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Avarras -Old Version

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Re: Avarras

Jack walked back inside, seeming slightly strange despite his best efforts not to.
Re: Avarras

Bell looked up as the two of them entered, noticing the bowl of hot water, and turned back to look at Anthony. "He hasn't waken up yet." Was all she said.
Re: Avarras

"I would be surprised if he had."
Re: Avarras

Jack nodded. "To be honest, from how hard he was hit and where he was hit, I'm amazed he's even still alive."

Something was definitely bothering him, something Shirashi already knew about, but that Bell was in the dark on. It also didn't seem like a good time to bring it up, but perhaps if she could get him alone later when they went back to Orchrios she could talk to him...
Re: Avarras

Bell looks quite bothered herself, staring at Anthony sadly, almost wistfully. "So now what?" She asks dully, not moving.
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi leans over, checking Anthony. "He is in no grave danger at the moment, it seems. Which means that the only thing that can be done is to wait, and watch. While I do not believe that there is a great risk of it, his condition can still fail."

With that he looks up at the other two. "I leave the choice in your hands. You may stay, and help watch, or return to the city, and wait there."
Re: Avarras

"Well, I probably should return back home since we do have a business day tomorrow, but if your also heading back home Bell I will walk with you there and make sure you get home safely."

Something in his voice that his escorting her wasn't up for debate, though he didn't come across as condescending or hostile more... worried.
Re: Avarras

"Yeah, alright, I'll head home too." Bell says slowly, getting up from her seat and heading for the door. "See you tomorrow Shiraishi."
Re: Avarras

"Alright then, let's get moving. See you tomorrow Shirashi."
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