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Corruption Tournament Powerlist


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Hero only power!
Adaptive combat 2/rank
You learn to adapt to your opponents attacks. Gain +1/rank to the attribute that last damaged you in a fight. On rank 2, 4 and 6 you also gain +1 Stamina.

Analyze Strength 2/rank
Instead of attacking this turn analyze and find a way to counteract one of your opponents more dangerous techniques. Chose an offensive ability an opponent has, for example extra attacks, poison, Corruption, elemental control, etc. Reduce all damage or effects done through these abilities to you by 50% for 1 round/rank.

Heroic sacrifice 1/rank
Single Fight: Increase any ability score of yours by 1 piont, at the cost of 2 Stamina drain. You can use this aiblity 1/rank. (Drain can't be healed or regenerated)
Multi Fight: Intercept an attack ment for an ally. You suffer all of the damage they would have taken (Use their defence roll) and all ill effects of the attack. Your ally is inspired by your sacrifice and gains +1 to all rolls for for 1 round/rank. If this attack defeats you they instead gain +2 to all rolls for 1 round/rank and +1 stamina/rank until the end of the fight, but the corruption the attacker may inflict upon you is increased by 2 points.

Bless: 2/rank
Instead of attacking you focus on empowering yourself or your allies. For one round per rank you or a target of your choice rolls all dices twice and takes the better result.

Berserker Mode: 3 points/rank
You have to keep going! For justice! if your stamina goes to 0 or you'd otherwise be killed you aren't defeated but enter a berserker mode, gaining +1 Physical/rank during which you don't lose. You can't defend(You don't roll the defence dice anymore) or pay stamina. Berserker mode lasts for 1 round/rank and every round you gain -1 to all your attributes if they aren't already at 0.

Equilibrium: 1 point/rank:
For 1 round/rank you can equalize all of a targets attributes. Add them together and divide them by four, the result is equal to all of their attributes. Round up for an ally, down for an enemy. (Note that damage causes a loss of stamina total for the sake of this ability)

Fell the Giants 1/Rank
Once per fight per rank if you are attacked with an attribute thats 10 or higher above your own, or if you are attacked by an enemy with the mastered attack feat for the attribute they use on you, you may roll 1d10 and add it to your defence. If you overcome the enemies roll with this double the cumulative penalty on their attacks.

Determination: 2 points/rank
Each rank of this reduces the rank of a negative debuff on you by 1. (Mind control, corruption, geas, etc.) This automatically applies on the first ability to affect you. Furthermore it adds +1 to Mental on rank 2, 4 and 6.

Quick mastery: 2/rank
A true hero is ready for every situation! For each rank in this ability you can at any time gain +1 to an attribute of your choice, until the end of the fight. On Rank 3 and 5 you also gain +1 Stamina.

Defense mastery: 1 points/rank
You are trained to defend against demons. 1 time/rank each fight you may roll your defense dice twice and pick the better result.

Demonward: 1 point/Rank:
You create hallowed ground around under you and designate one ability your opponent has. You must have seen the demon use that ability at least once. As long as the demonward is active your opponents ability has a 10%/rank chance to fail if used again.

Heroic determination 1 or 3/rank
You have to keep fighting! For everyone! As long as your stamina is under 50% you deal 1/rank more damage with all sucessful attacks (rounded up) For 3 points/rank you also take 50% less damage yourself below 50% Stamina.

Purity: 2 points/rank
Your purity of body allows you to resist an enemies attacks. Purity gives you a 10%/rank chance debuffs on you fail, Furthermore it grants you +1 Stamina on rank 2, 4 and 6.

Ultimate Defence: 2 points/rank
You are under divine protection from the greatest of damage. Any damage dealt to you that would exceed 10-rank points is instead reduced to 10-rank damage total. Each rank reduces this damage treshhold by 1. If you have ultimate defence you can't pick the heal or regeneration general powers or gain the rebirth chrysalis demon power.

Overcharge: 2 points/Rank
You can chose to overcharge yourself, pushing beyond your limits. Every rank of this skill adds another +2 to your Physical ability, but while overcharging you drain 1 Stamina per round. You can end overcharge at any time, but still take that rounds Stamina drain. (Drain can't be healed or regenerated)

Demon only power!
Analyze Weakness 2/rank
You analyze and find a way to counteract one of your opponents more powerful defences rather than attacking. For 1 round/rank there is a 50% chance your opponent defensive powers like: Defensive stance, Telepathy, Isubstantiality, Forcefield, Determination, etc fail to work. On rank 5 and 6 of this ability you also increase all damage you deal with sucessful attacks by 1.

