms simply draped over Corlia's shoulders as she moaned hungrily into the kiss, content to let the demoness take control of the situation, as the two women no doubt gave the diners quite the show.

"Mmm, I am~!" Eleanor's mouth puckered into a mock pout each time Corlia's lips left hers, though her moaning renewed each time their lips locked together once more. And as she felt Corlia feed off her spiritual essence Eleanor felt her body grow weak and her mind haze over, arousal fully taking over. She clung weakly to the demon knight, savouring the feeling that only having your soul fed off from could give, even if the rancher didn't quite understand what exactly was happening.

"Mmmm, it feels too good~ Why wouldn't I want it~?" Eleanor clung to the demoness for a few moments more after their final kiss, fighting back a deep desire to throw herself at Corlia once more. With Lani on her adventure it had been quite some time since Eleanor had experienced quite the level of pleasure a demon gave her. Even her romp with Daneira, while intensely pleasurable and satisfying, failed to satisfy Eleanor in a way a demon could. And as Eleanor peeled herself from Corlia she noticed her panties had soaked through, the crotch sodden with her juices and a trickle had begun to run down her thighs. "Hmm... Well, I would rather wait until we got back home, it would make writing it down a lot easier if I do it while we talk. But I suppose it could be done sooner rather than later, but I will need to write it down before we retire to my room for the night."

"This is for the good service~" Eleanor whispered teasingly in the waitresses ear after her lips pressed against the woman's cheek, her hand sliding over the waitresses waist and down to her ass, slipping some money in her back pocket (5 denarii should the waitress check) for a moment before she gave the serving girl's rump a firm squeeze. Eleanor pulled away a few moments later and flashed a smile. "See you again!" Eleanor called out and waved before joining back up with the remaining girls, linking arms with Corlia and Gloria once more as they resumed their plans.

With Eleanor changed and the girls back together the group set off at a walking pace back to the ranch, Eleanor choosing to walk along with the girls and offering them to use her horse to carry their gear. As they talked and joked for the first mile of their trek Eleanor paused as Corlia let out a whistle, and watched in surprise and mild concern as a wicked looking roughly horse-shaped creature raced through the sky, landing in front of the group moments after. Instinctively, a hand reached for one of the revolvers hanging from her hips while the other tightened on her horse's lead, though her posture relaxed somewhat as Corlia addressed the demonic beast with fondness. Eleanor's hands released her gun and her hand came to rest on her hip, head cocked to the side as she regarded the monstrous horse before them.

"Y'know, you could've warned us about him in advance," Eleanor joked, a smile playing across her lips, indicating she wasn't truly annoyed by the sudden appearance of the nightmare. "Though looking at him, maybe I'll have to get one some day." Eleanor beckoned the girls to rejoin them as Corlia suggested discussing their contract, and resuming her walk, now alongside Corlia and her mount, she begun riddling off a stream of questions. She had learnt from her mistakes with the orc and so asked to be filled in about everything; Her mistress, what was she like and what Eleanor could expect from working with her, and an elaboration on why she had separated from Xeon and what their plans were exactly. How much they needed and their numbers, and if they were settling down permanently or if they would be moving on eventually, and anything else Corlia would be willing to share and explain to help Eleanor better understand her and her group, and to help in procuring supplies for them.

"Also, there was something else, that came to me earlier when we were talking," Eleanor added, once the two had finished their discussion. "You mentioned hellhounds not usually being talkative, which I assume means they can be talked to in some way?"

25 denarii for the meals, 5 denarii tip for a total of 30 denarii spent.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

The waitress would smirk at Eleanor, but would give a startled jump and adopt a deep blush when Eleanor groped her soft rump during the surprise hug. Corlia and Anaise would chuckle at her embarrassed reaction, and the group would leave the restaurant in good spirits while the girl checked her back pocket and found the tip.

"But then how would I see the looks of awe and surprise when he showed up and know that they were genuine?" Corlia's playful quip came just after she had mounted her demonic steed, opting to ride the beast at a slow rate if only for a little while, running her fingers through its burning mane as she chuckled at Eleanor's suggestion that she get one someday. "That would be more work than I think you imagine," she said confidently, "they aren't like hellhounds, who will obey an alpha in their pack. Nightmares are solitary creatures.... And filled with rage and hate for long past crimes against their kind. They aren't to be tamed, and even my kin often find them too unruly to take as a mount, preferring simpler creatures or even beasts from your world.

"Only a select few knights are able to earn a nightmare's respect. You just happen to be about to bed one of them~" The demoness gave a soft laugh, and then set about answering Eleanor's questions in the order that she asked them. "My mistress is a noble, once on the queen's council before such things were disbanded. Her name is Jesse, though she has gone by many names in the past. She prefers to keep things on an honest basis when possible, and up here she's largely looking for simple business relationships, free of any complications that might result in unnecessary conflict. She has decided to do what she knows best, and has set up a brothel a ways down the road to the North. By nature we are to be impartial in the conflict between your people and the orcs, at this point all we're looking for are suppliers of goods. Foodstuffs, alcohol, simple pleasures~ We can produce some of our own, but not enough in the soil around our new home. We left Acheron due to a difference of opinion on how such an establishment ought to be run. We came North with only forty or so, but our operation has swollen somewhat since then to about eighty as we've hired other employees. We have no intention of moving any time soon, but all things change in time."

Finally, the rancher's query about hellhounds prompted her to let out another slight laugh, and she said; "That was really just a joke about talking to dogs, though.... Some can learn to talk to beasts, and they can understand and speak with hellhounds just as easily. Our senses cannot easily detect all of the parts of their communication without magic, and they cannot speak our language. They understand us just fine though!"

It wouldn't be too long before they arrived at Eleanor's ranch, Corlia dismounting after a mile of riding to walk with the rest of them. All was quiet, Daneira visible near the stable just sort of lounging around, Kara in the house bustling about with chores, and Priscilla and Coltia working with the animals and crops.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Heh, I think scared and running away in fear would be a better way of describing it," Eleanor retorted, chuckling as she pointed a thumb towards the direction of the scampering whores. "And that just sounds like a challenge to me. And I'm always up for a challenge." The rancher mostly joked, taking Corlia's word on the matter.

Eleanor listened in silence as Corlia answered each of her questions in turn, watching the demoness and making the odd grunt of acknowledge when appropriate. She committed it all to memory for when they arrived back at the ranch, though intended on getting a refresher or expand upon some questions from Corlia once she was ready to write everything down.

"A brothel?" Eleanor asked, finally breaking her silence, concern in her voice as she glanced over to her three companions for a moment. The rancher knew a brothel opening up along the road to Pithia would eventually cause trouble for Akros and the other brothel masters in the area, and more importantly Gloria, Treyja, and Anaise. And she was sure the brothel masters would take notice and respond if their businesses were under threat. Eleanor decided to not air her opinions though, Corlia was just her mistress' messenger and may not be able to answer her questions to the extent that Jesse would be able to.

