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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well 3 stars everything. after the 2 no healers map, the last 2 maps are no deployment point regen you need valkyrie or soldier with reinforcement.
On the last map you have to deal with a black undead armor rush at the start, Skeletons horde spawn from nowhere in mid battle and 2 lichs spawn at the end.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well 3 stars everything. after the 2 no healers map, the last 2 maps are no deployment point regen you need valkyrie or soldier with reinforcement.
On the last map you have to deal with a black undead armor rush at the start, Skeletons horde spawn from nowhere in mid battle and 2 lichs spawn at the end.

So there are like 6 map total ?

2 normal map, 2 map with no healer and 2 map with no deployment point regen ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got two silver and one plat fairy from a single run on 50/3, nice. I like these events more than the farm ones.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yes 6 maps for the first phase of the event
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

大地に眠る召喚獣:聖泉 極級 ★3

3x Snipers (replaceable by preferred ranged unit) & 2x Lord Witch
Deployment cost this time around is important. Also, read the description, I listed all the things you should becareful of.

大地に眠る召喚獣:墓標 極級 ★3

1) You want a minimal of 25 reinforcement points per cool down for this map and 2x lord witches.
2) 2x~3x healers for around 1k healing power and two duelist with at least one with good magic resist.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OK, I fixed various errors in my previous post, and included drop data. Click Anya in my signature to jump to the post.

The fountain maps are not as good as the daily maps on Friday aside from the silver and gold fairies, so I wouldn't recommend spending sacred crystals to grind them if you're after the black or rainbow fairies. You can compare them with the data here:

In other news, I think I learned how to rip graphical assets from Aegis using Google Chrome, so I might be able to get the transparent .png files for the character's stand-up art.

It sort of works, though whenever I open them in Photoshop, I find a lot of garbage data that makes it impossible to use them. I don't know if they purposefully did something to act as a deterrent for ripping:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got a gold, gold and black fairy last run on 60/5 (2 star). At least even failing the 3 star has been decently worth it so far lol. Normally I keep at a map until 3 star before finishing the rest, but I think this time I should just rush to finish the rest first, so I can farm fairies and CC my 3rd archer (Spica) and maybe even my black witch finally. Since I can't use Shiho there, I finally need her. Both are at 40 and I have some fairies already, so I should have time before the event ends.

Forgot Spica needs 3 archers, I only have one spare, buh. At least my Pirate Monica fills in for her really well (She's a beast CC'd). Guess I just gotta focus on Desupia. She should make things A LOT easier. Just gotta give up my spare Julian to get her to 50 in time probably, buh. Only gold unit I don't mind parting with, I did want to save him but oh well. I do have that tutorial soldier, Bella, the gold witch, a spare Carry and Fedora (Gold Healer) that I'm not using too if things look bleak and event is ending :p

Little trick with the Black Oni too if you don't mind 2 star: Use rogues/monks on em. Their dodge is about the only way you can "tank" the Black Oni. Just hope luck is on your side. Beats 1 star if your team isn't great. If you can have 2-3 or so on your team and White Karma, pretty easy/safe way to 2 star 50/6. Even just the rogues/monks or White Karma on their own will probably save you from 1 star.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Someone at DMM should start paying you, Petite Soeur. Special thanks for story translation <3.

Thanks for strat videos for Dragonpaladin too.

I really like completion events, and this one has as much as 12 maps! This makes me wonder - 'star' rewards finish at 32, while it should be possible to obtain 36 of them. I wonder if there are any further rewards for more stars, that just doesn't display due to way their text formatting works. On the other hand I guess there is still a black and rainbow fairy for completing last two maps, but it is a bit awkward, that you don't even need to complete the final map to get 'complete' Sorano.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It sort of works, though whenever I open them in Photoshop, I find a lot of garbage data that makes it impossible to use them. I don't know if they purposefully did something to act as a deterrent for ripping:
OK, I figured out what's wrong. These are 8-bit PNG files with alpha palettes, which doesn't fit with Photoshop's colour modes, since it only reads the RGB components of each indexed colour and tries to find a proper alpha mask.