Grunts: 2 points/rank
You gain lesser troups of your chosing that, lets face it, are not very good at their job. Usually they are just good at getting beaten up by the heroes to show how strong they are. Seriously..
However, using them, 1/rank does exhaust the heroes and lowers the roll of one attack of your choice by 5. You can also pile them on the heroes to increase your own attack, but only for a bonus of 2. You can use grunts only once/turn

Chaos Defence: 1 points/rank
1/rank you can use a random attribute to defend against an attack. Roll 1d4 and defend with the apropriate attribute rolled (1= stamina, 2 physical, etc). If you win the clash you gain +1 to that attribute until the end of the fight and the cumulative penalty of the enemy is doubled.

Curse: 2/rank
Instead of attacking this turn you can curse your target. For one round per rank you or a target of your choice rolls all dices twice and takes the worse result

Corrupt: 2/rank
For demons with such strong corruption they have incorporated it into their combat styles. They can decrease an opponents ability by 1/rank OR inflict 1 rank of a weakness/rank of this ability upon someone, for the remainder of combat(If the weakness gives more than 1 point you have to invest as many ranks of corrupt as the weakness gives to add it) On rank 4 and 5 of corrupt you gain +1 sexual ability, on rank 6 you gain +2 Sexual ability. Corruption can't reduce an ability under 1.

Illusiory double
2 points/rank:
Instead of attacking you create a duplicate of yours that is 10%/rank real. This means it deals only 10%/Rank damage even on sucessful attacks and its abilities have a 100%-10/rank chance to fail. At rank 2 and beyond you can split this between multiple duplicates. (For example, at rank 6 you could have 1 50% and one 10% real double, or 6 10% real doubles) At rank 4 and above, when you'd be defeated, you can switch places with your duplicate. (You incur the % penalty to abilities and damage)

Evolved grunts: 2 points/rank
Your grunts are aligned with one element of your choice, gaining immunity to an element you chose and increasing their usual bonus by an additional dice you roll when using them:
Rank 1 1d2
Rank 2 1d4
Rank 3 1d6
Rank 4 1d8
Rank 5 1d10
Rank 6 1d12

Unnatural features: 2 point/rank
The Demon posseses a useful, but non combat relevant ability like eternal youth, longevity, a moulting ability, a natural pouch, scent glands, secondary eyelids...a cock for females, two cocks for males, pheromones.. Also adds +1 Sexual ability per rank.

Contamination: 1 or 2 points/rank
You can contaminate objects and people. At the cost of 1 point it can corrupt holy weapons, giving an item a 10% chance/rank to fail for 1 round during the fight. At the cost of 2 points you can actually contaminate a heroes power, causing it to not work for one round with a 10% chance/rank. At rank 5 of this ability you gain +1 sexual at rank 6 of this ability you gain +1 sexual and +1 to an ability of your choice.

Manifest desire: 1 point/rank
For 1 round/rank, if your target has a fetish you can conjure a semi-realistic object or creature to affect that fetish, forcing them to take the fetish penalty. (See the Fetish weakness)

Create Poison 2 or 3/rank
You can create a toxin that targets a specific attribute. Upon chosing this ability pick one (Stamina, Physical, Sexual or Mental). When attacking you can chose to lower your attack by 1 for each time you already used poison this fight(aka 0 on first attempt), if you do and still sucessfully deal damage you additionally poison your target, lowering their attribute as indicated below. At the cost of 2 points per rank you can target only a specific attribute, at the cost of 3 you can create an adaptive poison and chose to target a specific ability every time you use the ability.
Rank 1: Lower attribute by 1 every 2 rounds.
Rank 2: Lower attribute by 1 every round
Rank 3: Lower attribute by 1d2 every round.
Rank 4: Lower attribute by 1d3 every round. Gain Poison resistance as bonus.
Rank 5: Lower attribute by 1d4 every round. Gain +1 poison damage on all normal, sucessful attacks.
Rank 6: Lower attribute by 1d4+1 every round. Gain Poison immunity as bonus and +2 damage.
(Rank 7: Lower attribute by 1d6+1)
(Rank 8: Lower Attribute by 2d3+2)

Defile: 3 points/rank
You drain away a heroines power and determination, leaving them helpless through unholy energy and lowering the rank of one abilities they have of your choice to the minimum (rank 1), for 1 round/rank. If the ability already is rank 1 you instead apply a debuff for 2 rounds per rank that says: You lose 1 point of Stamina whenever you use this ability.(notice that certain abilities like Justice transformation and enviromental control are often only activated once and persist through the fight.)