"Well, I know of a few merchants that deal mostly in produce, and while I don't think any one of them would be able to supply your people with the quantity that you need if several sign onto trading to you it should be more than enough to get you by. Though I'm not sure when a caravan will be stopping near my farm next, I'd have to put the word out and that'd take a little bit for it to get to the merchants," Eleanor explained, hoping that wouldn't be a problem. "I may be able to convince some of the local traders to sell to you though, but I don't think it'll be cheap seeing as you said they didn't seem to want to do deals with demons. It might serve for the short term, until we hear back from the others."

"And the orcs... well, like I said earlier, I'm kind of contracted to them right now. Stupidity on my part really, should've asked more questions, but when you're about to make a shitload of money you kind of lose focus. I'm not going to make it easy for them though, ten hellhounds will cause a lot of problems for anyone involved. I understand your people not wanting to interfere with the conflict but it may find its way to you regardless. I hope Jesse is ready for that, because if they're as bad as people say it'll only be a matter of time before they come for you as well."

A flush of colour rose in Eleanor's cheeks as Corlia explained her meaning about the hellhounds, though became hopeful when it was revealed there were ways people could learn to talk to creatures. "Fido and the rest certainly seemed to follow my orders well enough, so I did assume they could understand me well enough. Though if I could learn how to talk to them that would make directing them and catering to their needs a lot easier."

"And here we are!" Eleanor would announce as they neared the farm, more for Corlia's benefit than the other three as they had been to hers previously. "Ah! Daneira! Treyja, I'd like you to meet my newest employee and the person you'll be working for tomorrow. Daneira, this is Treyja, the woman who'll be with you tomorrow to breed the first batch of feral stalkers. Why don't you two spend some time to get acquainted.Oh, and Daneira, I'll need to talk to you later on or tomorrow about adding temporary security for later on in the week."
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Eleanor's glance towards their trio of companions would show that they mirrored her concern. Akros' brothel made much of its business based on offering exotic delights like Anaise, and while some would undoubtedly opt to continue taking on his services out of fear of the demons, the rise of Jesse's place would likely take some of his business. Corlia saw their concerns, however, and quickly said; "Fret not! We're far enough from Pithia that we shouldn't impact your business too heavily~ Besides, is competition really such a bad thing? I'm sure that my mistress would be happy to purchase your contracts if you were suffering from a lack of work!"

With that, the conversation would eventually turn to business, and Eleanor's response to Corlia's answers to her questions prompted her to frown but nod. "We can handle the price negotiation, if you can just get us into the room with a reference I'm sure that that would be enough. And my mistress has been through conflicts in which she had no stake before, she knows how to handle them while minimizing risk," she replied confidently, though then she shrugged, "one side of a conflict is never as evil as the other paints it... And the other is never as good as it claims either."

The demoness would shrug and smile at her suggestion that she learn to understand her hellhounds. "It certainly wouldn't hurt, but from what I understand it requires a great deal of dedication and training to manage. Very few in Hell could ever manage it, but more of the people of your world seem to be able to focus on that sort of magic than from back home. Maybe you could find someone to learn from?"

Daneira looked pleased at Eleanor's announcement, looking Treyja up and down while the lithe woman returned the favor. "Eheh... Excellent! She's so cute, I almost want to breed her myself~" the alraune cooed, prompting Treyja to laugh and smirk back before stepping up to bring the bustier alraune into an open mouthed kiss not dissimilar from the ones that she had been enjoying with various members of their group all day. Daneira responded in kind, wrapping Treyja in a brace of tendrils while the creature at her hip simply sat at her side docilely. "Maybe I'll give you the chance before tomorrow~" she cooed once the kiss broke, and Daneira giggled and swept her away. "I don't think you'll have any trouble trying to find me~" the alraune cooed, and then off they went.

Anaise gave a jealous huff as she watched Treyja wander off, Daneira's hand already dropping down to grope her coworker's tight backside while the stalker trotted off after them. "Everyone else gets to have fun early!" she protested sarcastically, "can I get the hellhounds early? I already know Coltia and Pris are off somewhere going at it! I'll have to seduce Kara or I'll be the only one not getting laid tonight~" Gloria chuckled at her suggestion, knowing that Kara wasn't the sort to go for a one night stand even with someone like Anaise, "doesn't hurt to try! Gods know Kara needs to get laid!"

The two shared a giggle at that as they followed Eleanor inside, but Corlia remained outside for a moment to see to her mount, having not put her in the stable with Eleanor's horses. She spoke to it in a whisper, the few words that Eleanor did catch unintelligible, and after she was finished the demoness followed them indoors with a smirk while the nightmare launched itself into the air and flew off. "So... Shall we get down to business?" she purred, and as she joined Eleanor and Gloria she grabbed a handful of both of their bottoms, giving their backsides another treatment of her deft kneading while leaving it up to Eleanor to decide where she wanted to take them next.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Hm, that is an idea. I'll have to ask around, but hopefully someone can point me towards someone who can teach me."

"Heh, you're fully welcome to hire Treyja once this contract is complete," Eleanor chuckled, then watched the two women enthusiastically 'greet' one another. "Have fun you two!" Eleanor called out to Treyja and Daneira as they retreated to wherever the alraune had set up her own quarters.

Eleanor chuckled once more at Anaise's protests, feeling a little sorry for the dark skinned woman. "I'm sure Daneira would love for you to join the two of them. They've not gone too far, you'll be able to catch up with them if you want," Eleanor suggested, as an alternative to Kara, who they all knew most likely wouldn't go for it despite Anaise being not only a stunningly beautiful woman but a master of her trade as well. She'd have offered her own bed to Anaise, but it was already going to be crowded as it was with the three of them, and with Eleanor getting to experience having a cock for the first time she wanted a partner that would allow her to go at her own pace, and Anaise was the type to jump right in whereas she knew her and Gloria could take their time. Corlia was an unknown factor of course, but Eleanor assumed she'd be alright with taking it slow as well.

Whether Anaise decided to follow her and the rest back to the house or chose to chase after Daneira and Treyja she would head off back towards her home, at a slow pace to give the demoness time to catch up after dealing with her nightmare. A soft moan escaped Eleanor's lips as Corlia grabbed a handful of her's and Gloria's round buttocks and squeezed, and fought the urge to throw herself into the arms of the demoness. "Mmmm, soon~" Eleanor teased, giving Corlia's ass a firm pat as they made their way into the living quarters of the house. Warmth greeted them as a fire crackled in the fireplace, and setting down the sacks of rice, along with her guns and armoured corset, Eleanor made towards the table that she and Grash worked at earlier in the day. She spent a little time chronicling everything Corlia had said to her as they made their trek to the ranch, asking for refreshers whenever she needed something clarified before setting the book aside to allow the ink to dry.

