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Sexy hentai chess


Jungle Girl
May 12, 2011
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I have never programmed for video games and wouldn't know where to start. However, I have had an idea for a long time and have been lurking and never posted really.

What if there was a chess game, like lovechess or battle chess where there are sexy animations when someone gets captured, but with a hentai spin. Like imagine Fairy Fighting type of ryona/fetishes wrapped up into a chess game? That would be hot.

I remember beating off to battle chess where the queen and king interact, the queen was fucking sexy. Keep her tall with huge tits. Could still be men vs women like in Love Chess, or all women...

Also, what if just bc someone is captured, doesn't mean they go away? They either become that person's pet, get locked in a dungeon at the bottom of a screen and raped by something... etc. Also maybe there's a chance for reversal and they win the fight? Maybe rare but could happen.

Lovechess is good but it's not... weird? enough. If you could put fairy fighting type shit in chess that would be awesome.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Oh yeah, and if someone has captured and fucked someone, they could have jizz dripping out, be pregnant, be worn out for the next battle fuck...

The pawns could all be different characters: parasites, little goblins, etc. Could provide some different animations which may be better than having the same guys over and over again with the same moves.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Oh yeah, and if someone has captured and fucked someone, they could have jizz dripping out, be pregnant, be worn out for the next battle fuck...

The pawns could all be different characters: parasites, little goblins, etc. Could provide some different animations which may be better than having the same guys over and over again with the same moves.

no reason it has to be normal chess, they could level when they catch a few pieces
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Reminds me of love chess.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Yeah but IMO they didn't go far enough, it's not interactive enough. On salvage they had a little bar where if you hit CTRL at the right time enough times they orgasm together but no cum shot or anything. It could be way better.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

no reason it has to be normal chess, they could level when they catch a few pieces

How does levelling even work in chess game though? I mean, everyone can oneshot everything given they are in right spot...

Unless you are thinking about chess with hit points, then it gets really strange.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Wouldnt it work better with a strategy card battle type game then? Kind of like Mnster Monpiece?
Re: Sexy hentai chess

I saw some kind of alternate chess game with special rules for special pieces once.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

i vote for no, 2 pawns gangbanging mi king would be not to my tastes
but... the king would have no scene because you never actually kill it
a horse banging my queen would be amusing though
but horse eats horse? shemale furry neded then (i don't mind furry)
the bishop eating a little pawn isn't that much different from the real life bishops and their pedo, but it wouldn't be able to be posted here
towers could be these wooden horses/strange s&m machines but towers eat towers? maybe the towers contain jailers that rape other jailers.
the en peassant would be a flash fuck by the pawn XD
and the O-O and the O-O-O would be the king scene where he gets surprise buttsex by your own towers XD.

yes, i do like chess a lot and i'm quite good at it XD.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Sounds like a fairly interesting idea really.

Love Chess was pretty basic and got boring REALLY fast, so I can certainly see what you mean with that.

What about having some kind of method of recapturing your lost pieces by using the Tower/Knight to rescue them from a 'prison' block at the end of each side of the board. The pieces would be temp locked while they stage their rescue but you could reclaim important pieces, like the queen, rather than having pawns evolve into her. You could also play with the idea of the King being a mega perv and being able to molest your own female pieces (especially the queen) during those moments where you're not sure what move you want to make.

I do agree with Ramna27 in that what you're proposing would work better under a different game type. Chess is really limited and you can't do much without completely changing the rules and play style anyway.

Maybe a RTS or map domination. Perhaps Fortress Vs. Fortress type game where rather than "Pawn to Bishop 5" you'd get action points to perform whatever tasks you wanted during your turn and each win nets you points to spend on character customisation to unlock new scene's? Or whatever other special bonus' you'd want to add. It might not be chess but it's still a turn-based game with the ultimate goal of destroying the king.

Just a suggestion maybe worth thinking over. :)
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Anyone remember Stratego? Sort of chess-like, but you can't see the rank of your opponents pieces, and the rank determines who wins the capture. There's even a fantasy version where all the pieces have a special power.

Since the pieces are all generically shaped, you could determine gender on the fly. It shouldn't be too much trouble to come up with sexy versions of the powers.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

Now I am waiting for someone to upload a Hentai version of Zone Control in Starcraft 2. Just blatantly upload it to the map system and see how long it survives. Would probably be #1 custom map for about 2 weeks before Blizz would react.

