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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 69/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find, Phasing on Lanys

"Doors are locked sometimes," Lanys replied dryly when Chloe protested at finding the lock, but then nodded. "Alright."

Her spell cast, Lanys became slightly transparent, and would let himself fall through the floor to the area beneath the trap door. After a few moments of being down there, he would call up at her; "It's really dark down here.... Turn off your spell and I'll come and get the lock!" Once she did so, she heard him climb up a ladder, a few moments of clicking and annoyed grunting, and then Chloe would be able to descend down to the dark passage with Lanys as he slid right back down.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe returned Lanys look with a not amused one of her own. Still the task was accomplished rather quikly and the duo soon found themselves in a rather dark hallway of sorts. Feeling a chill Chloe brought forth a light with magic. "Okay lets keep moving and keep your eye's sharp who knows whats down here." Following the spells lead Chloe would guide them forward.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 69/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find, Phasing on Lanys, Light

Perception (Chloe) : 24
Perception (Lanys) : 44

Lanys and Chloe would follow the lead led by her spell, proceeding down the dark passageway away from the way they'd come down. The musty stone tunnels closed in, and Lanys moved ahead of Chloe and nervously drew his sword after they passed a pair of alcoves on either side of the tunnel that had intricately carved tombs depicting elven warriors in fine white marble set against the walls. They passed more such catacombs, as well as a number of other passages that her spell ignored. A few times they were made to turn, but then suddenly Lanys would turn and grab her shoulder while looking ahead, his stance nervous as he made her stop.

"Quiet... Voices!" he whispered, and then leaned against the wall. Chloe couldn't hear anything, but there was a very faint flickering light in an area that looked like a chamber coming from far up ahead.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Letting Lanys pull her back Chloe quickly dropped her light spell as well as the phasing buff on Lanys that she had forgotten earlier. Sadly her own ears couldn't pick out the voices and she didn't want to risk casting another spell just yet. Instead she strained her ears to pick up any of what was spoken.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 69/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find

Straining her ears after dismissing her spells, Chloe would hear voices speaking, and after a few moments she would recognize the language as orcish. The words were too quiet to understand even if she could speak the language, a not impossible thing given how common it was as a secondary language in Crolia, second only to elvish. Her spell continued to point her in the direction of the voices, and seemed to end in the very same area.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe sighed and spoke quietly. "Orcs... the spell is guiding us that way. I could redirect it but who knows where it will take us next." Stepping back a moment Chloe brought forth her energies to form a small spirit rat to get a better view of the situation. "Ill send this little guy to see whats up." She could have cast a spell to make her hear better but that would do little to let her know if there where more than just two orcs waiting for them.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 69/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find

Casting: Success.
Stealth (Rat) : 33
Perception (Orcs) : 23, 39, 39, 39, 32

An orc kills the rat.

Conjuring her rat, Chloe would send the tiny rodent forward, the summoned animal appearing no different from any normal rat as it scurried stealthily around the wall. Not being a druid, she was unable to perceive through the summoned creature's eyes as someone like Nina could, but it would still be able to tell her something if it returned. Unfortunately, about a minute after she had sent it off, the summoned creature suddenly vanished. There was only one way that that could happen, if the creature had been killed, and that meant she wouldn't be getting any information out of it.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Waiting for her little spy to return Chloe winced as the connection was severed. This also brought a little panic to her as she pulled on lanys to fall back aways. If the orcs looked for the rat they would suspect sorcery. Speaking silent Chloe urged Lanys to fall back to hid in one of the side passages for a moment or two.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 69/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find

Chloe's panicked reaction would not be shared by Lanys, who had no idea what had happened to her rat. They made a bit of noise as she pulled him back down the corridor, towards an intersection that had three ways they could go. A voice coming from the chamber up ahead said something in orcish loudly and clearly, and even though she didn't speak the language it was evident enough that something along the lines of "what was that noise?" had been the subject. Bootsteps starting coming toward them, and a flickering light grew nearer to the entrance of the tunnel that they were hiding in. The narrow, straight tunnel with the only other exit being over a hundred feet behind them, where the intersection formed a Y with them on the central path, and the left hand path being the way that they came from.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

As always Chloe managed to make the situation worse. Still they had some time to make it to the other tunnel if they hurried. That would of course depend on Lanys. Looking to the warrior Chloe tried to gage his reaction even though it was hard to do in the dark. Whispering she spoke to him. "Lets move to the other passage." Chloe would fall back seeing if the warrior would move with her. Her goal was the unexplored passage 100 feet down.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 69/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find

Luck: 1 on the d20! It's not Chloe's day.
Stealth: Failure.