"Shall we head upstairs then?" Eleanor asked as she climbed to her feet and gathered her belongings. If the girls agreed she'd lead them upstairs to her room, directing Corlia to the facilities should she find herself needing to use them during her stay, before inviting the two of them into her room.

While by no means cold Eleanor's room was noticeably cooler than the rest of the house, the plumbing that brought heated water throughout the house sparser towards the top of the building than the rest. And with late evening drawing close and with it the colder temperatures it brought the bedroom was liable to grow somewhat more cool as the night drew on. Of course, the thick quilt and animal fur blanket would help protect from the cold, and with three of them sharing the bed there'd be plenty of heat between them to keep warm during the night. Still, the rancher seemed to not notice the slight dip in temperature, or it would at least seem that way to the two women, as she set aside her corset and bag, pulling out the onyx amulet she had purchased earlier at the market and set it down on her chest of drawers and admired it for a moment. She then hung her guns on a bedpost and headboard, putting them at easy reach should a time come that Eleanor found herself needing to be armed upon waking. Fortunately such a time hadn't come as of yet, but it never hurt to be too cautious.

With her rituals completed Eleanor turned to her companions, a lustful smile spreading across her lips as she gazed upon the two women with hunger in her eyes. "Well ladies, what are you waiting for~?" Eleanor invited the two women as she stepped back towards the bed, beckoning them towards her as she slowly undid the first few buttons of her shirt, exposing the soft pearly white flesh of her cleavage, her large breasts already threatening to burst from the confines of her tight shirt.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Corlia simply smirked at the grope and followed Eleanor to the table with Gloria, Anaise staying with them initially but eventually wandering off to take a walk. The demoness repeated or explained anything that Eleanor requested, and when she finally suggested that they go upstairs the demoness and the whore both smiled. "I thought you'd never ask~" Gloria purred, and the trio made all haste up to Eleanor's bedroom, Eleanor leading with Gloria close behind, sneaking the occasional pinch of Eleanor's backside, and Corlia behind her doing the exact same thing.

The demoness didn't seem to notice the cold, but Gloria shivered and hugged herself while Eleanor hung up her guns, though her reaction to the chill didn't distract her from what promised to warm her up. "Waiting?" Corlia asked questioningly as she advanced, but Gloria got there first as the rancher began to expose her cleavage. The blond embraced Eleanor with a hungry moan, pressing her open mouth to the rancher's in a deep kiss that left their tongues entangled. One hand found its way to Eleanor's backside, a favorite target of her admirers it seemed, and the other drifted slowly down her collar to slowly but steadily reveal more and more of Eleanor's chest. Corlia joined them quickly, claiming the other half of Eleanor's ass in another of her skilled gropes as she began aiding Gloria in revealing her chest.

The two teased out the experience, slowly opening the rancher's top as Corlia kissed and nibbled on Eleanor's neck and ear while Gloria claimed her mouth. The two stopped just before the tips of Eleanor's breasts were finally revealed, Corlia reaching a thumb beneath the fabric to rub over one of her sensitive tips while Gloria squeezed and kneading the whole of the soft orb. Both of her bedmates for the night let out a soft moan as they finally pulled aside what little cloth protected Eleanor's chest, revealing her breasts for their pleasure in full. Gloria pulled away as they slid Eleanor's top aside until it was just barely hanging off of her arms, letting Corlia grin and trail her kisses along the rancher's jaw. "Mmmph, I'm going to have to put these to use at some point~" she purred as she palmed one of Eleanor's breasts. She quickly claimed Eleanor's mouth much like Gloria had, but where the human girl had been passionate and wild, the demoness was controlled and skilled, guiding Eleanor's tongue on a more subtle but just as fulfilling dance.

The sound of cloth hitting the floor signaled that Gloria was disrobing, and if Eleanor looked she would see that the whore had done away with most of her clothing quite hastily, leaving her dress and bra pooled on the floor, exposing her full breasts and leaving her clad only in a pair of lacy white panties and matching stockings. When she approached again, Gloria started making sure Eleanor had not a stitch of clothes. First, her top was pulled off and tossed aside, leaving Eleanor naked above the waist. Then she knelt, and began to slowly slide the rest of her clothes down until they were just a pool on the floor around the rancher's feet.

Naked, the two other woman pushed Eleanor back until she was lying on her back on the bed, Gloria nearly naked on one side and Corlia still armored on the other. "What do you think?" Corlia asked playfully. "I think... Those need to be sucked on," Gloria purred in response as she crawled over Eleanor until her mouth hovered one of her breasts. Corlia joined her all too quickly, both women kissing circles around her vulnerable tips without quite touching them for a few seconds before Corlia finally sealed her lips over her targeted nipple. Her tongue gave languid flicks against that sensitive bud as Gloria joined her and did the same to her other breasts, but it was she who started to gently suckle on it and thus drew out the first taste of Eleanor's milk. She moaned in surprise and pleasure at the delectable fluid, and began to draw on the leaking tip in steady bursts to draw out more of it, sucking out streams of milk and swallowing each down one by one as her tongue continued to flick back and forth.

Corlia quickly copied her as Eleanor's response to being drunk from displayed her enjoyment of the act, the demon knight giving similar bouts of suction followed by pauses in which the flicks of her tongue came a bit faster. As they drank down her milk, Eleanor's legs were pulled apart if they weren't already open, and two skilled sets of fingers began rubbing over Eleanor's petals. Again, the two teased her at first, Corlia gently stroking Eleanor's clit while Gloria slowly teased her hole, but this time the teasing didn't last nearly as long. Two of Gloria's digits slipped into Eleanor's pussy and began to pump in and out just as Gloria started giving the rancher's pleasure jewel steady strokes, sending waves of pleasure rushing up Eleanor's spine. They switched back and forth over the next few minutes, allowing Eleanor to enjoy the differences in technique between her two partners. Corlia gave simple but effective flicks of her fingers over Eleanor's clit but curled her fingers to grind against Eleanor's g-spot, her motions slower but perfectly steady and enhanced by the subtle bites of essence that she stole with every touch. Gloria, in comparison, drew circles around Eleanor's gem and gave quick thrusts of her fingers that reached deep into Eleanor's depths.

It didn't take long, but when Eleanor did cum her orgasm was long and hard, the doubly intense waves of pleasure sending spasms through her entire body. Both Corlia and Gloria moaned pleasantly and sucked out an extra helping of her milk while Eleanor came, drinking up every drop she had to offer and working tirelessly to draw out more. She was able to enjoy an extended climax thanks to their unceasing attention, and when she came down from her high and settled into her afterglow both of them brought their dirtied fingers up to their mouths and licked her juices from them lewdly. "Delicious~" Corlia purred, and Gloria murmured in agreement.

