
  1. Lumar

    Need help please! 403.html error when accessing site

    I want to download the psd files of this artist's work having to finding it through but the link ends up with a 403.html error. Went to other posts which had the link for their own files but ended with the same result. I tried using a vpn, having it set to japan but to no avail. Is...
  2. M

    We're building game and would like to ask for references...

    Hi guys! I just found out that this is the biggest place to talk about Hentai games related, and would like to ask you guys for any references or any recommends. I personally enjoy playing hentai games (not that many like I've seen you guys talking about!). The thing is, I (and the team) we are...
  3. TheUnsaid

    Do you actually FAP to these games?

    I just thought for a bit, but I don't think I've ever fapped to eroge before. Maybe some erotic animations back in the day, but straight up non-animated 2D images? Never. If I'm ever in the mood, then I usually go to h-anime of some kind(3D/2D) or JAV. Playing these games, all that matters to...
  4. L

    Looking for games with incubus

    I am looking for a list of games where you either play as an incubus seducing woman or games where you resist an incubus from a heroines point of view. Thanks, did not see any threads on this before, so this is very important to discuss XD Not looking for game links, just a list of game names...
  5. N

    Questions from a new H-game player

    Hi, as someone new to erogames and ULMF-type forums, I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on how most people find and play H-games. I've seen a lot of places to find games (DLsite, mega downloads, forums such as ULMF/F95zone, and other questionable sites) so is there a "common"...
  6. S

    Erotan Seijin

    Has anybody bought movies from this person? The guy has made a lot of movies that have a lot of my fetishes inside, but they cost too much and have no samples up. Was wondering if anybody has bought some movies from him? Here's a link to one of his recent movies...
  7. rizo

    Are there any PC games similar to the Dead or Alive Extreme series...

    As the title says I'd like to know if anyone can tell me if there are any games like the dead or alive extreme series but available on PC. I like the idea of doing mini games to gain money to be able to then buy outfits etc. I've looked online but the only thing I can find is some game called...
  8. The Lurkers Shadow

    Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

    I've made this thread to help sate my curiosity about why some people have such strong, negative reactions to futa based content. Being of the side that likes futa content it is hard for me to fathom why it repels some so strongly. So I ask those who dislike futa; What about it causes you to be...