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Roundscape: Adorevia

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Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

I found a DDL link for 0.6.2 and gave the game a try – first with a male character and then with a female one. There are quite a few bugs. One thing that is not a bug is the encounter with the tentacle monster in the tomb if you’re playing as a male. It’s a placeholder encounter that uses some texts from the female version of the event, so ignore the fact that the text does not make much sense.

List of bugs I found (most are just annoying, but several are game breakers):
1) Farm Origin: The 5 gold in the pot cannot be taken because the event has the wrong priority
2) Cassandra is missing her face file, so if try to talk to her the game crashes
3) Leaving the Magic Fabric brings you too far to the south instead of right in front of the shop
4) You can complete opbjectives before you even receive them. For example, to get dwarven ale you need to visit the pub, then go to the abandoned house on the beach. I went directly to the beach and got the ale, thus completing an objective I had not even received. It's not a bad thing, but it's a bit weird.
5) After some enemies die you can see a shadow that remains and continues to follow you
6) Cassandra says she'll give you a discount if you help her, but even after you finish her quest the prices do not change. And after the quest Meredith calls you "Player" instead of using your name
7) Sequence breaking if you're male: Go to the warlock after you have enough spider legs and get the quest to collect some spider legs. Leave the tower and then immediatelly go back in. Give him the spider legs and then kill him. When you leave the tower and try to walk away Meredith says her line about how you can't seriously be thinking about helping him and you have the choice to suggest killing the warlock - even though he is already dead
8) In the Camp's cave when talking to the Succubus, she keeps saying it's just me and her when asked if she would take the soul of one of my companions even though I have a party of 4 (both Meredith and the Tentacle creature are there too)
9) Leaving Elizabeth's house after having sex with her puts you in the middle of a building, so you end up stuck
10) In Slinsk Graveyard, if you make the related choice, you can find 250 gold in a chest, but the text says you find 550 gold
11) After watching the scene between the Succubus and the tentacle beast you are brought to the wrong spot on the map, leaving you stuck, as you can't leave the area where you are. The same when you ask the Succubus about the Tentacle beast's origin
12) If you're male and buy some Lube Anariel will have sex with you after you finish her quest even if you did not ask for it. And if you're female and have some Lube she still has sex with you (using the pictures for the male) even though as a female you can't even ask her for sex
13) In the Ruins of Ni'lvya after you defeat the medusa you can't leave due to an error in the transfer events, so you end up stuck
14) After freeing Rosie form the curse, if you agree to sleep with her you can repeat the scene and have sex with her as many times as you want (she always acts as if you haven't done it yet).
15) When talking to that staff if I accept the quest the one added to the Journal is quest #13 instead of the corect quest (#14)
16) If you persuade Ironheart to go back when you receive your 300 gold the message is displayed twice (but still get the money only once)
17) Some quests remain incomplete:
* Betrayal remains incomplete after I killed the warlock
* Why am i even doing this? (yes, spelled with a lower case "i") remains incomplete even after I brought the ring to the staff and he joined my party
18) At the end of the Thief origin there's something very wrong with the map when you leave the Healer's shop - you don't see the map, just the red spots used to mark impassable locations (said spots should be visible only in the editor)
19) Paladin class:
* If you are Male Switch 38 is turned "on" only if you have the tentacle monster in the party at the time when your class is changed to Paladin
* If you are Female Switch 38 is NOT turned "on" at all, so if you change your class from Paladin to something else you can't go back to being a Paladin
20) Major issue with Clawyn (I'm not sure if it's intentional or a bug): She is not officially recruited until after you have taken over the fortress, but she joins your party after you talk to the Elder. So if you go to the Camp and ask her to stay there she disappears and there's no way to get her in the party until you deal with the fortress
21) Bug with the Clawyn scene in the camp: If you increase Clawyn's affection by talking to her in her tent the scene starts as soon as you leave the tent and it seems like you're talking to thin air, as Clawyn's sprite is outside the visible area (apparently the scene is supposed to start when you enter the camp coming from the town)
22) In the Orc Cave, if you become Wrath, you can't enter the room you receive because the event that lets you enter has the wrong Priority
23) The event with the female soldier is currently inaccessible due to the changed maps (just sayin', in case anyone has read the patch notes on their site and was wondering). The event with the three orcs in a tent is also not available in this version

My favorite bug is the one that lets a female player have sex with Anariel. :)

Apart from the above bugs it seems like a promising game, although the main story is rather unimpressive so far. Hopefully the full story will be better. I’m curious to see what the finished game will be like, especially if they manage to reach the 75K stretch goal.

