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Demon's Tale reboot

Re: Demon's Tale reboot

So two votes B, two votes C, and two votes Wrath.

Hurr... ¯\(°_o)/¯

Voting continues
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

*giggles* Tie breaker! I'm all giddy.

Re: Demon's Tale reboot

I love making tie breakers more annoying... I pick A!
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

((Except that there are three votes for B... which kinda means there is no tiebreaker))

Saphaellus may have an upset individual on her arm, but that wasn't about to ruin the mood for her. With a casual brush, she stepped past him and sure enough, the crowd around her did the rest. Out of sight, out of mind, she'd deal with him later. Of course, she had a barrage of questions to deal with.

"Lady Ruby, what brings you to grace us with your presence?"
"Contessa, I love your outfit, where did you get it?"
"What is Lord Scarlet like? I've heard he is a kind and generous lord"
"How long will you be staying at the party? Did you want to dance later?"
"Lady Ruby, please grant me your dark blessing"

For a while, it was all she could do just to keep up, giving non-committal answers to just about everything. Eventually, her attention was grabbed by the sound of a feminine squeak behind her. Turning, she saw that while she herself were bombarded with questions and requests, her newly acquired slaves were receiving a different attention. The girl, whom had given off said squeaked, had a man behind her, who had reached around and grabbed her bare breasts, squeezing them firmly even as he held her in place. Another man was kissing her stomach softly, although he was definitely moving in a downward direction. The girl herself was blushing and struggling slightly in the her captor's grip, although she was hardly putting everything she had into trying to escape. Her eyes met Saph's questioningly, and she bit her lower lip gently as she waited to see the demon's reaction to her current state.

On her other side, her male slave was being far more complacent. He shared a deep, passion-filled kiss with a noblewoman, the pair of them almost dueling with their mouths. Another female guest had knelt down before him and with a naughty grin on her face, she had taken his firm length in her grip and was lightly stroking it as she watched the pair of them. Unlike the girl, if she wanted to order about her male slave she would have to attract his attention first.

A) Tell the girl to enjoy herself, leave them to their fate and continue socializing
B) Quietly scold the boy and try to halt things before they progress further
C) Ignore the pair of them entirely, attempt to subtly drop the code phrase.

Envy) Get those people away from her playthings.
Lust) Escalate the situation
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Lust, obv. :3
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

We are the worst spy hunter ever.... Well fuck the fucking and let's get are mission on the way "C"
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

C. (with a nod of encouragement to the female slave to take a cue from her male counterpart.)

Let the slaves be what they were meant to be - distractions. We will have plenty of mortals to lust with at our leisure, now that we have a crowd, a little subtlety and smart dropping of the code phrase while making pleasantries with the demonic gentry is the way to progress.

Honestly people, we're a hottie demoness, we WILL get more lust options later on. It'll be more rewarding if we've earned it with competency.
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

With the barest wave over her shoulder, Saphaellus stepped forwards, away from her two acquired pets. She continues to hear a few soft squeaks from the girl for a moment, but soon the crowd absorbed such noises. To say she wasn't tempted by the situation behind her would be a lie, her body had certainly reacted to it and her instincts flared with lust, but she had more important things to do than indulge.

The people around her clambered for her attention. "Lady Ruby, could I beg your assistance with my altar to our dark lord? Its power is beginning to fade and I'd love your aid in re-consecrating it-" "Lady Ruby, I represent a coven of witches and should you grace us with your power and blessing, we'd be happy to serve you-" "Contessa, I am worried for my son, he seems disinterested in our values. Could I beg your assistance in bringing him around?"

The common theme was obvious; everyone wanted something. She sighed internally, and responded with a series of non-committal answers as she made her way through the crowd. It was surprisingly difficult to swap the topic of conversation to the weather, all things considered, until a boom of thunder roared overhead, causing a slight lull in the conversation. If that wasn't a sign, what was?

"I've heard the spring storms are bad, this time of year," she said plainly, getting a variety of knowing nods. Internally, she wondered how a spring storm could be bad at any other time of year. Presumably the person who came up with this code phrase was partially asleep at the time. "Oh, if you think that was loud, Lady Ruby, you should see the storms of Zadachs Cove, they're quite the spectacle," came a male voice, and turning slightly, she caught a familiar looking man, the one who had grabbed her earlier. He hid it well, but she could tell he was still quite frustrated with her.

a) Pretend to recognise him and use that as an excuse to leave the crowd
b) Invite him to join you
c) Depart from the group to "freshen up"
d) Other
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

B) parting with him so soon seems a bit fishy
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

C. And take the slaves with us. We wish to freshen them up as well. Any complaints should be met with promises that if they enjoyed the appetizer, they will find the main course to their liking.

As for this contact giving us the attitude, he can go fuck himself and his stupid plan of lying low. What would he have preferred? Trenchcoats, a park bench, and some pigeons to feed? The Cold War is over buddy.
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Damn ass pinching bastard... I expect we'll be giving him a sadistic session of cloak and dagger at some point but not yet.



Also how did are slaves become well are slaves?

EDIT.... Oh well that Ass pinching bastard was really only grabbing are arm.... However he questioned the pride of a demon and thus shall still have a sadistic session of cloack and dagger later.
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Re: Demon's Tale reboot

A seems the most logical and subtle way of getting away somewhere private with each other
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

C. And take the slaves with us. We wish to freshen them up as well. Any complaints should be met with promises that if they enjoyed the appetizer, they will find the main course to their liking.

As for this contact giving us the attitude, he can go fuck himself and his stupid plan of lying low. What would he have preferred? Trenchcoats, a park bench, and some pigeons to feed? The Cold War is over buddy.

Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Hell with it. I guess i'll change my vote to C!