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DLSite Game Manager 0.3.3

Yep. Not just you. DLSite changed their page again. Seeing how frequent this is, an editable file to specify for start and end strings of relevant info might be relevant.

I changed the important bits for now though. The NuGet packages I was using to embed the dependencies stopped working too. People were getting false positives about it anyway so there's more .dll files around now.

So, version 0.3.3 I suppose:
  • Adjusted title detection in DLSitePage.cs;
  • Removed NuGet packages Fody and its addin Costura;
  • Found the version number! Changed it.

Up to date code included. Link: mega.nz/#!YldW2S7A!hx2yGFT_AdCnhTrFXsfOubgcrlpz_R2EmIyhq9jvCM4

Damn you work fast. Thank you for being such a beautiful person.

That being said. Is there anything you can do about the title listing the studio? Seems a little redundant seeing as we have a circle section on the manager. Baby sized issue to be honest, but I figure I should ask.
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That being said. Is there anything you can do about the title listing the studio? Seems a little redundant seeing as we have a circle section on the manager. Baby sized issue to be honest, but I figure I should ask.
I just didn't notice. Oops.

Added 2 lines to remove the circle name at the end. Zip also doesn't include the object files and such, reducing the size a lot (also oops).

New link:
I just didn't notice. Oops.

Added 2 lines to remove the circle name at the end. Zip also doesn't include the object files and such, reducing the size a lot (also oops).

New link:

Works perfectly now. Thank you for fixing everything.
Hello, can you add the ability to identify the RJ code from the folder name. I just have all the games in the RJ-named folders in the archives, and I do not want to unpack them And I think that not only me. It is necessary either to copy the exe file into the folder or insert the txt with the code and add the games one by one. And it's very inconvenient if I have more than 500 games.
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Hello, can you add the ability to identify the RJ code from the folder name. I just have all the games in the RJ-named folders in the archives, and I do not want to unpack them And I think that not only me. It is necessary either to copy the exe file into the folder or insert the txt with the code and add the games one by one. And it's very inconvenient if I have more than 500 games.

same issue in last post page 7
idk why he didn't address this D:
and if i explained it in a bad way
here is a hopefully better one

game name *example-1*

folder *H-games*
H-game\2016 DEC\P1\*example1*\[*example1*sometimes i delete this]\ the game : D ...which could have the same *example1* name
also keep in mind i keep the .rar file inside the first *example1* folder and it probably have the same *example1* name.

sooo the thing is i want it to have th option to ignore the .rar\.zip file and ignore in-looped names so it just tell me that there is one in 2016 dec\ p1 and one in 2016 dec\ p2 or 2015 jan\ p1

i think that this time i did explained it better '-'
With the current version can not download any info from DLsite what so ever? I keep getting 'failed to connect to DLsite. ..'
Plus I noticed with new version it will not read game.db file generated by previous versions. Will these issues be addressed?
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With the current version can not download any info from DLsite what so ever? I keep getting 'failed to connect to DLsite. ..'
Plus I noticed with new version it will not read game.db file generated by previous versions. Will these issues be addressed?

Well some more information, even though the games are listed on the English Dlsite i am noticing anything on the Japanese Dlsite it won't download the info from.
Hi, i wanted to know if it's possible to translate visaul novel thanks to this Game manager ? i've been trying to translate Pai Touch and i dnd't found the way to hook him to aggregator. Someone got a answer ?
when i launch the game with Game manager, aggregator tell me "Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah" and that's all
I made a mod with some fixes, tweaks, additional functions, and also basic voice works support for Lux's DLSite Game Manager 0.3.3. Hope Lux wouldn't mind me posting it here.

