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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix purrs out in pleasure as she presses her slit against Lilia's mouth, leaking her aphrodisiac-laced fluids all over her face and in her mouth as she begins fondling her own breasts, enjoying being tended to by her lover. "Mmm...I love your tongue, Lilia. It feels so good in me." she moans out, her tail lightly swaying back and forth as she's eaten out.

The Harpy, meanwhile, has taken to bobbing her head up and down almost the entirety of the Herm's shaft, moaning with each downthrust, burying the cock deep into those wonderful lips of hers, as she keeps one hand on the Kitsune's balls to knead and coax an orgasm out of her, while her other hand works away at her needy cunt, her eyes starting to roll back into her head as she approaches her own orgasm, working even harder to bring Lilia with her.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix's voice was drowned out from Lilia's head being surrounded by Zix's thighs and and her own moans from the amazing dick sucking she was getting. All she really heard Zix say was "love" and "Lilia", and that was all she needed to hear really to be coaxed into licking faster and grinding her tongue a bit harder each time. She didn't try to pull away long enough to talk or anything like that, she only licked as deep as she could, her tongue wriggling around inside Zix to coax moans and squeals from her alien lover.

The harpy's mouth work was just too good to resist and Lilia was soon throbbing greatly in her mouth as her tongue lashed at her cock, her balls twitching in the bird woman's hand greatly to indicate a large orgasm was coming. Without warning, mostly as her face was buried in Zix's pussy and couldn't, Lilia's dick erupted into the harpy's mouth. She let out a muffled squeal into Zix's pussy while her tongue lapped at Zix's clit in an effort to make her cum along with her and the harpy. Her dick wouldn't stop pumping her seed out for nearly half a minute at least, with too much spurting out for the harpy to handle without it splashing back out of her mouth and out of her nose too if she didn't pull away or had a good enough control over herself to prevent that from happening.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Harpy sputters and gulps as the kitsune explodes down her throat, gulping along her shaft with each blast of cum forced out of her weighty balls, her belly bloating even further before finally she can take no more, the last few blasts of Lilia's orgasm forcing seed up her throat and out of her mouth, as well as out her nose, her eyes rolling back in her head as she splatters the ground behind her with her femcum, a great orgasm rocking through her own body as she falls limp.

Zix is in no better shape, moaning out as Lilia works even harder, before pressing down hard on the kitsune and spraying her head and lips with her own aphrodisiac-laced green femcum, groaning out her bliss as she mauls her own breasts, her fingers coated in her nutritious milk, before she pulls away from Lilia and lays down next to both of them, moaning in her afterglow. "Mmmm. I love you so much, Lilia."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

In the bliss of the moment, Lilia lays there panting madly as the two alien girls both get off of her, or fall off of her, one or the other. She was barely coherent at first, but soon came back to her senses when Zix declared her love for her. Lilia smiled at her words and reached over to grab and gently squeeze her tail in an affectionate manner.

"I love you too Zix. And... you gave me one helluva reason to get back in that bath, hmhm. Can't be all aroused constantly or everyone will see these bad girls and want to drain them dry constantly," Lilia giggled after Zix told her she loved her, one of the kitsune's hands reaching down and gently grasping her balls as she finished her last sentence.

With that, Lilia lay there long enough to catch her breath once more and then rolled over and got back into the bathing pool, washing herself off of all the sweat and sex juices that had covered her. She invited both Zix and the harpy to join her, patting the two spots on either side of her where she sat.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix helps the Harpy stand as she moves over to the pool, lowering the bird-woman down into the relaxing, cool waters and then sliding in on the other side of Lilia, wrapping an arm around her and sighing. "This is the only way to live, my love. Fucking and relaxing and enjoying yourself all day." the alien says as she relaxes in the pool, the Harpy moaning as she reclines against the edge, clearly somewhat out of it from Lilia's drugged cum.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, yeah this is a very nice way to live. But if this is all we do every day, then we'll never get anything done. I got to do something other than just sex all the time, not that it gets boring or anything, but I just... you know. It isn't everything, and makes me feel that's all I'm good for. And you're my mate, makes me feel inferior when I can't do things to help and protect you," Lilia said softly while relaxing with the harpy and Zix, an arm around either.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh, my love. You don't have to protect me. I'm a lot stronger and hardier than I look." Zix says, hugging close to the smaller Kitsune and running her saliva-covered tongue up her cheek. "You're good for so much more than sex. But, if you do not wish to live a life of pleasure and merriment, then I will respect that." the alien woman says, wrapping her arms around the kitsune and sighing. The harpy next to Lilia moans softly, her hands under the clear water rubbing idly at her massive tummy. "Gonna lay so many eggs when I get back to my nest. Thank you, Lilia. Come back here sometimes and give me more." the feathered woman says, kissing her on the cheek and then hauling herself out of the pool, shaking the water from her feathers and then taking wing, flying with a bit of difficulty from the load she's carrying.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I know, but... I just feel like... I dunno, like you don't need me for anything but sex. I know it sounds silly. I mean... I really really enjoy the sex, don't get me wrong Zix. But... I'm not very strong physically speaking, at least not as strong as you, and it just feels like I rely on you too much to survive here. That's all I'm trying to say I guess, because I do want to have pleasure and merriment in my life... lots of it. I just don't want to be a burden on you is all and have to rely on you for everything I need here, because I know that you can't do everything surely," Lilia said, hugging Zix close and nuzzling against her as Zix licked her cheek, her tail swishing around as she rolled over onto her side and then covered the harpy up.

