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Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Got around to doing another sketch
I may clean this one up and do some final adjustments, I'm slowly starting to get a little quicker, I've found that finding the pose with simple shapes has been saving me a ton of time and improving some of the problems I've been having with getting proportions and placement correct.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

I was making the first few sex sprites for my game and I ended up doing some tests with a more simplified character just to see.

here's one i probably won't use for the game mainly because her arms are higher up and require environment objects but it could be a game over of sorts but I'm planing on much larger animated pixel art for that.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Gonna try and make a cleaner cg next but I went and cleaned up and colored the last one I did before
turned out oK I guess but it was and still is a little too messy, gonna try to improve that on the next one as well a try to draw better and crisper lines.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Started to make artwork for a simple game today(very simple) kinda like zelda but with erotic stuff and it's only going to use the NES color pallet and the same resolution as the NES. I got a lot done but it's mainly just for testing purposes with the health loss and game over but when the games first room is completely playable I'll post it in my game thread, I don't think it'll be too long till it gets there.

Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well it's been a little while, haven't done much artwork lately but I've been doing some tests off and on and in the last couple hours on improving my pixel art sprites and cg and I'm going to go for something simple yet unique but trying to change it up a bit, If I ever reach the point to really begin a real project I wanna be more than prepared.



Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

It's not much just something random i did.


edit more just some more random stuff



Gonna animate something next I think cuz i kinda feel like it.... no idea what though.
I anybody has any suggestions/requests I'll probably do it or look into it for free.

edit: I'll try some frame by frame cg animation with a simple sprite
I'll try to go for 4-8 frames and try to make it fluid.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well i got around to doing a bit of animation in the last hour but it's not entirely to my liking so I'll just complete it with 4 frames
all it needs is the person or thing screwing her and holding her arms/hands behind her back(yeah no hands too lazy) anyways I'll be dong a tentacle animation in pixel art next cuz request ya.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Alright I'm just about ready to start the tentacle animation somebody requested. It went from this
to this

while i was grinding in BravelyDefault for about 30 minutes(yea multitasking).

If anybody has a request of something,don't expect it the next day unless I feel really good that day and I don't get that DarkSouls urge, it'll be put in queue. I'll do one at a time when I get in the random drawing mood and first come is first served.

Also pm or post here for them as well, the grey rep one was lucky to be noticed but I don't mind if it's done there either.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Alright so I finished the first request/suggestion it was "tentacles playing with someone"
I really impressed myself on this one although I think I still could of done a little better I still think it turned out decent for the amount of time I put into it,If anyone has any opinions on it please feel free.

I don't think I'll touch the line cg sprite it has the perspective all wrong and she looks like she has half a body(don't know why i even bothered to animate it), I'll just try something else next.

edit3 29/03/14: Started to get a little more into drawing some rough sketches and cg, I still need to focus on getting my perspectives and anatomy consistent i'll try to keep it similar with the next one.

something random for a fan art competition

If anybody would like to suggest or request something I'll probably be able to do some, I'd focusing on improving my animation and I'd like to try some things I might not of thought of myself I'll do the ones that interest me most first though.


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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Tried some softer colors for a couple different styles but some of the results were pretty decent
I think I'll try some animations with a more simplified pallet and see where that takes me but I feel I'm getting very close to the results I'm aiming for.

Alright I'll get back to some more , animation requests or suggestions are still open as well


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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff


Alright so I've finished the intimate encounter with the two naked ladies I started before, I think I learned a good amount of coloring and tone techniques while doing it although I also noticed I need to spend some more time refining my lines.

I may go back and continue to improve them on this drawing but i think I'll just do a much more proper outline on the next.

I think I'll also put in a little more anime in style for my next cg just so i can do several different styles around the same quality.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well i haven't really gotten around to drawing another cg similar to the last one mainly because I'm having trouble deciding what to draw, I was going to draw a small comic with no color where this pirate knight girl was going to fight a bunch of sea monsters on her pirate ship ending in naughty results, didn't really get much time into the characters design but i did a quick random sketch of her admiring herself in a mirror

Also some more random sprites
, some of these I posted in my game thread but I'm doing a much simpler game than that now, so these are pretty much for nothing now.,

If anybody would like a pixel animation/still sprite/or cg done as a request feel free because it is free,just give a description and I'll see what i can do, feedback positive or negative is welcome also.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well, since you're offering to do free stuff, I'm gonna go ahead and ask. Don't really want to ask for a lot of work though so...
Do you think you could make a two-frame animation of somebody working with a computer? Make it small, not bigger than 96x96, anything smaller than that. I need it mostly as a filler for some thing I'm trying, so don't bother putting a lot of effort into it; a rough outline filled with white should be more than enough.
Thanks in advance.
(by the way, "working with a computer" just means I want the whateverisit interacting with one, how it doesn't matter)
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Your request brought back nostalgia a little,mainly because I did a sprite for the contra game I was making awhile ago of the protagonist masturbating at the computer before she get sucked into the internet

You can ask for more elaborate things as requests/suggestions, I just ask that you do not use anything here for profit.

Anyways here
is the not much effort 2 frame somebody/something on the computer sprite if you want it more outlined I'll just remove the fill in i used to make some parts stand out more if it's no good I'll do another won't take too long i just got around to doing it not long ago.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Thank you, that's perfect. I don't really need anything more complex because the use I plan to give to it is more of a placeholder rather than an actual asset; and if the time comes and I do manage to get far enough to actually need proper sprites... I didn't plan that far enough, since normally I don't end finishing any project and I don't know if this one will be any different.

That said, thanks again for the sprite; didn't really expect something so good with that vague of a description.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

No problem barreytor, I had fun making it,If you'd like anything else go right ahead.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

There's nothing right now I'd need sprited.
Or drawn either.
But really, if I really had to ask for something I'd want to see sprited...
I have to say this:
...catgirl named Kyrieru-chan,... She'll ..., and throw things at the puppygirl next door named Azurezero-chan because she keeps barking about the lego dollhouses she builds every five minutes.
would be a funny thing to see. What do you think? (I cut off a lot of stuff that wasn't related to the whole "catgirl trying to make puppygirl shut up by throwing stuff")
Feel free to not make it if you get any better/more important things to do, this one is just for fun more than anything.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

That sounds like I'd be pretty comedic, I'll see If I can do something with it. I'll probably do a small animation or something I can see the tension between them now .

edit :
OK so I've got to the more action area of the animation still got to figure out what she'll throw I was thinking of something like this
you'll see it for like a second then the paw grabs and the throwing happens.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well it's been awhile,I'm probably just going to start making some random character concepts for a bit, I haven't done too many lately, so to start off I did a plant woman character just now

It turned out alright I guess? I'll be doing more in a bit ,I hope to get some more animations in here soon as well and I guess I'll go back and finish the comedy animation I started since nobody else has anything they'd like.

edit: just did another
i should probably add a tail to it maybe?


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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Damn, these are really good. I'd like to see your ideas and sprites in a platformer game.
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