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Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

The walk to the shaman's hut was... quite disturbing actually and put Lucia on edge a good bit. As it turned out Lucia was right to be on guard, because when she arrived at the shaman's hut she was in for a surprise. Looking around a little bit once she entered the hut, Lucia saw the young woman inside and watched as she turned around to look at her. After the woman tossed the leaves over her shoulder Lucia senses the smell coming from them which she recognized... from Netia... and from Kujin's hidey hole.

Staring at the woman as she spoke, Lucia's mind instinctively deduced what was going on here in near record time and after the woman had finished speaking she knew what she was pretty much... only a succubus could go all but unaffected from this smoke and turn people into lust crazed fiends. When the succubus had noticed that Lucia figured her out, the young angel reached for her blade, but before she could finish drawing it, the succubus spoke again, asking if she'd like to see what she'd done to Kujin.

"No I don't really care much about... that. And you're going to show me anyway," Lucia began saying, muttering the last sentence with a tinge of anger in her voice.

Using the time wisely, Lucia looked around the room for anything she could use to her advantage against this succubus. She was certain that any fight with her would be hard, but nothing that would be impossible surely. Watching the scene play out once she'd examined the room as thoroughly as she could, Lucia was unable to help but feel a bit aroused, especially when she saw Kujin's ovipositor practically being dragged out to play. As she finished watching the scene between Kujin and Heriko as she found out was the succubus' name, Lucia felt her own dick nearly fully erect underneath her battle skirt, a twitch down there throbbing through her when Heriko began pounding Kujin's poor ovipositor and again when she climaxed inside of it. A third twitch shot through her as Kujin began laying her eggs afterwards, but the moment was ruined by how uncaring Heriko here had been towards Kujin when she was done, not even checking to make sure she was okay and all.

As the scene drew to a close, Lucia's hand immediately went back to the hilt of her sword and grasped it. Listening intently on any way Heriko was trying to trick her with her wording, Lucia thought it all over in her head. She didn't say a word until Heriko had finished talking, and even then she remained silent for a few moments more, letting the obviously eager succubus know she was thinking it over. In the end, Lucia doubted she could trust this succubus... or most any succubi for that matter. Sure there were some out there that changed their ways, she'd even heard about them, but this one, with what all she'd done here so far... no Lucia doubted it. Furthermore if she called for help from Kujin and or Netia... well Heriko might be able to just order the two of them to hold her down and rape her themselves, not even dirtying her own hands in the process, but at the very least she might be able to lure this woman outside into the open so if she did call for Netia and Kujin to help and they were forced against her... well she'd be able to take to the air then and force a 1 on 1 air battle with Heriko here, one which she would have the advantage.

"Can I have some time to think your proposal over? This is a big decision for me to make, so I must have some time to think it over and all, because you can't expect me to just jump at your offer so quickly. Right? In the meantime... before I choose what course of action to take here, I want to know more about you. I need to know if I do choose to accept your deal if I can trust you to hold up your end of the bargain and all. You understand of course I'm sure why I am so cautious and am asking all of this of you before I make my decision," Lucia asked Heriko, still not taking her hand off the hilt of her sword just yet until she had an answer from the succubus. Deep down Lucia was prepared to surrender if that's what it took to save this village, but she didn't think it was necessary really to have to do so as she didn't expect Heriko to keep her end of the deal. Lucia also figured that it was best for the truth to be known to the village regardless, because that wasn't Kujin's true first time in any case and in Lucia's eyes she was raped because she hadn't wanted to do it despite the fact that she was so taken by the pleasure that she'd received and all. That was something she'd have to tell Kujin later regardless of the outcome here.

Nice post, and scene between Heriko and Kujin. I expected there to be other villages from the beginning as well as other parts to the village also, as Netia seemed... still quite horny even without Heriko's domination of her really. Also another of my fetishes was piqued with that scene, the part where Heriko used her tailcock on Kujin's ovipositor, dunno why but the urethral penetration on that part of the scene was kinda hot from how it was forced on her and all, so feel free to have some tentacles do that to Lucia too sometime maybe.

A question I'd like to ask, was Netia enthralled by Heriko too? If so would they be able to help Lucia if she called on them for help by chance or would Heriko be able to make them turn on her like Lucia suspects they would? Also I updated Lucia's settings a little bit, if I think of other things that I might want to change at some point then I'll update it in my first post I made with all of her settings alright.
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

(Answers inside!)

Netia would help you no matter what- if she can hear you, she'll come running- er, slithering as fast as she can. Kujin is the same way, but there IS a slight chance Heriko can make her revert, simply because of the mark on her- but as long as she sticks close to Lucia, it'll make the check easier. (Think... about a 3 in 20 chance of her reverting as long as she's close to Lucia. Kujin's crush on Lucia is helping to block the mark on her breast.)

Heriko was never really quite able to break Netia, mostly because of how she already was. Her frenzied state was about half her, half Heriko's influence. Right now, there are three things thundering through Netia's mind- sex, Lucia, and the possibility of sex with Lucia. There's no doubt that she's attracted to her, too, but in less of a "schoolgirl crush" way like Kujin, and more in a way of "partner worthy of my attentions and bearing my young." Beating her in combat might have only solidified her status as far as Netia's concerned.

As far as new fetishes, just mention them when they hit you, or shoot me a PM. I'm happy I was able to help you remember that one- I didn't know how that part was going to go over!

"Oh... I see... either you're scared of me... or that little display got you going more than you wanted to admit! You angels are all alike... you look down on us, from your little puffy clouds, and all that passes your mouths are words of condemnation because we like to have ourselves a little sex. So what if the surfacers like to have sex, too- with each other, or us, or a combination of the two? You're just jealous of us, that's all!

You look from up there... and you wish that instead of the surfacers... you wish that we were pleasuring you... kind of like this?"

The vision again- only this time, instead of Kujin, Lucia was there... and she was completely nude, as was Heriko. The proceeded to embrace, bodies pressing up against each other, tongues wrestling for dominance. Lucia's quivering, hard length was trapped in between them, and being that Heriko was shorter, she was constantly raising herself on her toes, rubbing her belly against Lucia's length, further stimulating the young angel.

The vision flashed, and now Heriko was at Lucia's breasts, her tongue licking and lashing her stiffening nipples, lightly nipping at them with her teeth, earning a gasp from every near-bite. Lucia's eyes were closed, and her lips barely parted as Heriko worked her magic tongue over her body. She pulled off, long enough for her to switch nipples, and strand of saliva connected the previous one to her lip. There was a periodic sound of what could have been water dripping, but it wasn't water dripping. A small puddle of white was forming on the floor, and right above it... was a constant drip of dew, coming out of Lucia's length.

The vision shifted again- and now, Lucia was leaning back and moaning up a storm, having seated herself in a sling made of the same cords that had held Kujin. At her feet, Heriko had taken the head of Lucia's length into her mouth, and was avidly sucking on it. She pulled off long enough to run that slender, forked tongue through the slit on the head, gathering the dew that was constantly leaking out into her mouth. Her two hands pumped Lucia's length, before on one pump, they paused at the head long enough for each thumb to press against the top and bottom of the head, opening the slit just wide enough for Heriko to slip the tip of her tongue inside, pumping it in and out of her slit while her hands pumped Lucia's shaft...

Another shift- this time, Heriko was a bit lower, her tongue deep inside Lucia's slit, with one hand thumbing her button, and the other pumping her cock, stimulating three spots at once. As cascade of dew came out of Lucia, covering Heriko's hair as she worked her magic. Lucia herself was more sprawled out in a sling of cord, her legs spread wide open to allow Heriko more access to all of her parts. Her own hands moved down to spread her lips wider apart, to allow Heriko deeper access...

Shift again. Now, Heriko was on top of Lucia, facing away from her and moaning as she took plenty of Lucia's length into her mouth, pushing it down into her throat for a few seconds, her lips and chin coated with copious amounts of dew. The view rotated, and soon, it was obvious why Heriko was moaning- her tail-cock was thrusting in and out of Lucia's mouth. A small amount of her own dew covered Lucia's cheeks, and she was actually kind of enthusiastic about it, her tongue running over the spaded head.

Shift- Lucia was leaning her head back, eyes glazed over, mouth hanging open as Heriko slammed her tailcock deep into her slit, a small amount of blood still around her slit, but even that was being washed away by the sheer amount of dew and honey coming out of her body. Heriko was thrusting her hips wildly, trying to meet Lucia's hips in their same frenzy. Both of them were moaning, feeling themselves close in on a peak, closer... closer-

and the vision cut out. Heriko stood there, unashamedly with one hand buried inside her folds, her fingers working furiously.

"I can smell your desire, little angel. Nobody will ever know- aren't you just so tired of having to worry about it? Having to keep worrying that you're going to lose your first time to someone? All you have to do... is take me up on my offer. I know you want to... I can see it in your eyes... just say it, Lucia... just say it!"
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"I never said any such of a thing, and I don't look down on people for having sex... I'm... I may be a virgin, and an angel, but even we have sex. How do you think we're created? And if you wouldn't corrupt us we might even be more willing to do that kind of thing with your kind," Lucia told Heriko, still on guard just in case.

When Heriko brought on the next scene, Lucia watched as it involved her and Heriko together. The first part Lucia saw was nothing more than mere foreplay really, and the second part of the scene was Heriko playing with her breasts really. Shifting to the third portion of the scene, Lucia felt a stirring in her loins as her penis bumped against her leather battle skirt, especially when Heriko's tongue slithered its way into her urethra to tease her more. She couldn't explain it, but seeing that kind of riled her up for some reason. The next shift didn't rile her up any more than she already was, but the last couple of shifts did rile her up some more and the real Heriko would be able to see her skirt bulging up a little bit as her length pressed against it.

"But I would know, and you still haven't give any guarantee that you'd keep your word if I did agree to have sex with you. Besides if I lose my first time I want it to be my choice and for a damn good reason, not because I'm being raped or otherwise forced into it for some reason or another. That is why I want to talk to you and get to know you a little more, so that I can find out if I can trust you. My wants or needs don't matter in this case if I can't trust you," Lucia said to Heriko cautiously, gesturing towards the door to see if this succubus would come with her on a walk to talk with each other, more as a way to lure her out into the open than anything so if she decided to make this a fight.

Heh, that's cute about Kujin actually I think. :D

About Netia I hadn't expected that, I guess Netia was just too wild a spirit to truly dominate and whatnot, and from the sounds of it that catgirl might have been too, but I suppose Lucia would have to meet her first to find that out. Also I'll PM anything new I think of to you or will add it in spoilers at the end of whatever post I think of it on, but really you can feel free to use anything but scat, guro, and pissing. The latter of those two I don't really mind, just not when mixing them with sex, because blood and gore is obviously going to happen in battle on occasion, and the second I don't really care if it's mentioned just not with sex.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

??????????: (8) - Failed! Yeah... trying to stall her out, plus making what she thinks is a break for the door... Heriko thinks something's up...

