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Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 3: Kean

"If i were a human, what would i eat?" Kean said to herself as she looked through the forest. It was early in the morning, she had just slept by his side for the entire night, without letting him out of her sight, she held him close and rubbed her face against his.

Though he had shown trepidation towards the idea of being her slave thus far she was sure he would eventually warm up to her.

She had a bit of trouble finding food for herself since she was a carnivore, but she knew that humans could eat berries and herbs, so thats what she looked for.

She was much happier now that she had someone now, she had been so lonely for so long, though she wouldn't admit it, she just wanted someone to talk to.

Kean came upon a bush with several bright red berries and crouched down to pick them, all the while she thought about what she would do with her male friend once she got back. She had not had breakfast herself yet and would need to convince him to give it up one way or another.

As she picked the berries she daydreamed of having children, starting a pack of her own far away from anyone or anything, it would just her and her man, such a dream might actually be viable now that he was finally here.

With two large handfuls of berries she turned back toward the den and started walking, her smile turned to a frown when she realized that she was smelling another person close to the den, she suddenly dropped all of her berries and ran as fast as she could.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

B Best to try and not be a crazed monster if at all possible.

On a side note...wow I really am in love with this!
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



"Stay put" she said before leaving. you crossed your arms and sat on the log-bench she had in her den as you watched her leave. You probably could have tried to escape, but you wouldn't have gotten far, plus you were hungry...

Kean seemed nice enough, she didn't just push you down and rape you whenever she was hungry like many other monsters had....actually..... but she was kind enough to offer you breakfast, though you shuttered to think about what a wolf's ideal of breakfast was.

'So this is my new cage?' you thought to yourself as you looked around. the den was pretty basic, just a small cave Kean had found and "furnished". The log was probably the nicest thing here, and it was just a tree she had carried in here one day because it was flat and had a unusual divot with a smooth surface, you wondered whether she carved it yourself but you didn't think kean was much into woodworking.

The rest of the place looked like a wolf lived there, there were small pelts of animals she killed along the floor, there was a fire pit in the middle of the room with a single bed of fresh leaves beside it, last night you slept there with Kean who held you close, her body warmth kept you warm and it reminded you of when you slept with your mother when you were young, her feathers wrapped around you lovingly, you heart sank as Kean embraced you, holding you tightly with her soft face pressed against yours while her belly rested against your back, you we're hard during most of the night.

Kean would likely want her meal as well after you had yours, though you we're still conflicted about your position of captivity, you supposed it was only fai..

"Excuse me" a voice said from nearby. It sounded like it came from a small mouth who was shy and embarrassed.

The mouse came into the open to reveal a small lady who was covered in fine silken robes, the light from the nearby fire shined off of them and the shadows danced against her body.

You got up off of your feet and your heart jumped, though she appealed petite and looked frail, you knew to fear the innocent and cute face of any woman, regardless of how harmless she looked.

'Yes.....yes?' you asked, half curious and half terrified, for all you know she could be a hideous cum-sucking monster underneath those robes, ready to drain you dead.

"please...please...sit" she came closer, putting her arm out causing you to retreat back onto the log as deep as you could. "This is going to sound very strange but.....could i?"

Your cock was still flacid, but she was staring at it like a starving man would look at a grand and bountiful feast.

"what?....no...no i.." you were embarrassed.

The young girl sat beside you, and pushed her glasses up her nose, they were crude, one was shaped like a circle and another was a square, she had likely fashioned them together from different glasses....though this was the first time you had ever seen a monster wearing glasses.

"I can't believe i have to ask for this but....can i drink some of your semen?"

"w.....why?" you knew why, she was a monster, she was just like the rest of them, either thirst for semen was endless.

"If i don't.....i'll die"

Before you could answer again, a thin spadelike tail came out from underneath her robes and attached to your flacid cock, the orifice of the tail was able to accept your entire cock down to the base before you could even blink an eye, her strike was like that of a scorpion.

The girl put her arm around you as you twitched in response to her assault, she brought herself closer to you as she stuck her tongue out a bit and licked her lips.

The tail felt like an incredibly tight vagina, it massaged you internally like no orifice you ever felt and as you grew inside, the tail expanded to house your increased size, small strokes and massages inside of the tight orifice pleasured you as the end of the tail constantly detached and ate up the growing length from the base of your groin so that not even a single centimeter of your cock was outside of the tail.

