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RPG RPG Maker [ スケイルガーデン ] 砦のローデス (RJ125552)

Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

What appeal events can you get after Wolf takes over the fortress?
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

What appeal events can you get after Wolf takes over the fortress?

not too many, the ratman in the brothel can be appealed for a repetat scene
the first customer in the brothel and thats about it
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Well... even after being uninterested about the game after reading the replies, I've decided to play the game anyway...
I've just finished the game and I noticed that pratically every scene was animated and suddenly it hit me. This could be a transition for the author.
If I remember correctly this is the 1st game where he actually took effort on animating the scenes instead of just cg and this is a very good reason as to why there were less scenes, less rpg mechanics and less overall content.
I hope that this is indeed a transition for the author and that in the future he'll be creating another awesome game with way more content where the scenes will be animated.
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Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

After finishing this game, the one thing that I would have liked is the more open world concept that the Sangeki had at the end. This had a longer story I think but the "end game" content was lacking with almost no extra scenes that you had to look for.

Also there is a big improvement in the games other than a lack of content. Almost everything was animated. Combat was fine because it took away leveling completely and had no random battle except in the forest. Also this game had multiple outfits which I though was lacking in the 3rd game because you were allowed to change clothes but she only had one set.

I think a lot of the effort went into the multiple outfits and animation because most of the events could be done in different outfits.

There seemed to be a lot of missed opportunities. Like the fortress is pretty big but not much to do in them. I mean its nice she could piss in the bathrooms but not much else happens. She can drink alcohol but its the same as water and she can't get drunk.

I think more could have been done with the bathing scene. Like take away some of her to all of her clothes and force her to walk around like that. For example in Sangeki no Gear, the antagonist forced the protagonist to collect money on her skirt without panties.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

For people complaining about not understanding the combat system - I explained it in the first post a few months ago
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

For people complaining about not understanding the combat system - I explained it in the first post a few months ago

Twisted, you know as well as I do that 3/4 of the members here minds are set to "post only". They have long forgotten the ancient art of "reading".

@Mistix, you should look at people's critiques as a guide not as a review. Try things for yourself and see if what they say is true or a bunch of bull since what others may dislike, you may find enjoyable. Don't let the words of others persuade you to miss out on something you would have otherwise liked.

That is a good viewpoint though, I didn't put much thought into him using this game as a testing ground for animated scenes. Who knows, maybe his next game will be fully animated.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Twisted, you know as well as I do that 3/4 of the members here minds are set to "post only". They have long forgotten the ancient art of "reading".

@Mistix, you should look at people's critiques as a guide not as a review. Try things for yourself and see if what they say is true or a bunch of bull since what others may dislike, you may find enjoyable. Don't let the words of others persuade you to miss out on something you would have otherwise liked.

That is a good viewpoint though, I didn't put much thought into him using this game as a testing ground for animated scenes. Who knows, maybe his next game will be fully animated.

If his next game comes out fully animated, I think I'll faint lol...
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Well, I finished it too. I really liked the story. It had a lot of good elements to it. I'm not sure how many actually bother to read the story, or follow what's happening behind the scenes, but... from what I picked up of it, it's pretty engrossing, what she goes through.

I really liked all the bits when she was with the Groping Guy (baldy), when they flirted with each other in the underground dungeon. Especially when he wanted to go out and show Alfred them both embracing and her with the top unbuttoned. Pretty neat.

There were a lot of good moments though. It was well written and a pretty good story to hang events off. It was different than the previous games, but I like it just as much. I played it from start to finish, without trying the demo, so I didn't notice the shortness of it at all. It seemed a reasonable length. The combat was fun too, if a little basic.

The only thing I'm a little disappointed in is the after story. Or the lack of one. Sure, you get to see snippets of what happens to the three main love interests, but what there is of that... leaves a bit to be desired. I liked Albert's show of affection for the red haired woman (the captive maid). But Groper's out. And Dean isn't really much at all. So... it's open. I get the impression that she resets back to the first day, when she was virginal. And... really that's not how the story should end. Really... needs a fanfic written of what comes next. :)

Anyway... it's a good game. Mostly for the story, but also the CGs. His art has definitely improved. Oh! And I think the ending of this was actually better than how the last game ended. That one really seemed rushed, like he didn't know how to end it. This one... it felt a lot better, if left completely open as to what actually happens to her. My guess... she'd be recalled to the capital and married off.