Here's how this is going to work:

Lucia has three options each round- attack, call for help, or try to escape (when applicable). A call will result in that person showing up in two rounds, but it also prevents you from surrendering without something also happening to whoever you called.

Each of your allies has a regular attack, and a special ability; but they also have FP and AP. They can fall, just like you can- and if they get too much AP, well... that's a secret!

But anyways, let's get to it, shall we?

Detection Check: (17) - Passed- Lucia gets outside before she's engaged!

"Corrupt? You see, there you go again... why is it always 'oh, you're corrupting them' when they might just really like sex? I mean it IS pretty fun, and a great way to pass the time- but it's not like your kind would ever understand. Y'see, this is why I hate talking to your kind- either it's the long lecture about purity- and then a smite back to the underworld, or it's a weaker smite, THEN the lecture, and THEN a smite back to the underworld. I mean, sheesh... why aren't we allowed to have fun with the humans? Because that might break into prayer time? Or because you think that lusting over something you'll never allow yourself to experience is a great] way to 'build character'? Or is it the fact that you're just too ashamed of your desires to embrace them?"

When Lucia started taking a few steps back, Heriko's smirk started getting a bit harder- if she looked closely, she could see that the succubus was clenching her teeth together, and she was shifting the way she carried her weight upon her legs, almost as if she was preparing to give chase, should Lucia decide to flee.

"Trust? Oh, come now, little angel- it's not me you're unwilling to trust... it's your own body you don't want to trust! You're so scared that you won't like it, or that you'll like it too much, that you won't want to ever stop- and I'm here to show you that that's okay. You work so hard for everyone else, and all for what- all for a pat on the head by the big guy? Never getting to do anything for yourself, to make you feel good? Pah! Some job- assisting the surface-dwellers because they beg hard enough for something that they could simply have worked for themselves to get, had they the drive?"

With a flick of her wrist, the whip uncoiled from her arm, and seemed to come alive in her hand. Heriko gave it a few quick test snaps, the cracks sounding louder in the building, even as Lucia managed to make it near the door- until Heriko snapped it right at her, the tip cracking above her head, right between her wings, but giving the young angel time enough to get outside, into the dirt-packed village proper.

"...so you want to run, angel girl? Or do you need more time to 'make up your mind'? Either way, it's time for you to learn just what happens to bad pets-"

She cracked the whip again, and this time, one of the smaller skulls decorating the entrance seemed to disappear, falling to the ground in small fragments.

"-they get a nice session of whipping so they learn to behave their mistress!"

Two actions per post, or we can downsize to one if you want more control.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia wasn't actually trying to be stealthy to be honest, she was sincerely going to go out and think it all over and attempt to get Heriko to follow her so she could talk to her a bit. This works too though because I doubted Lucia was going to accept her deal anyway.

"But you are doing this against their will, therefore it is corrupting them at least somewhat. I wouldn't be so against you having sex with them if it weren't for that fact miss Heriko, because I too am curious about sex myself. And perhaps I don't fully trust my own body and its desires, and I think it's fair to say that yes I am a little scared... scared that I might enjoy it too much, though even we angels are allowed some time to do things for ourselves to make us happy. But no matter what you say, it doesn't change the fact that is gives you no right to control people and force them to do what you want them to," Lucia said to Heriko in a firm tone, obviously against her controlling the people here. "Now if you'd be willing to release all of them right here and now with me watching, so that I could be certain that you'd done so. Well, then I'd be willing to accept your proposal," she added before she heard the crack of Heriko's whip, at which point she glanced around at the succubus and jumped out the door.

Exiting the hut, Lucia flapped her wings to get out of range of that whip for not. "No I don't want to run, and I'm not your pet Heriko. If you'd be willing to stop this nonsense right now, release everyone, and help protect this village... then... I'd be willing to have sex with you all night long until you're satisfied if that's what you want, because these are good people and they don't deserve what you've done to them. I'd... I'd even be willing to have your child and would be willing to give you my first child, because I don't wish to fight, and I think that deep down you aren't as bad you're acting," Lucia said to Heriko after the succubus came to the doorway and said what she did, the young angel drawing her sword. She hoped that Netia was hearing what was going on as well as Kujin, just in case she had to call for help from them. But she didn't want to involve them if she didn't have to, though she knew she might end up having to do so.

"How about this then Heriko... my proposal to you. You can take the option I just gave you, or we can fight. Where we'll both be hurt and beat up some before we finish fighting and we'll probably throw a few insults at each other. But in the end we'll probably reconcile and afterwards we might even have sex," Lucia said to Heriko, drawing her sword and preparing to fight Heriko as she took a fighting stance.

Lucia would wait to hear her answer, though if she came away from her hut enough, then Lucia would flap her wings to get a burst of speed, where she'd go in at Heriko, staying as close as possible to prevent her whip from being used against her, since it was really tough to use a whip that close. Lucia would then swing her blade at Heriko, aiming to wound and or knockout but not kill, still believing that she could do this without killing and believing that she could get through to the succubus.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia (20) attacks Heriko (1) with the flat of her blade! (What is this I don't even... Regardless of all modifiers, a 20 is a 20. That's 1 automatically, plus 1 for the crit, plus 1 for beating it by ten or more, and an additional 1 for the failure. Lucia just opened up a holy can of ouch on Heriko for four FP damage. Ow.)

Heriko (11) tries to get in a whip-strike upon Lucia's (9 - 1 = 8) rump! Lucia takes 1 AP damage , which bumps her up to a -2 penalty.

Lucia (14 - 2 = 12) takes another swing at Heriko (5)! She does another point of FP damage!

Heriko (12) strikes out with her whip, aiming to put a wound on Lucia's (16 - 2 = 14) stomach! (Miss)

Lucia: 5/5 FP, 4/10 AP ; -2 to rolls from arousal

Heriko: 5/10 FP, 3/12 AP

"Huh... if I let them go, I'd get you... but I'd lose all of them, and I don't quite think the rest of the court back west of here would approve of that, even if I did bring them an angel. Besides, what would stop you from standing back and letting the rest of the village do what they want with me? ...though under better circumstances, that does sound kind of fun... but why should I even think of doing that... when I can have all of you at the same time?"

Heriko paused to laugh, and tried to snap her whip, right at Lucia- tossing her whip from hand to hand, she reached out to grab it from the air, completely ready to try to smack Lucia around- when her fingers closed on thin air, and the whip dropped to the dirt. Panicking, her eyes looked for a way out, but all that filled her vision was Lucia, her blade, raised in the air, looking like an angel ready to smite her enemies- though the half-hard length she caught a glimpse of under the skirt took a little from the image- but that wasn't the length her eyes were locked on- this time.

Instead, it was the sword. which was descending at a fast speed towards her head.

The only thing Heriko could say before Hurricane Lucia descended upon her was "Oh, Hades, this is going to hurt..."

Right after that was when Lucia brought the flat of her blade down, knocking Heriko sprawling. Keeping her momentum going, Lucia had put so much power behind the strike that it was causing her to twist around, but with a burst of inspiration, she followed through, slamming both of her feet down on Heriko's back, before bringing the sword down again, giving her a smack on the rump.

Floundering about, Heriko's hand managed to find the handle to her whip, and she gave a strike, as hard as she could- and was rewarded with a cry from lucis, as the whip snuck up her skirt as she was regaining her altitude and cracked against her rump, leaving a small welt upon her left cheek. It wasn't so much a strike meant to hurt an enemy, but more one to punish a naughty pet. A slight bit of warmth began to seep from the impact point, and it would be enough to put a blush on Lucia's face.

After Lucia was away, Heriko would haul herself up to her feet, a blush on her face as she glared up at Lucia, spitting out a bit of dust and using her free hand to dust herself off. Her glare was focused upon Lucia, and all trace of playtime was gone from her eyes. Her teeth grit together, and she struck out with the whip again, hearing the loud crack as she snapped it at Lucia, but again, she was short, as Lucia twisted away. With her arm outstretched, Lucia again struck at her arm, delivering another flat strike to her elbow, making Heriko wince and snarl- a very cute snarl, but a snarl all the same.

"I will break you for this, angel! You will kneel at my feet, lick my boots, and come when I call! You will rue the day you used your mistress for a common stepping stone!"
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"Yes you would get some alone time with me... an angel. I'll bet that's something not many of your kind can really say," Lucia said, trying to make the temptation to accept her offer too much to resist.

Darting in at her foe, Lucia went into a flurry of swings with her large blade, knocking Heriko down and continuing her assault after Heriko slipped up and dropped her whip. She ended her flurry with a sharp slap across the butt with the flat of her blade, which would more wound Heriko's pride she knew than anything really. Letting out a cute yelp as Heriko managed to find her whip and crack it again where it popped her own butt, Lucia hopped back a bit, a hand on her butt rubbing where she'd just been hit with the whip. Feeling the warmth filling her body from the blow, Lucia blushed slightly and readied herself to continue the fight, figuring out Heriko's path to victory in this battle.

Spinning around as Heriko cracked her whip a second time, Lucia managed to smack her elbow with the flat of her blade, which caused Heriko to back off slightly as she winced in pain from the blow. "We don't have to do this Heriko, I'm willing to put this behind us because I believe that we could be friends if you'd be willing to release everyone here, and I would tell the people here not to harm you if you accepted my offer, and your people would never even need know about it," Lucia said after her second attack on Heriko. "I already told you I'm willing to have sex with you. What more could you want I wonder? Do you want my obedience? You'll never have it, but an equal relationship wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility I think. I would even let you have your way with me all night long if that's what you wanted and if that's what it took to get you to cooperate with me here and release everyone," she added to Heriko with a stern but compassionate look in her eyes, with the young angel even going so far as to hold out a hand in friendship to Heriko, still attempting to get through to her.

She doubted that Heriko would listen to her, but she would try anyway, but if Heriko made to attack again, Lucia would again swoop in as fast as she could, closing the distance between the two of them to keep her from being able to use that whip effectively as she did, where she'd go into another flurry of attacks against her, aiming to knock Heriko out with a blow or two to the head. Lucia wouldn't move back either unless forced to, figuring that close proximity would be her best advantage against the succubus in a fight. She didn't want to have to bring the others in unless necessary, and she seemed to be winning currently, but if things began to take a turn for the worse, Lucia would scream for Netia and Kujin both to help her, but only if Heriko managed to pin her or gain the advantage over her.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia (15 - 4 = 11) goes in for the swat to the head on Heriko (9)! Lucia does 1 FP damage!

Heriko (5) strikes out at Lucia (8 - 4 = 4)! Lucia takes 1 FP damage!

