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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding


Seeing the corpses of the dead nuns brought back Arkeia's disgusted look, and at the sight of green around their mouths she blanched. "Perhaps they took some sort of poison? To keep the orcs from... Taking them," she supposed, but didn't get close enough to check in any detail. Instead she started rummaging around, looking for clues or treasure that might have been left behind. The orcs hadn't left much behind, and she kept away from the smashed door leading out into the garden full of dangerous vines, but she did look over the rest of the cells in detail. Turning over an upturned and smashed table, she found something and said; "Hey, what's this?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Find something out about the dead girls: )

"I'm kinda surprised how many dead nuns these monsters left behind. Figure they'd want as much booty as they could get." Karaz figured.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna nods, musing as the others investigated around. She instead said some prayers over the corpses, hoping to ensure their souls would move on in the cycle and not be chained by their emotions and become Lost.

With all this done, that left the stairs to the library. She hummed a bit as she observed the damage. It'd be... Tricky to scale these things. But the studs were intact in places, the nails and such that anchored it to the walls. If she just put her weight on those instead...

Or she could just fly. Not like she had any other reason to use it.

"A moment, I'll return with means to continue for you all I hope. If not, well, try walking on the metal studs and using them to scale upwards? I must call upon my past lives."

Faeyna closes her eyes, before her form glows into bright green light, that seems to melt into a new form, becoming an small pterosaur, before flying up the stairs!
Re: Battle & Breeding

The poor nuns were dead of self-poison. Karaz recognized the stuff: greencap, an invasive and dangerous species that seemed to grow everywhere. The nuns could probably have found it in the forest, but why would they be able to get such a thing in short order when the orcs attacked?

What a stroke of luck! As Arkeia shifted the table out of the way, she saw the lusty flash of gold. One of the nuns was apparently putting the finishing touches on an engraved golden sundisc. Well, if the temple of Saale wouldn't buy this back, someone else certainly would.

(250 gp worth of treasure found)

The strange device had the markings of the Gnome clans from eastern Empire. Strange to find such a thing all the way out here. Alia wasn't exactly certain of how the invention functioned, but she was fairly sure she understood what it did. It was a small, portable alchemical workshop, able to rapidly extract reagents and poisons from the natural world and prepare them for use.

(It's a MND+Knowledge test to use the device to quickly extract a chemical; the DC varies)

Faeyna secured a rope for the others once she had reached the top. The library appeared completely undamaged, and was blessedly small; little more than six bookshelves and a handful of small, uncomfortable looking desks. Even so, many of the books were untitled, and it would probably take some time to search.

Party Actions:
---Go up to the library
---Go to the hospital or garden
---Go back somewhere
---Search Thoroughly
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Hello nurse!" Alia smiled as she inspected her newest discovery. She was definitely taking that one with her. That would make one piece of equipment she had to buy less for when she finally established a lab. She didn't have much materials on her right now, but that could and would eventually be rectified. In the meantime, she'd just keep the thing around with her. "So, you girls found anything interesting?" She looked around to see what others were doing before glancing up, noting that Faeyna had secured a way up to the library. "Well then. Shall we go upstairs and see what we can find there?"

(Vote to go to the library.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Yeah, I found girls who committed suicide to avoid being whores to monsters." Karaz growled. "They killed 'emselves with poisonous foilage to avoid the inevitable. Or maybe they were caught and forced to down it and die. Either way, they didn't have an honorable death." Karaz spat.

"Keep an ear out for that nun wakin' up. In fact, GROBBI! WHEN THE NUN BALLOON WAKES UP, TELL 'ER YA MEAN NO HARM AND THAT WE WANNA SPEAK WITH 'ER." she shouted.

(off to the library)
Re: Battle & Breeding


"Hahahaha! Loot!" Arkeia proclaimed, lifting the elaborate treasure. "SOMEONE will buy this at a high price!" Stowing the item carefully to preserve its value, she looked to the rope leading up, tested it, and simply started up after Faeyna.

(To the library!)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna transformed back once she was up at the top and threw a rope down after tying it off. Seemed like everyone was interested in coming up, so she decided to explore this thing.

Faeyna's reading capabilities were... Primitive at best. She could get by, but books were of little use in a swamp, the moisture and mold ruined them very rapidly. They used oral tradition for most learning, and carvings for the rest.
As such, she'd rely on the others for being able to determine if there was anything of worth up here.

She decided to look through the desks while she waited for them to come up.
Re: Battle & Breeding

The girls climbed up the rope one by one, taking in the austere library above. The windows in this tower were high and small, as to keep the touch of the sun away from the precious books, and safety lanterns were chained tightly to the walls.

Room Actions:
---STR+Athletics DC 17 to reveal a dark secret
---DEX+Knowledge DC 16 to find find something peculiar
---MND+Subterfuge DC 15 to find a valuable book
---MND+Survival DC 15 to find something interesting
---MND+Communication DC 16 to find a bit of magic

Party Actions:
---Search thoroughly
---Go back down
Re: Battle & Breeding

fails. If we do opt to search thoroughly and that's just another chance to do things,

"Well... I don't know if there will be any clues about what happened here, or anything of value, but... Something in here might be worth something to the church. I say we take a longer look around here," Arkeia said, before promptly beginning to search among the volumes, looking through a few and finding nothing of value. Frustration and disappointment rose as each volume proved increasingly uninteresting, and her search failed to turn up anything of value as well.

(I vote search thoroughly... And promptly fail to make use of it via dice rolls!)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"While I have little experience with humans habit of putting words on easily ruined materials, I am certainly fine with through exploration of an area of knowledge.," says Faeyna with a shrug, as she explores the room, looking for anything out of place.

( Fail)

But she finds nothing out of the ordinary.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Since you guys haven't done it yet, and it's been a while, Search Thoroughly lets you autosucceed at all room tasks, at the cost of time.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Wasn't search thoroughly an autosuccess on our stuff? Anyway, I vote for that too.)

Alia looked around the library. Not as impressive as she had hoped it'd be, but better than nothing. Still, there was something in here, she could feel it. Something unusual. A magic of some form was around here, she was almost certain of that. Eager to discover it, the mage quickly began to scan the area using all means she had at her disposal. However, her efforts seemed to be in vain. "Blasted little thing... Gonna need a bit more time." She muttered as she resumed her search, intending to dedicate as much time as she had to to uncover the blasted thing.

to find a bit of magic, failed.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Find a dark secret: )

Karaz searches the Library, just running her eyes over everything to find something of worth. Oddly enough, the information on her mind was some dirt on the nuns. Because the more she thought about this, the more it seemed like an inside job.
Re: Battle & Breeding

While the other girls were still peering at books, Karaz had other things on her mind. Namely, why there was a tiny crack showing behind one of the bookcases set against the wall. With a grunt of exertion, the dwarf pulled the shelf away, exposing an additional, secret bookcase laid into the wall. There were only a dozen or so books, but unlike the outer books, they had sinister black covers. Each volume was engraved with a title in gold leaf: "Sisterhood of the Night Guard". It seems the nuns here had a darker purpose that mere holy poverty.

(Are you searching thoroughly then?)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(I would say yes still.)

"What are those? N' what is the... Sisterhood of the Night guard?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Looks like it.)

Faeyna blinks at Karaz' discovery and comes over. "Um... Sister... Night... What's it say exactly? Cus I'm starting to get the feeling these sisters were just as much servants of the Defiled as the Broodknights were. What the hell was going on behind closed doors here?"
Re: Battle & Breeding


"No idea." Alia frowned, pausing her search to peer at the books. "I doubt they were on the same side as the attackers. Anybody up for some reading? I suppose the answer to our questions lie within these tomes."
Re: Battle & Breeding

It was mid-afternoon by the time the girls had finished reading, and what they found was sobering. The Sisterhood of the Night Guard, the secret assassin order of the temple of Saale, trained to forsake the holy sunlight of their patron to cut down monsters, demons, and other threats to order and civilization, using whatever underhanded technique was necessary. Most disturbingly, the Sisterhood considered orcs and lizardfolk no better than rapacious beasts, and slew chieftains and leaders, even of peaceful tribes. It seemed that the nuns were kept ignorant of the Sisterhood for the first part of their careers, are were transferred away elsewhere should they not be of the right temperament for the second, dark initiation. The girls minds returned to the wicked spirit now entombed beneath the convent, and Karaz's turned to Grifbo, who was even now sitting alone with a sister who might be a monster hunting assassin!

It was while the books were being read that Arkeia noticed the device, cunningly set into the wood of the upper walls. It seemed that by opening the secret passage, the girls had armed a horrific blade trap on the stairway, that would certainly be a danger when they descended. Maybe she could climb and disable it? Or maybe there was another way...

(DEX+Athletics DC 14 to climb up and disable)

Bored of reading, Faeyna paced around the room, until she noticed something odd. A small statue of a saint or something similar was set in an alcove along the back wall, and the lizardwoman spotted a tiny engraving on the base of the statue. Magic words, perhaps, or a passphrase? They might be worth remembering, perhaps they would be useful.

Alia's brow wrinkled as she noticed a small strand of holy magic flowing from above her. Climbing up on a shelf, she found three bottles of holy water, apparently either stored or forgotten up here.

[Holy water inflicts Stun on creatures of supernatural evil, like demons and undead. They do get a test to negate.]

In the mean time, Karaz peered through all the books, scanning quickly for caluable illuminations, and tossing any that seemed valuable in her sack.

[300 gp worth of treasure!]

Party Action:
---The the hospital or garden
---Quick, go save Grifbo from the evil nun!
---Go somewhere else
Re: Battle & Breeding

Less reading and more listening to the other girls reading out loud, Faeyna gave a hiss of disgust. Them, beasts? They weren't the ones who spread like a disease across any land considered worth having! Feh. Still, finding the passcode seemed like a boon. "Maybe this is the password the acolyte needed to get free? According to your books, she wouldn't know anything about this hate filled practice. I have little pity for what has befallen them now. Though I will still seek to deal with their molesters, as the Broodknights are no more friends than this lot would be. We should return to see this so called senior nun. I can hope that she has not fallen back from one hateful way to another yet again, but..."