This time, probably with a better selection of potential partners to choose from, since the cult is finished. Such is royal life! Story complete!

But... I like to think of her staying on at the fort and running away with someone. Like most of his games, it could be interesting to have a sequel to this story, set in the capital and stuff. But, that's not likely not to happen. Another two years?!

I remember when he wanted to produce two games this time, with a shorter time frame. And then the delays happened... I'm glad it came out though. And I was impressed with the story. I like it, the things that happened, the composition. I sits well with me, like all the other games he's made. I look forward to what he comes up with next. ANOTHER TWO YEARS!!
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I had played the demo and found it acceptably good so I downloaded this one (will purchase when it comes out on english DL).

Overall, I'd give the game a thumbs up. I haven't played the other games by the author so I can't compare to them, but by itself it's pretty decent.

-The main character is amazingly pretty (probably prettiest I've seen in any h-game)
- Battle system is not bad. It's not amazing, but it's certainly a step up from the standard RPG-maker game.
- You get h-scenes for actually going through the game properly: No "lose on purpose" thing I refuse to do.
- It has a good ending! Yay! I hate when games have only "despair and eternal damnation" endings.

It won't go on my top-5 h-game, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I'd probably go in the top 15 or so :)
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

-The main character is amazingly pretty (probably prettiest I've seen in any h-game)

Her smile is freaking amazing. The first time she does it when talking to one of the soldiers, I swear I stopped moving for a few seconds.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I don't know what skills he's talking about. The only skills I know of are the passive ones that you can basically ignore since, well, it's passive. The other skills you use in battle by first choosing how many points you want in a certain type of attack, then in the next screen choosing the skills you've learned. Space bar doesn't make any sense considering space and enter are the same key.

HOLD "Space" key then arrow up or down to select active skills.

i am having a problem with the game, there isnt anything in the dialog box when talking

See this post. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=540194&postcount=191
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

space bar is the select/action button, hitting the select/action button sends you to the second part of the battle menu, in the second part of the battle menu you can use active skills. In other words, there's no special way of using skills since it's apart of the regular battle flow.

Madman, you probably just didn't noticed until you held space bar. It really doesn't do anything special.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

space bar is the select/action button, hitting the select/action button sends you to the second part of the battle menu, in the second part of the battle menu you can use active skills. In other words, there's no special way of using skills since it's apart of the regular battle flow.

Madman, you probably just didn't noticed until you held space bar. It really doesn't do anything special.

You are right. :eek: Just need to hit enter/space/C and then scroll up or down before hitting again to initiate action.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Just finished the game. I don't see why there's so much hate for the game, but it was still pretty good imo. Definitely not as great as Sangeki of Gear was, but it was above average in as far as RPG maker games go.

One of the main draws of Scale Garden's games for me is the corruption of an innocent female, and this definitely delivered.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I also think that Scale Garden does the whole corruption thing a lot better than any other game makers. You can see the gradual change happen but in other games it feels like they just go from the girl being completely against it to loving it.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Just finished the game. I don't see why there's so much hate for the game, but it was still pretty good imo. Definitely not as great as Sangeki of Gear was, but it was above average in as far as RPG maker games go.

One of the main draws of Scale Garden's games for me is the corruption of an innocent female, and this definitely delivered.
so ... I guess this game need translation to be loved ...
if it's based more in expression or story ... :(
tough ... the gameplay is also a bit off for me too ...
I probably still love Scale Garden more ...
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Not really. Don't want to sound like a dick but the story wasn't anything that special either. I honestly didn't really like the previous game until it let you go free and do your own thing, which is why I didn't really like this game because it was basically the previous game if it didn't let you freeroam.

Of course, that's just my own opinion. I'm sure others may like the story and that's fine.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

the problem in the story in most of his games, in my personal opinion, is that the free roam happens AFTER you lose your virginity, so there is no "degree of purity" when roaming since it does not matter anymore, i'd just go collecting the scenes after that, instead of trying not to get abused on... wich is kinda weird consedering im playing a hentai game, BUT since the story is so cohessive i ignore that fact and enjoy the way it folds anyway.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Just noticed that most of the CGs supports almost all clothes in each scene... it seems he spent a lot of time and effort doing those details, and had no time to use them .-.
There's a lot of "mod potencial" in the game... scalegarden improved a lot in the visual area, but he always had a hard time with the story and textual events =/