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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


While I'm posting this, what order should I start CCing and leveling up my units? (I also have the 2 plat units from the previous events, Charlotte and Ren)
Also anything else besides the Rural Gate map I should do for feeding and money?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


While I'm posting this, what order should I start CCing and leveling up my units? (I also have the 2 plat units from the previous events, Charlotte and Ren)
Also anything else besides the Rural Gate map I should do for feeding and money?

You should definitely have enough to 2 star most of the low cost map, you can check the jp wiki for good video of the map, as for what you need to CC i would say 1 more dark witch and 1 sniper, i think it's what your missing to have it more easy in this event, also a CC mage should be a must have but well it's not really needed for this event.

You do need a solid reinforce III soldier sooner or later. Katie (the girl that drops from tutorial) is probably your best bet. One of the 60/5 map drops gold fairy like crazy, so leveling her and ccing her should be easy.
Alternatively, you can put 2 priests on that BM to out heal the damage and put a ninja behind that BM. But then you would need 3 priests of decent level and you still need to out tank that hilarious amount of chip damage.

Well i would like to, but i don't have spar silver soldier to CC her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mm, there's a chance they'll lower the cost of the event buffs during the last few days of this event. The shield at 10 crystals lowers the physical attack of all enemies by 40% now, so that should let you deal with the nastiest things from this event (the black oni and black goblin archers). If push comes to shove, I think the best strategy is to treat these maps like the Wolve's Den Extreme map, and switch to gorilla tactics. For example, the Fire Beast Extreme map has 28 enemy units with 12 of them being extremely easy ones to kill, so all that's left is to kill 7 of the trickier monsters (the reason these guys will be tricky is that you will have to figure out a way of getting rid of them without getting scorched by the two Efreets).

Ah, l I hope so. I do have over 20 crystals atm and the Maribelle event will give me more, so if I don't need em all to strengthen Maribelle, that's an option. Hopefully there are some ways to cheese in a 1 star on some maps that I can't normally clear as you mentioned, could get me the 30 stars I wanted. I'll keep watching videos and looking for weak points lol, I love beating maps I shouldn't be able to~

30 stars along with a strong Maribelle would make me so happy. It's really cool of them to bring her event back, she'll probably be in my top 3 favorite units easily. I wanted her so badly and now I can get her :D Delicious armor wearing tough women~ Then you have the summoner in this event that just seems awesome, can't wait to see how she works. Don't know if I've ever been so excited for an event before.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think I might go with purchasing the "High-Speed Recovery" buff from Aegis for 5 sacred crystals (so she can go buy BL doujins). Although, they might lower its cost to 3 crystals toward the end of this event, so I might want to hold off on it. Spending 3-5 crystals isn't too bad, since the clear reward is a rainbow fairy, and that thing alone is worth 5 crystals.

Currently have 29 stars, and I haven't tried the last two maps yet. The only player I saw with a party nearest to my own for Xroads Xtreme used the Gold Archer Claire (4/5 Skill), a 50CC33 Black Heavy Armour Dina (3/5 Skill), and a lvl 55 Good Karma (5/5 Skill) to get 3-stars. These differences makes it hard for me to ascertain if I can get 2-stars; it really depends on if I can figure out the pathing for the enemies, so I can tell which routes I can leave unguarded.

No one has posted much in the way of strategies implementing gorilla tactics; the closest would be this guy who bought the healing buff, so he could 2-star the last couple maps with a party weaker than my own.

Crossroads of Fate Extreme (2-stars, High-speed Healing Buff):

Fire Beast Extreme (2-stars, High-speed Healing Buff):

Fire Beast Extreme (2-stars, Gold Units):
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rural gate all day long. Period.
In terms of required unit:
1) You need another healer/priest
2) You need a better ranged unit/class changed unit.

