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P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry


With her tail moving opposite with her buttcheek movements Shaleina began to swiftly walk the path towards to the right.
Seems the forest was as dense as before here.. The surroundings just seemed spookier and spookier.

It really gave you some cold chills to move around here..
You hit another cross road of a sort, the path was now going either up or down it seems like..
Or you could say north or south to lower confusion.

At north you think you saw some movement.. But it was bit foggy for some reason. The southern path seemed to split to a large opening that was splitting largely to sides.. sides where you could not see all the way from here to tell what could be there.

Bit down the path though you saw something interesting aswell.
A some sort of a humanoid in old brown robes was sitting on a rock.. This humanoid looked quite old judging from the gray hands that took a hold on a little stick it kept leaning down to.
You couldn't see the face from the hood but whatever it is, seemed harmless, whats the hurt in approaching?

"... Oh look. Another young pretty lady in this a cursed planet.. Tsk tsk.. they fall so young.."

"Hello there old guy!"

"Yes old and sensible. Such wisdom I have it's like, wow."

"... Uhh, okay?"

"I guess you want me to tell you things about this place and all, isn't that right? You younglings always do. Well ofcourse, ofcourse. A real shame my kind are completely useless in explaining locations, isn't it? But fear not for I know a lot about what lurks in these forests, certainly a young lady like you would like knowledge about what might threaten your purity, right?"

"... You're a really strange, talkative and a confusing little man.. But I guess you're right about the questioning part.. Yeah I wouldn't mind a little info I guess?"

"Certainly, certainly! But information isn't free. Ah, if I still had it in my pants I'd certainly ask for some sort of 'favours' for this info, kehehehee. "


"But I know you might have something valuable in form of credits, no? Ooh yes you certainly, certainly don't need those here, you're so new anyway, kehehehehe. I know all about the following critters: Ground Tentacle wrappers, Tentacle beasts and Slime's. All are common here and certainly certainly will want a piece of your body if you know what I mean, knowing what to do is half of the battle. kehehehe. for 20 credits, I'll let you know about one monster, for 50 I'll let you know about all of them. kehehehe"


"Certainly, certainly you don't think I'd be able to help you any otherwise? Tough luck. This is all what I can offer you, would not like some info, no?"

1. Pay 20 credits, ask info about either: Ground tentacles, tentacle beasts or Slimes
2. Pay 50 credits, prepare for a long lecture.
3. Sounds useless. Let's skip this..
4. Other?


Movement vote:
A) Go north.
B) Go south.
C) Other?


Shaleina's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 12
Willpower 12
Strength 9
Technic 8
Psychic 1

90 / 90 HP
0/80 exp.

Status: Fine

Passive: Regenerative. Regens health every now and then
Passive: Grudge. Statuses linger on longer..
Tail Swipe: When meeleeing or otherwise close combat allows her to do a second strike with her tail for 5- 20 dmg.

Head -
Top - Adventurous top
Legs - Adventurous shorts
Boots - Rough terrain boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse. Knife. 5 - 14 slash/stab dmg.
Back - Roll of Plastic Rope
Weilding: Laser pistol (5 - 15 dmg) (20/100 ammo)

80 credits. 2 HP restore pills.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

1, ask about tentacle beasts, because those sound particularly nasty.

B. You don't know what's down there. Side of caution, and all that.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

2 because information is power

A because B to me screams ambush, at least we can somewhat see whats on path A
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry


(the vote was clear win to 2b so no power vote was used (rat attack))

"Well.. I guess information is power so, gimme all you got."

Shaleina digged up and handed 50 credits over to the old guy.

"kehehehe. Knew you would be interested on what I got to say.. Very well, sit down and listen, we'll certainly certainly have a long informative session.."


New info:

Slimes are very basic creatures. They are usualy size of a generic boulder or so, but can vary in height and weights. Some people have reported slimes going up to 6 - 8 feet in diameter. (way over 2 meters to all sides), though those are rare.
Slime colour varies a lot too, most common are blue and green though.

