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RPG [ nyaatrap ] Demon Master Chris / デーモンマスタークリス RE116580 RJ116580

Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

unrpa is not installed as part of Python and you will have to download it

Your link is a different unrpa than the one previously linked. elsword does not have Python installed. See my last post. :p

But thanks anyway! Maybe the one you posted will work for me. :)

EDIT: Yep, that worked:D

Once you download and install Python(version 2.75 at python.org), download the new unrpa and replace the old. Open notepad and paste this: C:\Python27\python.exe unrpa -m -p C:\sound\ C:\sound.rpa
save to c:\ as extract.bat Doubleclick it!
Files will be saved to c:\sound :cool:
Last edited:
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

XZ compressed source tar ball (2.7.5) (sig)
Gzipped source tar ball (2.7.5) (sig)
Bzipped source tar ball (2.7.5) (sig)
Windows x86 MSI Installer (2.7.5) (sig)
Windows x86 MSI program database (2.7.5) (sig)
Windows X86-64 MSI Installer (2.7.5) [1] (sig)
Windows X86-64 program database (2.7.5) [1] (sig)
Windows help file (sig)
Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit x86-64/i386 Installer (2.7.5) for Mac OS X 10.6 and later [2] (sig). [You may need an updated Tcl/Tk install to run IDLE or use Tkinter, see note 2 for instructions.]
Mac OS X 32-bit i386/PPC Installer (2.7.5) for Mac OS X 10.3 and later [2] (sig).

which one shall i download ? :D

my Os is win7 x64 ultimate
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

sorry but it still doesnt work , i have installed python 2.7.5

my file

# UnRPA Copyright (c) X@MPP 2012
# This Tool is Granted to you AS IS, without any implied support or warranty
# The Author of this tool is not Responsible for any misuse or loss of information
# that may be caused by this tool, use at your own discretion
# This Tool is For Personal Use only, You Hear By Agree that you will not distribute,
# Nor Modify and redistribute Extracted content without Prior consent from the Owner of said content.
# If you Do not Agree to these Terms, Do not Download this Tool

# Usage: python unrpa.py /path/to/data.rpa

import os.path
from pickle import loads
from cStringIO import StringIO
import sys
import types
import time

## == Vars == ##
Path = ""
Map = { }

def UnRPA(_Path,_Dest):
Map[_Path.lower()] = _Path
fn = transfn(_Path)
fn = transfn(_Path)
fi = file(fn, "rb")
line = fi.readline()
if line.startswith("RPA-3.0"):
print "[*] File Archive is a RenPy 3.0 RPA"
print "[*] %s" % line
print "[*] Getting Offset"
Offset = int(line[8:24], 16)
print "[*] Offset: %s" % Offset
print "[*] Getting Key "
Key = int(line[25:33], 16)
print "[*] Key: %s " % Key
print "[*] Seeking Offset"
print "[*] Loading Index"
index = loads(fi.read().decode("zlib"))
print "[*] Deobfuscateing Index..."
keys_ = 0
for _key in index.keys():
if len(index[_key][0]) == 2:
index[_key] = [(Offset^Key, dlen^Key) for Offset, dlen in index[_key]]
index[_key] = [(Offset^Key, dlen^Key,Start) for Offset,dlen,Start in index[_key]]
keys_ += 1
print "[*] %s Index Keys Processed" % keys_
print "[*] Closing File"
if line.startswith("RPA-2.0"):
print "[*] File Archive is a RenPy 2.0 RPA"
print "[*] %s" % line
print "[*] Getting Offset"
Offset = int(line[8:],16)
print "[*] Offset: %s" % Offset
print "[*] Seeking Offset"
print "[*] Loading Index"
index = loads(fi.read().decode("zlib"))
print "[*] Closing File"
print "[*] Riping Files"
if not os.path.isdir(_Dest):
f = file(transfn(_Path), "rb")
t1 = time.time()
for name, data in index.iteritems():
print "[*] Extracting %s" % _Dest+"/"+name
if len(data[0]) == 2:
offset, dlen = data[0]
start = ''
offset, dlen, start = data[0]
with open(_Path, "rb") as f:
raw_file = start + f.read(dlen - len(start))
fi = open(_Dest+"/"+name, 'wb')
t2 = time.time()
print "[*] Done! This Unpacking took %0.3f milliseconds" % ((t2-t1)*1000.0)
print "[*] Failure, Aborting"
def transfn(name):
    name = Map.get(name.lower(), name)
    if isinstance(name, unicode):
        name = name.encode("utf-8")
    fn = os.path.join(name)
    if os.path.exists(fn):
        return fn
    raise Exception("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
def main():
print "[*] UnRPA Version 0.1"
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "[*] Usage: %s /path/to/data.rpa" % sys.argv[0]
Path = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.isfile(Path):
print "[*] all good, UnRPAing to same directory"
print "[*] '%s' Needs to be a file " % Path
print "[*] Usage: %s /path/to/data.rpa" % sys.argv[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • dow.jpg
    91.4 KB · Views: 1
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

sorry but it still doesnt work , i have installed python 2.7.5

my file

# UnRPA Copyright (c) X@MPP 2012
# This Tool is Granted to you AS IS, without any implied support or warranty
# The Author of this tool is not Responsible for any misuse or loss of information
# that may be caused by this tool, use at your own discretion
# This Tool is For Personal Use only, You Hear By Agree that you will not distribute,
# Nor Modify and redistribute Extracted content without Prior consent from the Owner of said content.
# If you Do not Agree to these Terms, Do not Download this Tool

