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Possible Dark Heresy game


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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So, wound up working on recreating notes from a Dark Heresy game I'd been planning for my offline RPing group this morning. Decided that since some of the RPs that I've been running are stalling out (or toast) I'd go ahead and try throwing this out for possible running.

Just as a small note, I will be planning on using a couple of house rules from my old group with this, should it be run. Also, it will likely be non-h, since this forum really deserves better material than I can write. There might be options for dealing with that issue, but interest check first.

Oh, and it will be for the original version of Dark Heresy, not the new one in the works. I don't have access to the Beta stuff for that, and all of my sourcebooks are for the original print anyway.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Would it be done on the forum, of via chat?
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Forum. Seems to be the option that would most likely garner attention, at least for a while.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Well, I'll see if I can get my hands on a rulebook or something, since sadly I don't have any materials on Dark Heresy. But for the time being, consider me interested.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Oh, one more thing that I thought of...

For those who've run with me in the past... You may be in for a bit of a surprise with this. It's not going to have as much goofiness or in-jokes as I normally use. Which also means that using correct spellings instead of "internet" spellings is going to be highly preferred.

Also, before anyone who might be interested in playing starts rolling up a character, be aware that the house rules may affect character creation. Also, there's two different ways I could have the Adepta Sororitas handled, career path-wise, and I'm still debating which way to go with that.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

I am interested in playing Dark Heresy.

There was one game in the RPG section here that never got off the ground. You could ask for mod rights to that forum, archive the old stuff, and just start posting in there.

Would we be allowed to use the Inquisitor's Handbook for character creation? (The one that allows backgrounds from Forge Worlds, Schola Progenitum, and Noble Classes? Along with some Caladis Sector specific background packages.)

Also, would you be doing strictly random character gen, or would you allow people a choice of two rolls?

What exactly are those house rules that you would be using?

With regards to non-H stuff, I'm fine with that really.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

As for Mod rights to the existing DH sub-forum... I kind of already have those, in a way, from the Spam Hunting stuff.

As for character gen, that's where bulk of the house rules I'll be using are focused.

Stat Gen:
Instead of making you plug in the numbers as you roll them in order of rolling, you can do the nine rolls, then plug the results in where you want them.

Other Character Gen Stuff:
You can either do the two rolls and pick on everything else, or if you've got a concept in mind already (world of origin, career path, appearance, name...) then just using that is fine as well. Wounds and Fate points, take the maximum starting values.

Also, starting XP will be 500, rather than the 400 stated in the core book. All of the guys in my offline group said doing that made more sense when I first suggested it, so...

Also, books allowed for Character Gen:

Core Rulebook
The Inquisitor's Handbook
Blood of Martyrs {Ecclesiarchy Sourcebook}
Book of Judgment {Adeptus Arbites Sourcebook}
Daemon Hunter {Ordo Malleus Sourcebook, no you may not roll up a Grey Knight.}
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Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Any concept I would have would be based on the mood of the campaign you intend.

Do you know what setting you want? Do you have preferences for what you're looking for in the group? Is it going to be a combat heavy game where an Adept will feel useless, or will you be giving a lot of consideration to the non-combat aspects?

Are there any character concepts you would rather NOT see proposed?
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

There's a good chance that the mood will likely change or shift depending on what choices the players make, and how they handle things. I will, however, be planning and doing my best to ensure that there's a balance between combat and non-combat... Unless of course, I end up with all of the characters being skewed one way or the other, in which case, whichever way it's skewed will obviously take a bit more spotlight, if you will.

I would rather not see any "gag" concepts, or any concepts that are already strongly leaning towards falling, or even Radicalism. Overly strong Puritan mindsets could also prove problematic, depending on group composition.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Do you want to do attribute rolling or are you satisfied that we can roll for ourselves? At what point would you allow a stats roll over (if the stats are too low?)
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

I am down if you are okay with me being generally bad. :x

Also wait. There are splats BESIDES the Inquisitor's Handbook? <__> And there's a NEW Derp Hershey in the works?? <___>

I random'd up an Adept last night on sup/tg/'s random generator, but she's probably hilariously useless, on top of Adepts seeming like a thing that should probably be played by people who actually know shit about like, lore and stuff.
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Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

For rolls, Invisible Castle is fine, or you can just roll for yourselves if you've got the dice and want to.

As for stats... I'd be inclined to say re-roll if your highest is 12, or if you've got more than half of the rolls are 10 or less.

Oh, and I'll need to update the Character Gen house rules listing... Forgot one.

EDIT: House Rule update complete.

And Blarg, define "generally bad".
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

And finally, do you want Characters posted in this thread?
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Interest piqued. Count me in.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

No, I think I'll set up a thread in a bit.

So far:

cross_grave (Maybe)
GargantuaBlarg (Maybe)

Anyone else? Do note that I'm perfectly capable of talking someone through character gen if you're interested but lost. Also, I have access to all of the listed sourcebooks, so I can give details from them, if need be.

Okay, Blarg... That character, I could see being usable, however, you'll probably have to adjust the Wounds and Fate. Also, 200 more XP to spend than what's shown.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

My poast tend to be kinda shit, and I also enjoy derping as a player. If it's like, a supersrs RP I may fit poorly.

Also there was a template I took, which eated up 100 XP off that linked chara.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

I wouldn't say super-serious, but yeah, it's not gonna be a derpfest.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Okay, so just so I can get my character concept out there - female void born psyker, from the Battle Fleet Calixis naval tradition. Militarily inclined, due to parents being higher ups in the fleet command, but signs of psychic sensitivity got her on an immediate warp flight to holy terra at an early age. She's been through the ringer with regards to pledging herself to the Emperor. Thoroughly conditioned in the Imperial Creed. Offered to the Inquisition to prove herself and to test the extent of her conditioning. If she survives long enough, the plan is to have her join with an Imperial Guard unit in her off time, so might team up well with a Guardsman background.
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Sounds good.

If I may... Might I suggest looking into the Staunch Bleeding minor psychic power?
Re: Possible Dark Heresy game

Rolled up the character gen. Any place to put it yet?