Slime's have low to moderate HP in avarage.
Slime's can easily melt clothing and fill you up with their own slime, causing slow down and symptons similiar to getting knocked up.

Slimes are immune to psychic and poison but are weak to plasma and electrict/shock.

Generic slimes are usualy not too strong, but beware of rarer breeds.

Ground tentacles

Ground tentacles are stealthy and fast little critters. their body is deep underground out of sight and no one really knows what their actual body looks like. The ground tentacles tend to burst out of the ground to surprise their prey! (the pretty ladies).

Ground tentacles have low to moderate HP.
They can easily attempt to strip on with fast lashing like movements. They can splash very devious liquids and their cum can cause quite turn on for the poor victims.

Ground tentacles are weak to slash weaponry, but they are hard to hit when they are on the move. Generally it is a good idea to wait for the ground tentacle to try attack you first rather than hit one that's underground, even though it is risky.

Ground tentacle isn't that strong but it has big surprise advantage in stealth.

Tentacle beasts.
Tentacle beasts are horrifying horny creatures that seem to move on four legs and have their body nearly all covered in tentacles. These things are rentless to fuck anything that is remotely female to them. They have large set of normal penis genitals underneath that isn't normally seen underneath their tentacles that they will attempt to ram to tired pinned down victims.

Tentacle beasts come in two kinds: Normal breed and a rarer dark breed. Normal are generall brown with yellowish tentacles, dark ones are all black..

Tentacle beasts have moderate to somewhat high health.
They can easily pin down and strip their targets with their legs and tentacles. They are very rentless on their sex attacks, they blast out plenty of cum, they can egg with their tentacles and use vile liquids to body modify one with their poisons.
Their main genital set is said to have such invase and strong semen it can potentially impregnant any type of females. (forces pregnancy roll with -20 to beast, against nas'cals, +20)

Tentacle beasts are quite strong so be careful.

Dark tentacle beasts tend to be slightly more powerful than normals. Dark tentacle beasts are immune to psychic.

"..And thats what you need to know about these beasts that roam these forest. Be careful out there and enjoy. kehehehehehe"

"...Well okay."

Shaleina rolled her eyes at the last remark. "enjoy?"
And with that she began moving her scaly ass forwards toward the south.
She really didn't like the outlook though, it really felt like it could be a trap..

As she walked in, she came across another opening with bit of growth here and there in the middle.. The sides seemed okay after all.
The west side has what seemed to be a broken crate that had something inside.. The otherside had a small grotto of some sort? The grotto seemed quite dark but she really didn't see any movement there.


Regardless Shaleina went for the crate to see what's inside it.

"..Oh my."

Some sort of a brown uniform. Seemed bit military like infact. It had a tight mini skirt and a jacket with some sort of symbols on it.

Shaleina put it on her purse.


And she heard rustling. From the grotto.

Shaleina carefully faced the grotto and took some distance from it with her hand on her gun.


Disturbing slurping and sniffing sounds intensified as a four legged creature, completely black and covered in tentacles walked out the grotto that was facing towards Shaleina.

"...g-glup. I-is that a dark tentacle beast?"

It really seemed to be. And it was quite ready to assault.


Combat time!

Combat is bit more different this time around with the plain ol Attack option giving few more options. Generally there are three main styles of fire with ranged weapon: Snap. Burst. and Retaliate.
Snap: General firing option, takes right from her speed order to shoot one fast shot.
Burst: Fire 3 shots in fast succession from her speed order for -20 penalty for each shot.
Retaliate: Allow the enemy go first gaining +20 to dodge and +20 accuracy on the attack. Retaliate is unable to be performed if enemy is naturally faster.

Meelee combat follows similiar idea:
Normal: No changes to rolls. Attack as if normal.
Charge: 50% more to damage and +10 to hit, but gives you -15 to dodge on opponents next strike.
Retaliate: Allow the enemy go first gaining +20 to dodge and +20 accuracy on the attack. Retaliate is unable to be performed if enemy is naturally faster.

Ofcourse though these can be skipped with Other option if you wanna get clever somehow.