Once you had reached a full erection, the tail started to rub and aggressively stimulate you with a precise control no orifice had ever been able to before, with no rhythm, it was clear this this tail was only interested in bringing a man quickly to ejaculation rather than prolonging the act.

A shiver of pleasure ran across your spine as you splurted into the tail, a long and constant drain sucked up all of your semen and you could see the bulges of semen the thin tail was drinking down into the body of this monster from beneath the silk robes.

With a satisfying pop sound, the tail detached from your cock and retreated to underneath the girl's robe.

You felt much weaker than before, but the girl looked alot better, like she was healthier somehow.

"Thank you" the girl said, planting a small kiss on your cheek, her hand reached down and pat your exhausted cock gently, raising her hands and gliding her fingertips gently across it as she got up.

Your cock was completely clean, her tail had not let a single drop escape, but she had drained you entirely, you would need a few hours before you could possibly ejaculate any more.

Looking back at you, she smiled and started to walk towards the entrance.

Just then like blur, Kean rushed in and tackled the robed woman, pushing her across the room of the den and smashing her down into the ground.

With a push, the robed woman pushed Kean off of her, slamming her back against a closeby wall. Keans teeth and claws were bared as she relentlessly charged once more, ramming into the robed lady and smashing her into the wall behind them.

You could only watch as the monsters fought with one another, it was difficult to tell who was stronger, the mysterious robed woman seemed to push Kean off effortlessly, and could push Kean away with even just one arm. Kean on the other hand was fierce and angry, she was relentless and no matter how many times she was struck, she came back harder.

Finally, beaten, bloody and bruised, each girl had each other by the throat, ready to kill one another, they rolled around in the dirt close by the fire, dangerously close being burnt.

There wasn't much time to react!

What do you do?

A. Tell them to stop! You don't want either of them to be hurt!

B. Pick up a piece of wood and clobber Kean.

C. Pick of a piece of wood and clobber The Robed Woman.

D. Now is your chance! Run!
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Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

A Both are sympathetic enough, and we need a harem to defend against something worse.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



You held the woman's throat are hard as you could, but you were too weak to kill her, you were tired from fighting with her, she had unbelievable strength and power, but she looked like a regular human female.

'Stop it! Both of you!' the man yelled, rushing over and getting to his knees, trying to separate you with his feeble strength.

'You can't trust her...' you said weakly, the woman was squeezing your neck and you couldn't breath.

'I'm sorry..' the robed lady said, taking her hand off of your neck. you groaned as you did the same.

'If this man had not saved you, i would have killed you' you said as you removed your hand from her neck as well.

'I didn't mean to intrude, i didn't know' the woman said, rubbing her neck as she rolled over to a seated position.

'You didn't know? did you think this man here lived alone?' You said with an annoyed look on your face.

You sat up yourself and tended to your own wounds, you were bruised and beaten, whoever this woman was, she matched your strength.

The boy sat between you. 'Are you alright?', he asked, gently placing his hand on your side gently. it sent a wave through you, you didn't expect his touch.

'Yes'. you grit your teeth as you got up, you we're in alot of pain 'I'm fine.' you walked over to a nearby wall and doubled over, placing your hands on your knees.

'What about you, are you ok?' The man said to the robed woman.

She smiled and nodded quietly 'Yes, thank you for asking'

she appeared very friendly. The woman got up and walked over to you, she didn't show any signs of being injured at all.

you turned toward her to see that she had her hand extended. 'I'm Lilly by the way' you ignored her entirely, your pride was hurt more than anything else, you thought you had beaten her up as much as she battered you.

Lilly drew her hand back and smiled again, turning back towards the man.

'I think you dropped these' the man said as he picked up the glasses from the ground, they were smashed and destroyed.

'Oh, i didn't even notice.' she blicked her eyes before offering her hand again, this time to the man 'My name is Lilly....sorry about before'. The man switched the glasses to his other hand and extended his own hand cautiously, then shook it timidly. 'My name is Harlon.'

Harlon? now that he mentioned it, you didn't know his name before, you just called him 'The man' or 'The boy'.

Lilly took the glasses from Harlon and looked them over, they were completely busted, at least you were able to break something of hers in exchange for the beating you received. Lilly put the glasses in her pocket and went over to her backpack which was still laying at the entrance to the cave.

Harlon sat back down, he was watching you as you walked along the room pressing your wounds. 'Are you going to be okay?' Harlon asked as you came to him and sat down beside him, legs crossed. 'I'm ok.....but i'm a little hungry'

Lilly came back over and sat down on the other side of harlon, smiling at you both before she opened a book and started to read it. You must have forgot the part where you invited her to stay, but you we're in no shape to get into another fight over it right now.

