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Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"A man's spirit energy will naturally be digested when he is inside you. Most just... Stop when they've had enough. That is only a matter of self-control." The guard explained. "If you're not sexually satisfied, then just engage in foreplay. There are practical solutions to your dilemma." she said, seeming to pick up rather quickly that Clara had only recently fallen. "Pleasure is also proportional to how much energy you will drain from him. Pleasure yourself while slowly grinding him to try and equalize when you both reach satisfaction. If you just thrust wildly, you can end up hurting your partner."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"I see I see, so the more pleasure I cause my partner and myself, the more energy I get from whoever basically. I believe I understand," Clara said, with the guard probably able to sense the mental notes Clara was taking on the subject. "I suppose the best way to get better at it then is simply do it more and learn it for myself," she added before looking back to Pandora for a moment.

"Thank you, tell lady Pandora if she needs anything done, I'll do what I can to help, but for now I'm going to explore a bit more and learn my surroundings," Clara told the guard before bowing her head in thanks and heading off with Yue back to the athletic area to watch that Blood Bowl to pass the time some, since her questions had pretty much been answered. She was curious about what it was and wanted to watch a game or two, maybe even join one herself if it wasn't too gruesome like.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

It was terribly gruesome. Just the sparring match alone spoke wonders about the game itself. A team consisting of minotaurs were playing on a large green field of about a hundred yards. The goal seemed centered around a spiked ball that looked dangerous to handle, and once a round began, it seemed the side with the ball aimed to reach the opposite side of the field, which their opponents were defending. The minotaurs were punching, hurling, and slamming against one another in violent contest to overtake one another, before one minotaur passed the ball to another, and tried to make a run for it, only to be brutally slammed at the side by an aggressor, knocked to the ground and staining the green field with blood.

"You like the games?" inquired a female voice, as a dark elf with long white hair sat a good distance from Clara and Yue, who sat next to the fallen angel. "The minotaur team has been doing quite bad this year, so they're struggling to get in as much practice as possible." she explained.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Watching the practice game being played between the minotaurs on the field, Clara couldn't help but flinch each time one slammed into the other and when the spiked ball was passed, the recently fallen angel not wanting to imagine the amount of pain that was caused by it. While watching, Clara looked down the seats some when the dark elf woman asked if she liked the games, where she smiled down at gorgeous white haired elf and nodded.

"Aye, they are interesting to say the least. I had been thinking of trying it out myself, but now that I see how gruesome it is overall I'm a bit skeptical of attempting it," Clara said to the dark elven woman when she was done speaking. "I am Clara by the way, and this is Yue. May I ask your name miss? And would you perhaps like to come sit with us and explain the games here to me in greater detail? You seem very knowledgeable about them and all, and we could keep each other company while we watch and as you point out the finer aspects of the games to me," Clara went on to say, introducing herself and Yue to the dark elven woman and patting the seat on the other side of her from Yue for her to join them.

(This sport seems a lot like a more gruesome form of Rugby.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

(Quite similar)

"Plenty have died playing this sport. Tis not a fair sport, meant for fun and sportsmanship. Teams try their best to skim along the boundaries of the rules, breaking them as much as they reasonably can in order to win." The woman replied, before happily joining Clara. "Name's Maestro! Nice to meet you!" The woman said cheerfully.

"The game itself is simple enough. Both sides have the goal of taking the Blood Ball to the other team's goal, which is that last square ya see all the way at the end. They gotta rush past the other team and strike a goal. The methods they use can be anything of their choosing. Punching, goring, weaving, acrobatics, and so on. However, tools are not accepted. Minotaurs may not bring a hammer, for example. However, teams still break that rule. Why? Because they hope to cause some damage to the other team before the referee removes the offender from play. You see, the team doesn't get disqualified, so they take these risks. Some teams even manage to go entire fields without being flagged down by the referee. Why, you ask? Because the coaches for the teams go the extra length to bribe or blackmail the referee into turning a blind eye to obvious offenses. Blood Bowl is a very dirty sport, but it's what the fans want to see! Let all the dirty mamono fight together in this arena, and keep it out of our lives, eh? Blood Bowl is the first sport to ever involve multiple races of mamono participating together, and even teaming up together against the other team! Why, I once saw a team of goblins and Trolls fight a team of Vampires, Ghouls, and Doppelgangers!" she boasted. "Was a hilarious match! One of the trolls actually 'threw' one of the goblins at the enemy team! Little did they know, that little goblin had the ball! She ran right for the finish line! Those creatures of the night had no idea what to make of it! Hah!" Maestro laughed heartily.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"I see, perhaps I won't play it then if it is as deadly as you say, I happen to enjoy life," Clara replied as Maestro joined her and Yue, with Clara shaking the woman's hand in greeting.