Lucia (18 - 4 - 14) strikes back at Heriko (3)! Lucia deals 2 FP damage - 1 (automatic), 1 (beat by ten or more)!

Heriko (16) tries to punish Lucia (12 - 4 = 8)! Lucia takes another 1 AP damage!

Lucia: 4/5 FP, 5/10 AP

Heriko: 2/10 FP, 3/12 AP

"You still don't get it, do you? I need this village! We're one and the same! Do you think I LIKE having to do this to my- oh, why am I talking to you? You would never understand!"

She struck out with the whip again, just as Lucia took a swing with her sword. Lucia's blade struck upon Heriko's temple just about the same time that Heriko's whip impacted Lucia's shoulder. Wincing, Heriko would raise her hand to her head, trying to ease the pounding in her head. There was a small, violet drip coming down one side of her head, originating from above her hairline, and her teeth were still gritted- but there was more than anger there- frustration was starting to shine through, as well.

"It's so easy for you, isn't it? 'Oh, Heriko, just give up everything and come with me!' You make it sound like I have a choice. You make it sound so tempting... but either I get all of you, and get to look like a hero in my own right... or I don't get to come back at all- or they throw me to some demon-beast with four hands, three lengths and two tongues to 'season me up' so I can become better at what I do. And if I stay here, what do you think will happen? You can't follow me around on a leash every hour of the day- I'll end up attacked until I have no choice but to leave, heading out to the mainland; and I'll end up finding myself on the wrong end of someone who doesn't give a hoot about anything else but what I am, and what I do. So don't pity me- just give me a fight so I can either win like I'm supposed to or destroy me like you're supposed to!"

With that, she slung her whip around yet again, delivering two quick cracks of her whip, and Lucia would feel two small strikes, one on each breast. There wasn't as much power behind them, but Lucia would feel the warmth spreading through both of her breasts, as well- much like the strike upon her rump had done. But even with that, she could tell that there was something else that she hadn't seen in Heriko- desperation. There was more to the puzzle of the little blue succubus than met the eye...

But that didn't matter if Lucia couldn't defeat her. She drove the flat of her blade into Heriko's gut again, sending the young demon-girl backwards, towards the hut. All in all, she wasn't looking too good- she only had a loose grip on the handle of her whip, and the smirk had all but vanished from her face. The violet blood dripped down one cheek, and the bruises she'd gained were starting to mottle her hide. There wasn't much of a look of lust in her eyes any more- instead, Lucia might just classify it as a look of desperation, of a need to see her submit- perhaps to avoid the same fate herself?

At the same time, she tried her best to stay strong. but there was a look in her eyes, almost as if she was trying to hold something back... thoughts? Memories? The only one who knew at this time was Heriko, and she wasn't up to talking... yet.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Hearing Heriko's words, Lucia thought she was getting through to her at least a little bit, else she wouldn't be talking back to her like she was, at least that was what Lucia thought anyway. Lucia swung her sword as Heriko swung her whip, both of them landing a blow on each other, with Lucia's clubbing the side of Heriko's head while the whip struck Lucia's shoulder. "But we don't have to fight if we don't want to. Others of your kind have chosen to make a stand against the rest of them, you can too if you want. And we'd be stronger together than alone. Wouldn't we? And there would be no leashes involved. And what were you about to say a minute ago hmm? Do I think you like doing this to your... what?" Lucia said to Heriko just before she cracked her whip again at her.

When the whip popped her breasts, Lucia nearly dropped her sword, but gripped it firmly enough to not do so, instead holding on tight while letting out a cute gasp. Noticing the near desperation in Heriko's eyes, Lucia felt even more convinced that she could get through to her without killing her and sucked it up and went in again at her foe. Slamming the flat of her blade into Heriko's stomach, she knocked the wind out of her and forcing her back away from her.

"Come on Heriko, tell me what troubles you. It's my job to help people when and if I can you know, being an angel like I am and all... even if I am a warrior angel. I'm still an angel that helps those in need. All you'd need to do is stop fighting and we can talk if you want," Lucia told Heriko, extending her hand once more in friendship, though obviously still ready to fight just in case.

If Heriko still didn't back down and stop attacking, Lucia would move in again to force her to stop attacking, going this time in for a tackle in an attempt to hold her down, pinning the succubus' arms down as she straddled her, knowing that she was the more physically strong of the two. If Heriko struggled, Lucia would put her into a submission hold at that point, putting all of her old training to good use as she pinned the succubus so that she couldn't punch or kick any longer at her, as she knew that with the heat steadily growing within her thanks to that whip she wouldn't last for too much longer if she took another 2 or 3 hits from it most likely, so she meant to take away Heriko's ability to force the lust in her body to grow more with whatever aphrodisiac the whip was laced with.
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia (17 - 4 = 13) tries to knock down Heriko (2)... and that's all she wrote.

Lucia wins the fight, and can choose herself a new option- more information after the post!

But for now, let's go and learn a little about our succubus friend, shall we?

Lucia's strike would hit home, and as she plowed the flat side of her blade into Heriko's gut, something else would cross the young succubus's face- something not usually found on the face of one such as her. It was something that might bring a smile to Lucia's face- after all, she'd see it as more than just a simple success. She might have to wait to talk it out with Heriko, but for for Lucia, the sheer, simple fact that a peaceful smile was upon her face would be proof that she succeeded.

A rustling behind her would herald the village- or, at least this part of it- starting to return to life. Two figures emerged from the huts directly south of her, both holding their heads- and walking rather funnily. They appeared to be feeling like Netia did, though without all the bruises and dirt that that usually came with it. One of them was a blonde-haired catgirl, who seemed to be shaking her head- keeping one hand upon her head, and the other between her legs. Currently, she wasn't wearing anything at all.

The other figure was a young human woman, with long red hair. She wore the scraps of what apparently used to be a ceremonial outfit- though it was fraying rather badly, some form of magic was keeping her covered, using some of her hair to keep her decent. She carried a long staff, and leaves and twigs were bound up into her hair- though if they were supposed to be there or not, nobody could currently tell. As they approached, the catgirl would let a half-yawn out, and finally take her hands off of herself.

"Ugh... Samara, did you use anything on the catmint again? Do me a favor and lay off the sap, will you...? I had the craziest dream- I was attacking everything in sight, to the point where I was wanting nothing more than to ravish anything that moved... it was so clear that I sill ache down there... will you put some cream on it for me? It's still leaking..."

Beside her, the priestess shook her head, and rubbed her eyes, pulling her hands away when she realized how sticky her body was. She looked over at the catgirl, and shook her head, dismayed at how sticky and covered in sap she was. She tried to run her hands through her hair, but upon encountering several snarls and clumps of sap, she extracted her hand and muttered a bit.

"No, Paira, I didn't put anything in the mint, it was something much darker... something I might have been able to keep myself from if I hadn't been trying to pull your head out from between my legs when she showed up- but I might have to go have a little chat with the Lord... he ought to have been able to resist, but I think he was having more than a little fun himself... oh, gods, I'm a mess... that means asking Lyra to deal with this, and it means being groped for a solid hour while she dissolves it out... I'm getting definite waves of both good and evil... but more of go-"

That was about the time that the both of them stumbled upon Lucia standing over Heriko. Paira didn't really do much, other than to give the both of them a once-over, but Samara's eyes locked onto Lucia's wings- and then to Heriko's prone form. Her green eyes went wide, and she bowed to Lucia in respect, sweeping her arms wide. Paira just stood, looking on with a confused look, until Samara looked over- and bashed her in the shins with the staff to get the point across.

"Paira, she's an angel! Bow down, blast you! "Uhm... welcome, fair angel, to our humble corner of the world. Is there anything that we, your humble servants, can do for you?"

She was laying it on very thickly- enough to the point that Lucia could get a bit of an ego, if she took it seriously. Off to her side, Paira was rolling her eyes and smiling, as if she was really only doing this for Samara's benefit. She wasn't taking any of it that seriously, but there was still a look of gratefulness in her eyes, even if she was just doing most of this so her friend wasn't irritated at her for it.

"Samara, lay off- we're fine now, I think... Is anyone else around...? Heeeeey! Netia, what's going on? Where is everyone, there's an angel here!"

If Lucia had any desire of keeping a low profile in the village, it had been completely shot to death and then kicked off a nearby cliff. But soon, there was a rustling, and more figures began emerging, including some that Lucia would recognize. Netia was slithering her way over, holding her spear, obviously looking for trouble, but upon seeing Lucia's triumph over the figure at her feet, she would smile rather ruefully, sticking the spear point-down into the dirt to free her hands.

"Well, well, well... looks like I'm going to have to work if I want some alone time with you, little Lucia. But I will say that I'm impressed- I was suspecting that there was something in the air, but I never expected that we had a succubus around here... but it explains very, very much. But I guess we can save the worries for later- this might call for a celebration!"

With that, the rest of the village seemingly started to cheer, but there was one sound that Lucia's ears would pick up. It sounded like six... no, eight legs... carrying a happy, practically overactive spidergirl towards her angel crush, before all eight legs flexed, carrying her into the air, all the while crying out "Luciaaaaaaa!" in a joyful tone.

Kujin would try to grab hold of Lucia, doing her best to avoid mangling her wings at all possible, and look into her eyes, having wrapped her legs around the angels form, grabbing hold of her shoulders with her arms.

"I was so worried- you didn't call, and I was afraid that the next time I saw you, you were going to be a mess, and I... and I..."

She kept on opening her mouth, stammering out various statements, but getting nowhere fast.

"Uhm, Lucia, I... I mean... well, you know, I asked you and everything, but... I almost thought you were going to end up back in there... or you were going to end up like Lyra after Netia was done with her-" She blushed bright red at this point, at which Netia would shoot her a sly grin.

"-but I knew you would fight your hardest and well, I... the offer is still there if you want it, but I still think I... well, you know, I ought to give you something- oh, dash it all already!"

Her hands slipped from Lucia's shoulders to her back, and one would find its way up to the back of her head. Lucia might recognize that look on the face of the young drider, but she wouldn't be seeing it for that long. Swiftly, Kujin brought her face up, and her lips would meet Lucia's, relishing the warm feelings of Lucia's mouth on hers. The spidergirl herself was sort of sweet, but there was the oddest tang that one might find exciting.

Kujin would attempt to push the kiss further- if Lucia accepted it, she might find her tongue wrestling with Kujin's somewhat inexperienced one, but the passion behind it would be obvious. If not, Kujin would back off, with no sign of being angry. Either way, before she climbed off of her, Kujin would whisper something into Lucia's ear...

"I've made up my mind... I want you... I'm tired of waiting, Lucia... please?"

With a blushed face, and on shaky legs, Kujin would walk away, heading to her burrow. She would look back once, and then head back to her burrow.

