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Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

After scraping the mud from her boots, Lexwyn regains her bearings of the ancient mansion she had glimpsed. Being a bit more careful this time she quickly finds a well traveled path through the moor leading right to the crumbling building.

The building certainly looked abandoned from without lending credence to her theory that this was some prank. Still it wouldn't hurt to explore a bit and she strode to the front door and knocked. She was somewhat surprised by the answer however. The creature that answered looked human though there was a distinct lack of life in his eyes. Nor did it say anything as it opened the door and stood aside only to stare at her with it's dead eyes.

The inside of the mansion looked almost the complete opposite of the outside. Lush furniture, rich carpets and tapestries filled the hallway lessening the likely hood of a prank.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn had regained most of her composure by the time she made it to the front door, taking a moment to kick more grime off herself on the front porch. The attendant was... unnerving to say the least. She was mentally prepared from encountering strange things during her time in undeath, but there was still an effect similar to a country girl gawking like a yokel as she entered. This was clearly the right place, which reassured her, but even with the lavish interior, things still seemed a bit... quiet.

She opened her mouth to call out if anyone was around, but it occurred to her that she hadn't actually done anything that would warrant a response from the dead-eyed man, even if a response was customary. She turned to him and tried to fight back her discomfort. "Hello. Would you so kindly lead me to where the court holds audience?" Lexwyn waited expectantly. Hopefully the man would prove to at least be capable of following simple commands and not just some useless empty shell.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The hallway was indeed quiet as was the rest of the household. The numerous tapestries and thick carpet seemed to absorb her footfalls as she stepped into the room lending to the stillness. The effect was entirely unnerving as Lexwyn stood pondering her next move.

Turning to the dead-eyed man and speaking she is further disheartened to see that he doesn't even respond to her presence other than to close the door behind her. It simply stands and keeps staring at her when she suddenly hears a voice from further down the hallway, as a large rather intelligent looking Saxon steps forward to reveal himself. "They won't answer you I'm afraid. Apparently not all of the dead have the ability to converse. It's little more than an empty shell controlled by our good chamberlain's magics."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Hmmm, I wondered as much." Lexwyn turned to face the new reveal. "A shame, there's potential there for more..." She looked the Saxon over, hoping he would be a little more "friendly" than Jourdain had been. "I am Lexwyn, from the realms to the West. And you might be?" Her natural urge was to get straight to the point, and while if everyone was like her it would be fine, now seemed like a better time for pleasantries. Lexwyn had a good feeling about this one, at least. She gave him a small, disarming smile. Not like she had anything to hide about her intentions here, but the others seemed to look down upon being too open.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Ulrich of York, at your service." The somewhat portly Saxon said as he bowed deeply from the waist. His dress seemed a bit eccentric as he stepped forward further from the shadows after his bow. He reminded her of some magician or alchemist from the stories that her own sire liked to tell.

Suddenly the strange dead-eyed servant just fell over into a heap of oozing flesh and bones. It was as if whatever magic had held the man together had suddenly left and he had immediately begun to rot like an ancient corpse. The look of horror on Ulrich's face somehow managed to surpass the look on her own as they both stared at the odd occurrence.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn recoiled a bit. However, Ulrich's reaction was both reassuring and a sign that greater problems were afoot, though. Apparently this wasn't normal, or so she gathered. "Ummm.... I take it they are not supposed to be that much of a waste?" Lexwyn dared to inch a bit closer and look for residue, not like she had enough knowledge to figure out what happened. When in a group her courage tended to be higher, and for right now the thought of having at least one person to warn her if things were really bad was good enough. She had two likely theories in mind, in fact, based on how the night had already gone. Someone could have melted the zombie-man to make a grand, pompus introduction. After Jourdain that wouldn't have surprised Lexwyn. The other possibility was that the controller had just been killed, which would be perfectly in line with Lexwyn's luck...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn stepped forward to examine the corpse, she guessed, as it lay rotting in pieces on the floor of the mansion. Ulrich stared for a few seconds before darting forward and grabbing Lexwyn by the shoulders to get her attention. His foppish hat wobbled curiously as a strange look passed across his bearded face and he hoarsely whispered as he glanced about the room.

"The signs have spoken in the dead man's bones. The Norman tyranny will not last, it will be overtaken by anarchy. They fear us for this reason and will do anything to stop us. Come to this address if you wish to know more but tell no one...no one."