Clara sat there and listened as Maestro explained the game to her though, enjoying said explanation as they watched the current game going on. She couldn't help but laugh at hearing about the troll that hurled the goblin girl at the other team, who was carrying the ball and scored as a result of being thrown like that. "I'm amazed that such dirty play is permitted to be honest. Are there ever any clean matches at all by chance?" Clara said when Maestro was done talking, her wings fluttering lazily behind her as she sat there and glanced over at the woman.

"And how long do the matches generally last? Are they based on which team gets however many points first or whenever time runs out?" Clara then asked curiously about how long the games generally lasted before they were over and done with while they continued watching the one going on before them. "And once this game is over would you perhaps like to get a drink?" she added.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Takes a certain dedication and desire to want to risk it all to gain it all!" Maestro declared with zeal, clearly a fan of Blood Bowl, and no less inclined to let Clara know that despite her opting out of wanting to associate with it. "The use of goblins is common practice in Blood Bowl. The little creatures repopulate as fast as anyone has tried to kill them, even when the Angel-led humans tried to exterminate their species! They're perfect for suicide plays that set the other team off balance. When the troll threw her, she could have ended up on someone's spike! But it'd be fine, because there's always more goblins in the world!" she chuckled.

"There's two halves of a single match. A coin is flipped to determine who kicks the ball to who. Once the ball is in play, the two teams contest for the ball for thirty minutes of each half, for a total of an hour. They struggle, kill, abuse, and attack one another for control of the ball, their sole purpose to reach the other team's goal line and score. There aren't any breaks, and if someone drops the ball, it's free game for anyone to take. I've seen a group of goblins beat down on a demon who tried to hold herself over the ball, the spikes from the ball no doubt digging into her flesh, so gruesome!" Maestro laughed. "Once one half is over, the two teams take a break, discuss strategies, and bring out replacements for players who have died or were injured. They also likely take that time to bribe the referees. Then, they come back out, and battle the last half of the game. Whoever scores a point causes the timer to pause until the teams regroup and kick the ball off again, at which point the timer continues to tick down."

"We can go for a drink now. This is just one team practicing." She announced, stretching in her seat. "This team is the one I'm betting one. Their name is Fearless. They're pretty strong~"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Clara listened to all Maestro had to say about the sport, feeling personally that this Blood Bowl was a bit too extreme even for mamano, but she didn't make the laws or rules here. When the talk of using goblins in such a way was mentioned, Clara almost couldn't help but give an incredulous look to Maestro, because to her every life was precious, or should be at least.

"I... I see. It sounds like a very brutal sport. I didn't realize that such a sport existed, and though I doubt I'd ever play it myself, I must say it does look interesting somewhat. Would be a good place to watch violence if one is in to that I guess," Clara said, looking over at Maestro when she mentioned going ahead and getting that drink. "Team Fearless eh, they do look quite tough actually. I hate to play or fight against them at any point. But enough about that, let's go get that drink. I'm fairly new here, so where is the best place for drinks? I'll follow you there," Clara went on to say, letting Maestro lead the way for now and deciding to use this opportunity to learn more about the city as they went now that she had Yue and another person who lived here to point places out to her.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Well, the only drinks around here are the ones meant for the mortals. Great place to mingle with them to be sure, you just have to know where to look." Maestro declared. She stood up, and gestured for Clara to follow. "We have to pay more because it's a bit of a waste on us, but I've the cash for it. For me, not for you~" She cooed, indicating that Clara will have to pay for herself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"I see, well I don't have any money on me I don't think, though I may have some in my room. Do I Yue?" Clara said, looking to Yue for an answer of if she had any money back in their room.

If it turned out that she did have a bit of money in their room, Clara would make a detour there with Maestro to grab some in order to pay for a drink, then they'd head on to get their drinks. "So where can we get the best drinks in town at hmm? I've never really drank alcohol much before save a bit of wine with meals, but I figure since I've fallen and all I might as well see some of the other things I've been missing out on," Clara said to Maestro once she had the money to pay for drinks and whatever else she might see that she likes.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"I am required to carry a mandatory amount of small spending money while we're out and about." Yue replied loyally.

