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Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

4: get in line... backwards
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

((Gah! sorry, had to freeze last night. Three it is!))

You stand in line like the Drill Sergeant says, and then, when he cannot see you, you move your foot and tap a guy on the foot, he asks "The hell do you want?" causing the Sergeant to rush over and scream right in his face while you laugh on the inside and watch as he is slowly worn down by the drill sergeant. Your first day is fairly uneventful, and as you walk into the mess hall for dinner, everyone stares at you and then turns away. You wonder to yourself what you should do.

Military Uniform

1. Go eat some chicken.
2. Go eat some vegetables.
3. go eat some of the 'Surprise' dish
4. Other

((Have at it guys and gals))
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

4: start a food fight inconspicuously
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

3: Food poisoning is always the best way to start the week.
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

3.) The suprise food is a fertility drug and horniess drug causing all the males around you to start raping your FEMALE duke nukem dick girl.
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

((Damn. You guys reply too damn fast.))

Duke decides she should go and order something to eat. She walks up to the food line and waits for a few minutes for the people in front of her to be finished, then decides to be courageous and try the special dish.

"One special, please." she asks, the cook handing her a tray and laughing to himself as Duke walks over to a table 'Here's hoping it won't kill me' she thinks, takin a bite, then growing wide-eyed and falling back out of her seat

She awakens days later, in the Medical office, laying in a bed "Where am I?" she asks, a doctor walking over and handing her a glass of water

"You ate the Chef's Special dish and passed out." the she says "I decided to give you some time off from training to recover. Your stomach is going to be going through hell for a few more days."

Military Uniform

1. Obey the doctors orders and stay put
2. Disobey the doctor and get back to training
3. Other
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

2, but before duke goes, she'll probably need to take a dump, special dish's are horrible like that
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

((Okay, guys, you gotta stop being so damn fast x.x! I can't even keep up with ya.))
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

Our RP is dead.
Re: Another ChooseYourOwn Story. War Style!

Indeed. Looks like this one has ended..