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(BETA: CD) Rhapsody


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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No one was quite sure what happened, or how. The only thing that seemed to matter, however, was the results. The dreamscape, a combined resonance of humanities hopes and dreams had quite suddenly become a very dark place. What was once a mostly peaceful realm was now covered in monsters who wandered about, committing vile acts. Humanity no longer dreamed, this was just one big nightmare.

It didn't take long for the Angels to move into action, their resources poured into the dreamscape in order to try and find the cause for this, and cleanse it. Their orders remained unchanged for the norm, protect mankind from spiritual danger, save those who will be saved and punish those who choose not to be. For in this dreamscape, the minds of those dreaming wandered and took form; some victimised by the monsters, others influenced by the twisted nature of the place to become monsters themselves.

Angelic judgement would have to be both swift and wise, for they themselves were not above corruption. Unjust decisions or falling under the influence of monsters would erode the core of their being and should they stray too far, they themselves would become just another monster of this nightmare world.

Rhapsody, a justiciar tasked with the role of deciding the fate of beings, stepped through the angelic portal to the dreamworld and surveyed her surroundings. She appeared to be standing upon a small floating island, a couple of tropical trees sharing it with her and a narrow rope bridge was visible before her, leading off to another, similar island. Down below, there was nought but a calm, peaceful ocean, as to be expected she had entered into one of the less corrupted areas. From the island ahead, the path split, with rope bridges leading off both left and right to yet more small islands; but the left path sloped dowards, closer to the water below, while the right path climbed higher towards the sky.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody entered the dreamscape through the angelic portal and took a brief look around. the place was odd, but that was to be expected of dreams. Gripping her simple-looking whitewood staff gently but firmly, she crosses the first rope bridge without much difficulty, then pauses to consider her options. After a moment's consideration, she chose the route to the right. She may be able to soften a fall with her wings, but there wasn't much that could help her from drowning. It may not wind up being an issue, but it was easier avoided than discovered. the decision made, Rhapsody starts to cross the bridge on the right.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody made her way along rope and bamboo bridges connecting the islands, swaying in the breeze. She was glad that this area had not been overly corrupted yet, as an obvious place to affect things would be these very bridges who were thankfully still rather sturdy, if a little easy to sway about by their very design.

Climbing up to the island higher from the water, Rhapsody was greeted with some more tropical fruit bearing trees, but this island was a little larger than the previous ones, including what appeared to be a small spring. And lounging near the spring is what appeared to be a half-girl, half-bird creature, with brightly feathered wings instead of arms and plumage covering parts of her otherwise humanoid body. Rather than hair, she had a flowing crest of feathers that extended down her back and she lazily turned her head to watch the angel as she appeared, her eyes large with a golden iris.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

"Greetings, being." Rhapsody said in a pleasant tone once the bird-woman turned her way. "I am Rhapsody. Be you friend or foe?"

She spared a glance around as well, mostly looking for a continuation of the path onwards, but also curious as to whether this was the only being on this island.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Looking around the island, this did indeed seem to be the only creature there. From the other side of the island there seemed to be another bridge leading back down again slightly to a lower island, with some snowy mountains off in the distance.

"Greetings being," the girl replied in a sing-song voice. "I am Rhapsody. Be you friend or foe?" She tilted her head to one side as she spoke and then turned and bit into a tropical fruit hanging near her.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

"I... See..." Rhapsody says slowly as she realizes the bird-woman was going to mimic her. Keeping a wary eye on it, just in case, she moves towards the other bridge, making sure to give it a wide berth. It seems mostly harmless, but corruption can take many forms...
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody continues past the birdgirl and over the next bridge, coming to yet another island. This one is smaller, like the earlier ones, and doesn't appear to have another bridge leaving it, making it a dead end. It does, however, have an unusually large number of the tropical fruit growing on it. As Rhapsody glances around, it seems to catch her eye wherever she turns, an intoxicating scent entering her nostrils. And before she knows it, there's one in her hand; she simply has to try one...
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody wandered around the new island for a while, searching for another bridge to continue from, but her gaze kept drifting back to the fruit hanging from the trees. They certainly smelt delicious...
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she continued along, but only a moment later her free hend lifted and began to brush along the leaves, eventually alighting upon one of the fruit and deftly plucking it. She looked down on the thing as if surprised to find it there, giving it an experimental squeeze to see if she was imagining it. The skin was soft and smooth, which made her wonder what the inside must look like...
Shrugging, she bit into the fruit, savouring the flavour a moment before looking down again to peer at it's insides.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

The fruit was possibly the best thing she had ever tasted, it was sweet but not overly so, and incredibly juicy, as she bit into it her entire jaw was soaked in the juices of the oddly shaped purple fruit. It was certainly unlike any she had heard about, much less experienced herself. Looking down at it, the inside appeared to be full of yellowy pulp; even as she stared at it, she felt herself longing for more. This stuff was amazing...