"Yeah... Yeah, we'd better move!" Lanys whispered back, and hurriedly started back the way they'd come, taking Chloe along with him at a pace that was bit faster than she could have managed without his help. As they were running as fast as they could without making too much noise, however, Chloe's foot hit a crack in the floor of the passageway, and before she knew it was falling and hitting the stone face first.

Her nose ached immediately, though thankfully no wetness came to suggest that she'd broken it, and besides that she mostly got scrapes... And made noise. The voice in orcish shouted, and the dim, flickering light of a torch suddenly illuminated her, albeit from a distance. "Shit!" Lanys declared immediately, and then drew a saber and hurriedly moved to interpose himself between the orc now standing about forty feet away at the entrance to their tunnel. More bootsteps could be heard, no doubt more orcs, and Lanys quickly said, "go! Run! Get up and run!"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe scrambled to her feet and looked at the situation. She was not about to abandon Lanys to his death. Instead she dropped her find spell and focused her magics. "No Im not going to abbandon you here." Focusing her magics Chloe called forth force magic reenforcing Lanys's armor. After that Chloe backed up to see how the fight developed.

Casting Force armor (level 2) and empowering it at a cost of 10 ep. The target is Lanys and Chloe is improving armor. If Im calculating right it should be 40 armor bonus. (8*5 (mind/6 x spell level modified by empower) Not sure if healer would work with that if so it would be 48
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 59/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find, Empowered Force Armor on Lanys, Upkeep = 3

Lanys: Fine, +48 AV from Chloe's Force Armor

Shield and Mace Orc: Taken 19 damage.
Greatsword Orc: Fine
Shield and Sword Orc: Fine
Double Axes Orc: Fine

Casting: Success.
Chloe spends 10 EP on an Empowered Force Armor, Lanys gets 8 * 6 = +48 AV.

An orc rushes forward, running down the hall and using Charge and Shield Slam.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 4 + 10 - 5 - 48 = 0 damage.
Resistance: Lanys wins, and remains on his feet.

Lanys tries to STAB the orc.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 + 15 + 2 - 5 = 19 damage.

"I was going to run too!" Lanys barked, panic edging into his voice, but too late. The orc shouted again, and charged down the corridor at breakneck speed, his booted feet stomping against the floor as he charged them down. Lanys shifted to try and dodge the attack that would no doubt come with the charge, but the orc just kept on moving. Leading with his shield, the orc crashed into Lanys and pushed him backwards. He rebounded off and careened into the wall and then into Chloe as the orc slid to a stop, his hand drawing a mace hanging at his hip, but Chloe's spell had been effective. Lanys rebounded but only pushed her back slightly, sending Chloe stumbling but not knocking either of them over. What was more, her magic blocked the attack from ever reaching his flesh and distributed the force across such a wide area that it was barely more than a hard push, leaving him blinking in surprise but unharmed.