Any hints where to find the link? I've searched a fair bit with no luck.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Any hints where to find the link? I've searched a fair bit with no luck.
I honestly don't remember. But earlier today they released 0.6.3 which fixes a few of the bugs I mentioned (at least according to the patch notes they posted). So it would be best to wait for that version (or for the next one).
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

I've found it! Just google "roundscape adorevia 0.6.3". It a torrent though.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

I've found it! Just google "roundscape adorevia 0.6.3". It a torrent though.

Would it be possible to PM me a link? Google only gives me two hits when I google that - the official site and this forum page (And no, I don't have safe search or anything on)
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Does anyone know what to do after completing novos and helping the elves take down the fortress or is that all there right now?
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

I've found it! Just google "roundscape adorevia 0.6.3". It a torrent though.

If thats from some russian torrent site, my Malwarebytes picks up on virus in game.exe, id be careful downloading.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Currently that's all of the main story that's been implemented. The third part (about the information the orcs are getting) is not yet in the game. Of course, the rest of the main story is also not there yet.

@mikshe: The exe's size should be either 140 800 or 141 312. I've seen both.
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Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

I love how people here think that a version number of "0.6.3" mean the game is "half done" - If the game at it's current state is half done, then it's worse than those 10-15 Dollar RPG Maker games that pop up on DLSite DAILY.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Does anyone know what to do after completing novos and helping the elves take down the fortress or is that all there right now?

How do you even get to do the elf stuff? When I try to take the boat there I spawn off the side of the pier and have to quit the game since I can't walk anywhere.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

How do you even get to do the elf stuff? When I try to take the boat there I spawn off the side of the pier and have to quit the game since I can't walk anywhere.
That's a new bug introduced in 0.6.3 since they changed some of the maps but apparently forgot to adjust all related events.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

How do you even get to do the elf stuff? When I try to take the boat there I spawn off the side of the pier and have to quit the game since I can't walk anywhere.

I did that in 0.6.2 as the male pc. Really wished I had keep it(0.6.2). Also before you go to novos I suggest you activate one of the teleportation crystal like in oakshire or slinsk because once you go there you're trapped there between the entrance and exit point to the city. They should place some fucking debug stuff in here just to get past all of this until it's all fixed.

Can anyone post a guide to the h-scenes available so far?
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Played it and I don't like it. (Please don't negrep me Q_Q)
They use so many different artists that it's like reading a comicbook where every page is drawn by a different person.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Played it and I don't like it. (Please don't negrep me Q_Q)
They use so many different artists that it's like reading a comicbook where every page is drawn by a different person.

Yeah, the demo I had from awhile back is way better. It includes one tentacle rape scene with branching outcomes with fantastic art style.

The actual game that I just pirated? Total ass, and I can't even find that tentacle scene again, let alone anything of similar art quality. Even the stuff they show in their preview section of their webpage is way above this crap and I can't find them anywhere either.

No wonder I hear nothing but negative things about this game, its a pump and dump scam that the creators have already made thousands of dollars off of. And I pity the people that spent money on this garbage.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Where is everyone pirating this game? Can someone PM me a link? Googling it just takes me to a CD torrent.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Yeah, the demo I had from awhile back is way better. It includes one tentacle rape scene with branching outcomes with fantastic art style.

The actual game that I just pirated? Total ass, and I can't even find that tentacle scene again, let alone anything of similar art quality. Even the stuff they show in their preview section of their webpage is way above this crap and I can't find them anywhere either.

No wonder I hear nothing but negative things about this game, its a pump and dump scam that the creators have already made thousands of dollars off of. And I pity the people that spent money on this garbage.

I think the scene you're talking about is in the graveyard after you get the girl's sister bow.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

anyone know how to stop the .exe from disappearing? i try to add a exception to my norton but it wont let me cuz it always disappear
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Someone please give me a link ?
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

Played it and I don't like it. (Please don't negrep me Q_Q)
They use so many different artists that it's like reading a comicbook where every page is drawn by a different person.

This is my criticism too. It has a lot of potential, but the different artists they have doing the H content means that it ends up feeling schizophrenic in what, lets face it, is the main reason people are going to be playing it.
Re: Roundscape: Adorevia

They said they have at least 50 scenes in this so here are the ones I have found so far. Male: female soldier in oakshire forest, ruksana in her camp, ruksana on the elves island, Queen Alistia, Cassandra, Your mom(Oooooh!),In paladin quest, and Meredith(not with you though). Female:Tentacle monster, prostitution, and the paladin quest
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