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Aaron (Rathuris)

Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (13) tries to toast Tentacle Vine 1 (4)! Aaron deals 1 FP damage!

Tentacle Vine 1 (17) tries to bind Aaron's (13) waist! Aaron gains Bind, Lv. 1!

Hanthur (15 - 2 = 13) tries to break the tentacle (7) around his leg! (Reduced to Bind, Lv. 1!)

Tentacle Vine 2 (8) tries to slap Hanthur (4) around! Hanthur takes 1 FP damage!

Aaron: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP - Bind Lv. 1

Hanthur: 3/5 FP, 1/10 AP

Tentacle Vine 1: 1/4 FP, currently binding Aaron

Tentacle Vine 2: 3/4 FP, currently binding Hanthur

Aaron's fire was indeed right on the money again, the cloud of flame engulfing the vine yet again- it wasn't as effective as the last time, but the vine looked like it was almost ready to drop. But just because the vine was almost done physically didn't mean that it was giving up.

The tentacle pushed through the fire and wrapped snugly around her waist, the vine pulling her closer to the grate with each slight tug. The singed vine obviously had some plan for her, and while it seemed ready to drop, it seemed to have a single-minded drive to beat her into submission.

Hanthur, on the other hand, managed to reach down and secure enough of the tentacle in one huge hand to pull the appendage off his leg. It appeared that he was finally getting somewhere with his- until the tentacle pulled itself loose and flexed upward, catching him square in the jaw. His head snapped back, and it was obvious that he was seeing stars for a second there.

The battle could go either way- no one side held any advantage.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"Eeek!" Aaron shuddered in revulsion as she felt the tentacle wrap about her waist. Panicing and squirming as it pulled her toward the grate. Lashing out with her staff to and release one more fire spell to finish it off.

Fire spell again.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (11 - 2 = 9) casts fire at Tentacle Vine 1 (1)! It takes two damage, and dies! Bind wears off!

Hanthur (1 - 2 = -1) strikes at Tentacle Vine 2 (19)! Hanthur gets countered for 1 FP damage!

Tentacle Vine 2 (8) smacks Hanthur (4) across the neck! Hanthur takes another 1 FP damage!

Aaron: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Hanthur: 1/5 FP, 1/10 AP

Tentacle Vine 1: Fried
Tentacle Vine 2: 3/4 FP, binding Hanthur

One more burst of fire, and the vine wrapping Aaron dropped to the ground, writhing as its body caught fire, and then disappearing back through the grate as its owner fled, trying to save the burnt appendage from any more destruction. A soft squishing noise could be heard as the being scuttled away.

Hanthur was not so lucky- beginning to feel somewhat tired, he swung his axe wide, the blade biting into the wall of the sewer tunnel. This gave the tentacle a chance to give him a quick one-two combo of two string blows- one to his stomach, to counter the wide swing, and the other, a quick jab to his neck to knock the wind out of him. Hanthur was left coughing and sputtering- one more good knock and he would likely be out of it, but the question was- would the vine be satisfied with him, or would it want both of them?
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron jumped with joy as she sent the tentacle monster packing. Turning around to speak to Hanthur about her victory, and looking stunned as she saw the beat up minotaur. Moving close to him with a concerned look. "Hanthur are you alright?" Launching a fire spell at the tentacle, but far enough away from the large man to not hurt him by mistake.

Sticking with what works and burning the monster.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (4) unleashes more fire at the Tentacle Vine (5)! (Miss)

Hanthur (15 - 2 = 13) strikes at the Tentacle Vine (12)! 1 FP damage dealt!

Tentacle Vine (20) strikes at Hanthur (16)! Hanthur takes 2 damage and is knocked cold!

Aaron: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Hanthur: 0/5 FP, 1/10 AP

Tentacle Vine: 2/4 FP

"It's gonna take a lot den dat plant to take me down!"

His accent had become a bit thicker as his energy waned, and as the vine whipped him back to avoid Aaron's cloud of fire, he raised his axe, bringing it down onto the vine still wrapped around him. His axe bit true, slicing deep into the vine, and for a second, it stilled- had he taken care of it?

No such luck. A second vine emerged from behind the grate, quickly waving through the air, darting left and right to try and fake Hanthur out, until it rushed forward and swerved past his axe, slamming into is jaw and knocking him sprawling, his axe sliding away. More tentacles emerged from behind the grate and began wrapping around his limbs, but the one that had scored the knockout blow was now pointed at Aaron. It seemed to be waiting to see what he would do...

You have a couple options here- if you don't take any more combat actions against the vine, it might leave you alone. Hanthur's in for a time, but you'd be safe.

