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RPG [ShinX] N-Wrestle (Demo W1 0.3) RPGMaker

Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

All the characters are now 18 or higher :D

The second I read that the chorus song "time warp" started playing in my head. :p
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

What would be interesting is to see follow up attacks that are situation specific. I saw the opponent use something close to a sit out power bomb move, and I almost instantly thought that there should be a sexual attack follow up if the hero character cannot get out of that predicament. Instead of being just simply stunned on the ground, would there be a possibility to implement more specific follow up attacks depending on the moves that are used in the match?
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

What would be interesting is to see follow up attacks that are situation specific. I saw the opponent use something close to a sit out power bomb move, and I almost instantly thought that there should be a sexual attack follow up if the hero character cannot get out of that predicament. Instead of being just simply stunned on the ground, would there be a possibility to implement more specific follow up attacks depending on the moves that are used in the match?

In the first match I've wanted keep all the action more ramdom possible. In the next matches specifical moves will have unique follow ups.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Today's Progress:

Realized GOR for the blackman boss
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Any timeframe on a release, even if it is just a new demo?
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Any timeframe on a release, even if it is just a new demo?

an updated demo will be released in a couple of days. The actual release will take several months, there's a lot of work to do.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Today's progress:

Black man GOR added to the code.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Today's progress:

Final attack sequence for Kyoko added to the code
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)


First to give you the links, a little explanation.
The demo is basically the same of the last time but with some content added. You'll finally see the GOR for the blackman boss and the finishers for Nanami and Kyoko in their N-Wrestle match.

I have'nt tweaked the issues with the last demo either minor (some typos) than major (the curious bug that make Yoko come immediately after groped; yes. I noticed)

Now... for the next days i'll gather resources and realize sex sequences, before wrapping my head with the actual code of the game. That's cause stopping the development for a month (thanks bill gates!) had me forget how the code works. I'll need some time to recover what I did so far.
In the meantime enjoy the new content, visit the blog (link in the first post) and, please, share your thoughts!

Opinions, new ideas, insults... all is welcome!

And now... here's the links.


enjoy and comment!
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Looks like you did tweak the RPG menus a bit so the HP/XP is a little more readable, or maybe that's my imagination.

The GoR scene isn't too bad either, and just reminds me I should probably learn how to use 3DCG for my own game ideas instead of trying to use actual art sometimes...

I won't go into nitpicking the writing though. I know there's typos and grammar errors, but I didn't see anything extremely painful or anything. If at some point, you want to send me the text, I can try to go through and correct it if you like. I know writing H-scenes isn't exactly the easiest thing...
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

The writing is easy to fix. I already have fixed the typos in the last demo on my own, as it helped me learn more about rmxp. Since it is a demo, things like this happen, so I felt no need to point that out.

If I had some more poses (since i still suck at making them in 3dcg), I think I could just about do a whole fight sequence to give you some ideas, ShinX. As for the bug with Yoko, it looks like you are calling the wrong jump to label event after she first gets grabbed. I would have to look at it more to see exactly what is wrong. I will send you a pm when/if I find something wrong with it that I can see a fix for.
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Road to a new demo, thoughts troubling me, and stuff in general

Hi guys.
The game development has started officially.
So far I realized a brief intro that will lead straight to the first N-Wrestle match (the one you already saw in the last demos).

So my will is to produce another demo (the last one before the actual release of the game) that should include the first day of the real game. Should not take long because would be just a tweaking and refining of how saw so far with the addition of new maps, characters and sex scenes.

Talking about numbers in the next demo you should see:

The intro of the game;
The N-Wrestle match with Nanami;
The humiliation times for either the girl victory;
Some new locations;
A couple of sex scenes;
A little dungeon with the black man boss waiting at its end;

Uhm... maybe it will takes more time than I expected.

Yes... I'm worryed
And now I'd want to talk about a couple of things worrying me.
First one is related to the size of the file I released so far. Working with PNG images makes all very demanding about space. As you likely noticed the last demo was already 50megs. Assuming that the demo represents just a 5% of the actual game the size of the final release could be... gargantuan!
That's really worrying me a bit, as a huge gamefile size could in the end limit the appeal and the diffusion of my game.
The only way to save space would be limit in some way the number of PNG files in the game, but how?
Limit them would make the game more "poor" and I don't want to limit their number in the N-Wrestle matches. I could make the normal sex scenes and the GOR more simple using a less number of images, but in the end I'd lose variety in order to save a not worthy amount of space.
Indeed I'm pretty uncertain about this.
What do you think?
Shoud I limit the PNG images to save space or simply screw over it and make all that I want but presenting you a final release over 1gig?