The orc was just as surprised by this as Lanys, but the male soldier was a bit quicker to recover from his attack than the orc from his surprise. He jabbed his blade forward, sticking the orc in the shoulder before he could take a step back and get the round shield he'd smashed into Lanys' chest in the way of the man's blade. He barked something down the hall and turned his glare towards Chloe, and a call answered from behind him. Three more orcs appeared down the hall, another with a round shield but with a curved sword instead of a mace, the next wielding a battleaxe in each hand, and the last with a greatsword slung over his back. The greatsword wielder was the one who answered with a barked statement that sounded like a command, and the other two orcs started forward at a run while he moved at a much slower rate. The narrow corridor would make fighting side by side extremely difficult, but they were still outnumbered enough that things still weren't looking good. It would be hard to run now, however, so if she wanted to contribute more to the battle she'd better do it quickly.
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Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe stumbled back her balance momentarily disrupted by Lanys. Regaining her feet Chloe managed to catch the order and dark glare the orc gave her. She didn't need to know orcish to realize what the thing had said. Mage, witch, it didn't matter the brute had caught on that Chloe was far more dangerous than her companion. Looking the situation was grim the narrow corridor hindered her from unleshing her more powerful magics as many would hit Lanys as well. Then it struck her if they had a hard time moving around each other so would the orcs. Focusing her magic Chloe looked at the next orc approaching. Bringing her hands up slowly her hands aglow with brillent magic. Closing her hands so that the light shown threw the gaps Chloe brought them down sharply causing the magic to errupt around the running orc. If all had gone well brillent chains of light would bind the orc making it that much harder for the others to reach their comrade.

Casting chains of light level 4: Chains of Light (Utility) [The character may choose a creature within line of sight of them. That creature is hit by an effect identical to the Binding Spirit Power with an effective value of X equal to 1 + Mind/6. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 50/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find, Empowered Force Armor on Lanys, Chains of Light, Upkeep = 4

Lanys: Fine, +48 AV from Chloe's Force Armor

Shield and Mace Orc: Taken 64 damage. Dying.
Greatsword Orc: Fine
Shield and Sword Orc: Fine
Double Axes Orc: Fine, Chains of Light DC 66

Chloe casts Chains of Light!
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Chloe wins. The orc with the two axes is bound!

The shield and sword orc attacks Lanys again.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage (Shield) : 3 + 4 + 10 + 4 - 53 = 0 damage.
Damage (Mace) : 1 + 1 + 17 - 53 = 0 damage.

Lanys goes for Lightning Strikes!
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 6 + 3 + 15 + 2 - 5 - 6 = 15 damage per hit. Total of 45 damage. Down he goes!

As her hands came together, chains of pure light appeared around the orc charging up front, the one with the two axes. He was stopped in his tracks, the magical chains anchoring to the walls and stretching only a tiny bit before snapping back, causing him to slam into the orc coming up behind him. The orcs were stopped in their tracks, prevented from helping their comrade as he faced off against Lanys despite the angry bark from the one in the rear.

Lanys, in the meantime, would find himself fighting one one one against the orc with a shield and a mace, his own slender blade darting back and forth. The protective spell that she had placed upon him made him practically immune to even the orc's strongest strikes, however, and so he fought without needing to reserve any effort for defense. His blade darted under his shield, and then over it, and then feinted low again only to retract and jab high again, each strike piercing the orc's guard, armor, and flesh. He fell back, bleeding form multiple wounds, and for a moment Lanys and Chloe were faced with no immediate opposition.

"Is Chandler up there somewhere?" Lanys grunted hurriedly, quickly dropping back into a readied position even though the orcs up ahead posed no real threat right this second.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked at her handy work and smiled before responding to Lanys. "Yeah!" Still they where not out of the woods yet and sooner than later all this magic would drain her reservers. The targets where in perfect grouped location but a fireball would likely cause more damage than Chloe wanted to the surrounding hallway not to mention it would likely catch her and Lanys as well. Instead Chloe brought her hand back behind her which ignited in fire. Pitching it like all ball the fire left her hand. Hopefully it would bloom into a perfect sphere of flame and make its way to her intended target negating the fact she threw like a girl.

Casting Flaming Sphere (Bolt) level 3: Target is the unbound orc behind the bound orc. Humm I should have used grease oh well.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 42/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find, Empowered Force Armor on Lanys, Chains of Light, Upkeep = 4

Lanys: Taken 20 damage, +48 AV from Chloe's Force Armor

Shield and Mace Orc: Taken 64 damage. Dying.
Greatsword Orc: Fine, Raging
Shield and Sword Orc: Taken 57 damage. Dying.
Double Axes Orc: Fine, Chains of Light DC 66

Chloe casts Flaming Sphere!
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 + 8 + 2 = 17, 17 * 3 = 51, 51 - 15 = 36 damage.