Rebirth Chrysalis: 1/Rank
Single Fight: You can concentrate on creating a protective cocoon rather than attacking. The cocoon restores 1 Stamina/rank. While in the cocoon you deal 50% less damage and take 50% more damage, but otherwise can act freely. You can exit the cocoon after at least 1 round in it has passed.
Multi fight: When defeated you instead enter a stasis in a cocoon, protecting you from all attacks. It is considered to have 10 in all abilities and has 5 stamina/rank. At rank 6 the cocoon also reduces all incoming damage by 20%, rounded down.
If the cocoon is destroyed with you inside of it you are defeated. The Cocoon restores 3 Stamina and 1 of any other stat/turn and if it exists for at least 7- 1/rank rounds you can exit it, with your stamina restored. Can only activate once/fight. You can cocoon others to restore them instead.

Evil General: 4 points/rank
You have a powerful general or assistant doing your bidding. They are completely loyal and will do whatever you need of them. Gain 20 points +15 points/Rank to build a lesser villain completely loyal to you. You have to use these points to buy their Stamina as well as physical, mental and sexual score as well. They can use offensive powers if their mental is 10 or higher, can attack normally if their physical is 10 or higher.

Final form: 2 or 4 points/rank
This isn't even your final form! you are far more intimidating and impressive if they manage to get you MAD!
You need a special condition to activate your final form, for example your stamina dropping to one third or below.
You can maintain your final form for 1 round/rank, basically the equivalent of the Justice Transformation for Demon. At a cost of 2 points this transformation gives the Demon 10 points worth of final form with which to purchase additional abilities and attacks of their choice, at a cost of 4 points it gives them 10 points/rank.

Mind Control: 4 or points/rank
Overpowering a target with your will, the most direct approach, simple and easy. for 1 round/rank you can give the target a command instead of attacking them. They can still attack, unless you command them not to. Suicidal or clearly dangerous commands like 'Surrender and kneel!' 'strip naked!' 'Run into my wall of fire' are not followed, but commands like 'sexually attack me', 'let me see your breasts' 'Sheathe your blade' or 'hold still and ignore what I'm doing with the rope' are.
Additionally you gain +1 Mental/rank.

Swarmform: 2/rank
You transform into a swarm of tiny tentacled or insectoid creatures, 1 for each point of stamina you have left plus the ranks you have in this ability times two. You can't attack or Defend and every attack the heroes destroy 10% of their total attack dice (rounded up) In critters you have. You can still use all your powers and special abilities.

Vampirism: 2/3 points/rank
Your attacks steal your targets energy.
You recover 10%/Rank of the damage you deal, but only while attacking. Rounded up. For 2 points you have to chose one attribute to recover with, at the cost of 3 points you recover with all attributes.

Character Creation is here!
Out of Character Chattings
General powers, special attacks, forcefields and weaknesses: See below!
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Re: Corruption Tournament Powerlist

General Powers:

Alchemy: 2 or 3 points:
You can transmute one element into another. For 2 points you are limited to keep in the same type of objects, for example you could turn iron into gold, but not water into iron. At 3 points you can transmute whatever you touch. You can use this ability to form the objects you create to some extend, for example turning normal iron into a demonic steel sword. Power suits and magical items can't be transmuted.
Each rank allows you to affect a larger substance of unliving material. Combat wise you can transmute objects into weapons or shields, getting a static bonus to your PHYSICAL score. You can only use alchemy to attack or defend at a time.:
Rank 1: 1 lb +1 to attacks or defenses
Rank 2: 5 lb +2 to attacks or defenses
Rank 3: 10 lb +3 to attacks or defenses
Rank 4: 50 lb +4 to attacks or defenses
Rank 5: 100 lb +5 to attacks or defenses +1 Mental attribute
Rank 6: 500 lb +6 to attacks or defenses +1 Mental attribute

Animal affinity:
2 points/rank
You are an animal whisperer.. or an animalistic demon? The character can befriend one specific type of animal, taking by 1 reduced damage from the animal or those like it and gaining 1 loyal non combat follower of that animal/rank(If you have a pet it gains +1 point to spent/rank in Animal affinity), finally you gain +1 Physical on rank 2, 4 and 6.