Current mod version 0.48

General Changes:
  • Reworked logic for scanning folders when adding works - not only executables will be added, but also any non-empty folders with RJ code in name, and some additional file types, which can be specified in <Extensions> setting in Settings.xml (for now there are playlists, which will be handy when managing voice works). This will allow batch-adding of any types of DLSite works, not only games. Also replaced most instances of "game" word in UI with "work".
  • Recompiled targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2 to enable long paths support (> 259 characters) for Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607) and later.
  • Tags are now pulled from english dlsite even when there are no english page instead of translating them (by 3-digit tag codes using english dlsite advanced search page as a reference).
  • Added option to download tags from user reviews.
  • /Announce/ tag will be added for announced works.
  • Fixed Google translate for titles.
  • Added "Auto Set Category From DLSite" option.
  • Added "Rename/Organize by template" context menu command, "Renaming template" settings field and "Use \ to organize in folders (relative to Main Folder)" checkbox (see Instructions spoiler for details).
  • Added "Update Path" context menu command for the cases when folder or file was renamed or moved. This function will try to find new path by searching RJ code in parent folder (to existing path) or main folder (if set in settings). Also it will search for eligible files (executables or playlists) in existing work's folder (see Instructions spoiler for details).
  • Added <FileManagerPath> and <FileManagerArgs> setting in Settings.xml to allow opening work's folder (via double-click or "Open Containing folder" context menu) in external file managers (e.g. Total Commander) instead of Explorer (see Instructions spoiler for details).
  • Works can now also be added by drag and dropping text file with RJ codes (all RJ codes will be read, other text will be ignored). Can be helpful to quickly check lists of works (such as pastebins or IRC listings).
  • Added "Download info" context menu command to allow batch downloading info for already added works.
  • Fixed "Failed to connect to DLsite" error when there are no sample images.
  • Fixed not downloading no_img image for announce works without cover image.
  • Fixed rare situation of images not downloading when there are cover with RE code but list image with RJ code.
  • Increased padding between rows in main list.
  • Made word-wrap and autosize for rows for tags in info window.
  • Made separate "Look for RJCodes in folder paths" and "Look for RJCodes in file and folder names" settings.
  • Made comments searchable.
  • Ratings can now be changed directly in the Rating column in Details view.
  • Added decrypting and unpacking of assets for RPG Maker MV games.
Voice works support specific changes:
  • Added option to download HVDB info for voice works (tags, CVs and english title).
  • Added "Prefer HVDB English Title" option when there are different DLSite and HVDB english titles.
  • Added "Filter CVs" option - as HVDB has in most cases both english and japanese names for CVs, but no means to distinguish them, I implemented simple filter - if number of japanese names for CVs is equal to number of english names, download only the english, else - download all.
  • Added "Open HVDB Page" to context menu.
  • If there are playlists (m3u, m3u8, pls, aimppl, aimppl4, cue) in work's folders, they will be added as work's path automatically during adding works, and can be played by double-clicking on work in program window.
Adding works to manager:
  • For best results make sure that for DLSite works folder names contain RJ code (RE, VJ, BJ codes also count), and for non-DLSite works folder contain one executable or playlist file (one per folder).
  • There are two preferred ways to add works:
    • Drag and drop individual work's or entire collection's folder(s) into program's window - this will add all works even if they are already in the list.
    • Use Action -> Add Games menu command - this will scan a specified folder and will add only works that are not already in the list. Specified folder will be set as Main folder.
  • Both ways any non-empty folders with RJ code in name will be added as DLSite works, also all executables and playlists will be added regardless of names. Additional file types can be specified in <Extensions> setting in Settings.xml. Files with specific words in name (such as config, unins, setup) can be excluded from the scan via <FilesToIgnore> setting in Settings.xml.
  • Path to any file in scanned folders must not exceed 259 characters if your OS is earlier then Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607), or the scan will hang (this limitation exists in original program). Path lengths can be checked with this program for example
  • For Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607) and later long paths support can be enabled, instruction can be found here for example:
Using "Rename/Organize by template" context menu command, "Renaming template" settings field and "Use \ to organize in folders (relative to Main Folder)" checkbox:
  • Renaming template may contain {rjcode}, {title}, {circle}, {category}, {cvs} tags, which will be replaced with corresponding values during renaming, also {foldername} tag can be used, which will be replaced with current work's folder name. At least {rjcode} or {foldername} tag must be present.
  • Example template: {rjcode} [{circle}] {title}
  • When "Use \ to organize in folders (relative to Main Folder)" checkbox is checked, backslash can be used to specify folder structure relative to Main Folder. {rjcode} tag must be in the part of the template after last backslash.
  • Example template with folders: {category}\{circle}\[{rjcode}] {title}
  • If unchecked or Main Folder is not set or work's folder is outside of Main Folder, only part of the template after last backslash will be used for renaming.
  • Works without RJ code will be ignored.
  • Path will be updated automatically.
  • Be vary of long titles, as to not exceed 259 characters path length limit if not supported by OS.
Using "Update Path" context menu command:
  • This function will try to find new path by searching RJ code in parent folder (to existing path) and/or main folder (if set in settings). Also it will search for eligible files (executables or playlists) in existing work's folder. Useful in following cases:
    • Work's folder was renamed.
    • Work's folder was moved to subfolder of current folder.
    • Work's folder was moved to main folder.
    • In work's folder playlist or exe file was created, renamed or deleted.
Using <FileManagerPath> and <FileManagerArgs> setting in Settings.xml to allow opening work's folder (via double-click or "Open Containg folder" context menu) in external file managers (e.g. Total Commander) instead of Explorer:
  • For Explorer (default):

