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Pathfinder, anyone?

Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I know how to IRC and not much else.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I vote for Roll20. havent used it myself, but most of the higher funtions will probably be GM handled. How to roll dice, how to move your figure, and any other player-centric things would be a nice short tutorial. stuff like macros or imputting character sheets we can probably skip on, at least for now.

-moving your mini
-roll dice
-PM, either to the gm or other players.
-seperate rooms, for those party splits?

that's all i can think of off the top of my head.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Looks like there's some tedious activities involving us adding our character sheets.

Seems like maybe creating the barebones of the sheet is something the GM does, maybe.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

honestly, so long as there's a flat roll function, we shouldnt have to add the sheets in at all, though after all the work of doing so, life would be a touch easier. that's something we can do as busywork once we get it all rolling, easily.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

It all comes down to how much work/time dem GMs would want to put into it. Making maps is already a huge pain, and I speak from personal experience. However, combat goes worlds faster after all that effort.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Well, there's on relatively major problem with Roll20 they don't mention, logging on it sucks. Literally if you play more than 4 sessions, it becomes nigh impossible to go back in logs if you miss anything as opposed to IRC. ((The solution to that is for the campaign to be copied every X number of sessions so that the log doesn't build up too much, but then that has its own issues.)) As a more minor issue, Roll20 also by default, turns on your microphone and webcam if you have one, so do be careful with that in case you don't want to show anything embarrassing to the world. But otherwise, it's fairly convenient.

And the maps are you easier than you think for the most part. You can literally blackboard/drop images, copy and paste a randomly generated dungeon map to your purposes, or if you want to put WORK into it, actually go make one in cartographer.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Because of the small chat on the side, I actually considered suggesting using IRC to chat, though that would likely only work out for me, who uses trillian to use IRC. And I'm not sure if logging dice rolls actually matters.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

IRC would be infinitely more convenient for me. >_>u
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Are the windows shiftable? I didnt try during my experiment with them, but if not, then yeah, the small sidebar wouldn't be enough, i think.

IRC... only time i've used it is mibbit from the shout, and im not too enamoured with it as an RP hangout.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I guess that leaves OpenRPG and maptools? If we want to use a virtual tabletop that is, which I kinda do cuz bias and reasons.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

OpenRPG has teh better dice and chat options, maptools has teh better map functions. both can be a pain to install, and last i checked, Open is right out for anyone running linux, if that applies.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I have a bias to OpenRPG myself, as I'm already pretty familiar with it, both as a play and a GM. I can check out maptools though. And I would rather have something with more functionality than IRC, which is pretty much just multiplayer notepad.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I'm not particularly fond of OpenRPG, but as I am not the GM in this instance would go with whatever people preferred. I believe that IronAnt said he would be using Roll20 for his game, and that leaves you to decide definitively what you want to use maiko.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Maptools is my personal favorite. The macro system takes some learning and a lot of patience though. There's a lot of neat tricks you can do with it, but even now I still only barely know the basics. The end result is combat not taking forever, which is the most important part. However, taking logs in it involves making sure to remember to extract them from your session before you close maptools down.

The difficulty of learning the macros and possibly the logging, that's the two things I can say people might have a problem with. Everything else is gravy.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

So here's the old character I mentioned. As I said, she's a bit underleveled and a couple things may be off, but I like her in this state. Any suggestions to fix would be nice and I would welcome the help in bringing her to the proper level for my campaign.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I'm in the shout currently, i can give ya a hand with that.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

-remove the two traits mentioned in your notes, we aren't using traits, far as I know. feel free to keep the flavour of course, just not the mechanics.
-add 1 to base attack bonus, and base fortitude save. raise hp by 12
-distribute 6 more skill points. max rank per skill is now 2.
-add 'flat of the blade' to cavalier abilities. ignore -4 to hit when dealing nonlethal damage, add 2 to damage when doing so.
-add 1 hit die, 1 BAB, 1 to base will save, one skill rank, and one feat (probably defensive), all to your mount
-favoured class bonus. gain two points in hp, skills, or your mount's move speed, or any combination of the above. note that the mount's move speed will not have an effect until you add to it 5 times

and i am currently out of time, someone else can take over from here. ciao for now!
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Continuing Shrike's list but not going into leveling(because that was pretty well covered, I think)
-you're missing skill focus for being a half-elf
-you're also missing the bonus teamwork feat from tactician.
-you're a melee character with 12 strength. That's uh, pretty bad.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Hi everyone, dropping by to give a small update. I'm becoming more busy than usual, however I'm still going to work in time for running again either this month or early next month. I can't tell exactly how long it'll take.

On top of this, I've decided now not to use Roll20


Because your webcam and mic are automatically on anytime you enter it and I'm getting sick of that. So maybe Maptools or something else.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Just had a quick (1-2 minute) look at Maptool and... it looks pretty nice. Will need to do some more fiddling around with it until I can say for sure, but think I might decide to use that for my game.