The shield and sword orc uses Charge and Shield Slam.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 0, don't need to roll it
Resistance: Lanys wins again!

Lanys goes for Lightning Strikes!
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 + 15 + 2 - 10 - 6 = 2 damage per hit. Total of 21 damage.

The greatsword orc uses Rage, Charge, and Supreme Might 20.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 5 + 32 + 20 + 4 + 10 - 5 - 48 = 20 damage.

Lanys would nod and adopt a ready stance, preparing to face the last two orcs as they disentangled themselves from their fallen, chained comrade. One hopped over and immediately started into a charge, Chloe's blast of flame striking him in the shield and burning right through the wood to splash against his chest. Flesh sizzled and the orc howled in pain despite her weak throw, but that didn't stop him, and he managed to crash into Lanys just like the last one had. It turned out exactly as it had before, however, and with another three thrusts the second orc with a shield fell into a heap on the ground, dying. The last one, the one with the sword, let out a low roar and charged in right after, leaping over his three fallen comrades while the one in chains struggled helplessly in the grasp of Chloe's spell. His last leap included a two handed jab with his blade, and though he tried to get out of the way and bat it aside with his saber Lanys was unable to fully avoid that attack.

Lanys let out a grunt of pain as he was pushed back, Chloe's spell ensuring that the blade didn't impale him fully even though it managed to sink an inch or so into his gut. He managed to pull back, but that put him right next to Chloe, and the orc was advancing with red eyes, giving no efforts for defense and instead surging forward, intent on stabbing again, the only attack available given the cramped quarters of the tunnel.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Lanys!" Chloe watched as the blood dampened blade pulled away. The sheer force of the blow had blasted threw her protective magics and wounded the man. Still it seemed Lanys was still in the fight but if he took another blow like that it would be all over for him, nor could she burn her magics in a slow game of attrition. "Bastard!" gritting her teeth Chloe brought forth her energies again. White energy engulfed her hand but unlike her normal magic this spell was tainted with black swirls. Bringing forth her hand Chloe wille the magic to strike the orc down.

Casting an Empowered Body's Betrayal (Bolt)(Level 5 body spell) target raging orc.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 76/80, PP = 73, EP = 18/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find, Empowered Force Armor on Lanys, Chains of Light, Upkeep = 4

Lanys: Taken 20 damage, +48 AV from Chloe's Force Armor

Shield and Mace Orc: Taken 64 damage. Dying.
Greatsword Orc: Fine, Raging
Shield and Sword Orc: Taken 57 damage. Dying.
Double Axes Orc: Fine, Chains of Light DC 66

Chloe casts Body's Betrayal, Empowered. 8 + 8 = 16 EP, exactly her ceiling, meaning she breaks it by 4 after her upkeep for a total EP spent equal to 24 EP and 4 HP.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 2 = 17, 17 * 8 = 136, 136 - 32 = 102 damage.

Victory! Chloe gains 4 experience.

The energy, gathered in Chloe's hand, was too much to let go of all at once while she was maintaining her other magics as well. Pain exploded through her head, but she held her concentration and released the blast, a complex pattern of energy meant to manipulate the body to contort itself and empowered far beyond its normal limits. The released spell reached into the orc's flesh, hitting him the chest and spreading out, and all across his body the vital systems of his life began to rupture and fail. Blood vessels exploded beneath his skin, bones snapped, joints failed, and organs burst. His rage could not protect him from that, and the look of fury on his face turned to confusion, and then to agony, and then to nothing as he fell backwards into a pool of his own spreading blood.

That left one orc dead, two bleeding to death, and one writhing pointlessly against her magical chains. Lanys, putting a hand to the cut on his chest, looked back at Chloe in bewilderment and said, "remind me never to piss you off!"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe winced as she held her head. "Lanys finish the last one off I can't hold him." Letting the chians of light spell drop she maintained the armor on Lanys. Once again she had over extended herself and it had cost her dearly in energy. Still the foe was dead and the last one should be easy prey for her friend. Using her weakest healing Chloe sealed the wound on his chest before letting him head off to fight the orc.

Casting Healing Touch, Least (level 1) on Lanys and dropping chains of light on the orc.