The demon knight climbed away and stood up, smirking at the two as Gloria offered her a questioning look. Undoing some of the clasps of her armor, the grinning demoness said; "Would you care to give me a hand? I'm feeling a little bit.... Overdressed~" Gloria grinned and crawled off of the bed to do just that, ready to aid the demoness in disrobing even though she herself still had her panties on. Corlia, in the meantime, was already sporting a bulge in her pants that told of the cock she had already conjured to use on the two of them before Eleanor got her first turn giving the dick rather than receiving.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor's hands came away from her shirt as the two women advanced on her, Gloria surprisingly beating the demoness to the busty rancher. Her arms wrapped around the prostitute's waist and pulled Gloria close as her lips parted, her tongue slipping out to meet the older woman's as they leant forward to kiss. Her tongue danced against Gloria's for a moment as Eleanor's hands slid down and cupped the older woman's shapely ass, giving her a firm squeeze, before the rancher guided Gloria's tongue into her mouth. Eleanor smiled, and moaned lustily into the kiss as their lips pressed firmly together and they explored each other's mouths whilst Gloria's hands explored Eleanor's body.

Eleanor's eyes flitted open for a second to look at Corlia as the demoness joined them, her moans becoming sluttier and sluttier with each grope and fondle from her two lovers. A shiver of pleasure rushed through Eleanor as the two women finished undoing her shirt and begun teasing her breasts, the cold air caressing her bare flesh and the sensations brought on by their teasing served only to fuel Eleanor's rapidly growing lust.

"Mmmm~ I'd like that very much~" Eleanor teased, moaning deeply into Corlia's ear as the demoness kissed along her jaw towards her mouth, pressing her lips against her human lover's own and pulling Eleanor into a kiss much different, but no less passionate, than Gloria's. A hand trailed up Corlia's armoured back as the other clung weakly to the demoness, coming up to rest against her head, fingers running through red locks as Eleanor's moans grew more intense as her body became Corlia's plaything. At the soft sound of cloth hitting the floor Eleanor glanced past the demoness for a moment to catch a glimpse of Gloria, stripped to nothing but her panties and stockings, making her way back to the twosome with mischievous intent gleaming in her eyes, the reason which was quickly made apparent as she slipped behind Eleanor.

Eleanor was loath to separate herself from Corlia as they continued their erotic kiss as Gloria made to remove her clothing, and only reluctantly pulled her arms away from the demoness as the older woman removed her shirt, them returning to Corlia's hip and head the moment the cotton top had fallen to the floor. Though as Gloria tugged at her shorts and panties Eleanor arched her back and thrust her ass out, to not only make it easier for the prostitute to remove her clothing but to also give her a better view of the round ass that she so admired.

Much to Eleanor's displeasure the kiss didn't last too long after she was stripped naked, and when Corlia pulled away Eleanor puffed her cheeks out and pouted, and made to kiss the knight again only to find herself pushed backwards and onto the bed by her two lovers. She looked up at the two women; Gloria in naught but a pair of sexy panties and matching stockings, and Corlia in her knightwear, and smiled hungrily, watching intently as the two women talked and quickly joined her on the bed. Stifled moans escaped Eleanor and she bit her lower lip as she felt the soft caress of her two lovers' lips brush gently against her areolae, flitting dangerously close to her overly sensitive nipples but never quite touching them, their teasing sending pulses of pleasure through her body. Though as Corlia's lips claimed Eleanor's nipple and her tongue begun to flick and tease the sensitive nub she gripped the sheet and let loose a moan, her pleasure only further amplified as Gloria joined in.

Jolts of pleasure, like quick electrical bursts, coursed through Eleanor's body as her two lovers' tongues flicked and teased her sensitive nipples, their hungry suckling drawing out deep, long moans as Eleanor's fingers gripped the fur blanket the three currently led upon and squirmed under their lustful touch. And soon enough all the suckling and teasing of her breasts brought about an all too familiar sensation that took over the rancher, and as a single piercing cry of ecstasy left her a stream of milk spilled forth from Eleanor's breast, pouring over Gloria's lips and tongue to the surprise of the older prostitute. Mimicking Gloria's actions Corlia, too, quickly stimulated Eleanor into producing milk for her, and as the two women greedily drank at her teat Eleanor's body convulsed with each draught, her back arched, and her tongue lolling out as she cried out uncontrollably.

"T-t-too much~!" Eleanor cried out as the two women slid a hand each between her spread legs, teasing her eager womanhood for a moment, slick with love juices that had been flowing freely for some time now, before Gloria thrust two fingers deep into her and Corlia rubbed and teased her clit. The two women alternating their techniques every few minutes served to keep Eleanor's body from getting too used to the sensations brought on by the differing skills of both Gloria and Corlia, and coupled with their continued suckling on her breasts and drinking of her milk Eleanor quickly found herself on the verge of orgasm.

Intense pleasure rocked Eleanor's body as the touch of her two lovers finally pushed the helpless woman over the edge and into her first orgasm of the night. While she only froze for a mere few seconds time seemed to stop all at once for Eleanor as she felt the knot of pleasure that had been rapidly building up deep inside her suddenly explode, all the pleasure that had culminated suddenly coursed through her body, and for a moment her mind separated from reality. Cries of ecstasy, that were no doubt carried throughout the entire house, tumbled freely past Eleanor's lips as her eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out, a trail of saliva trickling down her chin. Eleanor's back arched and her hips thrust outward, serving perhaps to force whoever's fingers were in her at the time deeper still into the warmth of her pussy, and as she fought to keep herself supported Eleanor's hips and legs spasmed as each wave of pleasure crashed through her body, her movements in time to her moans.

Eleanor treated Gloria and Corlia to a several long minutes' show of her climaxing during which, perhaps surprisingly, revealed to the girls that she was a squirter, her fur blanket now in serious need of a wash despite it only being the first of, what was proving to be, many orgasms of the night. Though as Eleanor finally begun to come down from her orgasm the rancher's body slowly begun to relax, and as she slumped backwards onto the bed Eleanor took in several deep breaths and smiled up at the two women, her face, and indeed the rest of her body, a brilliant shade of red and drenched head to toe in sweat.

H-heh... I-I'm glad you liked it~" Eleanor breathed out in reply, her large chest rapidly rising and falling as she fought to catch her breath. "T-that was amazing~ B-but I'm aching for more~"

"Mmmm, I could watch your ass all day~ But as nice as they look it'd be even better without the underwear in the way~" Weakly, Eleanor sat up and watched as the two women climbed off the bed and started removing Corlia's armour, her eyes transfixed on Gloria's plump ass, though her eyes quickly dropped to crotch level on the demoness and a hungry smile spread across Eleanor's lips, eager to get a taste of the dick that had just formed.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Gloria grinned and turned, giving her plump backside a teasing wiggle for Eleanor's viewing pleasure, and Corlia merrily reached down to give her ass a soft smack. "Then why don't you come and... Take them off of me?" the whore cooed suggestively while Corlia gave her bottom a series of squeezing kneads that made her appealing roundness jiggle. The last of Gloria's clothing would be easily pulled down should Eleanor divert herself towards her, revealing the blond's nudity in full and offering a glimpse at her pink petals as she bent to make the view even nicer just as Eleanor had. That left only Corlia stilled clothed, however, and Gloria would prove just as excited to see what the demoness was packing.