  • For Total Commander (change path if needed):
<FileManagerPath>c:\Program Files\Total Commander\TOTALCMD.EXE</FileManagerPath>​
<FileManagerArgs>/o /s /L="{0}"</FileManagerArgs>​

Compiling from source code:
  • Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or later (I used free Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017).
  • When installing, choose .NET desktop development and .NET Framework 4.6.2 development tools.
  • Open \GameManager.src\GameManager.sln in Visual Studio.
  • Press F5 to compile.
  • Compiled executable will be at \GameManager.src\GameManager\bin\Release\GameManager.exe. Move it to main folder.
Download mod (source code included):
v0.46 - Fixed DLSite ratings and Google Translate for titles.
v0.47 - Added decrypting and unpacking of assets for RPG Maker MV games.
v0.48 - Fixed adding announced works.
v0.48_no_arc_conv - Version without unpacking utility, may help with false antivirus detections, but at the cost of not being able to unpack Wolf RPG archives.
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Hi !

I have a question: is there a way to set category ?

I would like to tag VN but even if i see the column "category" i can't set one ?
Right click on game informations, not on the list. Select category. Now you can edit additional information.
It's possible to launch the games in the manager using a ?
It's possible to launch the games in the manager using a ?
The manager does not have direct support for locale emulator yet. But you can run games with locale emulator using some tricks:
1. If you don't use AGTH, you can simply in Settings -> Translator -> AGTH Path input instead the path to locale emulator's LEProc.exe, and Default Parameters leave blank (delete default "/c" setting). Then just double-click game to run. You can attach ITH afterwards (AGTH does not work on my Win10 anyway).
2. Another way would be to make .cmd file in game directory for launching game with LEProc.exe and in the manager edit path to game so it would point to created .cmd file. For example:
"D:\Locale Emulator\LEProc.exe" "game.exe"
The manager does not have direct support for locale emulator yet. But you can run games with locale emulator using some tricks:
1. If you don't use AGTH, you can simply in Settings -> Translator -> AGTH Path input instead the path to locale emulator's LEProc.exe, and Default Parameters leave blank (delete default "/c" setting). Then just double-click game to run. You can attach ITH afterwards (AGTH does not work on my Win10 anyway).
2. Another way would be to make .cmd file in game directory for launching game with LEProc.exe and in the manager edit path to game so it would point to created .cmd file. For example:
"D:\Locale Emulator\LEProc.exe" "game.exe"

Thanks! Both options works fine here.
So I decided a week ago to actually give this software a shot, and so far am super happy I did. Still going through my ginormous folder to add everything to it. Still not even 30% of the way there, and already 500 games added. Yay..?
Anyway. I just updated from the frontpage 0.3.3 version to phantasm2x's modded version, which at first seemed to do better, what with it successfully translating titles and tags, downloading user tags and category and so on. But while updating the games I had already added, I kind of suddenly ran into an error, which now happens every single time the program tries to download information and images. If I try to edit a specific work and press download info, I get the "Failed to connect to dlsite" error message. If I rightclick the game(s) and click download info in the dropdown list I get a huge error message instead mentioning "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application". This downloads the category, but DELETES my images, tags, ratings et.c. This now happens every single time I try to update information or add new games. It simply doesn't work at all anymore. This version also scans and adds .txt files as applications for some reason.

Anyone know how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated.

Might want to add that it says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" at the end of the error box (not the message inside of the box, if that makes sense). I'll post the entire error log if needed.

It has now stopped doing it for everything, but it stubbornly keeps doing it for every AlexProject game (Dusk Railway, FEJ Code and Devil Rhythm). All three worked with the previous version.

Nope, the issue is still there for most games. God dammit...
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It has now stopped doing it for everything, but it stubbornly keeps doing it for every AlexProject game (Dusk Railway, FEJ Code and Devil Rhythm). All three worked with the previous version.
Thanks for reporting. It seems the problem is with games that have english dlsite page, but do not have japanese, as my code tries to pull tags from both pages. I will fix it soon, probably just need to add additional check.
If you have problems with other games, post their RJ/RE codes and error.log file.

This version also scans and adds .txt files as applications for some reason
You mean it adds txt file as path to the game? If so, that's not intended. My mod can add games from a single txt file with list of RJ codes (when such file is drag'n'dropped in program window), but it should not add txt files themselves. Upload sample folder to mega, I will look into it.