This combat will be kept in a spoiler on fight situations.

--1. Ranged! (snap, burst or retaliate)
--2. Meelee! (snap, burst or retaliate)
--3. Other? (clever idea here)
B) NOPE. Let's retreat back to the old man.
C) Other?


Shaleina's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 12
Willpower 12
Strength 9
Technic 8
Psychic 1

90 / 90 HP
0/80 exp.

Status: Fine

Passive: Regenerative. Regens health every now and then
Passive: Grudge. Statuses linger on longer..
Tail Swipe: When meeleeing or otherwise close combat allows her to do a second strike with her tail for 5- 20 dmg.

Head -
Top - Adventurous top
Legs - Adventurous shorts
Boots - Rough terrain boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse. Knife. 5 - 14 slash/stab dmg.
Back - Roll of Plastic Rope
Weilding: Laser pistol (5 - 15 dmg) (20/100 ammo)

30 credits. 2 HP restore pills.
Brown Military jacket. Brown Miniskirt.


Dark tentacle beast (lvl??) 120/120 HP. Status: Fine.

Speed order
Dark tentacle beast

Combat strikes:
Ranged combat:
Snap: General firing option, takes right from her speed order to shoot one fast shot.
Burst: Fire 3 shots in fast succession from her speed order for -20 penalty for each shot.
Retaliate: Allow the enemy go first gaining +20 to dodge and +20 accuracy on attack. Retaliate is unable to be performed if enemy is naturally faster.

Meelee combat:
Normal: No changes to rolls. Attack as if normal.
Charge: 50% more to damage and +10 to hit, but gives you -15 to dodge on opponents next strike.
Retaliate: Allow the enemy go first gaining +20 to dodge and +20 accuracy on attack. Retaliate is unable to be performed if enemy is naturally faster.
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Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

As much as I would love for our lovely lizard lady to get grabbed and tentacle'd, I'm going to say:

First, switch to the knife if it can be done as a free action, if not, stick with the pistol for now. Then retaliate, either in melee or at range. This thing has more HP than us and is almost certainly stronger than us, but that plus twenty to dodge will go a long way toward keeping us unhurt.

TL;DR: A Retaliate, would prefer melee, but if not, ranged is fine. Also, if that was TL;DR, you probably shouldn't read Aulondria. Just sayin'.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

As much as I would love for our lovely lizard lady to get grabbed and tentacle'd, I'm going to say:

First, switch to the knife if it can be done as a free action, if not, stick with the pistol for now. Then retaliate, either in melee or at range. This thing has more HP than us and is almost certainly stronger than us, but that plus twenty to dodge will go a long way toward keeping us unhurt.

TL;DR: A Retaliate, would prefer melee, but if not, ranged is fine. Also, if that was TL;DR, you probably shouldn't read Aulondria. Just sayin'.

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

As much as I would love for our lovely lizard lady to get grabbed and tentacle'd, I'm going to say:

First, switch to the knife if it can be done as a free action, if not, stick with the pistol for now. Then retaliate, either in melee or at range. This thing has more HP than us and is almost certainly stronger than us, but that plus twenty to dodge will go a long way toward keeping us unhurt.

TL;DR: A Retaliate, would prefer melee, but if not, ranged is fine. Also, if that was TL;DR, you probably shouldn't read Aulondria. Just sayin'.

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

I would say that from the information given by the old man we should leave the beast alone and retreat so power vote B because we can level up and get better equipment so their medium to high hp and load of tentacles aren't so much of a problem because if it gets close it can shotgun us with them and dodging won't be possible only cutting them up will.

PS I did the power vote last time since it was possible for enough people to post before you concluded the vote since we don't know when you check the thread/make a post.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Theres been enough CYOAs lately of the virgin heroine keeping it long enough to give it vanillaly to a companion.

So on that note; A - Melee, retaliate.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

I would say that from the information given by the old man we should leave the beast alone and retreat so power vote B because we can level up and get better equipment so their medium to high hp and load of tentacles aren't so much of a problem because if it gets close it can shotgun us with them and dodging won't be possible only cutting them up will.