In terms of leveling order:
1) Level your black princess to around 40 using only bronze hectors. (It's costy gold wise, but it's worth it)
2) 50CC Daniela, a sniper's range is needed for a few maps
3) 50CC Katie since you will need a Reinforce 3 soldier sooner or later

High cost later maps for this event is impossible. But you should have a shot at 2 stars for the low cost later maps.

Well i would like to, but i don't have spar silver soldier to CC her.
I am down to my last silver soldier myself and need to farm for more. But you do need a Reinforce 3 soldier if you plan to go for the later maps.

Delicious armor wearing tough women
Maribelle is like a lobster, take away the shells, all you have is the soft inwards. (Unlike a certain Rean)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@liulax - With team that is probably inferior to yours (definitely in terms of unit quality, maybe not all the levels) I was able to get 3 stars on all maps from first week and unless I am missing something I should get at least 11 stars in the second week.

Just as Dragonpaladin said, you definitely need second healer, preferably CCd. Third witch would be nice (instead of Daniela), but I think that you can manage with 2.

I am not sure I would agree with CCing mage as a priority, at least in terms of current event. He is not useful on all maps from first week nor on high speed ones from this one. Non-ccd mage should also be sufficient for first high-def map. Instead I would rather see a second CCd healer (though for general purpose you will want to CC him sooner rather than later, it is just current event that doesn't give much opportunity for mage to shine, until final maps).

Back to your initial question - you shouldn't have much problem getting the 18 stars you want, likely much more. I suggest going for 3stars on all first week maps first, than 3 stars on 3 stamina ones from second one.

You mentioned that you have trouble with heavy hitting ogres. At no point you should really be tanking them. They should be killed by your witches and archers before they reach the exit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Third witch would be nice (instead of Daniela), but I think that you can manage with 2.
Class-change Daniella or the plat witch, you need a minimal of 4 ranged unit with 3 being cced due to demand in terms of range. The third witch isn't necessary if you have a 2nd CCed witch.

CCing mage
You are right, since CCed warlock is only needed for the later high cost maps. I will go edit and remove it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am down to my last silver soldier myself and need to farm for more. But you do need a Reinforce 3 soldier if you plan to go for the later maps.

Maribelle is like a lobster, take away the shells, all you have is the soft inwards. (Unlike a certain Rean)

Noticed that as well. All the videos I see of people clearing the end maps usually have at least one 3 reinforcement soldier and they end up with like 20-40+ sortie that I don't have when I need it. I think I could clear the 2nd to last 60/5 if I had more sortie. My little Daniela can't stop the hate train (Archer/mage goblin spam) alone but a mage would do wonders. I'm working on the tutorial girl now, need soldiers for her though. She'll still be better for her skill/cost ratio than Phylis even un CC'd. 3rd to last 60/5 (One I 1 stared), I probably need to CC Spica, that first Black Oni is a bitch.

I like that analogy, it's kind of kinky, haha. I would love Rean more if her CG proportions didn't terrify me. It's also kind of hard to fall for the girls that you're required to use, since they're you're only options unless you're lucky (Alisa, Rean, Phylis, etc). I do really like Calliope though, dem cgs, Alisa is pretty awesome as well.

Oh and pretty happy I CC'd a bunch of duelists. Here I thought it was getting kind of silly but they've been saving my ass. These maps are CC'd duelist heavy...well they're everything heavy, but good duelists have really helped. Even Yurina has been putting in work, as well as Carry, Roana and Charlotte, and especially Karma. I feel so bad for people without White Karma in this event x.x
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Silver unit ranting wise:
Alisa is still one of my regulars/favorite.
Phyllis has been replaced by Rosary.
Mischa grew on me (mostly due to combat capabilities and the rest thanks to Petite's post)
Pulse is an awesome new addition to my party
Did I tell you how much I love Soma-chan?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Silver unit ranting wise:
Alisa is still one of my regulars/favorite.
Phyllis has been replaced by Rosary.
Mischa grew on me (mostly due to combat capabilities and the rest thanks to Petite's post)
Pulse is an awesome new addition to my party
Did I tell you how much I love Soma-chan?