You could run, but that might look bad, but you could maybe find help. Of course, this leaves Hanthur in the same rough place, but you might be able to find someone to help.

Or you could keep attacking, and have it consider you a threat. You've got a few options!
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron nearly screamed when she saw the thing knock out the laarge minotaur. Realizing she would need a friend and companian if she wanted to get out of the game. She swiped her staff at the thing and unlessed another fire spell at the tentacles.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (16) throws a fire spell at the Tentacle Vine (17)! (Miss)

Tentacle Vine (12) attempts to grope Aaron (2)! (2 AP damage- 1 auto, 1 for failing the defense roll by ten or more!)

Aaron: 5/5 FP, 2/10 AP - -1 to rolls from arousal!

Tentacle Vine: 2/4 FP

The blast of fire lashed out at the tentacles, but this time, Aaron's blast flew wide, disappearing through the grate and impacting a wall. Still tugging at Hanthur's unconscious body, another tentacle shot out from behind the grate. Matching its twin, they wove through the air, trying to fake Aaron out, hoping to get past her guard- and they did.

One vine came at her from each side, and while she might have expected to be smacked around... instead, something else happened. Both vines circled around her, but didn't enwrap her- both settled for winding around one of her breasts- one to a vine- and both began to squeeze, setting up a rhythm that might start her juices flowing a bit. Once they started with that, the heads would caress the front of her outfit, searching for small nubs of hardness that they could tease further.

After about a minute, the vines pulled away, and they were back to waving in front of her, almost as if they were mocking her...
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron could do nothing but moan and squirm as the tentacles fondled her breasts. Her knees shaking as they found her erect nipples, gasping in pleasure as the were rubbed. Her breathing heavy as she panted for air.

Once the tentacles removed themselves she couldn't help but blush at what had happened. Her blush growing even redder when she remembered what she looked like and what happened to females and tentacles in hentai. Her hands shakingly brought her staff about and tried to fry the tentacle, not really up for being used by the slimy thing.

Fire spell again.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (7 - 1 = 6) tries to fry the Tentacle Vine (2)! Aaron deals 1 FP damage!

The Tentacle Vine (11) goes for a gut strike on Aaron (4)! Aaron takes 1 FP damage!

Aaron: 4/5 FP 2/10 AP

Tentacle Vine: 1/4 FP

The fire spell again flew true, and the tentacles sizzled and scorched, thrashing about as they tried to extinguish the flames again. By this time, the tentacles were burnt raw in several places, and they were acting a bit more wary, even if they were starting to droop. Some of the fight had gone out of the vines, and even the ones that were wrapped around Hanthur had gone a bit limp.

But they hadn't lost all their fight. One of the vines hung back, but the second jerked forward, snapping itself through the air, and slamming into Aaron's gut, doing a fair job of knocking the wind out of her. The vine retreated as quickly as it rushed forward, doing its best to protect its main body- and its captive. But with its condition, how much longer would it be able to stand up to her...?
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron coughed as she leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath after recieving a shot to the gut. Weakling raising her staff once more she let fly another fire spell, hoping to get it to release Hanthur or run away.

Fire spell again.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (14 - 1 = 13) throws a fire spell at the Tentacle Vine (20)! Aaron gets countered for 1 FP damage!

The Tentacle Vine (18) grinds against Aaron's (19 - 1 = 18) groin! (Miss!)

Aaron: 3/5 FP, 2/10 AP
Tentacle Vine: 1/4 FP

Either the vine was getting better at dodging her attacks, or Aaron was starting to get tired. Her fire lashed out, but this time, she lost track of the second vine as she was going after the first. While she was getting ready to cast her spell, the other vine came up from behind and lashed across her back, causing the spell to fly away from the target. It was obvious it was still somewhat ready to fight.

The one that had hit her, however, had other ideas. It snuck in close behind her, and tried to push through her legs, to grind up against her crotch, seeking to find her sensitive spot- but it had made itself just a bit too obvious. Aaron just stepped out of the way, leaving the tentacle to lift harmlessly up in the air. She wasn't close to losing the battle, but it wasn't over yet...
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Narrowing dodging the tentacle and panting from exhaustion. She decided to try and punish the tentacle. She brought her staff around and tried to globbering the wiggling appendage.

Smack it with the staff
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (6) swings her staff at the tentacle vine (4) - Aaron knocks out the Tentacle Vine and ends the battle!

Aaron grabs 1 XP.

Sometimes, all you need to do to solve your problems is to give them a good smack. With one swing of her mighty staff, the vine received a mighty swat, sending it careening across the chamber, and into the wall. There was a sound much like a head of lettuce hitting a slab of rock, and a small splat of material appeared upon the bricks.