That's takes me to my second reason of worrying.
Either the post on ULMF that the blog had a fair share of view.
Unfortunately I cannot know how much people downloaded the demos 'cause the main link, the mega one, does not has a tracking function, but I can assume a good amount of people had view it so far.
However I'd liked to have more feedback from users.
I know that hentai games are home of long time lurkers, but I really like to know what people thinks about my work and if the direction taken is good or not.
So, if you have spare time, don't be shy and share your thoughts without any fear.
I won't bite you... (maybe)!

Other stuff In the last days I've posted almost daily updating about the progressing of the last demo. I did it because i really don't like when on others blogs, the developers stay silent for long period of times making us afraid about a possible cancellation of a game we followed for weeks.
On the other hands daily post will come with low improvement in the development.
So, I'm asking to you:
do you prefer daily updates about my work, or maybe a weekly update is less annoying and more satisfying (or rather you are not interested and don't want any update)?
Let me know.

Well I think that's enough for now.
Thanks and see you soon

Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

tl;dr version: (i will pm you the not tl;dr version if you would like)

The N-Wrestle should be the focus of the game, thats it. With that being said however I believe there are too many cgs in my opinion. The finisher move was something like 10+ cgs, so thats alot of space for something that should just be a simple move with maybe three screens. You should make as many cg as you want, but in the end you should tighten it up so that only the relevant ones end
up being used.

The game itself I cannot comment on much further than what I already said. The dungeon(s) should mostly be just cut out entirely. As for updates, do what
you think is right. Personally I dont like to see daily updates of just " I did one random thing here", as it shows me that you maybe are not putting effort in. In 3days I happened to do this that and the other thing however shows alot more in the way of focus and motivation.

Good luck.
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Just a Feedback you asked for it :

First of all you´re Game has H-Wrestling so it´s for me very interesting, i like this idea a lot.

I dont think that you should limit the png´s i mean look at games like ROBF it´s quite big (1.4Gb or more) but no one cares because it is a great game.

For the Blog updates do what you want, i would prefer Weekly/Monthly updates.

All together i can just say i like you´re game so far and would love it when you just do what you have planned and see where it goes :)
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

If you wish to use png images please usea png optimiser on them, it can significantly reduce the size of the images (10-50% depending)

I normally use PNGOptimiser as it iseasy to use and yeilds good results.
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

I'm desperately trying to lose the first N-wrestle match in order to test the Humiliation time of Nanami, and I've already won 5 times in a row.

When the game will be out I'll kill personally the first one complaining about he can't win the match :D
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Thats easy to fix, just set one of the random numbers to a fixed number so you always lose when you pick grapple for example. For the purpose of playtesting you want to see the loss sequence, so make it pretty much a guarantee that you lose.
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

If you distribute it well, like ddl+torrent I don't think file size would be that big of an issue, especially if the product is worth it.

And daily updates are nice but they'd be better in a blog and maybe just compile the weekly result in a thread update. Dev's showing signs of life is appreciated, so much stuff out there in limbo.
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Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Update, Answers and a Question

Hello guys, I've thought to do an update of the work done so far and take andvantage to answer a couple of question people did me.

Development is going on smoothly since in the last days I just implemented in a more refined way what I already did in the demos. Precisely I've realized a brief intro that takes Kyoko straight to the first N-Wrestle match against Nanami. The match is completed with the finisher moves and the Humiliations Time (AKA you lose, I rape you) etiher for Nanami (first chance to see a game over screen) and Kyoko, (with the first choice given to the player, relevant about the affinity with her opponent; i will talk later about affinity system). After that the game will starts in his interactive RPG iteration. Int the meantime i've also prepared three sex scenes, maps location for various places, two dungeons, portraits, characters etc etc.
I don't want to give false hope to anyone, but at this pace I could complete the next demo in about ten days (maybe).

And now a couple of answers to question people do me about the game.