Once you see how Daniela can solo red gargoyles easily with her skill, it may help her chances against Soma :3 She's my lead archer now (Until I can CC Spica). But of course Soma will always win the cute contest between the two. I gotta get Pulse ready to take over for Vallerie, lol.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@lilulax - one more thing came to my mind. Based on the fact that you have Yurina and Belinda, shouldn't you also have Roana - the dark elf from Crisis of Fairy township event? If you do - she is a beast, definitely keep her in your party.

@ Dragonpaladin - I have managed to clear week 1 and strong Oni using lvl 34 cced Belinda, lvl 43 non-cced Calliope, lvl 31 non-cced Chloris + lvl 45 cced Daniela. But let's not get too much into detail, I agree there is DPS requirement, that needs to be met, and you need at least 4 strong ranged units.

Either way - the CCed Belinda was so far MVP for me all event long. If anyone is thinking about getting some nice stars in this event and doesn't have a CCed witch yet, I would recommend getting it as a priority.


I am currently sitting on 26 stars (full first week plus 3 stamina maps from this week). While there is some nice coverage of later maps I would like to share some tips for those who struggle with earlier ones.

During first attempts on Strong Oni map I didn't manage to kill the black Oni. However, while he hits for 1600, his attack speed is so low, that healers manage to cast two heals between his attack. If you are lacking DPS to burst him down, you can actually tank him with something that doesn't get 1-shot and two healers with only 300-ish attack (depending on tank def).

For crossroads of fate I have found this vid to be quite nice reference - . While the party seems quite buff at the first glance, I was able to do similar strat using much more silver units. The key point here is the idea to move your team from back to the front when archers start coming.

I also got 2 stars on Fire Beast using Dragonpaladin strategy (Thanks for sharing!). Missed one star because my secondary healer died. I think my Rean + Valery didn't have enough DPS for archer goblins and one of them started shooting at my healer, but unfortunately I missed it. Either way it should be easy to correct. Maybe I will place healer before HA, but the initial CD for her skill is soo long. Earlier in this thread someone complained about not having enough sortie to follow this strat and not managing to land mage in time. I think you can skip the archer entirely, which will give you more than enough sortie to make up for any cost reduction Dragonpaladin uses.

Looking forward, I think anyone who is able to 3star Strong Oni, should be easily able to 2star Strong Oni Extreme. Just let the first black oni pass, let the final black oni pass, maybe even let all the red onis through. Just make sure that not too many wolves run through.

Crossroads of Fate Extreme on the other hand... THIS IS SPARTAAAA. One glance at it and it is clear you won't get carried through by one or two CCed silvers, you need entire team to be well developed. I also wonder what can I do here without princess on my team. You need something that bypasses def for each lane. Mid and top can be covered by casters, but the bottom one is a bit iffy. Maybe I will try a witch on the rightmost position + Charlotte?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

LOL this video....

Free 3 starts for any newcomer. U can easily get the bronze units in 2 days.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bought the "High-speed Healing", and got 32 stars. I really, really hate Crossroads of Fate Extreme. That aura lich doesn't come out for me like it does in the videos I saw. So whenever I did it, there's a good chance that I would repeatedly catch its minions, and then let the lich walk down the lane, and ruin everything since no one else I deployed could catch it either due to minion spam. Thanks to that, I lost 3 times, though this fourth time, I killed everything save for one minion that I could have caught with Dahlia if I retreated Lilia and Sedis earlier.

I don't know if I want to bother with getting 3-stars on this map, since it was such a pain aligning the stars so that I deployed Lilia at the exact right moment where she would catch the lich after slaying its first minion in 3 strikes.