Damage Resistance:
1 or 3 points/rank
Those feeble attempts to damage you amuse you. Your suit/skin is strong enough to take a direct punch with little effect. All damage taken is reduced by 1 point/rank at a cost of 3 points, or at the cost of 1 point for one general category of damage (sexual, physical, etc) is thusly reduced. At rank 4, 5 and 6 of Damage Resistance(3 point version only) you gain +1 Stamina each. At rank 6 of Damage resistance (1 point version only) you gain +1 Stamina.

Mastered attack: 1/3 points/Rank:
Your offenses have intimidating strength behind them. Increase the dice you use for attacks with a specific attribute by one step (1d10 to 1d12, 1d14, etc). At a cost of 3 points per rank you can increase and split the dice to gain:
Rank 1: 2d6
Rank 2: 2d8
Rank 3: 2d10
Ranki 4: 2d12
Rank 5: 2d14
Rank 6: 2d16

3 points/Rank
Single fight: You challenge a target to use a specific attribute to fight you with. Whenever they don't they suffer -1 point/rank penalty to their rolls.
Multi fight: You challenge an opponent to fight you. Whenever they attack anyone but you they suffer a -2/rank penalty to their rolls.

Distract: 1 point/rank
You cause a minor distraction, either through fighting dirty, a mundane magical trick, or a flashing of your assets. By distracting an opponent you can, for one attack or defence roll of theirs, either: Impose a -1 penalty on all their rolls or impose a -2 penalty on an attribute of your choice. Usable on one enemy/rank and 1/rank each fight.

Extra attacks: 5 or 7/rank
You have additional tentacles, more arms than nomal, tentacle, a tail or etc that allows you to attack an additional time/rank. At a cost of 5 points this is restricted to one specific attribute, at the cost of 7 you can attack multiple times with any attribute. Roll the attack dice twice, against two rolls from the defender. Each attack counts as a seperate attack.

Single fight: When your enemy rolls the highest result on their attack dice possible and you take damage reduce that damage by 1/Rank
Multi fight: If you have an ally by your side and declare you are guarding them you take half their damage for them for 1 round/rank. Furthermore, by reducing Guardians duration by 1 round you can negate one mind effecting or debuffing(curse, corrupt, etc) effect on them.

Incredible Luck:
2 points/rank
Treat a roll of a 1 as a 10 instead, usable one time/fight for each rank you posess in Incredibly luck. Can apply to chance rolls like the 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. On rank 5 and 6 you gain +1 to your lowest attribute(pick if several are lowest)

Infuse: 2 points/rank
Chose an ability you used this fight, like a special attack, Duplicate, your grunts, Incredible luck, etc and instantly recharge it. Infuse drains 2 points of stamina, multiplied with the times you used infusion on the ability already.(for example, if you were to infuse 'power defence' twice, it'd drain a total of 6 stamina, 2 on the first, 4 on the second.) To recharge an ability your infusion rank needs to be equal or great than that abilities rank. (Drain can't be regenerated or healed)

Magic: 2 points/rank: (this describes general supernatural tricks not quite ment for combat. For magic attacks see Elemental)
You can cast magic to create various helpful effects, drawing glowy runes into thin air, producing birds out of a hat, hiding objects into seeming nothingness, disguising yourself, finding hidden tracks, ...
Combat wise this allows you to:
1.Counterspell: an enemies ability, by paying its total pointcost as Stamina drain(if once use like a special attack) or the cost for one rank of it to deactivate it for one round(if ongoing like corruption). You can not counterspell an ability thats more expensive than your total rank. Once you used Counterspell you must wait a number of rounds equal to your stamina drain before using it again.
2. Overwhelm: Add 1/Rank to your attack, however, each time you sucessfully damage an enemy with this bonus you take 1/2 of the damage you deal as damage to your mental attribute.
3. Scry: As long as your Stamina and mental stat hasn't been drained or damaged this turn you treat a roll of 1 as a roll of 1 + your rank in magic instead.
4. Shield: By concentrating(not attacking) you can reduce all damage and prevent all drain of your attributes next turn equal to half your rank in magic (rounded down).
5. Energize: you can add 1d4 to all rolls for 1 attack or defence/rank. You chose when to apply energizes bonus but you can't use Counterspell, Shield and Overwhelm while you have uses of energize left. You can chose to end energize prematurely. When energize ends it drains 1 point from your mental attribute.