PS I did the power vote last time since it was possible for enough people to post before you concluded the vote since we don't know when you check the thread/make a post.

Ill go with that!
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

4 of A vs 2 B power votes..

Shaleina swallowed her nervousness and focused..
"I've gotta treat this battle carefully.."
She quickly put her gun on her belt and pulled out the knife with a little thwirly movement, all show off like as she took a good battle ready stance.

It was kinda scary how this beast was looking at her with all the tentacles swirling in the air..

Shaleina kept her knife ready and face at top seriousness.

The beast lashed it's tentacles at Shaleina right away! It's horniness was clear considering the tentacles were going straight at her chest!
Shelaina took a side step and gave a strong straight out slice from her knife to the tentacles that the beast shot at her! The tentacles were heavily damaged and one of them even got cut off!
Her tail swipe swiftly gave a good smack on them aswell, clearly making them splish out weird liquids!

The tentacle beast withdrew its tentacles.

"Hah..! I ain't going to be an easy prey."

The beast wasn't too pleased and Shaleina kept her guard stance up.
However her success got to her head a bit as the beast charged it's tentacles again!

It anticipated and predacted Shaleina's attempt of dodge and Shaleina found the tentacles wrapping around her body..! sliding around trying to get a good grip to reel her in..!

"..Oh shit oh shit oh shi..!"

The tentacles were twisting and slashing! Trying strip Shaleina on their way!
Luckily, Shaleina managed to struggle them off just in time!
As she slipped off the tentacles, she gave them another slice! One of the tentacles seemed to get cut off once again and vanished in the beasts's body as it retreated!
Shaleina's swiping tail added more insult to the injuries once more as the gruelsome damaged tentacles pumped out icky liquids once more, giving a clear bleed out.

The beast seemed to flinch a bit but now it seemed to stomp the ground a bit as it repositioned itself..
It wasn't moving forward or backwards.. Though it was seriously pumping some strength to its legs. ..It looked like it might be getting ready to do something.

Shaleina noticed that her top seemed to be have it's holders cut off and her shorts got some new holes on it.

But no time to worry about outfit getting skimpier now, this beast was getting ready to rumble again..!

A) Attack!
--1. Ranged! (snap, burst or retaliate)
--2. Meelee! (normal, charge or retaliate)
--3. Other? (clever idea here)
B) Retreat.. !
C) Other?


Shaleina's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 12
Willpower 12
Strength 9
Technic 8
Psychic 1

90 / 90 HP
0/80 exp.

Status: Fine

Passive: Regenerative. Regens health every now and then
Passive: Grudge. Statuses linger on longer..
Tail Swipe: When meeleeing or otherwise close combat allows her to do a second strike with her tail for 5- 20 dmg.

Head -
Top - Adventurous top (damaged)
Legs - Adventurous shorts (damaged)
Boots - Rough terrain boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse. Laser pistol (5 - 15 dmg) (20/100 ammo)
Back - Roll of Plastic Rope
Weilding: Knife. 5 - 14 slash/stab dmg.

30 credits. 2 HP restore pills.
Brown Military jacket. Brown Miniskirt.

Dark Beast vs Shaleina!
16 vs 40 + 20 (60)
Shaleina vs Dark beast! (Retaliate!)
79 + 20 (99) vs 97
12 * 1.5: 18 dmg!
tail swipe: 18 dmg!

Dark beast vs shaleina!
77 vs 8 + 20 (28)
Quite clothing damage!
92 vs 17
Shaleina vs dark beast! (retaliate!)
42 + 20 (62) vs 54
5 * 3 * 1.5 : 22 dmg!
tail swipe 19 dmg


Dark tentacle beast (lvl??) 41/120 HP. Status: Few tentacles missing here and there. Bit of weird icky stuff covered (bleeding?). and angry

Speed order
Dark tentacle beast

Combat strikes:
Ranged combat:
Snap: General firing option, takes right from her speed order to shoot one fast shot.
Burst: Fire 3 shots in fast succession from her speed order for -20 penalty for each shot.
Retaliate: Allow the enemy go first gaining +20 to dodge and +20 accuracy on the attack. Retaliate is unable to be performed if enemy is naturally faster.