So, I had to find a different tool that can edit PNG files with alpha palettes and resave them so I can have lossless access to the image. Since the previous example isn't evident as-is, this is what the messed-up alpha palette looks like in an editor:
PNG with alpha palettes:

Resaved PNG with proper alpha masks:

Well, I'm happy that I can now do what I originally wanted to with the images in the opening post, though my access to characters is limited to the ones I own. If anyone wants to know how to get access to the png files with Chrome:
1) Right click, and select the bottom option.
2) Click the "Network" tab.
3) As you play the game, all of the loaded files will appear on the screen.
4) Right-click, and open the images in a new tab, and you can save them.
5) Open the image using this , and you can resave them as proper png files that you can use with any image editing tool.

This is a fairly nice strategy for Fountain Extreme:

I'm noticing a trend towards using cheap-to-deploy heavy armour units to tank/misdirect these event units.

Got 3-stars, and a rainbow fairy from Fountain Extreme:

I nearly lost Adelle due to my units being expensive to deploy. Thankfully Phyllis was able to kill all of the goblin archers before she caught an oni, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten 3-stars.

This video gives me hope:

I was worried that I would have to get Katie, and then 50CC her. By the looks of it, I might be able to manage with my two copies of Julian that I haven't done anything with.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Welp, I guess I'm guaranteed Sorano as of now with my 18 stars... We'll see how the second half plays out. I'm noticing that to get to 32 stars, they need at least 5 more missions... which leaves one extra star to get? Going by old trials, should we expect anything from that full completion? Haven't played this long enough...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I just hit 110 and they gave me +1 box space for units. I don't remember it being mentioned before but they might be giving them every 10 levels past 100 now?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Welp, I guess I'm guaranteed Sorano as of now with my 18 stars... We'll see how the second half plays out. I'm noticing that to get to 32 stars, they need at least 5 more missions... which leaves one extra star to get? Going by old trials, should we expect anything from that full completion? Haven't played this long enough...

No, pretty sure they just leave a little extra wiggle room in case there's a mission that can't be 3 stared. I think they did that last time too. For example the mission might require a certain build that not everybody has access to, it would suck if you can't win just because you lack the right team composition. There's usually at least one map during these that is an absolute nightmare.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I just hit 110 and they gave me +1 box space for units. I don't remember it being mentioned before but they might be giving them every 10 levels past 100 now?
I believe it's been like that ever since the end of the Crisis in the Fairy Country Event; every 10 levels gives +1 unit box space, so if you were level 100 back then, you got a free +10 space. You also gain +1 Stamina every 20 levels past 100 (101, 120, 140, ..), which will also refill your stamina when that happens.

Speaking of which, I tried purchasing a couple more unit box upgrades from the shop, and found out that I maxed that out (138). Now I have to go through the tedium of feeding iron/bronze units every few trips, which is kind of annoying.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Last maps were pretty cool. Because of the no sortie replenish, it really means that you have to come up with your own strategy. Just being a point or two off on sortie at the wrong time from a video strategy means it's basically useless for you. Was pretty fun. Not sure if a guide will help for that reason, but how I did it anyways (2nd 60/5 map):


1: (7)Soldier (level 40ish Phylis used (5 sortie recovery skill)) - Won't really be taking damage, so it's all about their skills
2: (9)Soldier (Level 43ish Julian used (10 sortie recovery skill)) - Won't really be taking damage, so it's all about their skills
3: (15)Bottom witch (Level 50/36 CC'd Shiho used) - This is a point when sortie is pretty stretched, you may want to place a lower cost witch here instead like Calliope
4: (10)Prince (Level 100 used)
5: (10)Top witch (Level 50/22 CC'd Calliope used)
6: (16)Bottom right healer (50/41 CC'd Alisa used, she's blocked by the A in clear in image)
7: (25)Top right healer (41 Echidna used)
8: (17)At about 9 kills when the Black Axe Knights pass that point and the wolves come, place duelist, CC'd valk recommended for magic resist, high hp and extra sortie from the wolves (50/39 CC'd Carrie used.)
9: (10)Second duelist at the top, you basically just add in anything you can afford. If your soldiers are better than mine so you have more sortie, use something better. Surprisingly a level (46 Mischa) worked with this build.
10: (18)3rd healer in middle (40/35 CC'd Polka used)