"...you know, before you go down there and we don't see you for the rest of the day... or the night... and maybe most of the next day... maybe you ought to find something to do with her, you know? I mean, just say the word, and I'll take care of her- she and I will get along just fine... of course, she was the one that got us all in the mood... I might just have to show her what happens when I do get all riled up..."

In the midst of the cheering throng, Netia would sidle up to Lucia, lightly throwing her tail over her shoulder.

"You know... she could suffice if you still want that spear... of course, I may just choose to sample her while you're down there with Kujin... She did earn it after all... unless you have a better idea...?"

She smiled, and it was one of her predatory smiles- Netia was obviously looking forward to what was to come, and Lucia might be the only thing between Heriko and a session in Netia's bedroom... or possibly elsewhere...

Long post, writer's block and food poisoning all make for a wonderful past few days. Should have trusted my gut with that macaroni salad... but anyways, time for a choice.

You can choose to boost Lucia's sword capability to Lv. 2, which would give you a bonus to fighting on the ground- a +1 to hit. You could also choose to enhance her aerial abilities- perhaps enhancing her mobility in the air, getting a bonus to dodging attacks! Or you might want to make her a little more alert- giving her a slight boost to her perception.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Swinging at Heriko's gut seemed to have knocked the breath out of her and what was left of the fight within her, which was good. And the look on Heriko's face told Lucia that she seemed to have gotten through to her in the end, which brought a soft an apologetic smile to Lucia's face. Once Heriko was down for the count, Lucia looked around as she heard rustling from the village as it stirred back to life. Kneeling down beside Heriko to see if she was okay other than the bruises she'd given her, Lucia would roll the succubus over onto her back and put her head into her lap as she sat down on her knees to rest after such a tough fight.

Watching as the people began to come out of their huts and whatnot, Lucia saw everyone that was approaching and felt no threat from them at the moment, so she remained sitting where she was. "Hmhm, it's alright dear... you needn't stand on ceremony with me, I won't ask it of you. I'm Lucia by the way, and this here is Heriko... the one that was controlling you all, save Netia as far as I was able to gather," Lucia said with a chuckle, mostly chuckling at Samara but speaking to both of them.

When Paira called out for Netia, Lucia looked over at the lamia's hut and watched as she came over to her, giving a little wave as she did. "Aye miss Netia, Heriko here is a succubus. And she planned on taking me for herself from what I gathered... at least I think so anyway. I don't want her killed though... I believe I was getting through to her there in the end before I knocked her out cold. Would be best to tie her up though I think so she can't escape, and bind her wings too just in case, and oof," Lucia said to Netia, unable to finish before letting out a grunt as Kujin all but tackled her to the ground in a hug.

"I didn't want to call on you and Netia unless I had to Kujin is why you didn't hear me do so. I was afraid after Heriko showed me what she'd been doing that she'd try and control you to attack me, and then I'd be fighting two or three by myself, which would have been very tough," Lucia said to Kujin with a smile, reaching up to give a soft caress of her cheek.

Before she could really say or do anything else, Lucia felt Kujin pull her in where their lips met for the first time as the young drider stole her first kiss. Her eyes wide with a twinge of fright in them for a few moments, Lucia relaxed in Kujin's arms and began to press back a bit in their kiss. When Kujin pressed further, attempting to slip her tongue in Lucia's mouth, the young angel being just as inexperienced in this didn't stop her.

"O-Okay Kujin, but I have a couple of things to tell you when we get down there, I'll be down in a few minutes," Lucia whispered back to Kujin, blushing quite a bit and feeling her length pressing against the inside of her battle skirt still.

Looking back up at Netia, Lucia nodded. "Just do like I said a minute or two ago and tie her up in a secure area. I would prefer you not... do anything too harshly to her before I have a chance to talk to her though please, as she'll likely be out cold for a few hours at least and all, and I do truly believe I was starting to get through to her just before I knocked her out," Lucia told Netia as she got up, looking down at Heriko as she lay there unconscious at her feet. "Just don't impregnate her at least miss Netia... a-and I'll repay you myself later, and... perhaps I'll have the courage to bear your eggs myself, I'd prefer it though if you could wait for me and let her rest for the time being though," Lucia whispered to Netia, the blush on her face threatening to cause her to burst into flames.

With that, Lucia would pick Heriko up where she carried her to Netia's hut for the time being, as it was the biggest and Netia was the only one able to resist being dominated by the succubus. Once there, Lucia got some rope or cord of some sort and bound Heriko's hands behind her back, tied her wings to pin them to her back so she couldn't use them, then she gagged her so she couldn't talk and possibly use any magics that required speech to perform them. "Oh yes the real shaman is alive still Netia, she's in her hut over there, and Heriko had some baby monster eggs of several of your people in there as well," Lucia told Netia, directing her to where the monster eggs all were so that she could find them and take proper care of them.

When that was done, Lucia would give Netia a nod of thanks and then she headed over to Kujin's lair, where she knelt at what passed for her door and pecked on it a couple of times. "Hey Kujin, may I come in?" Lucia would call down at the young drider, idly thinking about what Heriko had done to her and feeling aroused again.

Hmm decisions decisions... I'm thinking the perception might be the best thing for her, but I'd like to give her the mobility enhancement too.

*thinking*... ...

I'll go with the mobility boost this time and give her the perception or sword enhancement next time she gets the option to enhance either.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"Mmmm... you have yourself a deal, miss angel. Of course... well, you HAVE done us a great service, and all... hmmm... if you end up choosing hers instead-" her tail motioned towards Kujin's burrow- "-I promise only to be a little grumpy. Maybe after she gets a little less shy, I'll invite her over to play when Lyra's got the urge... but I wonder what half-drider half-lamias would look like... actually... Samara! After you get the basement cleared out, put her in the cell! And tell Lyra to come see me... I'll be at home!"

With that, Netia slithered back off towards home, and that left Samara and Paira looking after her, with the former shaking her head while the latter tried her best to hide a smile.

"...why do I have the feeling she actually knew what was going on while we were controlled? She's acting the same as she always does... but you heard the Chief, Mara. Go find Lyra- and be careful you don't end up in the fun unless I get to watch, yeah?"

With that, the catgirl took off for the shaman's house, her tail dancing all the way. Samara watched her go, and then shook her head. Even though she'd been called, she waited, tapping her foot until Paira returned, a sheepish look upon her face as she scooped up Heriko's unconscious form, taking it to the shaman's hut as Samara finally sighed, and walked off towards the pond.

Lucia would finally see the village as it was- though there weren't a lot of people there at present, things were finally getting back to normal as she walked to the burrow. She watched as Samara walked with a blue googirl- with that coloration, she would have had a hard time of seeing her in the water. With a sigh, Samara watched as Lyra walked into the house, and then turned to leave- until a hand shot out from the doorway and caught her by the hair.

"And where do you think you're going? Here I am, all riled up, and you think you're just going to walk away? Not so fast, my red-haired catch!"

Rolling her eyes, with a resigned grin on her face, Samara allowed herself to be dragged back in, walking backwards through the front door as Netia gently pulled her in by her hair. This was accompanied by a happy cry from Paira, who had returned, carrying the basket Lucia had seen in her dreams. At the very least, she could tell Kujin her eggs were safe. Paira would duck into Netia's house- presumably to set the basket down- and from within the house, Lucia would hear the catgirl laugh.

"Wow, Samara, I didn't know that you liked it like that! Or are you thinking of trying to satisfy that angel sometime? Oh, don't give me that look- you'd love nothing more to get on your knees in front of her and worship her if she asked you to- you'd even swallow her 'holy water'!

...uh... why are all three of you looking at me like that? Uhm... I just came to drop these eggs off, so I'll just be leaving... I'll see you tonight, at the- Hey, let me go, Lyra! I- umph!"

From the sound of things, somebody had found a better use for Paira's mouth. Soon, though, the sounds of struggling changed into the sound of four females enjoying themselves- and each other. At least the eggs would be safe- Lucia would get the idea that anyone interrupting Netia while she was enjoying herself might just have an annoyed lamia on their hands...

Her hand thumped on the trapdoor, and after a few seconds, it would pop up, revealing the blushing face of Kujin.

"L-Lucia... uhm, hi! Oh, she's here... oh, gosh... it's-it's actually happening... Sure, come on down, just mind your wings, okay? It might be a tight fit through there, but you ought to manage! Just let me get out of the way first, okay?"

As she dropped inside, Lucia would see that the burrow was actually fairly roomy- if she was expecting a hole in the ground, then this would be a pleasant surprise. The floor and walls were covered in neat layers of silk, and there were some simple lights lit with crystals that gave off a soft, radiant light. There was a nice-sized table with a few chairs, but a large pile of soft silk occupied one side of the table. A few shelves of books occupied a bit of one wall- though the books themselves were somewhat old.

One corner of the burrow was taken up by a large pile of silk, wide and long enough to hold at least three people comfortably- or one drider when she wanted to just flop down and crash after a day spent reading. The blankets dumped onto the silken floor to one side and a pile of well-loved books were haphazardly stacked near it.

All in all, it was a comfortable place. A slight cough would bring Lucia's attention back to Kujin, who was sporting another blush...

"Uhm... I'm sorry, I have no idea what to do now... I-I never thought you were going to come down here... h-how do we start? I don't even know how fast or slow you want to take it- or me..."
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"I... we'll see then, and just leave it at that," Lucia replied to Netia before heading on over to Kujin's burrow, listening to the commotion made by all of the ladies aside from herself and the young drider and unable to stifle a bit of laughter, figuring it best not to go back in there until she was sure that they were all done and all. Lucia did blush profusely though at what Paira the neko said about Samara, her mind only able to imagine what was going on to make her say such a thing.

"Okay, look out below. And if I get any of your webbing in my wings I trust that you can clean them out good, as it is your silk and all," Lucia said to Kujin once she'd opened her burrow up for her to enter.

Hopping down into the burrow, pulling her wings in close as she did, Lucia looked around once inside and was quite amazed actually at what was inside exactly. She hadn't expected this really, though she had expected it to be roomy at least. Looking over at Kujin, Lucia listened to what the young drider said and smiled, sporting a blush herself. "Hmhm, well I know about as much as you do, probably less actually, and you have a nice home here Kujin," Lucia said with a slight giggle to Kujin as she gave a shrug of her shoulders, giving Kujin a compliment about her home.