The impassioned plea of this strange Cainite leaves Lexwyn speechless as he thrusts a piece of parchment into her hand before immediately running for the door and leaving with one last look of nervousness at the bones on the floor.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn jerked back, startled, when Ulrich grabbed her. A somewhat violent reaction to be sure, though a lot less violent than if air still flowed through her body like a mortal's. Not to say she would have screamed in surprise if she were still human, uncovering her hidden tension, but Lexwyn's self-control these days was at the very least much greater than it used to be. Before she could fully digest his excited reaction, or even begin to fathom a reply, Ulrich was gone, leaving Lexwyn to alone with a slight scowl on her face. Oddly her new dominant emotion was annoyance. A little bit of caution was warranted, no doubt, but how was it even possible for someone of their condition to be this... flighty....

Only after stepping back again did it really hit Lexwyn just what Ulrich had been babbling about. She read the address on the parchment, but was highly suspicious. What were the odds that someone else would get that excited about the prospect of the Norman downfall. Probably not very high, as she fully admitted her goal was quite different from the majority of her kind, who had their own politics to worry about. This could not go uninvestigated, though... Ulrich was by far the most... interesting Cainite she'd yet met... not like Lexwyn was even in to the double digits yet. First there was still the task at hand though...

"Ummm.... hello.... is anyone else here? I believe there is something wrong with your doorman..." Just wandering around seemed wrong, so Lexwyn called out again. She did venture a bit towards where Ulrich had appeared from, but didn't want to blunder into some place she shouldn't be unless she really had to go exploring by herself. That would be a horrible first impression...

He's a freaking Malk isn't he? Also, though I didn't use the term, I had a sudden realization where the term 'big wig' came from... the massive wigs important people wore during later time periods. Probably an anachronism if I decided to use it x.x
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Another voice answered her as she called out in the foyer of the mansion. The sound drew her eyes to the stairwell where the man currently descended. An older Cainite refined yet unmistakably dead, his pale parchment like skin stretched thin over his bony face.

"Ah more visitors to my court. At an inopportune time as well, I thought that corpse would last at least another day before collapsing. He was never that dependable in life, though.

I am Lord Rodger De Camden, Lord Mithras' chamberlain and temporary seneschal and who might you be milady."

Well you knew there had to be at least one around. That does make sense now that you mention it and yes it would be something of an anachronism. Not that I would complain since I've probably used them myself without thinking. Turns out I'm not a medieval scholar.
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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Ah, pleased to meet you. I am Lexwyn, traveling from the West." Lexwyn gave a small curtsy. It would have to do, she did not know exactly what the proper form was in England. "I suppose your doorman's sudden demise is no cause for alarm then?" Her nerves were sufficiently calmed either way. Once the anticipation was gone, the chamberlain was not so intimidating as she had feared he may be.

Heh, well I didn't think much of it either, just that I had to remind myself I wasn't meeting George Washington...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Other than the mess it has created, there is nothing to be alarmed about. That is no concern of yours though." He claps his hands quickly and a few more of the staring creatures appears to retrieve the fallen corpse. Though they seem ill suited to the task of cleaning with their strange movements.

Rodger turns from the proceedings and presents the stairs to Lexwyn as he says. "Please won't you join me in the library. There I can learn of your intentions in my lord's fair city and dispense with the other pleasantries."

Yeah good idea there. Though being a vampire might explain why Washington was so goofy looking.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Yes, thank you." Lexwyn proceeds to the stairs as Rodger indicates, mind racing for her prepared story that would not arouse suspicion. She glanced back at the clean up once or twice. She was no longer worried, but some of the other clans had strange powers indeed! Especially compared to her own somewhat mild powers of persuasion. Lexwyn made a note that she was going to have to look into just what her fellows were capable of... hopefully without ever being on the receiving end of some of the nastier effects.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The strange corpse servants eventually get the remains off the floor as Roger leads the way up the stairs. His appearance isn't exactly ghastly as some of the kindred her sire had mentioned but he would certainly have difficulty in passing amongst normal mortals. Still his manner was that of most noblemen she had known if a bit more studious than most. He lead the way into a massive library which seemed as though it must cover most of the second floor of the mansion and after inviting her to sit at a dusty desk he sat opposite her.

"It has been a rather busy week I must say. Perhaps the seneschal knew we would be having several younger Cainites enter into Lord Mithras domain and decided to leave me to deal with them." Roger says lightly as though trying to relax the mood of the dusty library. "Pray tell Lexwyn from the west what brings you to my lord's court?"
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn slid smoothly into the chair. Now that she thought about it, the state of things around here might work to her advantage. If everyone was so busy with their entanglements, perhaps they'd be too busy to try and entangle her in their webs. She wasn't so naive as to expect this to be easier than she thought, but it would be nice, if the universe felt so favorable.

"Nothing so interesting as what you are already dealing with, I imagine." Now that the jitters of inserting herself into the court had passed, Lexwyn tried to adopt a bit more charm. She'd taken Morgaina's advice that first night to heart, even if she'd always known to some extent that one could catch more flies with honey than vinegar. "I was actually hoping to find one of my clanmates named Donegal here, primarily. Everything else can really be lumped together under 'general maintenance of the realm', as it might be put in a former life."