Enviromental control:
1 or 2 points/rank Pick 1/Rank. If you have an apropriate special attack or Elemental control it deals 1 point more damage. (To enhance elemental control you need to roll at least a 1d4.)
Light control: 1 point: You can illuminate an area like the midday sun. For 2 points you can create a blinding light that counters darkness control and limits vision
Darkness control: 1 point: You darken an area, obscuring vision. For 2 points per rank this will counter light control and snuff out almost all light.
Sound control: 1 point: You prevent any noise from escaping your controlled zone. 2 points: You create an area of complete silence.
Temperature control: You can control the temperature, de or increasing it up to the limits on the planet. Costs 1 point if you can only lower or raise, 2 points if you can do both.
Weather control: You can create all kinds of weather effect for 2 points, rain, snow, fog, etc. For 1 point/rank you can only create one specific effect, like raising fog wherever you go.

Elemental Control:
You can create, shape and control one element of your choice (Air, water, fire, rock, wood, lightning, alpacas, ...). Each rank increases the amount of control you have. You can also use your elemental control to enhance your attacks or defences. You can break up the dice you gain to enhance your attacks (Example, with rank 1 Fire control you could rather than rolling a 1d6 engulf a weapon in fire, getting +1 to physical rolls for 6 rounds, or roll 1d2 thrice a fight, roll 1d4 and 1d2, etc.
On rank 3 and beyond elemental control slowly recharges by 1 (or on 6, 2 points) every turn.
The examples are based on fire creation, other elements, even those not listed are possible but would fall roughly in the following power category:
Rank 1: Ignite candles or control a few candle sized flames, 1d4
Rank 2: Ignite paper or dry wood, control a fist sized flame, 1d6
Rank 3: Ignite clothes or normal wood, control a small bonfire sized flame, 1d8, Recharge 1 point
Rank 4: Ignite wet wood, control a large bonfire or small car sized flame, 1d10 "
Rank 5: Ignite or melt more durable materials, control a truck sized flame, 1d12 +1 Mental ability "
Rank 6: Ignite or melt most existing objects, control a large house sized flame, 1d14 +1 Mental ability Recharge 2 points

2 points/rank
You chose a course of action a target has to avoid or be punished. The chosen action can't be as general as 'don't attack me' or 'Leave this place' but can be a precise act. 'Don't attack me unless I attack you first, don't shoot at me with the weapon you are holding, don't follow me up the stairs' If the target fails to obey the action they suffer -1 to all attributes/rank for 1 round, or for as long as they execute the forbidden action, whatever comes first. (you can have only one forbidden action at a time). At rank 5 your forbiddance ignores 1 rank of heroic determination or purity, at rank 6 it ignores 2 ranks.

Geas: 1 points/rank
You compel a course of action a target has to follow or be punished. he chosen action can't be as general as 'Attack me' or 'Kneel down and submit' but can be a precise act. 'Submit to me if I manage to hit you with this attack' 'Tell me your darkest desires', etc. If they do not obey the action they suffer -2 to all attributes for 1 round/rank (you can have only one geas action active at a time)

3 points/rank:
You can restore 1d6 points of Stamina +1/rank to yourself or another creature, usable 1/rank each fight. (You can only heal once per round) At rank 4 and above you also suspend the duration of one negative effect (geas, poison, etc) for one round for whoever you heal. At Rank 6 You create a shield upon your target that blocks 50% of the damage you healed (rounded up) and lasts for one turn.

Heightened Senses: 1 point/Rank
Pick one each time you take a rank in this skill: Either one of your senses, touch, smell, hearing, etc is enhanced to superhuman limits, OR
gain one additional, unnatural sense. Seeing beyond human wavelenghts, X-ray vision, Microscopic vision, darkvision, heat vision, etc.

Insubstantiality: 2 points/rank
You can grow partially unsubstantial passing through objects, and certain attacks. A character in combat can stay insubstantial for up to 1 round/rank, after which they must become solid for as many rounds:
Rank 1: Pass through paper and clothing; Reduces physical damage dealt and taken by 20%
Rank 2: Pass through wood and liquids; Reduces physical damage dealt and taken by 40%
Rank 3: Pass through concrete floor; and rocks Reduces physical damage dealt and taken by 60%
Rank 4: Pass through all metals; Reduces physical damage dealt and taken by 80%
Rank 5: Pass through Energy; Reduces physical damage dealt and taken by 100% Your attacks become penetrating(as the special attack property) once per fight, your choice when.

You can avoid detection by one sense of your choice per rank, for example becoming invisible by becoming unseeable(though you could still be heard, touched, smelled, etc). As long as your enemy can't pinpoint you they suffer -1/rank on all their rolls when fighting you. (Detection is handled over roleplay. If in doubt ask them to spent a round not attacking just to find you.) If detected you can concentrate (not attack) to hide again. A character in combat can stay undetectable for up to 1 round/rank, after which they must recover for as many rounds as they stayed undetectable.