"Well actually before we start, I have something to tell you Kujin. Before I battled her, Heriko, the succubus, she showed me some things. One of those things was... well..." Lucia began saying, knowing in her heart that telling Kujin was the right thing to do here even if it hurt her feelings a little bit to find this out and that Lucia had seen it what's more. Pausing for a few moments, Lucia sighed a bit before continuing. "Heriko showed me one of the things she did to you. She wiped your memory of it, but I'm not entirely sure if her power over you was broken completely when I defeated her. She... well she essentially raped you, and forced you to give her a clutch of your eggs sweetie. But you needn't worry about them, I made sure that the others put them and all the other eggs that were in there in a safe place, and... I'm still willing if you are. I'd count this as your true first time in my eyes, because you weren't in your right mind when Heriko forced herself on you really," Lucia went on to say to Kujin, moving over and gently caressing her cheek in a show of affection so she didn't feel so bad or embarrassed or anything like that. Lucia would hug Kujin too if her speaking of what had happened made her sad or she began crying over it, gently wrapping her wings around the young drider as best she could and whispering to her that she was sorry.

"Why don't we start out slow for this okay. I'm actually feeling a bit tired after all the fighting so far, so why don't we sit together and rest a little. And while we're resting you can tell me a bit about yourself if you'd like, and I can tell you some about myself as well if you want," Lucia would say once Kujin had recomposed herself if need be after Lucia explained what had happened with Heriko, taking a seat once more next to the young drider. "There is one thing I learned from Heriko at least, about the ways you can have your eggs fertilized. If you've got any in there now that is," she added with a smile, trying to brighten the mood if it'd darkened a bit after the revelation.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, I can clear the webbing from your wings... you ought to hear Samara complain about it, though- the time I fixed up the entrance, and she decided to drop in... her hair ended up wild, and she stuck to everyone and everything that it touched. I tried to de-web it, and... I just made it worse. She eventually had to just give it up and let Lyra dissolve it out... and to give her payment. She wasn't that happy about it... but she forgave me. Seems like long ago, though..."

Lucia's next words, however, would have an effect upon the young drider. Kujin would sigh, and walk away, stopping as she paused in front of the table.

"..I actually remembered it, once I assume you defeated her. You know, how you have a tickling feeling, deep in your mind, that you have a reason to worry about something, or someone- but you just can't recall exactly why? Once you beat her... I realized that was why I offered to come help you- because the memories of her taking advantage of me were telling me that you were going to end up the same- strung up with her cords, unable to stop her from taking exactly what she wanted from you... and being forced to outright enjoy it as she puts you under her powers... I was... afraid that I was going to find you strung up by the wings or something, covered in fluids both yours and not... and perhaps even pregnant with her offspring, and her with yours...

I wish... I wish she'd not taken the first brood of mine like that, but... I can't change the past. All I can do is be happy she won't have a chance to take them to whoever is directing her, so that the village can raise them. I guess it's only fair- you haven't seen a good bit of the village. It used to be much busier around here. I don't know where everyone else is at- they must have been taken away or something... but you have to save them. I doubt Netia will let any of us leave the village to search for them- she'll want to keep us safe- as well as put offspring to work. It's going to take a bit to get things back to normal, but... I guess that as long as they're here, with good examples to learn from- like y-you..."

Kujin would blush, looking back over her shoulder at Lucia.

"...I think they'll be just fine- and they'll be able to help the village. They're part of me... but they weren't created the way I wish they were. They may be my firstborn... but... I-I'd think you're right. I don't want to count that as my f-first time. Is... is that wrong?"

As Lucia settled her wings and arms around her, Kujin let loose with a relaxing sigh, and Lucia could feel the tension and worry drain out of her body. The drider would lean her body against Lucia, appreciating her closeness.

"You know, the last time I was this close to you, I had your leg up in the air, and I was appreciating your wonderful form, you know... if you aren't careful, I might just try it again... w-with your permission, of course."

Kujin blushed, and then her whole face went red as Lucia reminded her of how she knew just how they could breed together- a side effect of watching her first experience with Heriko.

"Uhm... you know, huh...? I... I don't know which I want to try with you... I just know I don't want to involve any others this time... ...I guess what I'm trying to ask is doyouwanttheminsideyou?"

She buried her face in Lucia's wing, blushing furiously, but then looked back up at Lucia again, face still red.

"I, uhm, I mean... may I put them inside you? You know... please?"
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, no Kujin dear, it isn't wrong to not count that as your first time, but they are your firstborn. Therefore you shouldn't treat them any differently than any other babies you have. And I'm glad to know that you can clean my wings later, because I'm fairly sure I'll need a good long bath to relax in," Lucia said, pecking Kujin on the cheek with her lips at how kind she was being, which after what had happened earlier Lucia had kind of doubted would be the case here. "And I'm sure that your firstborn babies will be just as beautiful as you as well as kind just like their mother. How long do drider eggs usually take to hatch by the way? I suppose I'll need to know," Lucia went on to say, putting Kujin more at ease if she could.

When Kujin mentioned the last time they were that close to one another, Lucia couldn't help but smile and hug her again while giggling. "Aye you did, I wondered what you'd have done to me honestly. But now I think I know. You would have webbed me down after dragging me down into your little abode here, maybe made me comfortable, maybe not, who knows. Then you would have stripped me naked and had your way with me repeatedly until my belly was so full of your eggs that I couldn't move without your help. That sound about right Kujin?" Lucia said with a mischievous grin, unable to not grin like that after what she'd said, which she didn't really know why she had. "I'm not mad Kujin, you weren't yourself, that much was obvious. But as to how you want to do it... well I'm still a virgin myself, in both ways. So... if you really want to take my first time there, then... (Lucia blushes profusely)... then you may do so. I'm... I feel I can trust you to be gentle for my first time there, though I do hope that they won't take too long to come out, and I want them to be just ours, but... try not to fill me with too many okay, we can make a nest for the rest if there are though, and I wouldn't mind fertilizing them," Lucia went on to say with a very pronounced blush, giving Kujin the choice where she wanted to have Lucia at and leaning against her a little bit as she pulled her wing around further and pulled the young drider closer in their embrace.

Lucia would maneuver away from Kujin after that and would stand in front of her, where she would shyly undress herself completely until she was stark nude her member already half hard between her legs for Kujin to see. "I'm ready when you are sweetie, just be gentle is all I ask okay, though you can web me down to the floor or up to the wall if you wish, but only if you promise that you'll let me go afterwards, well save my belly since I'm sure it'll be full to bursting just about and it'll need a nice sling to hold it made from your strong webbing," Lucia said, giving Kujin some options as to how they went about this if she wished to take them, the young angel ready to have their fun and ready for Kujin's eggs should she decide to fill Lucia's womb with them. Lucia didn't know why but her body was so hot and she didn't know why she was doing this, and with a monster girl to boot, but in her heart it felt right and she felt that Kujin was too sweet a girl to trick her. Besides, she already freed her from Heriko's control and Kujin was so shy and adorable that Lucia was already convinced that not all monster girls could be evil thanks to just that actually.

Glad to see you're back. Still sick from the food poisoning?
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"I... I promise I'll let you go... but you might forgive me if I'm a little... insistent... the urge has been building up for a few days, and I, well... I may get rather focused and it might be hard for me to stop... but... just don't say I didn't warn you, okay? I mean, it's just that-"

Kujin froze as she watched Lucia undress. Her eyes followed the removal of every piece of the angel's battle dress, and her face blushed as her body was revealed to her. Scanning her from top to bottom, Lucia would see Kujin unconsciously lick her lips before stepping forward to her and looking up into her eyes. There was nothing there but a mix of pure amazement- and some barely held back desire. Slowly, Kujin's hands would come to her shoulders, her fingers gliding over her skin, tracing down over her arms, almost relishing in the softness.

Feeling bolder, her touch moved inward, her hands caressing Lucia's stomach, her fingernails dragging lightly across the skin. With some trepidation, one hand crept upwards, to cup her left breast. For a few seconds, Kujin weighed the brast in her hand, face full of wonder as she lightly squeezed the orb in her hand. Slowly, her other hand came up to take the right in hand, and both hands began to squeeze and stroke the angel's breasts- until one of Kujin's fingers found a nipple, causing it to begin to harden under her touch.

"I see you like when I do that... I'll have to remember that..." Kujin would grin, and then she moved closer, close enough to Lucia, to where the angel could feel her hot breath upon her skin. Her hands moved, away from her breasts, and instead took Lucia by the arms, pushing her down upon the silken bed. Lucia would bounce once, and then find herself sprawled out upon the soft mattress, only having enough time to glance up at the ceiling once before the young drider slowly approached from below, slowly climbing over her- keeping her body close enough to Lucia's to let her underside run over her skin, dragging across her length, almost teasing her.

With a light 'click', Kujin pressed a small latch upon the neck of her carapace, and then another at her right thigh. Slowly, she would pull it off, and set it on the other side of the bed, blushing as she did so. Her curves weren't as generous as Lucia's, but it was obvious that she took a little pride in it, standing over her angel companion, allowing her to look her over- but there was another reason that Kujin wanted her attention up front.

As she leaned forward to kiss Lucia, her rear would poke up, and strands of silk would flow from her body, which were caught expertly by her rear legs. While her lips would capture Lucia's, her silk was woven into two lengths and delicately placed across one of her ankles, trapping it against the bed. With careful maneuvering, she worked to spread her legs, using her hands to great effect as she carefully maneuvered to spin and place a second length of silk across the other ankle, binding Lucia's legs to the bed.

If Lucia would notice, Kujin would simply press the kiss harder, slipping her tongue into her mouth and twining it about Lucia, sighing into it. Meanwhile, her back legs would be hard at work, spinning more patches of silk that were carefully passed up each of her legs, until she was able to reach back with her hands and grab each one of them. Waiting until Lucia closed her eyes, she would then secure her arms to the bundle of silk, until the angel was tied spread-eagled to the bed laying on her back. Smiling, Kujin would pull away and admire her handiwork.

"So, this is what it takes to have an angel at my every mercy... I could get used to this..."

Her grin became wider, and she maneuvered to the head of the bed, lightly kissing Lucia on the forehead, moving slowly lower and lower- lightly touching her lips to hers, then her jaw... slowly moving down the angel's body until she got to her breasts. There, her tongue would emerge and caress Lucia's left nipple, teasing it until it was as stiff as her length had to be by now, before she took the whole nipple into her mouth, nursing the breast like a child might.

She would delight in Lucia's writhing, joy in her gasps, and relish her body like the treasure that it was, moving to her other breast to give it the same treatment, but using her left hand to squeeze and pinch the recently vacated nipple, furthering Lucia's torment. Her teeth would graze the nipple lightly, nipping at the virgin flesh. Once she felt Lucia was straining at her bonds, she moved further down her body, kissing her way towards her navel, which she circled a few times with her tongue, enjoying the feeling of the muscles flexing and writhing beneath her touch, and knowing that she was driving Lucia absolutely crazy by staying there.

Her eyes would flick over to Lucia's length, by now standing at atention and jerking with every bit of teasing that Kujin had done to her so far.

"Hmmm... I think you're trying to tell me something... but I'm not exactly sure what... care to give me a hint? I'm quite sure I heard you say something..."