When the harpy kissed her on the cheek and got up, Lilia smiled and looked over her shoulder at the harpy. "Be careful out there hon, and don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again eventually," Lilia said, winking at the harpy before turning her attention back to Zix and cuddling.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix cuddles lilia against her breasts, softly rubbing her head and ears, and sighing. "Lilia. You are my mate. You will NEVER be a burden on me. EVER. So stop thinking you are, and start enjoying the time we have together. Speaking of, where would you like to go next, my mate? Surely we can't sit here soaking ourselves forever." she says, the hand not currently rubbing her head moving down to wrap around her torso and hold her close.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"If you say so love... then okay. We should enjoy our time when we have it," Lilia replied, sighing a bit at her own silliness as she looked up at Zix with a happy smile on her face. "Well, you know this place the best hon. Where can we go to get into trouble... the fun kind?" Lilia then said after a few moments, winking at Zix as she mentioned the fun kind of trouble.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix seems to think for a moment, cuddling her mate to her and losing herself in thought for a good minute or so. "Hmmm...Could go east? Rumors of a Warder's garden that's gotten out of control, raping anything that comes close. Could go back to Ash's old garden and offer ourselves to the swallow bulb, since you seemed to enjoy yourself in there. Could head west into Centaur lands. They're always looking for mates to bear their foals." the alien woman says, thinking for a moment. "And rumors of giant snake woman to the north abducting people and having her way with them." she says, looking down at her mate. "I assume the fun kind of trouble involves pleasure, of course."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Listening to Zix tell of the different places they could go to have some fun trouble, Lilia smiled and looked up at her again. "Aye that kind of trouble and fun is what I meant," Lilia replied as she giggled.

She thought about it for a few moments before deciding on which way to go. "I like the sounds of this snake woman myself. Let's go see if we can teach her a lesson and to stop forcing herself on others. What do you think sweetie?" Lilia said after thinking it over, chuckling a bit as she winked at Zix knowingly.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix hums and stands, helping her lover stand from the cool water as well. "Hmm...I think that sounds like a wonderful plan, my love. Let's go show her that forcing yourself on someone is wrong." she says, licking up Lilia's cheek once more with her saliva-covered tongue, and then smiling. "Let's be off." she says, helping Lilia carefully down the rocks to the northern side of the river, and then moving northward next to her, her tale entwining with the Kitsune's as they walk.

Eventually, after several hours of travel northward, the two women come across what appears to be a rut in the ground, wide as Lilia's shuttle, and slithering to the northeast, indicating that the snakewoman who was rumored to be here was around, and was indeed rather large. Zix looks over at her mate, her head tilted. "It would seem we've found our snake woman...And she's rather large. Are you sure you want to confront a creature this big?"
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Standing up with Zix's help, Lilia shook a bit, swishing her tail around and flinging the water from it before pulling it around and wringing it out a bit. Shivering a bit as the breeze hit her skin, Lilia got her bikini and waited a couple of minutes to dry off first before putting it on. Lilia followed Zix down the rocks and accepted her help graciously so she didn't trip and break anything, and her tail swished around and curled around Zix's as she walked with her northward.