Getting the demon's armor off took less than a minute between the two of them, her arm plating, cuirass, and underclothing all tossed aside to reveal breasts that were a pleasant handful but not quite as large as Eleanor's or Gloria's. She moaned happily as Gloria tugged off her top and then lunged into a kiss with the demoness, leaving Eleanor to do much of the work in getting her bottoms off. Her greaves proved a difficult hindrance, but when they were off the knight proved to have nothing on underneath, and if she had knelt to get Corlia naked she would find herself faced with nine inches of thick, veiny, demonic cock. For the next few moments her two partners enjoyed each other's mouths, and if Eleanor opted to take advantage of the opportunity presented to her and take a taste of Corlia the demoness would moan encouragingly.

Gloria joined her on the floor in front of Corlia a few moments later, moaning as she kissed the nearest portion of the demon's shaft, or Corlia's hip if Eleanor had managed to take the whole thing all the way down to the base. If given the chance, she would kiss Eleanor over the tip of Corlia's cock, their tongues dancing with the demon's helmet caught in the middle, and hold that embrace while a hand rose to start jerking the demoness off. She turned to bob three times onto the first half of Corlia's cock, her cheeks dimpling as she sucked on the woman's hard shaft with all her might, and then resumed the kiss with Eleanor before giving the rancher her own turn on it.

Corlia would moan in pleasure with the attention to her shaft, but she wouldn't be the only one to be pleasured this time as Eleanor felt Gloria's hand drift between her legs to start slowly rubbing a circle over her clitoris, a motion that would steadily become faster and more intense as they took turns sucking on the demon's cock. Gloria proved quite good at it too, her lips descending further each time she got a turn, and on her third bout of bobbing on Corlia's rod she would descend on it to the hilt and hold herself there with a grip on the demon's hip. The demoness vocally announced her approval for all to hear as she tilted her head back and groaned, her legs shaking as Gloria swallowed her cock, and when next she came off of it with an audible pop she gave it a lick from the tip to the base and back before offering Eleanor another lewd kiss. If the rancher wasn't doing her best work on Corlia by that point, she would be in danger of being outdone by her partner.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Unable to resist the allure of the older woman's body any longer Eleanor leant forward, and with renewed vigour she lunged for Gloria's underwear, tugging them over her plump rear in one swift motion and letting them drop to the floor once down to her thighs. "Mmmm, finally~!" Eleanor moaned softly, a look of bliss etched into her features as her hands shot towards the older woman's thighs, softly caressing them for a moment before climbing to Gloria's round ass. Eleanor's fingers dug into bare flesh as she firmly groped Gloria, each hand stretched across a buttock, moaning and giggling softly as she shook and jiggled the whore's ass. A moment later Eleanor moved a hand downwards, between the older woman's legs, and traced the slit of her womanhood with a finger, teasingly pressing against her clit.

"Mmmm, I'm looking forward to filling this later on~" Eleanor purred softly, her large breasts squishing against Gloria's back as she rose from the bed and leant against the older woman and spoke into her ear. Closing her eyes, the rancher bit her lower lip and moaned quietly as she slowly slid two digits through the folds of Gloria's womanhood, pausing for several long moments as her fingers were enveloped by the warmth of the whore's inner walls, moaning in time to the slow movements of her gentle thrusting. She pulled them free not long after and sampled the taste coating her fingers as she got up, Eleanor letting out an approving 'mmm' as she joined Gloria in stripping Corlia of her armour.

Eleanor playfully pouted as Gloria abandoned the job of removing the demoness' armour in favour of sampling her lips, though as she resumed and finally stripped the knight of all her gear the rancher's eyes lit up at the sight of the throbbing cock hovering inches from her face. Wasting no time, Eleanor lunged for the demonic cock, her lips wrapping over the head and sucked hungrily as they gradually slid down the veiny shaft right to the base, moaning approvingly once more at the taste of Corlia's member. Eleanor held herself there for several long moments, Corlia's cock protruding down her throat as her fingers dug into the flesh of the demoness' thighs, enjoying the sensations of the cock buried down her throat.

Though as Gloria joined her on the floor Eleanor slid her head backwards and freed the demonic cock from her mouth, an audible pop sounding as it pulled free from her lips, a coating of saliva along Corlia's length glistening in the bedroom light. With a hand caressing each woman's ass Eleanor angled the impressive cock towards the older woman to sample as she kissed and licked down the length of its shaft, sandwiching the swollen head between their lips on the return trip up as Eleanor kissed Gloria, her tongue flickering out, sampling and mixing the tastes of both women. And as Gloria's lips enveloped the tip and bobbed up and down the demonic cock Eleanor placed soft kisses along the whore's neck, stopping only to take her turn bobbing along the length of Corlia's shaft. Eleanor would stay like that, alternating planting soft kisses on Gloria's neck and sucking Corlia off whilst groping each of their asses until either one of them changed it up or the demoness was brought to orgasm.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Gloria let out a soft coo and bent further as Eleanor worked her rounded glutes, the whore's plump backside easy to make jiggle alluringly. Her petals were already damp with arousal when she slid her fingers against them, and her inner walls were inviting and warm as the rancher added to her brief teasing, Gloria proving already fully aroused after bringing Eleanor to her first peak and moaning passionately as Eleanor stroked her inner walls. Corlia would give her own moan when Eleanor expertly drew the demon's cock down her throat, and after a few bobs the demoness would grab the rancher's head and hold it down firmly while still kissing Gloria, her face strained with pure bliss.

Corlia's hold wouldn't last long, however, and shortly after Gloria would drop to her knees to join Eleanor in pleasuring the demoness while the rancher could pull back to give her a turn. Gloria's plump backside and Corlia's firmer but still pleasantly rounded one were in easy groping range, and with Gloria holding the knight's other cheek and teasing Eleanor's pussy they would both be free to enjoy sucking on the demon's long rod, much to their subject's enjoyment. Gloria looked jealous at how easily Eleanor had taken that shaft at first, but wouldn't be able to replicate it for several moments as her gag reflex kicked in. The demoness that they were sharing made no effort to change things as she groaned in pleasant approval while her two partners took turns deep throating her cock, but even with the two working their not inconsiderable skills on her the knight proved to have ample stamina to let her enjoy their competition.

"Ooohhhh, nnnn.... That's so good!" Corlia groaned while Eleanor was once more bobbing back and forth on every inch of her thick tool while Gloria lapped at what wasn't in the rancher's mouth, a change from how she had replicated Eleanor's actions in kissing the other woman's neck when it had been her turn. The demon's cock began to throb, and Eleanor realized that she would be the one to bring the demoness to orgasm just before Corlia moaned; "Don't stop.... Nnnn... I'm gonna.... Ooohh.... Gonna cum!" Another minute worth of bobbing on the demon warrior's shaft earned Eleanor a creamy explosion into her mouth, the first taste of her thick, strawberry flavored liquid making Eleanor's whole body flare with arousal and need. It would be a great temptation to drink down every drop she could get and more, but Gloria would happily share the bounteous amount of cum that Corlia surrendered for them.