She would move lower, her head rising up over Lucia's length, just high enough that a bit of her hair stroked the head of Lucia's hardened pole. As Lucia gasped and tried to get it out, Kujin would move back, letting her hair drag over the head yet again, this time carrying a string of dew from the tip. As soon as Lucia gasped out that she wanted herself touched, Kujin would laugh and set to work.

One hand would glide, teasingly, up the length, her fingertips touching the hardened flesh, her ears enjoying the sounds her angel made. It seemed all she had to do was graze it, and she'd get a squeak or shudder from Lucia. When she wrapped her hand around it, she was sure Lucia was going to break out of the silk. Instead, she got a handful of dew, and she laughed out loud, continuing to hold Lucia in her hand as she bucked her hips up and down.

"You're so full of energy... I think it's time we put a little of that to a more constructive use, don't you think...?"

Kujin, a grin splitting her lips, climbed up, facing Lucia as she began to move her hand up and down, lightly pumping the hard length as she watched it twitch. She began to giggle, and that was about the only real warning Lucia got before realizing that Kujin wasn't going to finish now until they were both satisfied. Indeed, she could only watch as Kujin looked back, a promise of lust burning in those eight eyes of hers, and linked her other hand with the one already around Lucia's length.

Slowly, she started to pump, before moving herself so her body was holding Lucia's down, not even allowing her to buck. Instead, she pumped slowly at first, listening to Lucia and trying to figure out just how long it was going to take to get her to give up her seed.

Her hands kept pumping away, thumbs tickling the rough spot under the head, fingers creeping over the head, using her dew as lube to pump up and down, from tip to base. But when she heard Lucia groaning, seemingly ready to cover her hands with seed... she stopped, instead, pulling away from her length completely.

"Oh, Lucia... did you think I was going to let you waste one drop of your precious fluid? I may not be as experienced at this as the others... but you will not waste one drop of anything that is coming out of this-" She would flick Lucia's length square on the sensitive head, and giggle- "...if I have anything to say about it. Now... how about a little taste?"

With that, she lowered her lips to Lucia's shaft, and gave the head a soft lick. She gathered up some of her dew, and giggled again.

"You taste as sweet as you look, Lucia... is that common for angels?"

After that, she dove down and attacked the head voraciously, gently feeding from it, relishing the flow of dew from it, coaxing more from it with swirls around the head, her tongue snaking out and scooping it out of the slit as it oozed out. Again, she kept one ear on Lucia, and just when it seemed like she was going to be allowed to peak... she pulled off, forcing Lucia to wait again.

"Mmmmm... I know you're feeling it, Lucia... but it's not your time just yet... all you have to do is give me a little in return... I want you to... lick my slit. It won't be that bad... but it just needs a little... help to come out, sometimes... if you could-"

Feeling Lucia's tongue on it would cause Kujin to rear back and moan, and even set her abdomen to quivering. Sweet fluid would drip out, and Kujin would almost gasp out loud as a tremor shook her body. Lucia's tongue would feel a slight protrusion, and then something would begin to emerge from the slit...

It was pink, but the flesh was practically transparent, with some visible veins tracking in places. It tapered down, from a broad tube, down to a tapered, pointed end. It quivered and jerked, and when it was fully extended, Kujin would turn back around, her face flushed, her lips parted.

"A-are you ready, Lucia? I'm t-trying to hold back... every cell in my body is saying I should take you to the heights you've never had before, and then stuff every single one of your holes with my eggs... I want to see them sliding down into your womb, pushing up through your belly, and even down your throat... you look like you would make a strong bearer of my children... they'll have the same grace and strength as you... and they'll be able to help around here much more than I could do with myself. So, please... if I tell you to move... you're going to need to... otherwise... you're going to be too full to even move for most of a day... and I'll feel terrible, because I promised it was only your belly, okay?"

Moving her abdomen, Kujin positioned the ovipositor over Lucia's length, and lightly pressed it down, nudging it until the slit in the tube was right over the head. She leaned back, putting more weight back upon it, teasing Lucia with the feeling that any moment- the slit on Kujin's ovipositor would split open and envelop her length completely with warm, pulsating flesh.

"I can feel it... it's prodding my tip, like a hard pole... can you feel it? All I'm doing is just rocking back and forth, waiting for you to penetrate me... it's going to feel so good... all I have to do is this, and-"

All it took was a little extra pressure, and suddenly, Lucia felt her length slip inside, surrounded by warm, throbbing flesh. Kujin's face froze, and she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of Lucia buried inside her. She stayed like that for a while, until she just couldn't stop herself anymore. Leaning over, she captured Lucia's lips in a kiss, just as she started to rock back and forth, slowly letting her trapped length slowly push in and out of her, sighing as she tried her best to clamp down on it.

Huh... huh... you feel that, Lucia? Do you feel me... and you? We're... we're one... you're inside me, and it feels good... oh, I just felt you twitch, you MUST be enjoying this... because I am, too..."

Kujin would keep up a steady rhythm, even relenting her weight from Lucia's body, allowing Lucia to thrust upwards, even holding herself still, just so she could feel Lucia's thrusts.

When it was obvious that Lucia was getting close, Kujin would smile, and lean in close, running her tongue up Lucia's cheek as she kept pumping her ovipositor up and down, until Lucia was close enough, to where she could feel it-

-which is when Kujin would push her ovipositor down and allow the opening to clamp down on the base of her length, blocking her oncoming peak for the third time.

"No... not so fast, my angel... I'm not going to let you peak until you're so full of cream that you're going to explode... but it feels like you're at that point already... mmmm... can you feel it, churning away inside you? I want to see how hot and bothered I've gotten you... so when I release you, let's both go, as hard as we possibly can... until we peak together... my angel."

After a few more seconds, just long enough to make sure that Lucia wasn't going to burst right off, she relaxed the opening... and both of their hips started going at a rapid pace. Kujin was forcing her tube down as fast as she could, and her mouth was hanging open, her eyes closed.

"L-Lucia... you better give me every drop you have... I'm bulging down there... it's been days since I had any relief... there are so many in there, all begging for the smallest drip of your seed... are you going to give it to me...? No, tell me... are you going to give it to me...?"

No matter Lucia's response, Kujin would keep up the pressure, doing her best to keep Lucia's length inside her, until she felt the faint stirrings that she was approaching her own peak. She kept it up, looking down at Lucia, smiling at her.

"I...I'm close, Lucia... look at me... I want to watch your face when you go... Lucia... just a bit more... please, don't stop, don't you dare stoooop!"

Staring at each other, they kept up the thrusting, crying out, closing in, getting so close- until all it took was one last top-to-bottom thrust, and Kujin would lock up, her ovipositor throbbing as another opening close to it suddenly covered Lucia's stomach in sweet-smelling fluid... but her real source of joy would be feeling the hot fluid squirting up her ovipositor, the white fluid being carried up into her body by strong contractions of her ovipositor, where it fed the seed into her egg sac, letting it wash over the clutch of eggs stored there.

"...see? Don't stop, and don't you hold any back- relish this feeling... it's the closest you can get to someone... do you feel my body accepting your gift to me? I'm feeling it fill me up- I'm getting ready to return the favor... all I really need is a little more seed..."

It would take more than two minutes (by Kujin's reckoning) for Lucia to finally stop blasting out seed. Squeezing the opening up Lucia's length, Kujin pushed out the last few drops of Lucia's seed, which then disappeared up the ovipositor, until only a light sheen of white could be seen inside the translucent organ. With a slick sound, Lucia would slip free of the organ, one or two drips of her seed falling to the bed beneath them.

Kujin's ovipositor began to jerk, almost as if it was getting ready for something. In preparation, Kujin would move Lucia's legs farther apart, and climbed up her body, using her rear legs to break the bonds over her ankles. Lowering her body, she would place the tip of her ovipositor directly over Lucia's groin, shifting back and forth as she eased it into the opening.

"Shh... this might hurt a bit, Lucia... there's going to be just a little blood and pain, but after this, it's going to be nothing but pleasure any time someone touches you down here... so just get ready... and I'll push through when you're ready..."

She would give Lucia time to prepare, and then, with one quick thrust of her hips... Kujin would breach Lucia's barrier, sending a quick jab of pain through the angel. Kujin would allow a bit for the pain to pass, and then she would begin thrusting, easing her ovipositor in and out, trying to ease herself deeper with each thrust. She would let her face go slack, slowly increasing the speed, until she was going at a somewhat fast clip.

"We're both lucky... I'm lucky... to have you... and you can feel... what it's like... to be on both ends of it...! Ugh, it's so hard trying to keep calm... I want to just take you the next time... just the two of us, giving in to our urges, doing what comes naturally... or you could... take the lead..."

Kujin kept thrusting, and it was obvious she was slowly losing control. Her thrusts became stronger, and deeper... letting Lucia's walls and muscles adjust to her thrusts, enjoying the tightness of her body. Her urges seemed to be pushing and pushing her, until finally, she thrust once more, and felt her tip tap against the back of Lucia's slit. She thrust again... and again... tapping against the entrance to Lucia's womb, gasping out loud as she began to feel things shifting around inside her... and she would thrust harder, even as something dropped into her tube.

That was the final straw. Kujin reared back once more, and thrust forward, slamming her ovipositor up into the entrance to Lucia's core, and she would feel the tip penetrate her cervix just enough to pop the head of it into her womb. With that, Kujin seemed to stop her movement, just standing there as Lucia laid there and watched the spheres dropping into Kujin's tube and be slowly carried along by its contractions, drawing closer... and closer... until the first one began working is way inside her, pushing up through her slit and ever closer towards her insides.

As it reached the tip, Kujin squeezed it, and gasped with pleasure as it popped out, the sphere pushing Lucia's cervix open just a bit wider as the first of many eggs came to rest in her womb.

"I... I'm doing it... I'm laying my eggs... in a partner who wants them... oh, Netia was right... this feels so good... even better then when Heriko made me do it... planting eggs into a live partner !"

Lucia could do little more than swoon as she felt egg after egg pop inside her, slowly watching her stomach bloat out as her womb filled with eggs. Kujin held inside her until she was almost full, a pouch of what appeared to be balls showing up on the angel's flat stomach- but then, her companion had managed to wrest herself, even as she could feel her womb start to stretch from all the eggs...

"Wh-when I say move... you move! Ready...? MOVE!" Kujin cried out, her hands tearing away the silk covering Lucia's wrists, even as her front legs tore a hole in the silk bead. As Lucia would pull away Kujin would lunge forward, burying her ovipositor into her bed, resuming laying the rest of her clutch into the soft silk. Lucia's insides would swiftly close, sealing the eggs inside her body, a warm sensation spreading through her body as the eggs settled within her

It would take another three minutes, but with enough effort, Kujin would deposit the last of her eggs into the bed with a wet plop, and then stagger off the bed, her ovipositor softening quickly as she settled next to Lucia, taking the angel in her arms and stroking her stomach with one hand.

