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[Complete - Partial] [RJ196116] The Pregcess of Zeven


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 4, 2012
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Good evening everybody. I'm been hard at working cracking away at a Partial for Zeven's Princess. It's not done yet, But enough of it is done to be playable. Menu's and All Database names have been done. I haven't cracked into the Descriptions yet, or the Status things. I'm going to wait until the Game is done being updated. Consider the Partial currently in Phase 1, when the Final update is released it'll move into Phase 2 in which I'll transfer everything over to the updated version. After that Phase 3 will be finishing up translating the Descriptions on everything. Once Phase 3 is complete this will be a 100% top to bottom Partial with everything done.
I've also translated some of the Shop people's Dialogue options. Not all of them, but the Weapon, Consumables, Elements, Inn and Adventurer Guild options have been done.
Since Weapons and Armors and Element's can be renamed, there may be in issue where on an old Save They won't be translated. Not much that can be done about that as far as I know.



If you have any Issues let me know.

And as always I Hope You Enjoy.

*Edit* Damn, only been 4 Days and the partial's already been taken down once.


  • The Pregcess of Zeven Ver 1.10.zip
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to me, this game is my golden standard. extremely good to those who loves exhibitionism and slow corruption, although maybe to some the corruption felt too slow. still it's the best h-rpg i've ever played. already 6 hours in game and i think i'm still in the middle of the story. playing through using machine translator but i grasp 90% of the conversation. so many h-scene (100 according to dlsite), each scene is also very long, i wonder if someday there'll be a brave translator would try to fully translating this game.
to me, this game is my golden standard. extremely good to those who loves exhibitionism and slow corruption, although maybe to some the corruption felt too slow. still it's the best h-rpg i've ever played. already 6 hours in game and i think i'm still in the middle of the story. playing through using machine translator but i grasp 90% of the conversation. so many h-scene (100 according to dlsite), each scene is also very long, i wonder if someday there'll be a brave translator would try to fully translating this game.

If someone does decide to do a full translation it's going to take them a super long time to do it. The Item Shop owner alone has 31 Pages of Events. I think it took the Circle 4 years to make this game, and it really shows. There's a ton of stuff in it. Whenever he's done updating and fixing errors I'll finish the Partial and probably look into expanding it to include stuff like the Skill Tree and other things as well.
This does look great, I might have to brush the dust off of machine translators for this =/. Actually trying to run this with embedded translation, not going well tho =(, crashes every time it loads a picture.
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If someone does decide to do a full translation it's going to take them a super long time to do it. The Item Shop owner alone has 31 Pages of Events. I think it took the Circle 4 years to make this game, and it really shows. There's a ton of stuff in it. Whenever he's done updating and fixing errors I'll finish the Partial and probably look into expanding it to include stuff like the Skill Tree and other things as well.

4 years... it makes sense, all of the scenes are super long, i though there are 100 short scenes, but actually 100 long scenes, not that i complained though
how to enter black market?

get the password from information dealer (automatic after first inn event), then enter the password manually at the hooded man in front of underground auction place (it means you have to input japanese manually), the password is ""おちんぽ", just try to remember the shape
how to enter black market?

Here, this might make it Easier. But you'll still need to get the Password from the guy people you're able to enter it.

Alright update time, the game's now available on the English DLSite, so be sure to support the creators and pick it up. Also we now have the correct English title of the game. So I went ahead and updated the Thread Name.
I'm going to give the creators one more week to make sure they're done updating it, after that I'll move the Partial over to the Latest version of the game and finish it. There will be only 2 version of this Partial. The incomplete initial release, then the complete final release.
Until next time, bye bye
Alright update time, the game's now available on the English DLSite, so be sure to support the creators and pick it up. Also we now have the correct English title of the game. So I went ahead and updated the Thread Name.
I'm going to give the creators one more week to make sure they're done updating it, after that I'll move the Partial over to the Latest version of the game and finish it. There will be only 2 version of this Partial. The incomplete initial release, then the complete final release.
Until next time, bye bye

Sounds good. Thank for all your effort so far. :)
Appreciate the partial Rrezz. This game was surprisingly good, a little repetitive, but good. I actually played it to 100%. Again, much love for the patch.
Ok so I've played at the game for 2 hours and I have no fucking idea how to get new events
I've got the first scene in the black market, bath, inn, blacksmith but I can't get more
Do I have to spam all those events to get her corrupted? Or do I have to progress in the dungeon? I'm at the dragon boss on the sixth floor so I doubt it's the problem
Could someone just explain me what I am supposed to do?
If you are that far into the dungeon than your lack of progress is probably from not having enough corruption or missing a key event. Did you go to the beach or the underground auction yet? If you haven't thats probably what your missing. Its awful early here, but I think you can repeat the inn events and the bath events for additional corruption. You might also want to try that. You might also want to make sure you roll through town occasionally and talk to everyone. Basically, every npc in this game eventually bones you, so... yea talk to everyone.

Edit: The tl thread isnt really the place to ask about this stuff though. You should probably use the game thread, its linked in the first post.
Rrezz signature: "There's a 90% probability I won't finish what I start". Well... I hope you can finish this one. It looks good.
I was going to hold off on any updates until I was done. But, I think I'll need to toss this out there.

So I've already transfered everything over from the original incomplete partial over to version 1.07. I found some more stuff in the scripts and translated that as well, and I had begun working on translating the descriptions for the Skills. Finished up Swordsmans, Sorceress, Thief and starting working on Spellblade. However, it seems the game's been updated to 1.08 a few days ago. Which is kind of sad. QQ

So what I'm probably going to end up doing is finished up all the Database items, Then wrap everything up in the Scripts and release just that. So long as 1.08 doesn't add anything new or change any of the values it should just be an easy copy paste for the database. The conversation options that I've translated that you get while talking to shop keeps and what not will be translated at a later time, when I'm 100% sure that the game is done being translated. Because the Circle doesn't use Common Events each "Stage" is its own event page, so as a result there's like 30 Event pages just for one shop keeping. That makes its the most time consuming part to translated, so it'll have to wait.

It'll still be a while until it's complete due to the sheer amount of Database entries. 300+ Skills, 600+ Items, 200+ Weapons and 100+ Armors. But worry not my children, for I am still working on it.

Anyways, how about them Celtics? Think we'll finally see an NBA finals without Lebron in it?
Anyways, how about them Celtics? Think we'll finally see an NBA finals without Lebron in it?

I'm not even a Celtics fan, I just dislike LeBron. I'm happy the Celtics are doing so well and I think the best thing in the world would be seeing LeBron get swept 4-0.
Alright, I've uploaded what I've got done for Version 1.07 of the game. Most skills are done, most items are done. Elements and Materials haven't been touched yet. There's just too many, I'll take care of it later.
I was on the Circle's Ci-En and it appear's he's working on another update to fix more bugs. Not 100% sure. I'll hold off on moving everything over to 1.08, in case they release another update.
In the mean time, enjoy 1.07.