Brackets is sortie cost so you can tell if you'd have enough to summon. The only point you probably need to watch is that you have enough to place your first duelist by the time the wolves come, so you may need to use lower cost healers (Than Echidna). I used her just to show even with this build you have some spare sortie to throw around. 137 total sortie used.

I'm kind of surprised this worked honestly lol. I thought I'd need a stronger duelist on top but with the 3 healer set up it worked fine, Mischa's recovery move was great too. I planned on putting Karma or the Dark Elf Fencer there but realized I didn't have the sortie yet. It did get close at times when the enemies started spawning, but activating skills helped. I also had enough sortie to replace somebody if needed by then too.

I also played around with putting Mischa where the Prince is earlier (Then using Prince where Mischa is when Liches come), if your soldiers suck skill wise, you may need to do something like that to get enough sortie. Even though I didn't use it that run, it should work. You can see that the Prince takes almost no damage and it should make killing the top Lich even easier/faster.

Now I just gotta CC Desupia and finish the other 60/5 mission that has no healing. I failed there (2 star) because Shiho isn't allowed, which blows. Need another good CC'd witch and I should have it.

Edit: Just got a rainbow fairy from 60/5 too, awesome map D: Nice present for Desupia when I CC her maybe, or maybe for an event girl...Tough choice. I've never been rewarded so well for failing to get 3 stars haha. It's funny that it's the best map to level Desupia quickly too thanks to the black fairies. This event has had awesome map rewards.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just fed Sedis #2 to Sedis #1, and I found out that her skill at 2/5 doesn't really multiply her attack by 1.3 as stated in the skill's description. While this game actually hides a lot of information from the player, usually it means that the actual attack is higher than the expected attack power. For example, Attack IV 2/5 isn't really "1.5", it's "1.525". So, if I were to do the math for Hina's attack, my expected value would come out lower than the reality (mine's at a level where her base is a float number).

Hina (Level 44):

Sedis (Level 40):
Expected: 727.09
Reality: 699.?

So, Sedis's skill at 2/5 doesn't raise her attack by 1.3, it's really something around 1.25. The same is true for Spica's skill at 2/5.

Spica (Level 39):
Expected: 682.227
Reality: 655.?

In other news, I fed my 2nd and 3rd copy of Loren to Spica, and didn't get her a skill up beyond 2/5. Depending on the drops during the second phase of this event, I might feed a rainbow fairy to her.

Got 3-stars on Dark Tomb Extreme. I had to do some careful calculations, but I managed by initiating with Spica (14), Calliope (12), and Julian (10), then used Julian's skill to deploy Phyllis (6), and then used Phyllis's skill to deploy the Prince. Despite having a total cost of 39, Sedis (20) and Iris (19) have an insane amount of healing power so that I only needed to deploy these two to handle the final lich onslaught, so I was able to deploy Dahlia (19) and Mischa (13) to handle the right and upper lich respectively. Of course, the key to this strategy was that Spica and Sedis were powerful enough to be worth their cost.

In any case, I now need to prepare for the 2nd phase. A lot of people on the Japanese boards are speculating that they might introduce 2 maps that are male-only; the introduction of liquid courage to build male confidence does make this a possibility. I only have the Prince, Julian, Hien, and Jelius as my high-tier male units, but I haven't really worked on any of them (aside from Julian #1, who's level 30 now), so it would kind of suck if they actually do this.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Male only map wise, I am going to have to depend on my Lv35 bronze units ... oh who am I kidding. I got 2x Jerome, Julius, and a few 30CC21 gold archer and mage. Heck, I even have 3x male healers (2x silver and 1x gold) that I can level if needed.