"Why would ya drink alcohol and wine? Stuff tastes so bitter! But to each their own I guess. I was talkin' more in regards to that sugar water the humans drink mixed with lemonade juice. The sweet stuff!" Maestro cheered, before leading the way to Pandemonium Castle's cafeteria. Though the walk itself would take over half an hour. Both women seemed capable of simply making it there in a tenth of the time, but the one who could not was doubtlessly Yue. In the meantime, Maestro made small talk, smiling and commenting on what they passed by. The soothing and graceful looking vegetation, blue flowers blooming amongst the dark violet grass, an all-male band singing soothing melodies while various women gathered around, seeming just as interested sexually as they were in the music, and the castle layout. "More for show than for convenience." Maestro chuckled. It was indeed larger than it had to be, and the winding stairs could have been straight, but took one along the scenic route, able to see the gardens and the Blood Bowl stadium, in all it's architectural glory, in the distance.

Then they'd arrive to find a large room filled with diamond tables and surprisingly comfortable looking chairs that were shaped like hands. Maestro got behind a small line of people, a few solitary and many others grouped into circles of friends that laughed and chattered with one another while waiting for their turn to order, eager to get some food and sit down at the unique tables. Once it was their turn, Maestro happily ordered some lemonade. Yue ordered a glass of water and some bread with melted cheese and butter. Rather simple orders all around Clara would no doubt find, because the others in front of them were ordering outrageous things, such as entire birds and wine along with vegetables aplenty, grand meals beyond even that to thrill the taste buds. Maestro meanwhile ordered exactly what she came for. Yue ordered frugal, leaving much of the money for Clara to spend as she would before they'd quickly given their order and led by Maestro to a nearby table to enjoy.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Ah that's good to hear Yue, thank you," Clara replied to Yue when he stated that he had some money for her and was required to carry a bit.

"Well... I've never really tried lemonade honestly, the only drinks I've ever really tried were wine and ale, and some water of course. I've also drank some grape juice before, but other than that nothing. So yeah I'll try that stuff you mentioned too," Clara told Maestro, agreeing to get some of whatever she was having.

Along the way, Clara listened to all Maestro had to say, watching the musicians playing their music as they passed them by and noticing how beautiful the plant life around them was. When they finally arrived at their destination, Clara waited for Maestro and then Yue to order before doing so herself, looking around the place in the meantime and taking in the sight of it all. Seeing all of the people in there talking and laughing with one another only reinforced Clara's thoughts on this place not being bad and that she'd made the right choice in the end to rebel... and while she did miss her own friends dearly, she couldn't help but believe that her decision was the right one to make at the time.

"Oh I'll have some lemonade too please, I think I shall try it, and something with chocolatey... perhaps a piece of chocolate cake if you have any, or some cookies of some sort," Clara said when it was her turn to order after they got up to the counter to do so. With that she followed the other two to a table to sit down and have their drinks and snacks, making small talk in the meantime to get to know Maestro as well as Yue a little better.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Yue just lowered his head as he was thanked, assuming a humble butler's stance.

Then, once at the table, with lemonade, cake and cookies in hand, Clara by far seemed to indulge the most in her meal. "You sure asked for a lot. Is Pandora granting you some special service? You'd best be careful not to make others jealous." Maestro chuckled at the indulging angel.

"We do get a wealthy budget, though the position Clara has been given is not exactly one others covet." Yue replies. "It is, as the saying goes, trading ones life for riches. The tasks assigned to ones of Clara's position are often quite dangerous. Though, Pandora has enough care to make sure the ones she selects are capable enough not to be assured to die."

Maestro hummed at that. "My, how grim." she said, glancing at Clara, as if a bit sympathetic.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"I... don't know," Clara began answering before Yue said what he did about Pandora granting them some money, at which she smiled at him again. "I didn't know that Yue, thank you for telling me. About how much does she grant me? I'm assuming that it's a weekly or monthly budget also," Clara went on to say, asking how much she was supposedly given by Pandora.

"I also didn't know the rest of that either Yue, thank you for telling me. At least now I know," Clara said after a few moments, taking a sip of her lemonade before taking a nibble of one of her cookies, savoring the taste of it as her wings gave a little flutter.

Soon after that, Clara would dig into her chocolate cake, taking the first bite of it and savoring that as well, enjoying every morsel of it that she ate afterwards. When she had finished her cookies and cake, Clara sat back and sipped the last bit of her lemonade, looking across the table at Maestro. "I like this place Maestro. Thank you for showing it to me, I really appreciate it. And don't worry about me, I've had my fare share of battles through my time, and I'm sure I'll have plenty more in the future. Plus I don't think lady Pandora would throw me into a situation that I'm not prepared for unless we had no other choice to, and I'm fairly powerful when I need to be," Clara said to Maestro with a soft smile when the girl gave her a sympathetic look her way as Yue told her what was what. "So... while we're out and about. There anywhere else interesting in town you'd like to show me by chance?" Clara then asked.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Yue nodded as he was thanked repeatedly. "My apologies, I was supposed to tell you sooner, but then we had sex." he declared, making Maestro look to Clara with pursed lips curled into a smile.

