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Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer seemed more and more bored with each passing day, disinterested in his lessons to an extreme. While his teacher may have been a good teacher, the information seemed to be either slipping past him, or he was doing a good job of acting like he wasn't understanding. As per normal, he seemed to be gibbering wildly, but his heart seemed to be less in it, and he even ate less, mumbling into his food words that might well have been apologies. The servants incapacity to communicate on the level he wanted to seemed to be disappointing him greatly, and the master of the manor didn't see another one of his earlier sane moments.

(Knowledge [nobility] check, failed miserably)
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel was engrossed in his own training in the days to come. Most nights, he came back with some manner of bruise or another, and typically complained about it while he feasted and drank, and basically quenched his insatiable hedonism, before turning in to sleep.

Most nights, after a particularly nasty wound to his left arm, he could be heard laying in his bed, tossing and turning, though he hid whatever turmoil he was undergoing from the others.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Yet for each, the training continued, with some group work starting to get mixed in. By the time that the worst of the winter had passed, most nights the group was being trained together as a whole.

This night, though, started with no summons to training...

Lanric had begun showing his own signs of worsening over the past weeks, getting quite pale, his hair almost completely white, his eyes seemed to be getting a grayish cast, and his skin seemed almost stretched now. Although his physical stamina seemed down, his mind wasn't. In recent nights, almost all of his free time was consumed by the maps, books, and pages. It would be clear now that he was pouring over whatever he could find on key fortresses and known encampments of Tamberlyn's knights.

Also, four new items sat in the common room, clearly arranged such that there was one for each of the group. An odd red-and-white lidded bucket with the smell of food coming from it, set where Mekel often did. A sword sheath, sized for Lanric's sword. What appeared to be a strangely woven dress near Elise's bookstacks. And an old, worn looking leather pouch near where Gilfer often frequented.

"Odd..." Lanric muttered while studying the new sword sheath.
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Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

The half-drow woman followed Lanric's lead, muttering a quick incantation to herself as she picked up the dress left hanging over a stack of her tomes, glancing at the other items left conspicuously about as well. "They're all magical, in some fashion or another." She said simply, shrugging. Curious enough to find out immediately, she retreated to her room to change into the item in question, spending the time to study it's magical aura as she did so.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise's intuition was correct. The items were enchanted... Very minor ones, from the appearance.

As for the dress, it appeared to be made of some manner of silk. And the enchantments seem tied to adapting to the changes caused by her merging.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer picked up his bag, yawning a little, and then reached into it quite simply, before attempting to pull whatever was inside, if there was anything at all, out.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

What came out was an assorted handful of jacks, marbles, and caltrops.

Should such a thought pass Gilfer's mind, it would perhaps strike him that he could choose which of the three he wanted.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel sat down at his usual spot at the table, staring at the strange bucket, lowering his head down to level with the lid and carefully lifting it up, inspecting what may be inside with all the care of someone checking for booby traps.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise strode back into the common area in the dress after her cursory inspection, returning to her books, but leaning back, the posture usually reserved for simple chatting while she worked. "Seems mine's made to shift shape when I do, as best I can tell. Anyone need help discovering theirs?" She asked softly, glancing at each person in turn.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer puts the jacks on the ground, holds up a marble, places the caltrops back in the bag, and then flings a marble down inbetween the caltrops and, with his offhand tries to grab the jacks before it bounces back up, however little distance it can bounce. As he does this, he smiles and hums a surprisingly cheerful tune, muttering a few words "....liquored up, and sharpening your blade..." as he tries to do it again and again, once pegging the back of his hand with the marble and laughing hysterically.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Lanric, in the mean time, had been experimenting with the sheath over in a corner of the room, and it seemed that his sword sheath was muffling or completely silencing the noise made by drawing it.

Mekel's inspection of the bucket yielded no traps... But it was full of fried chicken, deliciously cooked if the smell was anything to go by.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Without any hesitation, Mekel begins to dig into the bucket of fried chicken with all the enthusiasm of a starved lion, bones flying to and fro as he indulges in the apparent gift given to him. Between bites, he manages to mumble something about "The Boss" and "Good" and some other words muddled by his mouth full of chicken.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

The only immediate response to Mekel's actions from Lanric was a sigh and a shake of the head. Anything further was cut off by Amalyn's entrance into the room.