Hence, if the difficulty is as low as usual like the quest male only challenge, I will be fine. If it's the same difficulty as the late current maps, I am going to rage, and then start leveling my male units ._.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Not a bad thing to consider. Hopefully if that happens, they will be very easy and rely more on placement than pure strength. Throwing male only event maps at us when most of us have thought of the men as merely food until like a week ago would be damn harsh. There was almost no incentive to level male units until a little while ago because they were so inferior.

The first part of the event has had two special condition types. So let's see what we haven't had yet. Poison map, Male only map, Female only map, Only melee units, Only ranged units, Low soldier limit (1-3 units on field at a time). I'll hope for poison and female only :p

I just finished all the current maps too (CC'd Desupia did the trick). It's tough to know what to work on. I could spend all the rest of the time leveling fighters that won't even help in the next maps x.X Think I'll hit up plat fairies in missions and try to level up some males with charisma since that is by far my weakest special condition subject. I have that gold ninja, silver samurai and my old silver bandit that could be helpful to even my main team, so not too big of a time waste there. Hope I don't need to CC my male archer I was going to feed to Spica...

Anyways goodluck everybody, and try to be ready for anything lol. Glad we have quite a few days to prepare. Oh also just noticed there's a new skill for the Prince at level 127, which means that there will probably be even more at higher levels. Nice. Surprised somebody has reached 127 already, I'm only 108 still.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I found out that her skill at 2/5 doesn't really multiply her attack by 1.3 as stated in the skill's description.

It seems that the numerical value of the skill of this game is omitting the second place of a small number. And,the numerical value of skill goes up by at equal intervals.
For example,Attack IV 1/5 is 1.4 and 5/5 is 1.9
So 1.4->?->?->?->1.9
The numerical value of skill goes up by at equal intervals.
So 1.4->1.525->1.65->1.775->1.9

Spica's skill 1/5 is 1.2 and 5/5 is 1.3
So 1.2->?->?->?->1.4
The numerical value of skill goes up by at equal intervals.
So 1.2->1.25->1.3->1.35->1.4

Seemingly, it will be set to 1.3, if larger than 1.2 and 1.25 when smaller than this game 1.25.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A only male map would hurt me lot, the only one i keep is the mage, all other male got feed, and damn those male unit, it's a hentai game, they should not be here in the 1st place!

Yeah i'm angry because i got a damn gold male healer in a 5 crystal draw yesterday, who want a muscular fat guy as a healer when there is so much cute girl...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A only male map would hurt me lot, the only one i keep is the mage, all other male got feed, and damn those male unit, it's a hentai game, they should not be here in the 1st place!

Lol yeah... I gave up so many male units that would probably be useful now just because they didn't have a bonus and were so weak compared to females. That gold male archer with double shot for example x.X Only CC'd male I have is Valerie, though I do have a few higher leveled males (Solider, HA, Bandit, working on ninja/samurai and healer from last event)

Anyways it is something we should all prepare for. There are a lot of high level male only missions for fairies/gifts, and it's almost a guarantee that we'll get male only event maps in the future now that they aren't the weaker sex. Getting pretty crazy how many different units we need to complete all these special condition maps x.X I've been putting 1-2 crystals every event into box expansions.

Oh so anybody CC the last event girl yet? She's pretty awesome. Sadly my last two copies didn't lower the cost of my main one anymore so she's 24 sortie still, but 6/10 skill is nice. She's a really useful unit for her cost. Like an archer/ninja, duelist and princess rolled into one (thanks to her skill). Her stats are pretty great for all she does too. I'd recommend trying her out, glad I CC'd her earlier.