Maestro then nodded to Clara's assurance that she would be able to handle herself despite the dangers, and fairly enough, she was told to expect just as much danger when being enlisted to fight amongst the angelic forces, so it wasn't anything new or different from her job description. The only major difference was her boss, who was admittedly far less seemingly ready to fire her for various reasons, namely treason and heresy. She had nothing to offer in regards to Clara being battle ready, but she did smile wide at the inquiry about different places of interest. "Hmm... I know of a few places, but I have to ask, do you like bunny boys?" she inquired. "Acquiring a man for more practical purposes, especially for our kind, may be more difficult, but if you can just enjoy a good show... Ah, kitties, bulls and dogs as well. There's a man for everyone~"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Ah... well no worries, the sex was great so it's a damn good trade off I'd say Yue. I don't know how I did it before with not having sex to be honest, because sex is... one of the best things I've ever experienced in my life," Clara said winking at Yue before looking back to Maestro.

"Bunny boys huh... well I've never met one really. Do they and bunny girls breed like rabbits? If so then I think I can get along with them just nicely. I'm more attracted to girls myself I won't lie, but sometimes... like earlier, a girl just needs a good dick. So why don't we go see these bunny people you mentioned... unless you've got other things to do," Clara said to Maestro with a smirk on her face, the recently fallen angel deciding to enjoy herself now that she had the freedom of doing so as she followed Maestro over to wherever this other place was. "Please Maestro, lead the way, as long as it's fun I don't mind going," she added.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Maestro giggled, before leaning towards Clara in order to whisper to her. "Not only are they cute, but bunny boys have big dicks." she declared, before sitting back, looking rather excited herself just at the thought of it. "I wouldn't know about bunny boys and bunny girls being a thing. Doesn't seem to me like they are, but bunny boys are the most agreeable boys you'll find around, so they're naturally popular. There's probably some gentlemen clubs around too, where guys go to watch girls dance. I wouldn't know though, but you might find such a place if you look." she shrugged.

All that was left was for them to finish up their table and leave with Maestro leading the way. "Today is my day off, so I thank you for keeping me company. I'm actually a gambler of sorts, I bet on Blood Bowl games and do lots of research to find out who's more likely to win before I place my bets. I didn't have anyone to go out with though, so I ended up just watching some practice sessions anyway. So you did me a great favor of not making me look like a loser." she chuckled.

So, they would keep walking until they left Pandemonium castle and were walking down the royal district seats, where all the lesser nobles stayed who were of the outer circle of Pandora's trusted associates. No matter what kind of ruler she was, or how kind she was, there was little doubt that she was more than a Queen here. She was god, and religion, a powerful leader. They'd pass straight through that district and into the more densely populated areas, where it was a bit more messy purely because there were a lot more people to make a mess. Though, there were also various mamono, and a few men, outside cleaning things up, using magic and otherwise to create or manipulate water into cleansing the street. Clara would be able to tell that they were getting close to the club Maestro talked about when they passed by a pair of boys wearing sexually revealing clothing which of course also drew attention to their bulges as well as showing off their muscular make up. Both had feline ears and tail, one black and the other with a tiger striped pattern. Both also looked to the two girls, ignoring Yue, and smiled, flirting with Clara and Maestro. "Come to Club Lilith, girls~" they declared, advertising their naughty club to the two girls.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Big dicks eh... well why don't we check these guys out then. And afterwards I'll go check out one of those other clubs you mentioned to get some girl action for me. And a gambler eh... might have to make a bet with you one day... but not today. I'd like to learn more about the city first," Clara said, her interest piqued at the mention of the bunny boys as she finished up so they could go on to the next place.

She looked over at Yue along the way and figured in such a place he might be miserable, or he'd very likely be miserable. "Say Yue, if you want you don't have to come in here with us. You have my permission to go elsewhere if you'd prefer, and meet me back in the palace later. But first about how much did Pandora gift me Yue? If there's any change left from the meal I'll take half of that, I doubt I'll spend all that much tonight," Clara told Yue as they came up to the club, where she saw the two guys out front and raised an eyebrow as they completely ignored him and she noticed the bulges between their legs. After Yue made up his mind about going elsewhere or staying with them and handing her the amount of money she requested of what Pandora had given her, Clara would turn to Maestro and give her a questioning look, as if asking if this were the club or not. Once she'd gotten a nod of acknowledgement from Maestro on the matter, she'd wink at her before stepping up to the black eared guy and smiled. "Yes please, show us in," Clara would tell them both, allowing the one she'd chosen to lead her on inside.