"Ugh... finally empty... feels like it's been ages since I was empty... but as long as you give me twelve hours of carrying the eggs, you should be good... and Netia won't be crawling all over to have you carry some of her eggs... all I ask is you spend the night with me, keeping my eggs warm... after we get back from talking with Netia... when we see her in an hour. Until then... do you mind if I hold you...? I also want to ask... do you mind if I call you 'my little angel'? You know, not like how I have you in my clutches... but more like 'my partner', maybe even something more... if you'd like that..."

Good grief, what a past few days... been dealing with relatives who can't stop themselves from saying stupid things to each other (causing one to drive twelve hours back home that Saturday just three hours after arriving), to being this close to finally landing a job. Interviews have been kicking my rump lately... this won't happen again- now, I'm waiting on them, not the other way around!
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

You are one helluva writer I must say, being able to write that much into a post and make it look that good. Hells bells I feel almost bad for not writing nearly as much in return for posts from Lucia's point of view up until now. So here is a wall of smut back at you. XD

Also sorry to hear about the relatives, mine are similar in that they argue about anything and get pissed at each other constantly, which I mostly try to ignore because it's just too stressful to worry with really. Good to hear that about the job search though, hard as hell to find a decent one out there nowadays.

About how many eggs did Lucia get inside of her also? Just curious about that and how many Kujin had altogether.

"I... I understand Kujin, you may work out your stress with me though... I'm ready, and willing. But I trust that you won't go too far, because you didn't keep trying to fight me before and you even offered to help me against Heriko," Lucia said to Kujin with a soft smile, showing her trust as she undressed and essentially gave herself to the young drider.

When Kujin's hands touched her skin, Lucia felt the warm touch and sighed, much of the tension that had been building within her vanishing from that simple feeling of her partner. She couldn't suppress a smile either when she saw Kujin's eyes following her every move as she had undressed herself for Kujin, wondering just how much she liked what she saw. "Do um... you like what you see?" Lucia asked, almost sounding hopeful in a way, but she also sounded curious.

Lucia's eyes closed for a few moments as she felt Kujin's fingers go across her stomach, which she knew would soon be filled to the brim with drider eggs, and she felt that wasn't an entirely bad thing either, for she trusted Kujin and had made a promise that she would bear her eggs and she also felt a strange sense of that this would help to battle back the evil here by bearing them as well. When Kujin's hands grew bolder and went up to grope her breasts, Lucia gasped as her eyes shot open, and when her nipple began to harden from Kujin's finger brushing across it a couple of times Lucia couldn't help but give a slight pout at the young drider's words, feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason despite how good it'd felt.

"I'd think that... anyone would like that honestly. Wouldn't you?" Lucia replied to Kujin's words, looking away slightly before being gently pushed down onto the silken bed, where she looked back at Kujin just in time to see and feel her dragging her underbelly up and along her angelic form, gasping in pleasure from the feel of Kujin doing so.

Watching as Kujin... undressed Lucia assumed, the young angel couldn't help but reach up at her, stroking her hand gently up and down the young drider's curves. "I think you're beautiful Kujin. I've never seen a drider before now honestly, not in person at least, but I think you're a beautiful people, just as the lamia are beautiful in their own way as well," Lucia said to Kujin, not noticing that she'd raised her spidery butt up to spray some of her silk down to restrain her legs to the silken bed until she was already half done really, as Kujin leaned in and kissed her while she did so, and Lucia found herself kissing back just as hard as Kujin was, her instincts starting to take over now somewhat.

Lucia really only noticed that Kujin was tying her down when she slipped her tongue into Lucia's mouth, at which point Lucia knew that it was too late to back out now, so she let Kujin continue and simply kept kissing back, wrestling mightily with the young drider's tongue. Blushing as her arms were soon secured down and Kujin said what she did, Lucia shimmied her body about a bit to test how tightly she was held down, though she wasn't trying to break free. "Well I didn't fight you or anything, if we'd fought to see if you were worthy of having an angel we'd both be exhausted already and I would probably have won, unless I was either just unlucky or not at my best," Lucia said to Kujin, giving her a wink and a smirk.

Lucia couldn't help but let out a pleasurable coo and giggle as Kujin kissed her lips and went down to her breasts to tease them some, her nipples indeed hardening up nearly as much as her member was at this point, which was almost painfully hard itself. She wriggled and tensed up, giggled and gasped, moaned and squealed, she did it all as Kujin worked her further along, giving the young drider quite the show as she teased and tormented her body, especially when her breasts were teased like that. When she began running her tongue along Lucia's belly though she'd get a ticklish and girly giggle from Lucia as her body tensed up, showing all of her strong muscles tightening up a bit as a result of it, the sight of which might impress Kujin.

"Mmm... I'm trying to tell you to stop teasing me and g-get on with it already," Lucia whimpered to Kujin, though she pulled slightly against her bindings in the process she didn't actually pull hard enough to break free.

When Kujin's hair brushed across her length, Lucia let out a loud lewd gasp and pulled against her bindings again a bit harder than before, unable to keep herself from doing so. Then when Kujin ran her fingers up Lucia's length the young angel let out a loud moan as her eyes closed halfway and her teeth bit down a little bit on her bottom lip. Even after Kujin had stopped teasing with her fingers Lucia couldn't keep from bucking her hips some, trying to touch her length against Kujin's body, anywhere would do just so long as she could feel her dick touching Kujin's skin.

As Kujin stroked her large foot long length, Lucia let out more squeals and moans that got louder and lewder with each passing second practically. Lucia didn't struggle though, loving every second of the pleasure coursing through her veins, and when she felt her meat rod throbbing and eagerly about to release her seed all over Kujin's hands and likely a good bit of the rest of her, she let out a frustrated whine when Kujin stopped just after tickling the underside of her crown. "Oh Kujin... please don't stop... it feels so... EEP," Lucia began saying after Kujin told her that she wasn't going to waste a single drop of her seed if she could help it, letting out a squeal when Kujin flicked her finger across her crown again.

"I... I don't know... I've never... done anything like this... before," was all Lucia was able to utter when Kujin asked if all angels tasted as sweet as she did, her cheeks flushed and her body tightening up so much that she thought it was about to snap in half if Kujin didn't let her reach her peak soon.

Lucia lay back when Kujin took her length into her mouth, her body going limp for the moment at the near overload of pleasure she was feeling. It felt so good that she didn't want it to stop, but she wanted her sweet release... and she wanted it now, else she felt she might go crazy. Just when she felt about to pop again and let out a loud groan that indicated as much, Kujin pulled off of her and kept her from it yet again. Whining in frustration again, Lucia looked pitifully at Kujin before she asked the young angel to for some in return, where Lucia eagerly licked where Kujin wanted her to, lapping up her taste and not minding it one bit.

She watched as Kujin's ovipositor emerged from the slit she was licking, which she couldn't help but give it a lick or two and a few strokes and caresses before it was fully extended and Kujin pulled away. "Y-Yeah, I'm ready. At least as much as I can be anyway. Just... try to be gentle please, it's all I ask. I... I don't think I want them in my throat though Kujin, so please don't do that," Lucia replied, though she didn't say anything about not putting any in her rear if Kujin decided to do that once Lucia's womb was full with her eggs. "But I trust you Kujin, and I'll move when you say to and how you say to," she added, giving Kujin a kind smile.

Ready for the next part, Lucia lay there and watched as Kujin moved around, doing what she suspected and pressing her ovipositor against her own length until it slid inside like Heriko had done in the memory she'd shown her. Nodding at Kujin when she asked if Lucia could feel it, Lucia bucked her hips a little bit to slide it on inside, the feeling bringing her immense pleasure, enough so that she cried out. Returning Kujin's kiss, Lucia couldn't really stop her from starting to thrust herself up and down over her length, nor did she wish to stop her really.

"Y-Yes... I love it... it feels soooo goood Kujin. I... my penis... it's burning up inside of you. It wants to... what is the word? I... I don't know much about sex so I'm not sure what word to use to describe this feeling building up inside of me," Lucia panted, her eyes showing a small hint of fear and embarrassment at not knowing what word to say to describe her climax, and when Kujin inevitably told her the word she was searching for was cum, Lucia would nod feverishly. "Y-Yes, that's the word... I'm about to... to cum again. S-So please... don't make me wait any longer Kujin," she would go on to say after Kujin had told her the word she was searching for.

When she clamped down though and prevented her cumming a third time, Lucia let out a cry of frustration rather than just a whine or whimper, having been denied a third time only serving to make her hotter and hornier. "Yes... I... I feel it. It's so hot inside m-my tummy. I... want it so bad Kujin, please..." Lucia panted, trailing off in a small fit of moans and squeals as she relaxed her ovipositor and continued thrusting it down over her length. "Yes I'll give it to you... every drop of my seed I have is yours love. Just please take it, let me cum," Lucia went on to say, all but outright begging Kujin to give her the sweet release that was so close yet being taken so far away.

Soon enough, with Kujin's urgings, Lucia felt her peak strike like lightning through her, her body tensing up and her back arching as far as her bindings would allow her to arch it. Letting out not a moan but a very loud cry of passion that could definitely be heard outside by all of the other monster girls and whoever else lived there that was close by, Lucia felt herself cumming into the ovipositor, which was milking her length for every drop of seed it could get out of her. Lucia barely noticed the fluid that Kujin had squirted out onto her as her climax washed over her, the young angel's face lighting up in a look of pure ecstasy as her eyes glazed over with a mix of lust and love, which likely made Kujin ecstatic just knowing she'd made Lucia feel so good that she gave her a look like that, though it wasn't a quite like the look Kujin had given to Heriko before when she was so sexually defeated and was more one that one would only show to their lover or lovers.

Lucia's eyes were so transfixed on watching her cum spurting out and into the ovipositor which sucked it all up and into egg sack with the eggs to fertilize them all, that she didn't even have the chance to nod at Kujin's questions and could only really keep spurting her seed out. With each spurt of her cum, Lucia's body tensed up and relaxed for only a few moments in between spurts until she was finally done cumming. As soon as Kujin's ovipositor released Lucia's cock from its grip, Lucia watched her dick, which was still amazingly half hard and would perk back up to attention as soon as Kujin maneuvered the young angel around and Lucia felt the ovipositor rubbing against her pussy.

Looking up at Kujin, Lucia nodded when she said it would hurt a little bit, but she didn't shy away from it or try to break free, knowing that it was far too late for that. "Okay, just... just hold me close okay, and be gentle. A-And let me try to relax some before you do it, I've... I've read that helps some," Lucia said, giving a small nod to Kujin when she felt ready enough for her to thrust inside, at which point Lucia couldn't stifle her painful cry, her hands squeezing the webbing holding them down as hard as she could, quite possibly tearing her arms free in the process.