Might have mentioned this before, but I once again thought of that nickname for Louis XII or XIII (don't remember which). "The Universal Spider", because of weaving webs of intrigue. It's a pretty badass title and should be used for something :p
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The chair creaks as Lexwyn sits sending up a small cloud of dust. The same dust that seems to coat every book and surface in the library. Despite the dust Lexwyn senses an underlying order to the room as though one book out of order would be noticed by it's owner.

Roger smiles deeper though there is little change in his face as it seems to be stuck in it's disconcerting condition. He remains perfectly still and rigid in his chair as he responds cautiously. "Ah, I believe the Brujah primogen is still in the main hall dueling as he puts it. I take it by your second statement that you will be spending some time in my lord's domain and would seek acknowledgment. Mind you there is no problem with such a request, I just feel I should tell you you may have to request once more after the good seneschal has been found."

Nope, never heard that nickname at all whichever of the two it is. You're right though that nickname almost screams vampire.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn let her cordial smile drop ever so slightly. "Yes. I will probably be here for some time. I cannot say for sure just how long. As I'm sure you're aware, we all hope for these sorts of things to pass quickly and painlessly, but it is rarely the case..." She looked around more carefully. Roger's posture was a bit unnerving, though not exactly troublesome. Now that she relaxed she noticed this place was a lot more dusty than she would have preferred, too, but Morgaina had told her how some people's tastes changed a bit for the worse after being turned. Well, not in those words exactly, but it was for the worse in Lexwyn's opinion. It just made most of the squabbles to be found here seem all the more petty.

"I'm sure I will have ample time to introduce myself a second time, though. I fear I must ask, but is there cause for concern to the general well being, or is this just a small matter within the court? I'm not terribly well versed in court politics, but for something everyone speaks of as being such a problem, many of you do not seem overly concerned." Lexwyn let Roger think whatever he wanted of the somewhat blunt question. He could take it several ways, and she deliberately kept up her act to see how he'd react.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Roger's demeanor doesn't seem to change at all as he speaks and listens to Lexwyn. His voice comes out as dry and dusty as the books and his library no matter how much he might smile as he answers. He comes across as a boring teacher or advisor at court, wise but incredibly monotonous.

"The seneschal is a rather important persona in any court so his sudden disappearance tends to be problematic in many ways as I'm sure you could imagine. In Lord Mithras' court especially as he is in many ways the acting prince while our master lies in torpor. I'm sure there are many who wish he is never found and would like to insure he remains disappeared. I myself would prefer him to be found though I won't be overly disappointed if he isn't. Filling the role of chamberlain and sensechal is rather time consuming even for one such as myself.

I take it you have met others of our domain already, then. I hope they have been as welcoming as I have, aside from the doorman that is. I hope you will consider me a friend or at least a source of information should the need arise. Is there anything else I might tell you of our court, or it's denizens?"
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Hmmm, grim indeed then." Lexwyn's brooding tone was genuine. Trouble had a way of spreading, after all, especially if this court seemed on the verge of civil war. It was true she could profit from the situation, if need be, but that seemed an action more fitting for a Ventrue, at least when the conflict did not directly affect her.

"Well, I will do my best not to add to your workload. In times like these an overworked mind is no good. It was a pleasure to meet you, and if you do need my assistance for some reason, I am at your service." It was the polite, expected thing to do, though her tone changed back to reflect the former, even if her motivations for doing so were entirely the latter in this case. "I assume I can find more of the court at the main hall, then, along with Donegal? I would not be intruding on anything too important if I paid them a visit now would I?"
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Excellent. I'm sure we may find a use for one another some night in the future. We are both descended from clans who enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and it's applications after all. Granted you prefer to apply your knowledge to those still living but one may always find common ground with other scholars." Roger says trying to keep things at the same level of formality as his guest with his grim mask of a face.

"There are always a few of our kind in the main hall, my home despite it's outer appearance is one of the few places where we can gather and discuss kindred affairs. Please make yourself at home, Lexwyn of clan Brujah. The main hall is located directly north of the entrance corridor, you can't miss it."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Thank you again, then." Lexwyn gave a polite nod and rose slowly. She had a few more questions, but they were of the sort that there would be no harm in asking Donegal first. She belatedly realized that way of thinking might get her more twisted up in whatever plots were going on, but hopefully her fellow Brujah had a suitable sense of morals, like she herself had.

With that out of the way, Lexwyn headed for the great hall, though making note of anything interesting on the way. She hoped there were not too many people about right now, as too many introductions would be tiresome, but from the sounds of things the main event was well over tonight.
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