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Christmas Project

Re: Christmas Project

We all love your psycopathic self Oni. All your happy gleeful death threats warm our hearts. <3
Re: Christmas Project

Spread the love Mirchie.


(I have no idea how the image actually got bigger like this... I pulled it straight from the avatar.)
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Re: Christmas Project

i wonder if i can set profanity filters to change hate to love...
Re: Christmas Project

That would be awesome, Nunu. THERE WILL BE NO HATE HERE.

On a side note, happy-almost-humbug to you all. Especially you Oni.
Re: Christmas Project

maybe he will be visited by the ghost of tentacles past on christmas eve.
Re: Christmas Project

i wonder if i can set profanity filters to change hate to love...

But then we'd have two love threads, and people would get confused.
Re: Christmas Project

But then we'd have two love threads, and people would get confused.

Jumped to a random page, pulled a post with the word hate in it, changed hate to love:

I love getting into a game, and watching the mod of a server berate a guy for being useless and rude to others, then as soon as I start getting harassed because I'm female, he shuts up and lets it happen.

The rules clearly state in the server: "Abusive players will be banned" and "No racist or sexist behaviour"

So when he breaks the rules, he gets away with it because I'm female, and that's perfectly fine because it's fun to watch? Not the first time things like this have happened. I've gotten banned from servers before because I would tell someone harassing me to "fuck off". The reason? "Foul language, which is against server policy." A friend told me the guy harassing me got to stay and play.

Maybe something shorter?

I love how no matter what goes wrong at my work 90% of all problems get blamed on me. Its so bad I laugh now every time something goes wrong because I know my boss will blame me. I have been reprimanded three times for jobs I don't even do. Then when I say Um I haven't done that job, Or I have never done that job. My boss looks at me like hes a deer in head lights and simply says. "Oh well keep up the good work... Oh and don't talk so much."

Can we go shorter still?

i love trolls bandits and toonpimp.

I think we could manage. Maybe tag the hate thread before you start the filter, or make the filtered hate a bright red love.

EDIT: Or maybe just make it the sarcasm thread.
Re: Christmas Project

I tried to do iiit but i couldn't find the filter... *sad face*
Re: Christmas Project

I tried to do iiit but i couldn't find the filter... *sad face*

I'd have found a way around it anyway. You can't keep me preaching the good word of Hate.
Re: Christmas Project

The word hate isn't the only word to express my disdain for something.
Re: Christmas Project

Loathe is such a good word
Re: Christmas Project


Hehehehehe~ :rolleyes:
Re: Christmas Project

Dear, Santa Claus

Will you santa hat my picture? More namely this one?

If so, thank you, but you don't have to do it. I know how busy you are with those elves.

Love, Lila
Re: Christmas Project

Get your christmas avatars going people. I can start with the always delightful Hex Maniac.
Re: Christmas Project

Bah humbug. Or something like that.