Lucia was thankful for Kujin not just knocking away wildly into her, as she wouldn't have been able to hold in her cries of pain, but once the stinging had gone away somewhat, she nodded again to her drider lover, giving her the go ahead to keep going. Watching Kujin work as a different kind of pleasure started coursing through her body, Lucia was soon moaning in pleasure instead of pain thanks to Kujin's efforts and rewarded her with a kiss anytime she moved her head low enough for Lucia to do so.

By the time Kujin was bottoming out inside of Lucia, the young angel had adjusted enough so there wasn't much pain any longer and it was mostly pleasure, and as soon as Kujin began bumping against her cervix, Lucia began letting out squeals again for Kujin to enjoy the sounds of. Helpless to do anything but ride it all out, Lucia watched as the first of many eggs dropped into the ovipositor and loaded it up with the first shot that was aimed directly at her core. As Kujin's ovipositor pressed deep enough to penetrate the entrance of her womb, Lucia's body tensed up again momentarily and relaxed as her back arched in ecstasy, her own peak hitting again as she watched the first egg travel down Kujin's length towards her waiting pussy.

As soon as the first egg bumped against her cervix, Lucia's eyes crossed from the pleasure as Kujin forced the egg out and it was laid into her fertile angelic womb. Lucia felt sparks of pleasure go through her with each subsequent egg that entered her, moaning deeply as they each made their way inside and shuddering as each egg spread her cervix enough to go into her womb, though she enjoyed the fact that Kujin obviously cared enough for her to hold her close throughout all of this. Watching her once flat and muscled stomach beginning to expand to accommodate the eggs, Lucia couldn't had lost count of just how many were now inside of her womb, but she didn't care, as the pleasant feeling of life growing within her was washing over her and chased away any bad thoughts of any king.

"Okay, I'm ready when you are love, just say when," Lucia said Kujin told her to move when she said to, with Lucia feeling her hands freed where she immediately wrapped them around Kujin's neck and prepared to move so she could pull the ovipositor out of her.

Moving as soon as Kujin said to, she felt the ovipositor slip out of her, where her flower closed now that the intruder was no longer plundering its depths. She looked down as Kujin drove her length into the silken bed underneath them both, where it spurted out yet more eggs, too many for Lucia to have taken into just her womb without it bursting surely she thought to herself. Lucia, seeing Kujin still wasn't done and being a kind and caring soul like she was, lowered herself back down from Kujin's neck as soon as she was freed and reached down between her legs to grasp Kujin's ovipositor softly. Lucia then scooted down and rub her inner thighs up and down the length of Kujin's ovipositor as her hands caressed up and down its length as well, coaxing all the rest of the eggs out.

"Shh shh Kujin love, your ovipositor here is still buried between my thighs... see. Just imagine that you're still pumping me full of eggs. You know you would love to just hold me down and do that until I couldn't move," Lucia cooed up at Kujin as she pumped the rest of them all out and into the bed, with Lucia holding out her hands to catch the last one that came out, which she held up and gave it a loving little kiss like a parent would give to their baby before setting it down into the bed with the rest of them.

As soon as that was done and Kujin staggered off the bed, Lucia flopped back to rest for a bit, totally exhausted after all of that but having loved every second of it, from beginning to end. Lucia enjoyed Kujin's touch a she caressed her belly, giggling softly and placing a hand on top of Kujin's as it slid along her skin. "Hmhm, sure... I don't mind love, and call me whatever you like as long as it isn't something mean," Lucia replied with a giggle at Kujin's asking if she could hold her and whatnot, with Lucia laying her head against Kujin's breasts as she relaxed and settled down, her own length having lost its hardness now finally, the young angel wrapping her arms around Kujin in return as she sighed softly, her wings also wrapping around the two of them.
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"...you know, this is nice... but..."

Kujin yawned, allowing Lucia a look at her pointed fangs. It was obvious that the drider was exhausted, but that didn't stop her from looking at the bed- and Lucia- with something bordering on a massive amount of pride, even if it was almost too much for the little spidergirl to hold in. Behind her, her legs were hard at work, creating something, even as she stretched her arms.

"...I'm exhausted, you know...? I didn't think it would take that much out of me, but it just feels like I could sleep for a week... or at least a few hours. I bet Netia will want to see us later, though... but if she was looking at you like she was, well... she'll be a while. Before my burrow was finished, I used to live in the trees near her home, and I could never get to sleep- she would have half the village over, and the sun would be creeping up before they were done... I'd find a shady spot and get a few hours, and I'd always watch the line leaving her place. Each of them had stomachs twice as big as yours... I guess... I wouldn't mind finding out just how many you can take some time... but now... I just feel like sleeping. ...would you join me for a nap? I imagine she'll be about sundown, I think..."

Finishing with her work behind her, Kujin looked about until she found a place where the walls were close enough, and hung one end of the silk sheet from one wall, and the other end to the other wall, creating a large hammock that would comfortably fit the both of them.

"A hammock, built for two. I guess my bed's going to need replacing in a few days, anyways... but I'm thinking that we get a nap and wait for someone to call us. I bet they'll want to have a nice get-together around the fire or something, with plenty of food. Netia might even have an idea of where these things are coming from... but you might be able to make some headway... especially if we get the succubus in on the discussion. I don't know about you, but... she seems familiar, you know? It's like a memory that you think you might know about, but you just can't place it... kind of like the time I finally cleaned up and found six blankets I'd made under everything... but... enough talking, you know...? Let's all of us get some rest- you, me... and the soon-to-be in your insides, too, hm?"

Carefully manuevering herself aboard, Kujin laid down in it, folding her legs to allow Lucia enough room to comfortably lay down beside her. As Lucia laid down, Kujin would stretch her legs out, softly wrapping her legs around Lucia to hold her close, lightly holding her to her warm body. All in all, it was very cozy and warm, and both of them would be quite refreshed- so much that it would take a little time for the both of them to rouse when a somewhat familiar catgirl pulled open the trapdoor and stuck her head down.

"Hey, sleepyheads! Come on up, the food's on! Netia's asking for you both- did you know your screams got another load out of her when she heard you? I'm stuffed, and I haven't even eaten yet... but you'd better hurry... she even told me to tell you that-"

Her voice took on a hissing accent, as she tried to imitate Netia's flirtatious tone.

"If you two aren't up here in twenty minutes, I'm going to come down there- and you'll end up just like Paira!"

Paira would grin and shake her head, grinning as she got a look at the two of them.

"Hey, Kujin, I'm jealous! Do y'share?"
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, I'm a bit tired too honestly Kujin. And that sounds horrible having to listen to Netia's moans and groans all night long. Is she really a succubus in disguise perhaps? Since she seems to be so insatiable and all I mean. And yes I do feel like napping some, so I will join you for a while at least," Lucia said with a giggle at Kujin's telling her how tired she'd gotten from their fun.

Lucia watched patiently as Kujin set them up the large hammock to lay in, smiling when Kujin invited her into it and said that her bed would need replacing later. "Aye, let's get some rest for now, they can wait for a while surely while I recover from that, considering it was my first time and all. And if Heriko joins in the conversation I don't know if she'll talk to us, but I could see fear in her eyes when we fought earlier, though I don't know if it was because of me or if she was worried about what might happen to her if she lost. But that can be dealt with shortly, I'm too tired to worry about it at the moment," Lucia said as she climbed into the hammock and pulled her wings around herself, her hands both on her belly and holding it in a protective manner.


When she woke up a while later, Paira was calling for them to get up and join them above. Listening to what the neko had to say, Lucia couldn't suppress a chuckle at what the lamia matriarch had apparently told her to tell them. Looking up at Paira as she asked Kujin if she'd share her, Lucia couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine, thinking that if Kujin shared her with the rest of the village she might not be able to walk for a while, though... if everything was as pleasurable as earlier with Kujin then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Alright Paira, we're awake now. Tell her to give us some time to stretch and get cleaned up before we join you all, where I suppose I'll be making my formal introductions to the rest of the village," Lucia said to the neko, nodding her head to her before raising up slowly with Kujin's help and getting up so they could get cleaned up before heading up top once more, with Lucia likely needing Kujin's help to get up as she probably have some of the young drider's webbing in her wings.

(Bout how many eggs did Lucia get, and how many did Kujin lay in total?)
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

(She received about a dozen inside her, and perhaps twice as many into the mattress. All in all, Kujin thinks that they'll be ready tomorrow morning... but she could be wrong.)

"Ugh... Paira, why don't you go bother someone else for a while? We're still waking up, come back in a half hour or so... why don't you go jump in the God if you have nothing better to do?"

Kujin was still blinking her eyes sleepily, and as she yawned, Lucia could see her fangs poking out.

"Because until I get rid of these, I can't take any more! You know, your angel girl really got Netia worked up something fierce- if you think I have a big belly, you should see the size of the one on Samara- you didn't hear it from me, but since Samara and Lucia there have the same hair color, I think she closed her eyes and imagined it was Lucia under her... you know, Samara can barely move- I bet Lucia there would be beautiful like that- you know, you and Netia ought to play with her and Lyra sometime... but only if I get to- uh, Kujin, put that- MMPH!"

With a cross look on her face, Kujin would lean forward, her back legs spinning up a quick ball of silk. Reaching back, she would palm it, and then, bringing her hand forward, she fired off the wad of sticky web with a toss, splattering the goo all over Paira's face, causing the catgirl to shake her head and claw at it until she recoiled out the hole, to the delight and laughter of those who were watching.

"All right, enough fun- for now. Come on up, you two- dinner's almost ready and we've got some discussing to do!"

The door would be lowered back into place, and Kujin would let a smirk cross her features before walking over to Lucia.

"Uhm... sorry about that... Paira's nice, but sometimes, her urges get the better of her... but come on. Let me get the strands out of your wings and we'll get some food, hmmm?"

Leading Lucia over to the hammock, Kujin would have her sit on the floor, gently pulling one of her wings to full extension, and proceeding to run her fingers through the feathers with a practiced touch, ferreting out sticky threads with experienced fingers, stroking the feathers until she had combed out every strand she could find- even setting aside a few loose feathers that came loose. Before Lucia could move, though, Kujin's hands moved to her hair, lightly combing through it with her fingers, working out the sticky strands.

"...it might be a good idea for the both of us to wash up after dinner... thankfully, Lyra ought to be sleeping like a stone tonight, if she got a workout today. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like more action right now... but come on, I guess we'd better dress and go get some food... Netia will be wondering where we are, and if she comes down here, we're both going for a ride..."

She would stand off the hammock, and quickly weave up a patch to cover the hole in the mattress, before picking up her outfit and beginning to put it on.

"Feel free to climb on up if you finish before me, I'll be along!"