"The master wishes to speak with you immediately." Her delivery was somewhat brusque, although that wasn't too uncommon from her. In addition, her tone and manner strongly suggested that there was a tacit threat should anyone refuse.

Once the four were brought to the room where they first met the necromancer, Nathandar was sitting almost as if he hadn't moved from that first meeting. Perhaps somewhat oddly, over the past months of training, his pride at their potential has grown, and his tone with the group has become almost parental. "Well, my children, you've been mostly patient, and it seems that your lessons have proven fruitful. But they are done. It is time to begin your first mission."

At this, he leans forward as if in anticipation. "And your mission is war. It is time to bring war to Tamberlyn. There are two objectives.

First, you must ensure that a shipment of weapons are delivered to a troll chieftain called the 'Fire-Axe'. His camp lies to the northern edge of the swamplands beyond the North Wall. With that, the humanoid tribes of the swamp will become an army under him to sweep into Tamberlyn.

However, none of them are great siege masters... Therefore, your second objective is to infiltrate the fortress of Baltyne, keystone of the North Wall's defense. Kill the commander and throw open the gates for the Fire-Axe's horde.

As for getting to there... A short ways off lies a small riverboat that will take you to a ship captained by one Jericho Serin, the Gathering Storm. He is under contract with me to deliver a cargo, and has been told that I will be sending security with it. He will deliver it and you to the northern lands. He knows nothing about our efforts, though. Should he become too curious, eliminate him once the contract is complete. Oh, and if that is necessary, do try to recover the money I paid him. Best not to be wasteful."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer giggles, a marble in his hand, twitching between his fingers, carefully thinking out his words, before realizing once again that no matter what he thought out for his words, the end result would be the same, unpredictable mess. After a moments consideration, he shrugged and popped the marble in his mouth, lightly gnawing on it as he began his speech, if only to give it the right tone. "Ah, gentlemen, ladies. Today is the day to begin our first show, our first tour. It's only sad the venue is so small, the colors so bleak, and the audience so minute. Ah, but such is the way and ways, and evil will always find a way. Colors will dance, and change, of course. But, if I may make a note. Blood will be spilled in this endeavour, but let us try to avoid having it be citizens blood. The more the paladins have reason to question their own side, the less strength Tamberlyn will have. They are ever so dependent on their religion, after all, and if they lose their religious might, what strength have they?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise stood to follow the servant, but not before leaning close to Amalyn, uttering a small threat. "You can attempt to demean us now, but you're rapidly starting to dim against us in Nathandar's eyes. Perhaps soon, he won't spare any thought to you at all. Watch your back, when that happens..." She told her, the drow's tone low and even. Once she said her piece, she walked past the vampire without another thought, winding up leading the way to the audience herself.

She listened to the necromancer quietly, comparing his orders to what she knew of the area, which was admittedly little. She nodded at Gilfer's speech, having gotten the just of it. "I'd assume this captain is known for discretion to begin with, or you wouldn't have chosen him among those available. We'll be cautious, all the same. When do we leave?"
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Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel sets the bucket back down and wipes his face with his sleeve, placing the lid back on the bucket and deciding to follow the others, though his stomach still seemed to be growling as they walked.

As the master spoke, he seemed rather bored, actually digging in an ear with his right pinkie finger, until everyone began speaking up. "So, we're supposed to sneak through a heavily guarded fort, assassinate likely the strongest soldier there, then throw open the gates for the trolls to come rampaging into?" the Reaper asks, adjusting his mask with his left hand. "When do we leave, and how long should this boat ride take?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest and grinning.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

"Assuming that everything goes smoothly, no more than three days of journey. As for when you are leaving, as soon as you get to the ship. Of course, I have no doubt that you'll wish to collect your belongings first."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

"So pack up and go now, essentially." Elise responded, giving a short nod. "Fine enough. Anything else, or should we get started?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Nathandar merely shook his head in response.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer walked to his room, whistling and spinning a finger in the air, as if to a tune as he waved "Bye bye mister Necromancer-person thing. Bye bye miss angry vampire lady. Don't eat any people I know without at least five extra threats." As he did that, he headed to his room, gathering up his materials and preparing to leave.
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