This is what my unit placement looked like (not for educational purposes due to the 5 crystal buff I bought, which turned Iris into a monster):

This experience makes me wish they would implement a feature that highlights whoever your unit is going to attack when you're hovering the unit over the screen. That way you can wait until the thing you want to attack turns red or something, and not have to guess based on the enemy's hit-box.

Well, in any case, I'm glad to be done with this event. Sorano's the first unit that I will have that is maxed out from one of these events. Still waiting for the leaked drop information, since I'm curious about the platinum armour's drop percentage (I want to feed it to Karma with 3 black fairies to create room in my inventory if there's a realistically good chance of getting one).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That way you can wait until the thing you want to attack turns red or something, and not have to guess based on the enemy's hit-box.
But this is 90% of the game in terms of skills. If you take away that, how would the good players show off their bronze bandit only videos?

platinum armour's drop percentage
During 12 goddess crystal worth of runs through all the maps, with most of 90% them being high cost maps and all of them of the later stages. I can say with certainty that for me the drop rate is 0%. Hence, the drop rate is lower than 10% for sure. You are looking at rainbow fairy rate (3%) in my opinion.

I want a time fairy for 36 stars like Echidna event. :X

千年戦争アイギス 大地に眠る召喚獣:岐路 極級 ★3 (制限あり)

Limits placed: No skills outside of Reinforce 3. No Karma.

1) Melee duelist that can handle 2x black goblin archers under ~26 deployment cost.
2) 2 Priests breaking 800~820 total healing power without Prince's buff or skill
3) High level princess (Preferably 50+ due to hp/attack stats) for soloing the lich
4) Preferably 2 BM and 2 Princesses, but you only need 1 of each.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Can someone tell me about this event ?

My limit japanese tell me that it happen between May 24 and 25 and something about mission ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can someone tell me about this event ?

My limit japanese tell me that it happen between May 24 and 25 and something about mission ?

This is the revived old event, for platinum tank - Mariabelle. People have been discussing some detail over last two pages. All in all it is a normal farm event, where the event unit is one of the drops on the maps. It will be available via daily mission menu.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 1.5 gold boost for 15 days affect both the amount of gold gained from quest and mission as well as the amount of gold from selling unit right ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 1.5 gold boost for 15 days affect both the amount of gold gained from quest and mission as well as the amount of gold from selling unit right ?
It only raises the amount of gold you receive clearing a mission or quest by 1.5. It does not boost the amount of gold you receive from selling a unit. I haven't purchased any of the gold or exp buffs, so I don't know if it's a better deal to have that buff for 15 days, or to use the crystals to farm gold armours on Monday. 3 crystals spent on stamina is at least 18 trips that would net you 0-72 gold armours, so that's 0-432,000+54,000 gold right there from the armours and map clear results.

The effectiveness of the gold buff from the shop depends on the map you're going to be farming. If you're doing an event with maps that gives out little gold as result, then it might be a waste; I don't know for sure.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The title Brave give +5% bonus for skill so at lv 50 my prince skill give 7% bonus for all unit when deploay, with Brave title Prince will give 12% bonus right ?

Does the Title also affect other units' skills ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Back to Dragonpaladin strategy for Fire Best (normal) for a moment - one more thing that can be done to smooth out the initial cost is to use prince to tank the Ifreet. Just make sure that your Katy doesn't take too much damage from the bandit.

However, the real key point here, which has somehow alluded me, is that the top healer needs to have range up as a skill. There is alternate approach mentioned in the description, but it requires your secondary healer and HA to be really good. With lvl 45 cced Rean with 4/5 skill and lvl 30 cced Shidisu with 1/5 skill I still couldn't tank the damage.

Fortunately even with 1/5 skill Shidisu can reach the tank from the top spot. But if you don't have her, nor the gold healer, I think you will need a different approach. I have not tried using 2 healers just for the tank, but I don't think it would work as there is nothing to kill the gobs in that case. Maybe Charlotte / a Ninja behind the tank?