Whether Eleanor offered to share Corlia's cum with Gloria or not, it was obvious that they were ready to proceed to something more intense, and Gloria quickly moved over to the bed while pulling Eleanor with her. She crawled onto the bed with her ass in the air, wiggling her hips enticingly while her pussy glistened with arousal between the round cheeks of her ass. If she didn't do so on her own shortly, Corlia would guide Eleanor to join her in the same position, moaning passionately as she surveyed the two of them while her cock rested where their plump backsides were side by side. "Mmmmm, I'm not even sure where to start," she cooed playfully as her hands drifted to both of them, Eleanor able to feel the demoness sliding two digits into her sex and twirling them playfully, and if Gloria's moan was any indication the blond whore enjoyed the same treatment. She turned to Eleanor and engaged the rancher in a hungry kiss while Corlia teased them both, her tongue dancing with Eleanor's and their moans joining.

"Mmmmm, tempting as it is to give you more attention, I think she's waited long enough~" Corlia said suddenly, and a moment later Gloria gasped and then squealed with pleasure as the demoness penetrated her. Corlia gave a soft sigh as she slowly thrust forward, filling Gloria's folds with her conjured manhood slowly so as to allow her to adjust but only pausing a moment before she started moving. Gloria's moans into Eleanor's mouth grew much louder as she was obviously ready for this, and Eleanor was given no shortage of stimulation as the demoness rapidly pumped her fingers into the rancher's flower. In only a few short minutes the pair had worked up to a rapid pace, Corlia slamming her cock hard, deep, and fast into Gloria who was practically howling with pleasure. A couple of minutes into their coupling Eleanor would feel the blond whore tense beside her, groaning rhythmically throughout her climax as Corlia gasped due to the tight clench of her folds.

The demon knight wasn't finished, however, as she pulled out of Gloria while she basked in her afterglow and moved behind Eleanor. "Your turn!" she said playfully before groaning loudly as she slid into Eleanor's incredibly tight pussy, "ooooohh fuck... So tight!" She slid to the hilt and paused, letting Eleanor adjust to her thick cock while the pleasure of being so filled and the demoness claiming her first real taste of her soul sent dizzying pleasure rushing through her, and a small throb came just before Eleanor felt a drop of warm pre smear against her cervix as the tip of Corlia's cock nudged her inner gateway. The demoness didn't need long to recover, however, as she quickly slid back and began to pound into Eleanor's flower, cooing with pleasure all the while. Every stroke hit each of Eleanor's sweet spots courtesy of the demon's size and filled her to the brim, and the speed and ferocity of the knight's thrusts had her ass jiggling and her breasts swaying.

It was all nearly too much, sending Eleanor spiraling into orgasm just as quickly as Gloria, and despite the relentless milking of her folds through her climax she didn't manage to make Corlia cum. Having been working her fingers into Gloria all the while, Corlia switched back to her and replicated her first round with the blonde whore perfectly, keeping Eleanor going with her skilled fingers before giving her a second round that was even fiercer than the first. Midway through her third turn at Gloria's pussy, however, she let out a low groan and said; "I'm gonna cum soon!" Though she had been enjoying this round of sex as much as the last, Gloria actually pulled away at that, groaning as she slid off of Corlia's pulsating rod. "Nnnn.... Mmmm... Not inside me," she gasped, and though Corlia pouted she quickly grinned and shifted back behind Eleanor. "Fair enough~"

The demon knight's cock slid between the plump cheeks of the rancher's backside a few times, smearing her pre and the mixture of love honey coating her cock, before lining up her tip with Eleanor's sex. "Maybe I can't cum in her... But what about you, hrm?" she asked as she teasingly nudged the tip of her cock against Eleanor's petals, leaving her with an opportunity to choose where the demoness would get to cum, or even to take the initiative on drawing out her seed in her location of choice.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor moaned in surprise as the first wave of peculiarly tasting semen washed over her tongue and down her throat, and cradling the head of Corlia's member between her lips she gulped down several mouthfuls of the strawberry goodness before releasing it, bathing her face in several ropes before handing Corlia's twitching member to Gloria to enjoy. She breathed in deeply, losing herself in the scent of the demoness' seed and watched the older woman have her fill of the demon seed, obviously enjoying the taste just as much as Eleanor had. She leant forward and kissed Gloria passionately once she had downed the remainder of the demoness' first load, the rancher's hands clinging onto Gloria's face as Eleanor's tongue danced wildly in her mouth, drawing it out for several long moments before the older woman lead Eleanor over to the bed.

Mimicking the prostitute Eleanor crawled onto the bed and thrust her ass in the air. She wiggled her round ass around and giggled, her legs spread, and her pussy dripping, eagerly awaiting Corlia's thick member. A shiver ran up Eleanor's spine as two fingers entered her moist womanhood, eliciting a gasp as her hips began to rock in time with Corlia's teasing, her moans becoming stifled as Gloria's lips met her own for a second time.

If it weren't for their kiss Eleanor would have pouted as their demonic lover chose Gloria as her first fuck for the night, so instead she simply let out a noise of disappointment. Though her mock annoyance didn't last long as Corlia's fingers worked in time to the thrusting of her cock buried deep inside the older woman, quickly working up to a fast, rhythmic pace, matching the powerful thrusts of her cock burying itself inside Gloria. Eleanor moaned hungrily into their kiss as Corlia's fingers twisted and teased, working her every sensitive spot, growing in intensity as the demoness finger fucked her faster and faster, until finally, her lips left Gloria's and she clung weakly to the bed sheets, her hips bucking and swaying against the motions of the digits buried between her folds.

Though despite the pleasure that coursed through her body there was certain satisfaction missing, something only Eleanor knew that a cock could give her. Fortunately it seemed Eleanor didn't have much longer to wait as Corlia, having finally brought Gloria to her first orgasm, shifted behind the curvy rancher and gripped her wide hips, readying herself. Eleanor's body tensed up completely as Corlia buried her fat cock deep inside her womanhood, a wave of pleasure coursed up her spine like a jolt of electricity as the tip came to rest against her cervix, and she gripped the blankets tightly as her inner-walls cradled Corlia's length, adjusting to the demoness' thick girth.

"Nnngh~! I-it's your cock that's s-soooo thick~!" Eleanor gasped out between sharp squeals as Corlia began to move her hips, working her thrusts to a powerful rhythm, each violent blow against the entrance of her womb sent pulses of pleasure throughout her body, and coupled with Corlia's supernatural hunger feeding off her soul Eleanor was soon in the throes of ecstasy, her tongue lolling out freely as saliva poured down over her lips to join the demoness' cum in staining her face and hair. And just like Gloria so too did Eleanor find herself nearing her first orgasm in a matter of minutes, becoming almost paralytic from pleasure as the first waves of her climax washed over her. And as Corlia moved back to the older woman, going for a second round with the prostitute, Eleanor led there, almost catatonic, moaning meekly as her domineering lover expertly fingered her once more.

