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ADV [saionji11] Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]


Jungle Girl
Apr 13, 2013
Reputation score
Over the last year, I've been developing a game called, "Hunter in the Black". My goal is to create a choose your own adventure style experience, where the personality of the main character as well as the way other characters perceive him will change depending on the player's choices. Will you end up befriending and supporting those around you? Will you brutalize and murder everything in your path? Who will be your allies and who will be your enemies. Eventually, even the players appearance may drastically change depending on the choices he makes.

HitB is a science fiction story with a number of themes, including mind control, body manipulation, rape and slavery. What themes you encounter and how you experience the story will depend on how you play. It is currently text based, though I do intend to add full graphics in future versions.

I plan to release the game in five stages. This first stage is an introduction to the world and a primer for what is to come. I am currently working on phase 2, which will expand on the area of the game, as well as the way you can interact and manipulate the people that inhabit it.

Synopsis - You have awoken with a head full memories that are not your own. Even with these memories, you don't recognize any of your surroundings. Even your body seems strange. Who are you? Where are you? What are you? Were you born, or built? Perhaps most importantly, are you less than human, or perhaps something more?

Game Link

Runs on Rags version 2.4.14

Fixed a minor bug preventing player from waking up subject C.
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Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

Bumping here to take it to the front and express my opinion.

I really don't like rags games, my first experience with them was Cursed by anonymousmangames and later MDQP Tales of the Drunken Cowboy, with gave me an awesome first impression, so I tried to find some more interesting games, and god did that experience suck hell's balls.

So it's about 11 pm here, and I take a look at this thread and see a game I remember passing up on the hypnotics forum (or was it TF?) for it being a new one with little content. I'm stupid and don't give a damn to my academics career d(=_=) so I decide to play it intead of geting some much needed sleep.

And man, it was a great experience, took me about 50 minutes to see it all and I had a lot of fun, and was satisfied with the quality of the sexy stuff in it. The world is nicely built, consistent with itself, the writing quality is good, the pacing is good (but there's a good amount of lore and context text, but you can skip most of it and just go with the plot if you want) the sex scenes were fun (one was hilarious) and sexy, the few characters in the game have their own personalities (that surprisingly avoid the most clichêd arquetypes) and fun. The thing is that it won't appeal to someone that's in it just for the simple, quick and direct porn, you won't progress the game by skipping everything and passing every dialog until you get to the sexy stuff. But if you're looking for a interesting sci-fi porn adventure game, it's a good gem.

Well, it was good enough that got me satisfied from playing it and got me hooked up and I look forward to being a colonist, maybe even a scientist, if you get what I mean d(=_=).

Tl;dr: The game is good, but it's a text game (promising with some future graphics maybe?), though if you liked Sierra Lee's "The last sovereign" you might like this one.

Thanks saionji11 mate and Twisted Vortex Games for creating and sharing this, may you have much fun continuing the game \o/ (and the fans playing it of course)

Edit: Forgive my crappy grammar skills, never studied english in my life.
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Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

can you give more detail in the opening post what kind of game this is and some tags?

rpgmaker, visual novel, act, rpg, text and cg?

RoR, RoL, ryona, vanilla, exhibitionist, femdom, bestiality?
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

can you give more detail in the opening post what kind of game this is and some tags?

rpgmaker, visual novel, act, rpg, text and cg?

RoR, RoL, ryona, vanilla, exhibitionist, femdom, bestiality?

Since the guy is away, I'll take the freedom to answer this.

It's a sci-fi adventure text game, with puzzle elements. There are events that allow you to customize you character with significancy, but not to the rpg point. The character you play as is a lab experiment, he has no defined gender but identifies himself and is identified as male (maybe that can be changed in future versions?).

Starting the game you wake up in a strange environment and must explore your surroundings to get out and get some answer, as for who you are, what are those strange thoughts/memories in your head, where you are and where you came from. The game uses the Rags engine, so this is done mostly as examining and interacting with the environment and the objects and characters in it.

For those not used to playing games made with this engine it can be a bit confusing at first, a tip is to EXAMINE EVERYTHING and explore, with that, the names of the objects and locations you interact with change and you'll get information to progress on the game. In regards to the sexy bits, it's mostly non consensual stuff, but nothing extreme.

I hope I have done a good job with that, I didn't want to spoil the interesting parts. Also, I agree that it would be of utmost interest to update the first post with more information in regards to the game (as well as the patreon page).
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Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

good enough for me. ill give it a try. though i never heard of RAGS engine so i thought that was part of the game title.

edit: what do i need to run it? it is a rag file and i've never dealt with one before. if a special program is needed, that should also be posted in the opening as it will make it easier for those interested in playing.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

good enough for me. ill give it a try. though i never heard of RAGS engine so i thought that was part of the game title.

edit: what do i need to run it? it is a rag file and i've never dealt with one before. if a special program is needed, that should also be posted in the opening as it will make it easier for those interested in playing.

I forgot that detail, games made with the rags engine need to use the Rags Player to open them.

You can use the link our buddy saionji11 provided:

Or get it from the official site (I installed it like 2 years ago, so I don't really know if it would really be more appropriate).
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

Thanks for covering for me, Luckcrazy! (As well as your support! :D)

I'll make sure to add some tags to be a bit clearer about the game content. It seems that finding 2.4.14 on the RAGS site can be a bit tricky as it's a version that's no longer supported by the developer. One of the reasons I direct link the file.

I do fully intend to include graphics in the future, though many people seem more interested in me adding story and erotic scenes first. I've also run into a number of snags trying to get things lined up for graphics.

