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A very hesitant attempt

Re: A very hesitant attempt

Thanks! :D

For the names I was thinking something peculiar but not really related to their attitudes. I just would like to avoid the typical names but also not going to find something too much exotic.
For example as first thought I had Sam for the boy, Sarah for the taller girl and Lysa for the smaller. But these are just too mainstream.
Viky is nice but doesn't sound appropriate for a Djinn I guess. I'll figure something out... ;)

What do you mean with screen tones? Like patterns?

Here another sketch! :D


It seems I can't post pictures larger than these. Is any kind of new restriction here that I'm not aware of?

Oh, you were talking about human characters names? I was thinking about new/more dicklets xD

If you want, you can try finding a name by searching via meaning. Like, when me and friends were working on a visual novel (that was never finished), our project name was "Blessing of Pearl", because main heroine was a little orphan adopted by MC and her name was Margaret (which means pearl in Greek). You can often find nice sounding names by doing that :D

, though, pattern seems similar. It's a good method to get different types of shades/effects in b&w. Still used in comics (though, more digitally than traditionally xD) Those last two draws I shared were finished only with screentones. Sometimes it's just screentone on another one to get more darker shade effect. I used it since years, years ago, liked it again and that's why I am recommending now xD

Dunno, I use imgur or DeviantArt, especially last one should allow quite a large picture to upload + they allow hotlinking :D

She reminds me of that old TV show, where dude had a female genie :D
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Re: A very hesitant attempt

Oh, you were talking about human characters names? I was thinking about new/more dicklets xD

If you want, you can try finding a name by searching via meaning. Like, when me and friends were working on a visual novel (that was never finished), our project name was "Blessing of Pearl", because main heroine was a little orphan adopted by MC and her name was Margaret (which means pearl in Greek). You can often find nice sounding names by doing that :D

, though, pattern seems similar. It's a good method to get different types of shades/effects in b&w. Still used in comics (though, more digitally than traditionally xD) Those last two draws I shared were finished only with screentones. Sometimes it's just screentone on another one to get more darker shade effect. I used it since years, years ago, liked it again and that's why I am recommending now xD

Dunno, I use imgur or DeviantArt, especially last one should allow quite a large picture to upload + they allow hotlinking :D

She reminds me of that old TV show, where dude had a female genie :D

Name for geenie? Messala ;)

Alright guys, thanks for the hint! I found a name generator and I kept hitting the randomize button until I found something I liked. Second names aren't really useful since, in case I will make some kind of comic, I'd need something really colloquial.

However here some new sketches and the names (temporary?).


About screentones, now I get what you mean but I could tell you a couple of reasons why you shouldn't use them. Firstly they work until you keep 100% original size. Resize your artwork by just 1% and you'll get moiré pattern which I find quite disturbing.

I know very well this issue cause I've been working for 1 year and 1/2 in a publishing house doing comics (layouts, graphics, lettering, printing). We had to fight with these issues on the daily basic.
Halftones patterns are really handy if you are hand-drawing on paper and you want to make shadings quite faster. Also architects used to exploit these masks to fill their projects areas.
Again, it works well until you resize them!
Re: A very hesitant attempt

Alright guys, thanks for the hint! I found a name generator and I kept hitting the randomize button until I found something I liked. Second names aren't really useful since, in case I will make some kind of comic, I'd need something really colloquial.

However here some new sketches and the names (temporary?).


About screentones, now I get what you mean but I could tell you a couple of reasons why you shouldn't use them. Firstly they work until you keep 100% original size. Resize your artwork by just 1% and you'll get moiré pattern which I find quite disturbing.

I know very well this issue cause I've been working for 1 year and 1/2 in a publishing house doing comics (layouts, graphics, lettering, printing). We had to fight with these issues on the daily basic.
Halftones patterns are really handy if you are hand-drawing on paper and you want to make shadings quite faster. Also architects used to exploit these masks to fill their projects areas.
Again, it works well until you resize them!
Hmm... True, I forgot about that since when I resized my draws down, I didn't have to deal with it since those I used, scaled well enough. But it is an issue I forgot about, thanks for reminding me :D

I like those names, I think they go well with characters :]
Re: A very hesitant attempt

No updates for now, I've just too little time.
I will work on some turnarounds for each character soon, I want to see different aircuts, clothes and so on...will take a while!

Meanwhile, out of nowhere, a little fan-art of Cherry Poi I've just sketched real quickly!

Well that was odd. I'm sorry the forum has broke down. Well I was doing some more Cherry Poi fan-art and I am also sketching some of the characters previously listed.

More about Zoe! :)

What do you think about her?
Soon I will produce some turnarounds and will start studying some clothes etc.

Also sketched an idea for the new forum Mascot / Avatar. Dunno if anyone is interested in this tho..

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Well well, can you include Stuffie's renamon somwhere on the last drawing? ;) I think Stuffie reached a legendary status on his own here being mentioned (and adored) by many :) Maybe his head can pop up from the Upper right side :p Or maybe his miniature(chibi) can sit on one of them logo letters in front
Well well, can you include Stuffie's renamon somwhere on the last drawing? ;) I think Stuffie reached a legendary status on his own here being mentioned (and adored) by many :) Maybe his head can pop up from the Upper right side :p Or maybe his miniature(chibi) can sit on one of them logo letters in front

Humm... I think I never heard of it... What's that? Give me some info! :D
I dont know much about this creature but its often depicted as a furry yelow pokemon/digimon???
Just to add i dont know if its a male or female but seen many picture of "it"as a female (2 white boob globes showing up from under this creature fur coat in chest area) XD
I dont know much about this creature but its often depicted as a furry yelow pokemon/digimon???
Just to add i dont know if its a male or female but seen many picture of "it"as a female (2 white boob globes showing up from under this creature fur coat in chest area) XD

Hmmm, it's the first time I see this. Dunno, I never been a lot into furries...
However I'll keep in mind, thanks! Although I believe the issues related to the new forum are just technical for the moment.
I don't think Aika will eve notice/take in consideration my Jungle Girl version...

Still, might be fun! I'm lacking a bit of time, next week I should be able to post more sketches! :)
Also, I need to think of a name of this comic/company of "friends". I don't know if I will ever do that but it's fun to work around it anyway.
Just a reminder, that people on this forum turned Renamon (digimon mentioned) into ear-sex inside joke... Mr NunSense, this one?:

Original for comparison:

Vicissitudo As much as I like your logo version and other people take on it, I think it should be an alternative to original one :D
I know, original one is kinda... rough... But... it's special xD
Just a reminder, that people on this forum turned Renamon (digimon mentioned) into ear-sex inside joke... Mr NunSense, this one?:

Yes Yoshi but shhh...the less Vic knows about why Stuffie's avatar is so "famous" the better chance he might draw it ;) or maybe its the other way around... :D