(and it beats your magic resistance a second time, take another bite :p )
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody stared down at the fruit with something resembling amazement. Never before had she tasted something so sweet and succulent. Her mind went from wondering what the inside looked like to wondering what the pit would look like after she had eaten the rest of it. Curious, she hadn't realized she was so hungry...
Shrugging for a second time, she reached up and took another bite, larger this time.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

As Rhapsody continued to consume the fruit, she became aware that she was indeed surrounded by the things. It was a veritable dream-scape paradise right here; how could this land possibly be corrupted? Surely someone had made a mistake somewhere. This land was clearly fine, but it wouldn't hurt to take a few more bites, just to make sure...

((Geez. This is attacking your magical resistance and its own modifier starts of fairly low, but it's managed to roll really well. And every time is succeeds, the next roll is slightly easier... a few more rounds and you're in deep trouble because of freakish rolls...))
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

((I don't like your dice :( ))

Rhapsody just can't seem to get enough of this exotic fruit. She even goes so far as to reach behind her with her other hand to clip her staff to a small attachment between her shoulder blades, then grabs a second fruit off another tree and takes a bite of that one as well, looking around for a place she can sit within reach of a few more. Obviously, she hasn't traveled far enough away from the portal to have found any corruption yet, this island is only... two bridges away, or three? It's really not that important anyhow...
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Hours passed as Rhapsody feasted in bliss, growing increasingly oblivious to her surroundings until a voice brought her back to reality. "My fruit! My precious fruit! How dare you pilfer from my garden!"

Before her stood two figures; one the parrot-girl she had seen earlier, or at least one very much like her, who stood looking at her puzzlingly, her head tilted to one side. More loudly was the other figure, a three or so foot tall manlike creature dressed in an unusual looking green outfit. "Who are you to help yourself to things that don't belong to you?" it demanded of her, jumping and waving its arms about; generally trying to call attention to itself.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody turned her gaze from her impromptu feast when she heard the voice. realizing she had remained far longer than she should have, she stood and straightened her angelic dress, pointedly ignoring the rather obvious stains on it. "I apologize for any inconvenience I've caused, but you have very little reason to be angry if you can't even be bothered to put up a sign declaring ownership, or anything of the sort. Now, I have been neglecting my mission here for far too long, if you will excuse me, i will leave you to your 'garden'." She declares, and begins to move towards the only bridge off this island.
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

As Rhapsody tries to leave, she feels the pull of the fruit calling back to her. She hesitates for a moment, but finally her defences kick in and their true nature is revealed to her; that they were affecting her mind unnaturally. How on earth could she have thought that eating fruit was more important than her sacred mission.

Still, even with that particular problem solved, there was still the matter of the strange, small creature between her and the bridge off, who didn't seem likely to let her pass. "Oi! Where do you think you're going?! We're not done here, that much I can assure you. You don't just steal someone else's fruit and walk away like you're better than them!"
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

Rhapsody mentally berated herself for wasting hours of time because of fruit, of all things, stopping a few paces from the being when it became clear she wasn't going to be let past without a continuation of the discussion. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience." She began, hoping to at least calm the being. "Do you have any proof that these trees belong to you? May I see it?"
Re: (BETA: CD) Rhapsody

"Proof? Proof!? Why would I need proof when this is my bloody island?!" the creature shouted, jumping up and down in anger. "I've never had this problem before, and the natives certainly know to keep their distance, unless something's happened and they start nosing around. Even then, they don't go eating my fruit, now do they? Who are you to walk around demanding proofs, acting like you're better than me, more important! Pah, why I oughta have you locked up for your crimes..."

He continued on, yelling at a rapid pace that was difficult to keep up with, mostly threats and outrage. He didn't seem the sort to calm down quickly or easily, but at the same time, he didn't seem likely to become physically violent over this.