Once they were inside, assuming this was the right place of course and Maestro didn't lead them on down the road further, she would turn to her new companion and lean in close. "Are all of the fellows here that well... endowed?" she'd whisper in Maestro's ear.
Last edited:
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

(Correct me if I'm wrong about the cash money amount we talked about, I wrote this while on the go.)

Maestro gave Clara a look that clearly said that she had little intention of going with her to the Gentleman's club. "Ah, well... The women there are often rather strong. Just so you know." Maestro said, leaving it at that.

Then, Yue nodded at Clara. "Lady Pandora left you twelve gold crowns to spend wisely. The meal ran you up just about over five silvers." he declared. Maestro nodded at the outrageous price. Five silvers is what common people paid for rent every month. "Here you are, my lady." He announced, handing Clara fifty silver. "Please make sure that you are not robbed." He instructed her, before giving Clara a bow and turning to leave, back to the Palace.

Clara, perhaps confused, would find that the two boys were actually leaving, presumably going home. "Sorry, girls. We're clocked out~" the one with car ears apologized. "Club is right there," they pointed to a building not far away. "Enjoy yourselves, girls! Tell them Eren and Jafe sent you~"

As they approached Club Lilith, Clara would note that the establishment was apparently very well off and decorated to be pleasing to the eye. It was clean, and even looked very professional despite the nature of it. The reason was apparent, as apparently it might as well be a food market for certain mamono, so there's no way Club Lilith would be in danger of losing its' assets or being in the red, short of a poor executive decision. There was a lot of traffic in front of Clara, and most of the patrons coming to Club Lilith were demons like Maestro, or some other supernatural being in need of essence. Once through the front door, it seemed the degree of monitoring was very strict, as policies looked into even intimate affairs. A rule list was before her, detailing what they expected Clara to know and respect.

  • Do not touch a Male without having paid for permission first.
  • Do not have sex with a Male without proper measures taken to avoid childbirth (as per Pandora's Human Anti-Population Decline policy.)
  • Club Lilith Employees have the right to remove you from the building for any reason they deem fit. Respect Club Lilith Employees.
  • You must wear your Lilith badge at all times, and must not make requests towards Males that your band does not allow.
  • Males always have a right to refuse your requests. Do not harass Males, or you WILL be escorted outside.
  • Records are kept at all times. If you harm a Male, we WILL find you.
  • Please have fun, and obey all the rules above!

Maestro only glanced at the list. She seemed familiar with it. She'd be silent unless Clara spoke to her, the only thing she'd say herself is to inform Clara of the rules, which where there for her to read. They'd come up to the counter, where a handsome bunny was there to greet them. "Hello and welcome! What pleasures are you seeking to indulge in today?" he inquired, presumably to assess the price to charge them and the kind of arm band to give them so the various guards, women dressed in intimidating armor and executive attire otherwise, would know that the customers were doing what they were paying for, and nothing else.

Although it was a place to enjoy oneself, it was extremely strict and locked down with security.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

(I believe you told me over AIM that it was like, 100 coppers for 1 silver, 100 silvers for 1 gold, and like 100 gold for 1 platinum piece.)

"Heh, I don't mind strong women Maestro, but I'll head over to the gentleman's club later, perhaps after we're done here, not sure. And thank you Yue, I'll see you later alright," Clara said to Maestro and then Yue, taking the money from Yue and then taking a couple of the silver pieces from the remnants he gave her and putting it into his hand. "Hey Yue, here, this is yours to use as you see fit, you might as well be able to enjoy yourself some too since I am I think. And worry not, if someone tries to rob me they'll have to take on a fully powered angel... even if I am fallen I don't think there's much to worry about, because even fewer would likely want to mess with me now I'm fallen," Clara then told Yue with a kind smile, showing that just because she was fallen now didn't mean she couldn't be nice.

After parting ways with Yue, Clara followed Maestro on to club Lilith where they saw the two handsome guys out front and Clara spoke to them. "Aw... alright then boys we'll see you another time perhaps," Clara told the two guys before she and Maestro went on inside, where she saw the place was neatly kept obviously just from the looks of it. She then noticed the list of house rules for club Lilith hanging on a nearby wall as they went in, which she stopped to read all of before doing anything else.

Following along after reading the rules over, Clara looked around, her wings fluttering a bit as she did so and staying near Maestro. "Hmm, well I'm new here myself and just came with my new friend here. What sorts of pleasures can I find in this place? And also, might I also be able to ask for one of those lovely ladies there in the armor to join us too, or are they all off limits?" Clara replied to the man at the counter, leaning on the counter as she nodded towards one of the lady guards.