'Can i get you something then?' Harlon asked he still had a bit of fear in his voice, he still was afraid of you, that was good. 'You know what i want' you grinned to him before abruptly grimacing again, even grinning seemed to trigger pain. 'I'm completely empty...i guess....lilly drained me before you arrived'

Lilly......Sigh, you had already had enough of Lilly, not only had she made herself at home, she had eaten your breakfast.

'Bellium Root' Lilly said, tapping the book lightly.

'Excuse me?' Harlon said, turning towards her.

Lilly cleared her throat. 'Bellium Root is an herb which grows in forest regions, it is popular amongst monster girls because it can increase the semen production of man by five-hundred percent.'

'Im sorry, what are we talking about here?' Harlon said with a confused look on his face.

'Harlon, if you don't mind, i'd like to find this Bellium root and feed you some of it so that you can provide enough semen for both of us'

'provide semen? wait a minute here, don't i have any say in this?' Harlon said his face was becoming red, a bit from embarrassment, a bit from anger.

'Harlon, you have a gift, you can help us become stronger, we could protect you from predators...its win-win.'

'Us' you thought to yourself, she was already making herself part of your little family.

'What do you think Red? Shall we find our friend here some Bellium root?' She was clearly asking your opinion.

Harlon just sat there red faced and frustrated.

What do you do?

A. Agree to let Lilly look for the Bellium root while you rest.

B. Tell her you don't care.

C. Ask Harlon what he wants.

D. Tell her you refuse to feed him Harlon Bellium root, you don't want to share. you found him first.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

C no need to be an ass. Harlon probably saved you from a harsh beating and deserves at least a modicum of respect. Just my opinion.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

B. matches her personality.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 4: Bebe

The ache had been with her for years, but it had grown as she had.

Beatrice flapped her wings and glided through the air, surveying the land, trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack.

She had left her nest months ago, finally getting permission from her mother to go find some food for them, but there was only one piece of meat she was interested.

The boy had been her first and the only one who had truly ever satisfied her. she sat in her nest with him and took charge as he stared at her in confusion, her instincts took over as she forced herself on him until his milk came out, the boy had disappeared soon after, before she could thank him the next day with an armful of fruits she had collected.

This boy's milk had made her feel complete, her mind thought faster and she flew higher, she felt more alive than she had ever felt prior, but there was something more...she felt love as well.

Her life went on but there wasn't a day that went by that she had not thought of the boy she had grew up with, they played with each other as children, she wanted to believe they were friends.

At night she dreamt of the boy, holding him underneath her wings and shielding him from the elements, their bodies keeping each other warm against the dark world, like they needed nothing else but each other.

she always woke to find herself masturbating to the very thought of him and she knew that she wouldn't be able to live without him anymore.

The other harpies had their own men, but they we're mostly just for everyone to use, for whatever reason, Bebe didn't enjoy their milk quite as much, probably because they weren't the first.

She asked her mother why she felt this way.

"The first man you ever lay with will always be your favorite" she said as she rubbed her gently wing across Bebe's forehead.

"But mine ran away." said responded with a sad look on her face.

"And you will always feel a part of you is missing, i know that feeling as well."

Month later she had become a powerful harpy, she was stronger and faster than any of the others including her mother. Only the strongest harpies we're allowed to leave the nest and Bebe had proven herself time and time again.

finally she received permission from the queen to leave, to search for food or to start her own nest in another land. It was the proudest day of her life.

she kissed her mother goodbye and flapped her powerful wings, hovering over the community she had lived with for her entire life, turned away and began her quest to find the boy she had loved.

She flew over the mountains and through the valleys reciting his name like a prayer '....Harlon......Harlon....My Love'
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



'Harlon, what do you want?'

Harlon looked at Kean with much surprise at first, then gathered himself and answered 'I havent consented to giving either of you my semen, let alone increasing how much my body makes'.

You werent really paying attention,your brain was swimming with ecstasy. it was the first time you had consumed semen and you felt better than you ever had in your life. you licked your lips and smiled as you continued to read the pages in the book, a sappy smile plastered on your face as you simply soaked in this fantastic feeling.

'I thought you were going to come back with some food anyway'

'I was but' Kean rubbed her wounds and looked over at you 'And now shes stolen my breakfast as well.'