# Usage: python unrpa.py /path/to/data.rpa

import os.path
from pickle import loads
from cStringIO import StringIO
import sys
import types
import time

## == Vars == ##
Path = ""
Map = { }

def UnRPA(_Path,_Dest):
Map[_Path.lower()] = _Path
fn = transfn(_Path)
fn = transfn(_Path)
fi = file(fn, "rb")
line = fi.readline()
if line.startswith("RPA-3.0"):
print "[*] File Archive is a RenPy 3.0 RPA"
print "[*] %s" % line
print "[*] Getting Offset"
Offset = int(line[8:24], 16)
print "[*] Offset: %s" % Offset
print "[*] Getting Key "
Key = int(line[25:33], 16)
print "[*] Key: %s " % Key
print "[*] Seeking Offset"
print "[*] Loading Index"
index = loads(fi.read().decode("zlib"))
print "[*] Deobfuscateing Index..."
keys_ = 0
for _key in index.keys():
if len(index[_key][0]) == 2:
index[_key] = [(Offset^Key, dlen^Key) for Offset, dlen in index[_key]]
index[_key] = [(Offset^Key, dlen^Key,Start) for Offset,dlen,Start in index[_key]]
keys_ += 1
print "[*] %s Index Keys Processed" % keys_
print "[*] Closing File"
if line.startswith("RPA-2.0"):
print "[*] File Archive is a RenPy 2.0 RPA"
print "[*] %s" % line
print "[*] Getting Offset"
Offset = int(line[8:],16)
print "[*] Offset: %s" % Offset
print "[*] Seeking Offset"
print "[*] Loading Index"
index = loads(fi.read().decode("zlib"))
print "[*] Closing File"
print "[*] Riping Files"
if not os.path.isdir(_Dest):
f = file(transfn(_Path), "rb")
t1 = time.time()
for name, data in index.iteritems():
print "[*] Extracting %s" % _Dest+"/"+name
if len(data[0]) == 2:
offset, dlen = data[0]
start = ''
offset, dlen, start = data[0]
with open(_Path, "rb") as f:
raw_file = start + f.read(dlen - len(start))
fi = open(_Dest+"/"+name, 'wb')
t2 = time.time()
print "[*] Done! This Unpacking took %0.3f milliseconds" % ((t2-t1)*1000.0)
print "[*] Failure, Aborting"
def transfn(name):
    name = Map.get(name.lower(), name)
    if isinstance(name, unicode):
        name = name.encode("utf-8")
    fn = os.path.join(name)
    if os.path.exists(fn):
        return fn
    raise Exception("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
def main():
print "[*] UnRPA Version 0.1"
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "[*] Usage: %s /path/to/data.rpa" % sys.argv[0]
Path = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.isfile(Path):
print "[*] all good, UnRPAing to same directory"
print "[*] '%s' Needs to be a file " % Path
print "[*] Usage: %s /path/to/data.rpa" % sys.argv[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":


and similar,try a google search on
"running a python script from command line"
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

i worked thanks everyone :D
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Being unable to run the game at first, I did my research, and here's the solution I came up with:
- to run the game, first, download Locale Emulator.
- then simply run the game in Locale Emulator
it worked for me :)

Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Being unable to run the game at first, I did my research, and here's the solution I came up with:
- to run the game, first, download Locale Emulator.
- then simply run the game in Locale Emulator
it worked for me :)

Looks shady.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

If people haven't heard yet, Demon Master Chris is currently being translated and is set to be released by MangaGamer... Eventually. The site unfortunately says that the release date is still pending, but hey, English :D
This one will only be for Windows though, so no Mac user can play this one, but then again, I don't know how you've been playing any of the games here if you have a Mac and don't have something like Parallels or Crossover :/

There's a release date now, October 31st.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

There's a release date now, October 31st.

Fitting, a game about a girl dressing up in revealing costumes and fighting monsters is coming out on Halloween. It's gonna be a sexy All Hallows' Eve.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

This one will only be for Windows though, so no Mac user can play this one, but then again, I don't know how you've been playing any of the games here if you have a Mac and don't have something like Parallels or Crossover :/

MangaGamer staff member Kouryuu said that the English translation should work on Mac and Linux as well.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

MangaGamer staff member Kouryuu said that the English translation should work on Mac and Linux as well.

Oh, I thought for sure I read that the translated version was only for Windows. Oh well. Yay
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Don't suppose anyone knows another site that may be selling the english version? MangaGamer.com and my bank don't see eye to eye thanks to their payment handler being located outside the USA >_< Wish they offered CCBill.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Oh, look at that, it's Halloween. I can't buy the game either, so I've been looking around for a link, but to no avail so far.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Extracts the files and run "DMC.exe" to play.
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Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Zygarde is this the English version released today?
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Yup, downloaded and it's the English version. Thanks for sharing the links, Zygarde.
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

You have no idea how much I effing love you Zygarde! My +rep got you two bars! ='D
Re: Daemon master Chris(デーモンマスタークリス)

Definately thanks so much Zygarde :D