Meelee combat:
Normal: No changes to rolls. Attack as if normal.
Charge: 50% more to damage and +10 to hit, but gives you -15 to dodge on opponents next strike.
Retaliate: Allow the enemy go first gaining +20 to dodge and +20 accuracy on the attack. Retaliate is unable to be performed if enemy is naturally faster.
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Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

A2°) Retaliate.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

--------Side story

Cwebby, the terror with the rifle. This drill haired rare speciment of a Spin'gall was such a great and succesfull raider with her group of pirates. The plunder, the loot, the booty.. She got em all. Not too many folks had the guts to face this group of pirates, Cwebby specially gave out a big cloud of fear among the law enforcers.

..However her cloud of fear affected her comrades aswell.
"Thissss bitch is sssseriously sssstealing our sssspotlight"
"Yeh. The captainssss alwaysss with the 'oh cwebby oh cwebby, sssshell handle it"
"Did you hear that the captain issss actually conssssidering HER to the next in charge?"
"No way I'm taking ordersss from that bitch"

And the whispers thus continued from the lips of the bitter mates..
oh poor Cwebby, for she had no idea what would follow.


It was a few solar days later when Cwebby was in her cabin.
She had just done maintance to her guns and finished all the other little tasks, paper work, little cleansings.. etc..
It was starting to look like it would be a good time to hit the hammock.
She stretched her arms up on her little chair.

"haaah.. hum hum hum.. "

Well it would be.. The thought entered her about the earlier day, which was quite a wild day.
She had her eggsack emptied up that day, but she still felt the need.. Just thinking about all the great ordeals was a turn on. Yes indeed, the yesterday was quite a day with the big boobied human girls they robbed and gave presents of egging to. All those screams of lust, the feelings of joy as she emptied up her love liquids and eggs to their tight pussies..


Cwebby couldn't help it. Her left hand began to move near her crotch as she lifted her uniform up a bit.. She began to gently rub her clit..

Oh yes yesterday. Making the girls submit and get crazy. That one redhead was sucha a beast waiting to be unleashed. As Cwebby had emptied her eggsack she immidiatly came to her from behind and gave such a strong grip to her chest from behind.



Cwebby began to move her right arm to her chest and lowered her uniforms top part a bit as she began to gently touch her own breasts.. gently rubbing the nipples between her fingers..


The redheads touch was amazing. Her hands were so soft, yet her grip and titty massage was firm and strong. Such combination. Her fierce attidute made Cwebby turn over and take a turn below. Her stinger popped out of the other girl as she rolled to the side from the red heads push on the side.
It's like this girl didn't even mind that they were forced on this and just robbed. She just giggled, smirked and tossed herself right in. She immidiatly went for a deep, passionate kiss, head sideways. She began to then kiss and lick, down, down, doown.. Suckling on her breasts, giving them the licks..


Cwebby's left hand penetrated her own pussy as she began to finger herself faster from these memories..


The redheads movement went even more and more down.. Kissing across Cwebby's belly, she finally made her way to her clit and started to lick and kiss.. Her hands began to move in too, and the girl repositoned herself.
She took a grip on Cwebby's abondemen, positoned her stinger between the large breasts this redhead possessed.


Cwebby's mastubation over these memories was getting more and more intense..


The redhead moved herself so that she would lick on her Cwebby's sweet ol spider pussy while thrusting Cwebby's stinger penis between her glorious mammaries..
Cwebby was quite struggling to keep her dominance at such pleasure provided..



A flash of light, a door slam. Rope..! ..Tight scarf around Cwebby's mouth..!


Cwebby found herself on the ground, roped up, muffled.

"Well well well.. Looksss like we caught you on a persssonal time did we."

a little laughter was heard.

"Hope you had a good one, bitch. That'sss gona be the lassst one you'll have on thisss ship. "

little whispering was heard.