'Just get the plant alright?' Harlon said shaking his head. he was frustrated, he knew his opinion was marginalized and no matter what he said he was probably just going to be used by either of them next time he was able.

'Go get the plant Lilly, Kean said as she layed back and closed her eyes, continuing to rub her wounds.

'I'll be right back' You said as you got up and happily walked out of the den and into the forest.


Her body felt really warm, too far to continue to wear these robes. She didn't think it had anything to do with the weather, she walked for the entire day yesterday and might have actually felt cold.

She took off her robes and laid them over a chest-level branch. looking down, she could tell that her breasts had gotten slightly bigger and her pussy was almost dripping with moisture.

Prior to feeding from Harlon, her vision was terrible, she couldent see hardly anything without her glasses, but now it was like she had hawk's vision, and her hearing improved as well, she could hear everything from birds taking flight far away to the animals chewing on grass nearby.

She was evolving, changing into more of a succubus and more of a hunter. She had read up thoroughly about succubi since she had left her village.

The Succubi were an ancient race of demons who gathered large quantities of men and traded their semen amongst each other like fine wine, they lived in extravagant citadels led by evil queens who subjugated everyone, monstergirls included.

After the collapse, The succubi couldn't sustain their empires, many of them starved to death, their appetites could not be sated by the few males who remained.

Succubi were arguably the most powerful type of monstergirl, their abilities to control magic and manipulate the minds of their prey was legendary.

Lilly knew that this was what she was beginning, it was her 'dark gift', but one which could only be sustained as long as she had a steady supply of semen. The more powerful she became, the more semen she would require and soon, Harlon alone would not be enough.

It was difficult to think the way she had before, it was like having two voices on either shoulder telling her what to do next, her human voice told her to be fair and reasonable, to treat everyone she met with the same kindess and respect she had been treated with by the other girls back at the village for all her life, but the other voice was telling her to rape, pillage and control, she knew that this voice would become louder as she grew in power.

Lilly had no choice but to accept this challenge, otherwise the dark gift she had been granted would be little more than a death sentence.

Though it was hot, Lilly put on her robes once again, they were slightly torn in a few areas such as under the armpits from during her fight with Kean, but her body showed no signs of damage, likely because her wounds had healed instantly due to the dark gift.

'Am i prepared to walk this path?' Lilly asked herself, knowing that she would eventually become a monster, a cumthirsty savage who treated everyone like her slave. it was inevitable.

Lilly found the Bellium Root close enough to the den, it was a blue herb which had large leafs on the top, the roots itself were small but juicy, a broken root oozed blue juice down Lilly's hand as she picked it, it smelled sweet and potent.

The Bellium root was not the only thing in this world which would increase a male's semen production. In the old days the Alchemists of old genetically engineered several plants and spread them throughout the land, the Alchemist guild was a group of human female scientists who could protect themselves only by unlocking the power of semen from themselves.

No one had heard from the Alchemist's guild for decades, but Lilly would be a fool to doubt that the faction simply ceased to exist, there were plenty of human females in the world, just like she had been before her transformation, she might have been an alchemist herself had she found them.

Lilly gathered about 12 roots, and held them all in her arms, this should be enough to feed Harlon for several days and would be more than enough to feed both Kean and herself afterwards.

Kean was an obstacle, but at this early stage she wouldn't be an issue, perhaps later Lilly would be forced to get rid of her, when her appetite increased to the point where sharing Harlon would no longer be adequate.


Lilly arrived back at the den to see Harlon and Kean lying side-by-side, Kean was resting but Harlon was awake, her moved away slightly from Kean, careful not to wake her so he could greet you.

'Did you find it?' Harlon asked with a whisper.

'Yes, this is it' You broke off a small piece of the root, it's blue liquid oozed once more down the side, you placed it in Harlon's open hand.

Harlon brought it to his mouth and licked the blue liquid, after tasting it he put it all in his mouth and started chewing.

'I think i've had this before, but i can't remember where' Harlon said.

'I wouldn't be surprised, monster girls use this herb and many others to feed their men, it wouldn't make sense not to feed it to you.'

'What are you doing here Lilly, why have you come?' Harlon asked as he swallowed the rest of his root.

'I won't lie to you Harlon, i need your semen to survive, it isn't like with Kean, who can consume your cum and sate her hunger, without semen i will die.'

'...i.....i've decided to help you...both of you' he sounded embarrassed, he knew that weight of his words, he was pretty much telling her that he would willingly become their captive and allow them to feed on him.