On a more serious and on-topic note:
Most tabletops wouldn't work too well with the concept of throwing porn at the user.. although I would assume that changing the rules in accordance to the hentai content COULD work and make it a great success. An example would be the classic Tabletop game "risk". In the game, all players strife for total dominance over the world by attacking and defending with their soldiers. If the H animations (or whatever) were determined by the amount of attackers and defenders, the player would have an incentive for the enemy to get stronger so that his 9 soldier army beats the enemy's 10 soldier army, because thats just the best animation there is.

Another idea would be to change the rules of chess in a way that makes the defeated piece have some kind of negative effect on the attacker, thus making sacrificing your own pawns (and thus getting to see some H) not as bad a deal as it would be in regular chess.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

The problem with animated chess games is that once you've seen the animations once, the novelty wears off completely. Chess is a classic game, but if I'm going to play chess I would rather just have a hardcore no-nonsense chess game. If you were going to do a hentai spin on it, it would be better to change the game to focus on the hentai elements while keeping the gameplay elements familiar enough to supplement that.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

This forum is for the discussion of hentai games, not the ideas of them. If you ever actually start developing a game, feel free to post about it but this doesn't really belong here. There are several other forums here that would better suit this kind of thread.

Inb4 nobody looks at those forums, it doesn't matter. There's a reason this forum is the most popular on ULMF, unsurprisingly most people just want to come here for H games. Make excuses and bitch about it all you want but just trying to say that this is basically off topic.
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Re: Sexy hentai chess

What the post above says, and even if that weren't the case, of all the tags to select you chose [Full Game], and to me that just seems outright dishonest, you must have wasted the a lot of collective time from a lot of collective people. So don't do what you just did, please and thank you.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

So let's say you want to do only one but very awesome H animation for every combinations possible, there's 6 "roles" in chess : pawn, tower, bishop, horse, queen and king.
Knowing that you can of course kill a piece with his opposite side it make 6x6 possibilities so 36 animations. And that if you only want the 2 team to have the same animation.
If your white team is full of man and your Black team full of women then you should really think about giving the women more "dominants" animation, same for the man and my profound knowledge of Kama-sutra tell me that there's not really a "between the two" position that work even if you change the 3D/2D models/Sprites.

So that make 72 animations for a chess game with a good H content. Then, if you want to spice the thing a little more, there's the possibilitie to add more scene with the combinasions for the re-playabilitie.
And also a wining scene with everyone on the King/FemaleKing would be awesome. Plus it would make only 2 animations instead of 5 for each other pieces.

OMG dhat ending if you finish with only a king in both side *^*

Sorry for my bad english and my lack of vocabulary of the chess pieces, some names are differents in french. And correct me if i'm missleading one of my calculations, i'm more from a literature school :p

Anyway I hope this will help in the brainstorm to achieve the ultimate H chess game 'cause I think there's so much potential >:D
Re: Sexy hentai chess

So here's my idea: Monstergirl chess. the player plays as an army of generic male soldiers, the enemy is various armies of monstergirls with different abilities based on type.
Player side starts with the standard chess setup. Piece types can be upgraded using XP from defeated enemies on the piece that earns it, or gold from the enemies on any piece. Upgraded pieces gain new movement options and abilities, some passive, some activated on cooldown. Pawns might gain the ability to move 2 spaces every few turns or capture forward, or bishops might be able to lock down a lower-ranked piece for a few turns
Enemies have different configurations and abilities. Some like centaurs or goblin girls might mimic a normal piece. A harpy might have the movement of a rook, but skip pieces like a knight. Vampires turn captured pieces against you, etc.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

The only thing I want to add here is that the Queen should be Busty and a definite Dame.

Something along the lines of Jessica Rabbit :D

If you made a Hentai Chess Game I would buy it immediately, it seems solid enough :)
Re: Sexy hentai chess

There used to be this series of H-games(I'm afraid I've forgotten the name), where you were playing some card game(maybe hanafuda?) with a girl. Each game in the series had one girl, and if you won, you got to have your way with her. If she won, she dominated you instead. If someone made that game, but in English and with chess, I would buy it in an instant(at something like $3-6/girl). If the actual chess game included sex, that would just be a bonus.
Re: Sexy hentai chess

There used to be this series of H-games(I'm afraid I've forgotten the name), where you were playing some card game(maybe hanafuda?) with a girl.
Here's something similar. It's English. It's mostly futa/futa (with a side order of tentacles) instead of boy/girl. And it uses 3DCG instead of hand-drawn art. and recently completed a round of crowdfunding.