"M-me~! I-I'll take it~ I'll take it a-all~!" Eleanor cried out, her hips grinding roughly against Corlia's hand, as Gloria made it clear she had no desire to receive the demoness' presumably copious load. Eleanor cooed softly, drawing her breath out, before biting her lower lip and moaned deeply as her demonic lover slid her member between Eleanor's round ass, pushing herself backwards against the thick rod to sandwitch it between her cheeks and Corlia's stomach, jerking her off for several seconds. "C-cum in me~ Please, I need it~! Wherever you want, whichever hole, j-just fill me up, okay~?" Eleanor rolled onto her back and wrapped her legs around Corlia's waist, pulling the demoness roughly against her so that her dick was sandwiched between her pussy and the knight's stomach, looked up to her and begged to be filled, a pleading tone in her voice. She smiled weakly through hair that had become matted with sweat and cum, her eyelids twitching, almost nervously, as she looked to Corlia expectantly. And as she waited, she breathed deeply, a mixture of lust and anticipation, her large breasts flattened against her chest and angled upwards slightly as her arms bent backwards with her hands holding onto the blanket near her head, rose and fell with each breath.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Ooooh, you want it... Nnnn... Inside?" Corlia purred, but before she could make good on that threat Eleanor flipped around and pulled the demoness on top of herself. The knight went down willingly, letting her hips shift back and forth in a slow grind that left the bottom of her shaft rubbing over the rancher's clit. "You want me to fill your pussy up huh?" she cooed, biting gently into Eleanor's neck and sucking on her soft flesh as she slowly slid back and lined her conjured manhood up with the prone rancher's sex. It was still a few seconds before she slid back in, however, letting Eleanor feel every inch of that long thick cock sliding in until the tip once more kissed her cervix, another thick drop of pre giving her a sample of the warm goo that was no doubt about to flood her.

Corlia began to pump down into Eleanor, starting slow at first but rapidly building up her pace until each thrust caused a wet clap and a ripple to run across the soft meat of her backside. Every thrust sent pleasure bursting through her core, and that allowed Corlia to drain directly from the depths of Eleanor's soul which only enhanced every physical sensation. She could feel the demon's cock throbbing inside of her, could feel the pressure in her belly twisting in preparation for another explosive orgasm, but just before she and Corlia were on the very edge of release the demoness stopped, hovering with the tip of her cock against the rancher's folds for a few moments before she slid back inside just in time to sooth away the sexual agony of her lost orgasm before it became too much to stand.

Her thrusts started anew, slow again but steadily building up, and Corlia crooned into her ear; "Tell me again! Ooohh... Where do you want it?" She alternated her pace, letting it slow and rise in cycles until Eleanor was begging for her cum before she was pounding the rancher hard enough to make those lewd claps once more. The knot of pleasure growing in her belly tightened, and Corlia's cock throbbed against her inner walls, telling of their impending climax once more. This time, the demon knight made no effort to deny them the heights of passion, and after a few long moments of intense buildup her partner slammed down into her and groaned deeply, one almighty pulse warning Eleanor to brace herself just before the first massive spurt of hot, potent demon cum blasted directly into her womb, which for the second time in her life was taking a massive dose of the corrupting, baby making goo.

The first spurt sent Eleanor tumbling into a massive orgasm, and every burst of cream into her depths sent another intense pulse of pleasure through the rancher's body that obliterated all rational thought from her mind. Corlia seemed to cum forever too, filling her innermost chamber to the very brim before some of her seed began to leak out around her throbbing shaft. Her volume was massive, larger even than the shot that had painted her and given both herself and Gloria a tasty treat, even comparable to one of Priscila's massive loads that required Coltia to do so much extra laundry. Even after her spurts turned into a dribble and her throbs largely subsided, Eleanor's climax lasted another few seconds, and as they basked in mutual afterglow Corlia kissed her deeply on the mouth, letting their tongues squirm together as both of them gasped for breath.

Her partner's cock never went soft, but she still slowly pulled out with an audible sigh before sliding aside to lay against Eleanor's side, "that was... Wonderful~ I'll have to have you again sometime!" She gave the pale rancher's breast a squeeze before leaning down to suck on the tip of the other, getting another taste of Eleanor's milk. "But now... It's your turn, isn't it?" she cooed after a moment, and her hand slid down the rancher's body to her mound. She teased Eleanor's natural sex as it leaked her seed for a few moments before emiting a small burst of magic, causing a long, thick cock to grow slowly from Eleanor's clit, the first time she'd ever experienced such a thing.

"Ooooh, it's so big!" Corlia cooed, "you've got a big one naturally eh? This will be fun~" Gloria, in the meantime, came over and examined the newly granted tool curiously. She hesitantly reached out and touched it, her fingers brushing against the underside of Eleanor's conjured shaft and then slowly closing around it, giving it a soft stroke that sent a burst of unfamiliar pleasure running through Eleanor's body. "Do you... Feel it?" she asked, but then boldly leaned down and kissed the tip, taking it into her mouth and sucking on it while her tongue swirled across its surface, sending a much stronger pulse running down the rancher's shaft.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor whimpered softly as Corlia's hips shifted, her firm cock grinding against the rancher's overly sensitive womanhood and teasing her stiffened clit. Her whimpers quickly grew to moans though as Eleanor squirmed underneath Corlia, each vein and bump of the knight's thick member caressed her swollen clit, sending jolts of pleasure to course through her body. "Nnnngh~! Y-yes~ Fill me up~! Give me all of your cum~!" Eleanor cried out lustfully, half-lidded eyes staring dreamily up at Corlia, her arms wrapping around the demoness' back as she leant down to bite and suck on the soft flesh of her neck. And as Eleanor felt Corlia's tip press against her opening she tensed up, eagerly anticipating what was to come next.

"Nnnngh, o-oh god~!" Eleanor gasped, the words barely audible, her fingers digging into the demoness' back as Corlia entered her. As the rancher's unnaturally tight walls gripped firmly onto Corlia's shaft, the knight's swollen gland striking against the opening to her womb, sensations unlike anything she had felt that night coursed through her body. The wild rutting of Corlia alternating between Eleanor and Gloria, bringing each girl to orgasm after orgasm was fuelled by pure lust, a senseless fucking for each of them to just enjoy each other's bodies. But now as Corlia was focused solely on pleasing Eleanor; easing into the rancher, pumping slowly at first but gradually working up to a steady rhythm, Eleanor couldn't help but feel an overwhelming pleasure take over her. And as the pleasure intensified she could feel her body grow hotter and hotter, weaker and weaker, her womanhood melting around the demoness' shaft as her soul was fed upon, reminding the rancher of what she had been missing since Lani had left the farm to go on her adventures, and more importantly what she had been missing since her brief time with Aulekia.