'I'm glad you have decided that' Lilly said with a grin.

'On one condition....if i ever want to leave, i can at any time' Harlon said with a serious look.

'Alright, that sounds fair' Lilly lied and she smiled sweetly again. 'I'm going to turn the rest of these roots into a soup, you should drink it whenever you are hungry, it will last for about a week, after that i'll need to make a new batch.' Harlon nodded before going over to the log-seat and sitting on it, crossing his arms and looking bored.

Lilly put some of the water Kean had on hand into a metal pot she found in the den and placed all of the roots into it, she added a bit of spices to it as well, Lilly was impressed how many spices she had for such a savage, she point the pot next to the fire so it would boil and brushed her hands clean.

Harlon was looking especially bored now and needed to be entertained, you suppose that was your job as well now.

What do you do?

A. Get one of your books and read to Harlon

B. Play a game with Harlon.

C. Get to know each Other's anatomy better.

D. Talk about random stuff.
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Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 5: Harlon

Kean looked over at you, you must have looked looked weak as you looked into the fire, you had not eaten in days and have been abused heavily by both Kean and Lilly since. 'Harlon?' she said.

You looked up and over to her, she was still tending to her wounds, she had bruises all over which were becoming black and blue, Lilly had really done a number on her.

'come here' she said as she sat up and flung her bright red hair back, running a hand through it to straight it.

You obediently came closer, though you were hesitant, you still didn't entirely trust her, you were her captive after all. You sat next to her.

Kean came closer, she straightened her legs out and put her arms around you and quickly lifted you onto her lap effortlessly, you were surprised but made no attempt to resist, you knew it was futile.

'what are you doing?' you asked her as your heart begin to beat fast.

'It just occurred to me that i can feed you now.' Kean said as she put her hand across your back and lowered you down under you were eye to eye with her breast.

'Go on harlon, i assume you know what to do'

Indeed you did, your mother had fed you for most of your life, especially when you were young, but you grew out of it. Still, from time to time when she couldn't find anything else, she would feed you by breast.

You were hesitant still, but you were too hungry to resist as you placed your mouth over her nipple and started to suck and lick.

Kean was about the same size as you, and it was kind of awkward, she weighed more however (though she didn't look it) and was undoubtedly stronger, so she held you with one hand behind and another over your belly, which she caressed gently.

'You know i love you Harlon' she said as you sucked away, she smiled at you as you looked up at her, you could have been her babe then.

Her milk was rich and creamy, it was slightly different from your mothers, but you enjoyed it well. your head swam with excitement as your body was filled with her milk, it seemed to come out at a good pace, she had large breasts which could carry alot of milk.

Kean flipped you over to the other side, rubbing her head against your gently as she did, giggling a bit.

You eagerly attached your mouth to that nipple and went to work.

You felt her hand slide down your belly and over your genitals and to your balls, she rubbed and squeezed them gently as you fed.

'When do you feel like you will be ready?' she asked as she glided her hand to your penis now as stroked it.

It had only been a couple of hours since Lilly had drained you and you had not eaten so that would probably limit your production.

You removed the nipple from your mouth and answered. 'I don't know, we can try now i suppose' You were grateful for the meal, it would be rude to deny her, though you weren't sure how much you could offer.

You reapplied your mouth to her nipple and started to suck the sweet milk out again, meanwhile Kean started to stroke your cock below, bringing you to a fast stiffness.

Kean licked her lips now, you knew whatever you were tasting now would be dwarfed by what she would be tasting soon, Semen was highly prized by all monster girls no matter who they were.

When you were done you licked your lips and rest your head against her chest, you were full now and lethargic.

Kean smiled she she picked you off of her and laid you down on a soft pelt to her side, you spread your legs for her and let he bring her face forward so she could put her lips around your throbbing cock.

you clinched your feet as she licked and sucked on your cock, she had her hands on your sides as she did, her eyes were closed and she was savoring the act.

It took a few minute, but when you came you experienced a weak orgasm as you splurted into Kean's mouth. She drank down as much as she could, care not to let a single drop escape.

she laid down next to you afterward, smiling.

'How was it? be honest' you asked.

'It was.....sufficient' she responded, you could tell she was lying. 'Thank you Harlon' she said as she put her arms around you and rested her soft head next to yours, her long hair pressed against yours, it felt like silk.

You felt strange next to her, but you didn't know what it was, but you wanted to be closer.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls
