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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Fried your engines? Oh man. Just don't get killed, I'm not skilled enough to raise from the dead..." she paused to chuckle, "Yet." She sighed and sipped her coffee trying to not worry about her team.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Oh, I'm sure the Directorate can help you out with that - HEY!" One of the Raiders decided to get frisky and attacks the Black wind. The large ship needs a moment to turn around - and the Raider faces two four-barreled rocket launchers. It attempts to dive down and back into the swarm, but it's fate is already sealed. Twin jets reflect on the surface of the Black Wind as the missiles launch and track the Raider down without mercy. The first cracks it's shield, and the second makes it vanish in a ball of fire.

All in all however, Draven's plan seems to work. The damaged ship is slowly turning around, but the plasma beams quickly deplete it's shields. The Raiders are on his ship like a bloodhound. Now and then the pulses make his shields flare up.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Got it. Time to spring another little surprise on them. Viper smirks behind his helmet, as the power indicator for his cannon lit up again. This time, it would be a continuous beam firing, rather than just single blast. Hopefully, nothing major would fry this shot, but Viper figured that something probably would. "Viper to group. If you're in between me and that carrier, get clear. I've bypassed the normal firing system for my heavy cannon, and it's linked directly to my power core. I get a clear shot, I'm taking it."

The pirates, if they were watching their sensors carefully, would notice a large power signature building up in the Dragon's Fang.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven answered several messages at once. "Copy that Viper, moving out in one moment. Krysta, I hope you mean you only want to treat bruises for our ships only, cuz I really don't think the pirates here going to need it when we're done."

He pauses for a moment, blinking as the sharp flash of blue indicates weapons fire against his shields. "Ah, I just love this shit." He returns fire with several beams to further anger the fighters before turning and hauling ass out of Viper's way.

Transmitting again he adds, "ok, I have managed to piss off the hornets nest, I repeat the hornets nest is quite angry. Viper, try to hit that big ass ship, it doesn't look like it can take another shot. Everyone else that has weapons, I could use some help now. Shields at eighty percent now, but that won't last forever."

Indeed his ship takes several more hits before fully accelerating away, the raiders likely in hot pursuit.

((Taking his shields at 80% based off the concept a shield will drop in strength faster with several shots connecting at once vs. a single shot every few seconds.))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that, Draven." Once the Deadly Mist and any other friendly ships are clear, Viper fires. Shrug off this. Given that the beam is at least as powerful as the previous shot, and this time a sustained, continuous beam, it will more than likely ignore any Raiders that get between it and its target.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Cyrus heads after the Deadly Mist, taking shots at the fighters around it.

"You wanted someone else with weapons? You got him."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Don't forget me!" Vance says over the comm, his weapons all firing at maximum rate, shooting like a firing squad at the Raiders coming towards him, that were following Draven "Don't worry, I got your backs." he says, firing a couple of missiles, hitting two Raiders and chuckling
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The second shot does it for the carrier. The ray smashes through quite a few Raiders before collapsing the shields and hitting it smack in the cockpit area, taking out a good chunk of the ship.
It's shields don't come back online, yet still it does not explode. It simply drifts there in space, sinking back into the debris field that it came out from.
The reaction from the Raiders follow at once. The remaining ships break formation and scatter at once.
"That should do it. Abort pursue. I don't think they'll come back - and if they do the Line will be up and running." Thall leans back in his chair and takes a deep breath.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that, what about the cruiser though? Should we completely destroy it now or let it float?"

Draven doesn't seem to really care either way, though he does suspect that their salvager would have asked nearly the same question, if he wasn't already moving to board the remains of the carrier.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I guess it's gonna smash against an asteroid sooner or later. My sensors show no signs of life." She, too, takes a breather. "Now, Umbral - who has the honor of towing your ship?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that. I'll get towing for him."

Indeed he had it too, for he had barely finished his sentence before cruising his ship in front of Umbral's. Once there, four points of light came out and seemed to impact the hull of his ship. After a moment it became clear what was happening, as the Deadly Mist moved forward, so too did Umbral's. "Tractor beams engaged, let's get this show on the road shall we?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

With the raiders departing, Senkek immediately starts flying towards where they had been docked. There would be a guaranteed entry point there.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Thank god that shit is overwith" Vance says through the comm, leaning back and setting his ship to autopilot "I'm going to continue analyzing the debris. When life support is online, I'll be boarding the station." he says, yawning as his ship flies back into the debris field
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Sanya retracted the turret and launcher since the immediate threat was over and she doubted there'd be much more soon. The Nerkat glided towards the station, actively scanning it: life signs, details on the structural integrity, etc. She didn't care too much of what the other said, prefering to see what could be seen with her own eyes, or rather sensors.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Krysta chuckled, "Somehow i thought that would be the case. Well, as long as we don't have to deal with them anymore I'm not going to worry." Then she took a long look at the space station, "What the blazes are we supposed to do with that hunk of junk?"

(((HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love free wifi! Only post for tonight love you guys a bunch!)))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Negative, Oblivion. No one man shows. Come back at once. The pirates could still be around here, out of scanner reach. Cocky bastard. Kills a few pirates and thinks he has balls the size of the sun." Meanwhile, Thall has run a scan of The Dividing Line. "The hangar bay is on the far side, pretty much in the middle. Seems clear except for... a small ship. But it's deactivated. Must have been left behind by the scientists when they abandoned the station." As a matter of fact Thall can't get a clear picture of the object. Something scrambles his sensors. "Alright then. Get ready for a walk. Space suits, magnetic boots, the whole deal." The Zeta sets course for the hangar.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that Thall. Heading for the hangar ourselves. Umbral, I'll tow you in and set you down lightly, then move further up to give everyone else some space to land."

Draven too runs his own scans of the ship Thall mentions, though his own sensors would fare no better than the Telarin's.

((Figured there was a reason for that, so I'll follow suit there, though his nature would be to try a scan anyway.))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Yes, ma'am" Vance says over the comm, sighing as he alters his course and heads towards the space station hanger "Man, I hate space suits. Not enough free movement" he says, sipping his water as he scans debris he passes "What the hell did cause all this debris?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

With the corsairs removed, Vix was clear for launch. Active sensors would detect a small flare of energy, quickly vanishing, a long way out from the space station. And of course, anyone looking out their window might spot the man-sized pod hurtling towards The Dividing Line.

It's course was take it to impact on the hull within ten minutes, a good way away from the hangar. Inside, Vix activates a laser imager, flicking over the surface of the station, looking for an airlock, or another way in.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"What was- Ah. Vix. So nice of you to join us. I assume you have been there for a while?" Mara's translator fails to conceal the anger in her voice. Thall shakes his head. "That was to be expected. You have seen it's file."