The main topics seem to be about Kyoko using sexual attack in the N-wrestle matches and in RPG battle.
I won't spoiler so much, but...
There's the possibility Kyoko starts using sex attack in RPG battle, I'm still thinking about the evolution of her attitude about sex and morality. Surely she will not have this possibility in the early battles, maybe she'll develop sex attack in the future!
About the N-Wrestle matches, people keep asking me to implement sexual moves for Kyoko.
The answer is NO... and YES.
NO because having Kyoko using sexual moves freely is not really in step with the character attitude, moreover is more arousing in my opinion a main character victim of sex than active in that way, sure a lot will not agree with that, but... in the end I'm the developer, I need to follow even my ideas, or the work could became boring and forcing me to quit. I definitely want to please my audience, but I simply can't satisfy all. Someone will always complaint, no matter what direction the project will take. Second, i'm going to share with you a secret: since sex attacks damage Xp and leave intact the Hp (until an orgasm, obviously) this system is oriented to give the Player more chance to win a fight. Another reason why I kept the fight ruled by fate and by R/P/S.
YES because even if Kyoko will never make use of sexual moves (as the audience intends she must do) in the further matches she could realize sex moves could make all more easy and decide to use them. And I will not say more about, even because you'll see this chance is heavily plot related.
Just wait confident, I'm sure the solution chose will like you (or maybe no... well who cares).

Some people asked me to totally forget about the RPG part and just make all the game with the N-Wrestle matches.
The reason I'm doing like that is because besides the hentai, I want even tell a story.
RPG part will be overshadowed by the N-Wrestle and Adventure part of the game. Yes, you'll have some dungeons and some free exploration but the main purpose of the game will be Always lead Kyoko through the story. Plot that, following the players choices could meet an end even at mid game.
Moreover I really wanted to implement a rape system, so...
On the other hands, just a sequence of textual battles could became soon boring, except doing a full game around it.
A good idea for the future.
A managment game when you pick a trainee N-wrestler and try to lead her to the top of the category.
Or else a game totally concerning the fighting maybe giving the chance to the player to choose more than one girl.
We'll see.

I want to reassure people asking me for more sex in the N-wrestle matches.
Next fights will have tons of sex moves.

About my concerns over the number of PNG images and the high size of the files. I'm trying to reduce their number; I've also tryed the PNGoptimiser a kind gyu recommend me, but the space saved was really minimal and unworthy of the effort.
I came up to a decision. Screw the size and the numbers of images!
I want my game more detailed as possible!

Other to say...
yes from now i'll keep my updates more dilated in time, maybe one per week or ten days; just to have time to do substantial progress in the development.

That's so much about answers, hope I satisfyed your curiosity.

Now I have a question for you.
In the future I really like to develop an hentai trading card videogame. Any idea of a program or an editor I could use without much programming?

That's all for today.
See you soon!
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

I played the demo and found it entertaining. As I'm rather interested in seeing how the game progresses, I thought I'd mention a few things that could be interesting.

Firstly, the randomized nature of the wrestling matches. While I don't terribly mind it, I do think a little less randomization could add more gameplay benefits for the player. For example, each wrestler you face having specific tells in a battle. having 3 or more stances--different for each wrestler perhaps--that show there is a higher chance of a specific move being used would allow the player to feel at least slightly more relevant to the outcome of a match.

Secondly, Kyoko and sex attacks. You've already commented on this and I certainly respect your decision to do whatever you wish to do with your own work. I do, however, think it would add a rather interesting element to the game if she were to be slightly corrupted over time. Perhaps a trigger of sorts if a certain amount of orgasms are reached in her matches? That way it doesn't become a focus of the base story and it is more based on the players performance in matches. Again, your game, your decision. Even without it I enjoy the concept of the game, but to have the option for both dominant and submissive elements in one wrestling game seems quite cool.

Third, if Kyoko doing such moves is out of the question outside of scripted events, how about a second playable character? I've never made a game and I've no idea just how much work that would be, but gameplay-wise it could be interesting. Perhaps the demo enemy, Nanami was it? She is referenced as Kyoko's rival so it would actually make sense to have her and would only need a second route of text and images. The actual sequence of events--such as who you fight--could potentially remain the same.

Ignore it or not, it's entirely up to you. Either way, the game has piqued my interest enough to force one of my rare posts. Well done. :)