"Oooh~ P-please, don't sto- Nnnnghhhhaaaah~!" Eleanor cried weakly, her hips grinding roughly against Corlia's tip, desperate to feel the demoness deep inside her once more. Though thankfully her pleading was interrupted midway, and as she was entered once more Eleanor moaned in satisfaction, her hips bucking in time to the knight's rhythmic thrusting. "Mmmm, don't tease me like this, Corlia~" She moaned, playfully pouting up at the demoness, as Eleanor's legs wrapped around Corlia's hips, determined to keep her lover inside of her. Though as Corlia continued to pound into the helpless woman, alternating her pace, relentlessly torturing the rancher with her erratic thrusting she quickly broke down, the pleasure growing too intense and pushed her ever closer to orgasm.

As the minutes passed Eleanor stared up at Corlia, a crazed look in her half open eyes, her body flushed red and glistening with sweat, as she quickly lost herself to the pleasures that racked her body. "Nnngh, in... inside me, okay~? Oh-okay~? I-I want you to c-cum inside me~! F-FILL MY PUSSY~ FILL MY WOMB~!" Eleanor cried out desperately in response to Corlia's teasing, her lewd demands no doubt heard by all in the house, her tongue lolling about as her will finally broke down. Eleanor's back arched as her arms once more bent backwards with her hands gripping tightly onto the blankets behind her, her large breasts bounced wildly as her hips bucked and grinded erratically against the demoness. "Nnnngh~! J-just a bit more~ I'm about to... I-I'm about to cum~!" The rancher moaned, her motions sought out to milk the throbbing cock buried deep within her folds of its no doubt soon-to-be-released cum.

And as the first wave of that thick, hot, demonic seed flooded into Eleanor's oh so eager womb she was pushed over the brink, the pleasure racking the buxom woman's body and pushing her into a mind blowing orgasm the likes of which she had come to learn over the past couple of years that only a demon could send her into. Her body tensed up and her legs tightened almost painfully around Corlia's hips pulling her lover ever deeper into her, and as each wave of Corlia's baby batter flooded into the rancher's womb her hips bucked wildly and a sharp squeal to escape her lips. For the next few minutes all Eleanor could do was twitch and spasm, gasping weak moans as she felt wave after wave of Corlia's thick ropes of jizz flood into and completely fill up her innermost chamber, overflowing it and causing it to gush out around their genitals and down Eleanor's plump ass, staining her womb, and her blankets, with the knight's demonic scent.

"So... S-so... So much~ T-too... Too much~!" Eleanor finally gasped as their mutual orgasms slowly came to an end, a wide, satisfied smile stretching over her full lips as the two women fell into each other's arms, embraced and kissed, their tongues exploring the depths of their mouths. "Mmmm... I... I haven't been fucked like that in quite some time~" Eleanor bit her lower lip, moaned, and giggled coyly as a hand idly caressed Corlia's hip for a moment before moving over to stroke her ass as they separated from their kiss, and stared at the demoness as she teased Eleanor's breasts for a moment. "Hee... If... If you promise to make me feel like that again you can move in whenever you want~"

"Oh~?" Eleanor looked at the demoness quizzically for a second as she sat up and watched as Corlia's hand drifted to between her legs before remembering Corlia offering to help with one particular fantasy. "Ooooh~" A jolt of pleasure danced along her clit, tingling her nethers for a second as Corlia's demonic powers begun to work its magic on her, before a sudden burst of renewed pleasure ripped through her body. Eleanor tightly gripped the blankets as she felt a sensation unlike anything she had felt before course through her body. She arched her back and threw her head back, and cried out, intense pleasure tearing through her entire body, and as Eleanor glanced down she watched in shock as her clit swelled and grew, warping into a shape she was intimately familiar with though had never seen at this angle before.

"T-this... This is my dick..?" After what seemed like forever Eleanor's transformation came to an end and she gasped in shock, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she breathed deeply to try and catch her breath, saliva flowing down her lips and chin as freely as pre-cum flowed down the length of her newly grown shaft. She looked at it in awe and studied the thick throbbing member between her legs. It was big, the biggest she had ever seen, certainly bigger than Priscilla's at least and that was a feat in itself. "Mmmm, it is, isn't it?" She judged that it was at least fifteen inches and incredibly thick, its length covered in veins, with a set of heavy testicles hanging below, practically fist-sized and, like her member itself, rivalling Priscilla's in size.

"O-ooh, Gloria~ Nnnngh~ That... t-that feels..." Eleanor gasped and slumped backwards as an unfamiliar, but equally pleasurable tingling sensation burst along the length of her shaft and a shiver ran up her spine as the warm tip of the whore's finger traced a line along the underside. Her cock twitched in response, pulsating excitedly at the stimulation, eager for me. And as if its silent command had been answered Gloria coiled her digits around its thick length, their heats intermingling and becoming one, its firmness almost melting at the full figured prostitute's touch. Eleanor's body spasmed and she let out a breathless gasp in response to Gloria's hand enveloping her new appendage, which itself reacted to excitedly, pulsing and twitching wildly almost as if it had a mind of its own.

"Nnnngh, oh god~ Fuck... Y-yes, I can feel it~! It's... It's sooo wonderful~" Eleanor squirmed under the touch of Gloria, her hips moving on their own as she thrust her cock inside the palm of the older woman's hand, smearing pre-cum all over her length and Gloria's hand. She bucked her hips in time to the heartbeat that pounded in her ears, shaft sliding its full length in the fist clenching it, thrusting upwards until Gloria's hand gripped the base before pulled downwards, fingers cradling the swollen head of Eleanor's member, repeating those moments. The pleasure felt like an itch that had to be scratched, but the more she moved her hips, the more she scratched at that itch, the more intense it grew and the more Eleanor knew she had to do it. The rancher led back and moaned deeply, losing herself to this newly discovered pleasure, hungry to ride this itch to its conclusion. It was only when the wet warmth of Gloria's mouth met Eleanor's pre-cum stained gland did she snap out of her dream.

A staggered gasp escaped the rancher's lips as she looked down at Gloria through unfocused eyes, a sudden rush of new sensations coursing through her body, somewhat similar to the usual oral she'd experience as a woman, but at the same time wholly unfamiliar in ways she couldn't explain. Eleanor had never experienced sex on the other end of a cock before, something that would no doubt be rectified soon enough, but she assumed it had to be at least something similar to this. Each exhale of breath that caressed her sensitive gland sent a ripple of pleasure through the length of her member, and the texture and warmth of the woman's tongue felt like explosive electrical charges dancing along her length, setting her loins afire. The pleasure, as alien as it was to someone like Eleanor, was soon everything she desired, and wanting to experience more of it she placed a hand on the back of Gloria's head, trying to ease the whore down, desperate to feel more of the warm confines of Gloria's mouth.