Lilia stayed with Zix the entire time, happily traveling along and humming a tune from home as she went. It took them quite a while to make their way up to the area where the snake woman apparently was, with Lilia having to stop to rest a couple of times along the way. When they spotted the trail left by what the could only assume was the snake woman, Lilia's eyes widened a bit. "Wow, yeah I didn't expect her to be quite this big. But we didn't come all this way for nothing," Lilia said, looking confident about doing the right thing and helping people out and getting this snake woman to stop raping people.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix nods at her mate's words, taking her hand and beginning to follow along the rather obvious trail through the forest.

The trail leads the two women for almost twenty minutes, until they come upon a large cave in the side of a small rocky hill, sloping down into the earth, and as big as the track that led to it. Zix gulps and begins to enter first, staring down the sloping entrance and motioning for Lilia to follow, holding her hand tightly as they begin to enter the cave. "I can see perfectly in the dark, my love. Stay close to me." she says, as they begin to descend into the cave. Five more minutes of descending into the winding darkness, and the tunnel begins to lighten up, glowing gemstones all along the passage bathing it in a soothing light green light, and a chamber opens up ahead of them.

Inside, there are a few amenities for a humanoid to survive with, namely a campfire with wood piled nearby, and a small makeshift chimney leading up and out of the cavern to prevent smoke from choking the inhabitants, and a large slab of slate, which is currently occupied by their quarry, a massive, green-scaled snake, coiled up on the giant slab, and near the center, a giant humanoid form connects to it, easily as big as Zix is, if not bigger. The snake-woman is snoozing comfortably, as part of her tail bulges out, then settles back to normal, a barely-noticeable moan coming from within, as Zix looks over at Lilia silently, wondering what to do.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Holding Zix's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, Lilia let Zix lead the way onwards. After a few minutes, Lilia saw the cave in the hillside ahead of them. "Alright hon, if something looks wrong, then we'll get out alright. But we'll probably have the advantage inside the cave here if she's this big. She'll not be able to maneuver as well," Lilia whispered as she followed Zix on in, not staying so close to Zix that she'd trip her up, but holding her hand to keep her near.

As they walked, Lilia's eyes were getting very used to the dark and when it brightened up a bit from the gemstones inside, Lilia smiled and looked around at them all. When they entered the large chamber, Lilia looked about and noticed the being they were searching for. She was indeed quite massive, so massive that Lilia gulped softly and looked over at Zix with a worried expression. When Zix looked curiously at her as they noticed the bulge in the snake woman's tail, Lilia shrugged, not knowing what they could do here really.

"M-Maybe just take the forward approach I guess," Lilia quietly whispered her suggestion with a shrug, waiting for Zix to reply
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The bulge happens again, this time a little further down the creature's tail, the same muffled moan coming from within. The creature's upper body rolls, revealing her frontside. She appears to be a regular human woman from the hips up, albeit oversized, and packing a pair of tits that would be classified as DD-cups if she was scaled down to a normal human's size. One of her hands reaches down below her human hips, as a large, serpentine vent opens to allow her to play with herself, her eyes still closed and a blissful expression on her face.

Zix nods, beginning to slowly step forward, with Lilia's hand still clutched in hers. She whispers down to her as they approach, her voice very low. "You should do the talking. I'm bad at it."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Gulping a bit as the snake woman rolled over and also as the bulge squirms again, Lilia gulped again. Nodding to Zix, Lilia took in a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm herself, where she then stepped forward a couple of steps. Lilia cleared her throat to try and get the snake woman's attention, though if that didn't work then she would bravely step forward and gently tap or shake the woman's shoulder.

"Um... excuse me miss. C-Could I talk to you please?" Lilia would tentatively say as soon as she'd woken the snake woman.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Lilia clears her throat, the snake-woman opens her eyes lazily, looking over at the little kitsune with barely any regard for her, then yawning loudly, rolling onto her side and placing her head on the hand not currently fingering her vent, looking at the two women with lazy eyes. "Yeah? Whaddaya want, lil' thing? Can't a woman get some rest around here?" she asks, following her statement up with a yawn.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia noticed that the snake woman didn't seem to be too bothered by her's nor Zix's presence. Well she was quite big after all, so that probably prevented most things from fucking with her too much, Lilia figured. "Oh I apologize, but... I needed to ask you some things. F-First, are you the one we've heard was taking people against their will and raping them? And second... w-what's that bulge there in your tail?" Lilia said to the snake woman cautiously, hoping to figure everything out before she woken completely and decided she wanted to have fun with them too.