As I've been developing version 2.0, I've also been seriously considering porting the game to a less confusing system, such as Ren'py or Fungus. Though I would need to get graphics worked out first, otherwise it would just be a black screen with a text bar at the bottom.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

Well, if the other folks here enjoy this, I'm not here to take that away from them. Enjoy it if you want, at your leisure, erect penis skillfully gripped in your sinister hand.

However... Oh, goodness.

Alright, so, first off, can anyone say 'Mary Sue?' I don't even know if the MC entirely fits that definition, since I'm not entirely sure whether or not it's supposed to be a fantasy for the author, but... I mean, just look through and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about, here. During the initial talk with 'dad' it hit me so hard that I had trouble continuing. "Well, you're built to survive extreme temperatures, up to and far past -60 degrees Celsius, you're super strong, super quick, nearly unkillable, and have basically everything else the vampires from Twilight have, only without the glitter and more tentacles. Also, even aside from the tentacle, I could totally just give you another two-feet-long tent- uh, I mean, prehensile penis, along with six or so interior testicles the size of watermelons. That is, if I got the materials first..." That last line seems to be the only indication that this character was supposed to be fun to play. Presumably, you'd be rewarded with the tentacle-dick after you got further in the game and collected what you needed, but presumably you should also be rewarded with the super-strength and tentacle this way, as well. Inevitably, I end up feeling like this was written entirely for the author. Fine, but if that was the case, why make it a game at all?

The random memories don't help, either. They seem to simply bestow knowledge upon you whenever the author feels that it's easier than actually explaining anything or letting the player figure shit out on their own. They also are very selective, and end up with the player knowing exactly what a VIR Table is and what it does, but not being able to tell for sure what cells might be useful for.

And, this might all be forgivable if I had any investment in the story, or the characters, or the writing/style of this particular author, but... Sigh...
Right, so the writing is absolutely crammed full of spelling errors. Not quite on a "My Immortal" level (though, the overemotional parallel is ripe for the picking), but on a level at which it was absolutely distracting, and didn't really feel finished enough to be released for the public yet. Otherwise, the design of the character made conflict, and thus concrete plot, entirely impossible from the word go, like trying to make a modern-day Superman movie. Otherwise, the MC was clearly, well, a C, but they didn't really have any actual character other than constantly whining over their super incredible awesome badass crazy chocolate-covered mint-scented omegabody, and apparent lack of memories. So, you can take that previous statement as both things 'C' could mean, here...
Finally, there's 'Dad'. Dad could've been a great character if he had any sort of voice, or characterization other than crazy scientist type S, subtype Overzealous. Since I couldn't read past him, I legitimately don't know if there are better characters later on, or if Dad becomes more of an actual person, rather than an AI, which was legitimately what I thought he was for a while.

Also, the only sex scene I saw I found myself skipping past. It was the one right after you view yourself in the mirror in the bathroom, and I just wasn't interested at all. Could've been a bunch of factors, but I point to the general lack of context, dryness and boredom as possibilities.

As I said, have it if you wish, but I can't go on to see if the rest is worth it, since everything I've seen leading up to this point causes my voice to fall asleep when I read it aloud.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

I'd rather you post screenshots and more information over you throwing people at the mercy of chance.

Curiosity is not a very efficiently marketable element.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

Yeah, I was gonna say. I kinda feel like I'm a crazy person in that I'm not ok with clicking random "new authors" links based purely on concept in text at best. You needed to actually edit your first post to put description in? If you're going for support, I feel like that's a priority. And when I go to your Patreon, I see 10 posts, only 2 of which are visible, which are just simply unexplained 3d still renders, which is strange, cuz it's reported as a text game. Not even like a screenshot of a story or the interface or a write up of an interaction in the game? The original plan for this thread was here's my demo, here's my mostly blank patreon?
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

These are some damn good points. There's not much I can do in terms of screenshots, the game being text based at the moment, but I certainly could have done a much better job explaining what the game was. I was in such a rush to post my game (once I realized how to post a link as a newbie, I can be a bit thick sometimes) that I failed to put the proper time and care into introducing it as I should have. That was disrespectful to everyone. I updated the intro again (sorry, I'm doing it again ToxicShock). Hopefully this time it will better represent my game and my goals.

As for the pictures on the Patreon page, they are from when I planned to do graphics for the game. However people at the time were more interested in me adding story and erotic content than they were in me doing graphics. I've been looking for someone to partner with on the graphics, but haven't had much luck at this point.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

Feel free to update the OP anytime you have new or can provide new information. The first post should always be the most important to prevent people from scrawling through pages.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

There's not much I can do in terms of screenshots, the game being text based at the moment,

I'd argue screenshots are still valuable in exactly this sort of situation.
Sure, depending on the RAGS environment things will look a little different,
but you can still show a few shots of what kind of UI and interactions to expect.
It's not about showing off and bedazzling, it's about setting expectations and providing context.

For example, when I'm looking at RPGmaker games, I check out screenshots even when the game is only standard assets:
Good screenshots will still show if it's a standard battle UI, or whether to expect narrative-heavy or walking-heavy.
And at the end of the day, most times a paragraph or two of text seen in a screenshot will say more about writing style than any amount of description.
Re: Hunter in the Black [RAGS game Demo]

Interesting point, I'll go ahead and throw in a couple screen shots later today. For now I'll say that the game's forcast calls for heavy narrative with moderate walking and scattered puzzles.

No real combat as of yet, though any combat that I add will likely be strictly to serve the story. I don't generally see the point in 'combat' grinding. Not combat grinding will certainly be a factor.