The vine dropped to the ground, and finally, the creature had had enough. Its vines released Hanthur, allowing the minotaur to flop unconscious on the ground. All the tentacles vanished back beyond the grate as the creature slunk off, nursing its wounds. The sound of movement slowly vanished into the darkness, and soon, the only sounds were drips of water, Aaron's movements as she moved around, and the agonized groan of a minotaur with a headache as he woke up.

"Ugh... the day I can't hack it against a simple plant is the day I oughta hang up my axe... Aaron, you all right, girl?"
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron gave a small nod. "I am." Moving over to the minotaur and trying to help him stand up. "Are you alright though?" Looking at the large an in concern. Her nipples making a slightly outline still as her body still calmed down from the surprising pleasure the tentacles ellicted in her bosom.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"Yeah, I'm okay... take that as a lesson, Aaron- underestimate an opponent like that, and you'll find your opponent under your clothes! But yeah... guess I owe ya one for making sure that I wasn't about to become a plant's plaything- not that that's a bad thing, but I'd rather you get that from someone you actually want to give it to. But dat's not to say you aren't good-lookin'... you do have a figure most minotaurs would kill to get their hands on..."

His eyes roamed her figure, lingering upon her breasts for a second, and Aaron could swear his breathing had grown heavier. (Hanthur gets +1 AP.)

"A-anyways, let's keep going... in the other direction. This big old grate isn't going anywhere... see how it's rusted? I'd need a week of solid blows just to knock the rust off, and enough noise to bring everything in the sewers down on us. I think we'll have to take that other tunnel... ;ead the way!"

Remember when I said that each companion had a positive and a negative side to them? Hanthur's negative is that each time Aaron hits an even number of AP, Hanthur takes 1 AP damage due to his minotaur blood. However, that blood... is also his positive- the more riled up he gets, the better he fights. His AP effects are reversed- instead of negatives, he actually fights harder when aroused.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron was quiet as Hanthur spoke about being a plant's plaything. Her blush growing bigger as he commented on how good looking she was. Her blush growing redder then a strawberry when she noticed him looking at her bosom, and his eyes definitely catching that her nipples were still hard and excited.

With a nervous nod and a fidget. "Uh.... Okay....." Quickly turning around and leading him the other way. Her hips swaying unintentionally from her slight arousal that still lingered from encounter with the tentacle. Turning up and heading towards the sound of water.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

As they approached where they had originally turned north, Hanthur seemed to be in a better mood. The first fight of the day had loosened the minotaur up some, and he seemed to be more talkative.

The hardest fight of the day is always the first one. Once you get that over with, the rest of the day is easier. But you might want to learn how to fight with more than just that fire spell. If you keep using the same weapon, sooner or later you'll run into something that's just going to laugh it off. Maybe if we find something nice down here, you can at least buy a new spell... but you might try your luck, physically."

Reaching the intersection where they had originally set off from, they took the only route that they hadn't taken, heading southeast. Eventually, they would hit another intersection- the water would sound louder down the current tunnel, but the offshoot tunnel was a bit quieter.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron happily led him down the tunnel as they talked. "I know. Though my fire spell is all I know currently. As to physically attacking...." Stoping a moment to gesture to her rather large breasts. "These kind of get inthe way...." Continueing on after a moment for Hanthur to see her gesture. "This is all so new for me...."

Stopping as they approached the second intersection. Listening a moment to see where the water was coming from. "Let's go down the quiet tunnel." Looking up at him with a smile. "Lead the way, please."
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"The quiet one? Might be a good idea- might be able to sneak around and pick off something when it's not looking, right? Well, let's see here..."

Ahead of them their tunnel split into two more tunnels- taking a listen, Aaron would find out that she could hear the water down the tunnel that split off towards the same direction the previous intersection had gone. The other tunnel she had found... had a bit of a predicament. The walls and ceiling had collapsed, creating a massive pile of brick, stone and rubble in the tunnel- not completely blocking it, but there was a small patch near the top that Aaron might be able to squeeze through, but Hanthur would be like trying to squeeze a melon through a bank's vacuum tube- there wasn't any way it would happen, unless she was willing to wait.

"You know, you might be able to squeeze through up there... I'd have to push through it or find a way around- if there is one- but if you want to push on through alone, you can. I'll just stay behind and bust up something... your call. I'm actually surprised that we haven't seen anyone else... I mean, the princess I can understand, but Jenk? Nomally I can hear his comments and yowls through the sewers... I bet they just went topside, yeah?"
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"Maybe...." Aaron gave a curious look over the rubble and the small hole. "I'd rather stick close to you." She started down the quiet uncollapsed tunnels. "Let's go this way."
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