"... Well that's a geniousssss idea there."
Little more laughter was heard.

"Conssssidering how much you ssssseemed to enjoy yoursssself there. I think you'll love where we'll be dropping you off to, sssslut. "
And the laughter was cackling again.


Everything blacked out for Cwebby.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

A2. Keep up with retaliatory strikes. That 20% increase in defense and attack is too good to pass up.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

A... 1 vs 2..
Coin Flip..
A2! Retaliate

Shaleina was very tempted to switch her stance and just shoot the damn thing.
But really, the stance this beast was making was seriously fishy.. It was looking like it might be trying to charge her.


Shaleina kept her guard up. She made her stance to be ready to dodge should this thing try another attack.. And indeed it decided to go forth!
The dark tentacle beast jumped and dashed right at Shaleina at high speed!
Good thing for Shaleina's high agility and awareness to the situation at hand, this beasts jump really didn't have a chance to get her.

Shaleina made a graceful jump over the beast and spun in the air, slicing the beasts tentacle filled backside with her knife and tail both giving a nasty row cuts, as if a circlesaw would've buzzed over it!

The beast landed on the ground with a heavy impact. An impact that certainly would've stunned Shaleina if she'd had been hit by it.
Shaleina landed on her feet from the acrobatic feat and turned over to the wounded beast.

The wounded beast let out a shrieking cry as its leg gave out on it.
The tentacles stopped wiggling and the beast just couldn't go on anymore.
It didn't have the willpower to go on and Shaleina calmly went for the finishing stab on the beasts assumed forehead, finishing it off.

Shaleina gained 25 exp!

"..Phew. Well that was easier than I thought. I was expecting this thing to actually give a fight."

Maybe our scale girl got lucky this time for avoiding the beasts grip.

Shelaina took a little breath..
She decided to look at the shape of clothing a bit.
Specially her top. It was pretty easy to slide down and up without the holders.

"Ach.. I'm like some sort of a flasher now."

Flip flop, flip flop. She raised and lowered her top a bit, trying to make sure it stays up at maximun well. Good thing no one was here to see her boobie flashing show at this.

Shaleina shrugged a bit by herself and decided to look around this opening a bit more for the paths to move by.

At south there was a cave that was blocked by a giant boulder.
"I wonder why someone would put a boulder here.."
Maybe she could be able to push it a side by trying her strength? But who knows what lies behind it.

The little grotto was also a little fishy..
Shelaina took another peak to it.
There was a little dark pathway there. Looks like some sort of a shortcut to somewhere else in the forest!
Though a very dark, tight, crawl forcing shortcut. Might be bit annoying to go through.

Ofcourse there was always the northpassage from the old guy's position that you saw some movement in.. But who knows what's over there?

A) Roll the boulder aside, check the cave! (moderate strength check)
B) Take the little tight shortcut
C) Go up up to the north!
D) Other?

x. Additional other on top?

Dark Beast vs Shaleina (Charge!)!
30 + 10(40) vs 76 + 20 (96)
Shaleina vs dark beast! (retaliate!)
60 + 20 (80) vs 54!
14 * 1.5 : 26 dmg!
Tail swipe: 7 dmg!
33 total.

Finish off?
98 vs 25
25 exp.


Shaleina's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 12
Willpower 12
Strength 9
Technic 8
Psychic 1

90 / 90 HP
25/80 exp.

Status: Fine, slight embarrasment.

Passive: Regenerative. Regens health every now and then
Passive: Grudge. Statuses linger on longer..
Tail Swipe: When meeleeing or otherwise close combat allows her to do a second strike with her tail for 5- 20 dmg.

Head -
Top - Adventurous top (damaged)
Legs - Adventurous shorts (damaged)
Boots - Rough terrain boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse. Laser pistol (5 - 15 dmg) (20/100 ammo)
Back - Roll of Plastic Rope
Weilding: Knife. 5 - 14 slash/stab dmg.

30 credits. 2 HP restore pills.
Brown Military jacket. Brown Miniskirt.