Demonic/Heroic Artifact
- 3 or 4 points/rank
A special item that only works for you or your allies (4 points) or could be taken and used by others with a sucessful attack (during battle only, no stealin stuff forever!) (3 points). A custom energy blaster, a powerful sword, a ring in which you poured a lot of your power and made sure to add some fire resistance against melting it..
This item of power is build from 5 points/rank using any ability of your choice. (not all may be apropriate, for example, a special gun is more likely to have a super special attack than be insubstantial.)

3 points/rank:
You copy a power you have observed or that has just been used against you. You can keep the copied ability for 1 round/rank. At rank 6 you can keep one ability you copied for the first round of THE NEXT fight you are in.

Empower Ability:
2 points/rank
Increase one dice rolls result by 50%, rounded up, 1/rank. Can be used on random chance dice rolls like superspeed.(example, if you rolled a 1d10 and had a 1, this would increase it to a 2. If you rolled an 8, this would increase it to a 12.) On rank 6 you gain +1 to your lowest attribute.

Maximize power:
3 points/rank
Treat one attack or defence roll per rank as a 10 instead. Alternatively, automatically suceed in a % chance based roll, like a 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. Increases your physical score by +1 on rank 4 and 5 and by +2 on rank 6.

4 points/rank
once/rank in a fight treat all numeric variables of your attack or defence as the highest possible roll (including additional dices from special attacks, etc). All damage you deal while using intensify is halfed (rounded up). If you used intensify with an ability that recharges, It recharges one round faster than normal. At rank 5 of Intensify you additionally recover 1 Stamina whenever you use intensify. At rank 6 you recover 2 stamina

Overwhelming Stamina: 2 points/rank
Your vitality and toughness is legendary. Gain +1 Stamina. You can attack with your stamina as with any other attribute. Your opponent defends with Physical rolls.

Pet: 2 points/rank
You build a helpful pet and assistant, build out of 10 points/rank. You have to buy their stamina, physical prowess, etc with these points as well! (This is to create more of a .. pet, a guard-drone, a scout tentacle, not quite a combattant. A pet must have at least 1 in each ability score to be able to move and act.)

Secret realm: 3/rank
No place like home. Which is why you take your home with you. You can enter this place and invite friends.. or foes over. In your secret realm you have the home advantage, though you have to overpower someone with a physical attack or trick them make them enter. While in your secret realm you gain +1 to all rolls/rank
For reach rank the secret realm increases in size and what it can contain.
Rank 1: Its a small closet
Rank 2: Its an average sized room
Rank 3: Its a small house
Rank 4: It's a small castle
Rank 5: Its a large palace
Rank 6: Its as large as a city in its own right.

Power Defence: 2/rank
Combine power defence with any other attribute you have to use that power, reducing the roll of an attack by 5, 1/rank in combat, wherever appropriate. Example: If I use power defense plus poket dimension, I could create a sudden gate into my poket dimension to harmlessly ignore an arrow attacking me, as it flies through the portal. I could not, however, use this to avoid a telephatic attack making me want to strip. You can not use Power defences more than two times in a row.

Rage: 2/rank
SMASH! While raging you gain +1 Stamina/rank, +2 to all offensive rolls and -1 to all defensive rolls. Rage lasts 1 round/rank. At rank 5 and 6 you also get +2 physical while raging.

Create illusion: 1 or 4/rank
Create an illusion of your own design. For 1 point per rank this illusion can affect only a single sense, at 4 points it can affect all senses. No matter what, the illusion by itself can't deal damage. Each rank increases the effect of the illusion:
Rank 4 Illusions can be used to create a distraction in combat, creating illusionary doubles that each have a chance to take a hit for you, but disappear afterwards. (For example, at rank 4 you can create 4 copies, and attacks have only a 1/5th chance to hit you. After hitting one illusion it fades and there is a 1/4th chance to hit you, etc)
Rank 1: About a single person in size
Rank 2: About car sized
Rank 3: About elephant sized
Rank 4: About house sized
Rank 5: About Castle sized +1 mental(4 rank version only)
Rank 6: an entire city area in size +1 mental(4 rank version only)

Regeneration 3/rank
You regenerate 1 point of Stamina/rank each round, slowly healing from all injuries. At higher ranks (3 or more) the character will 'Revive' even from massive thrauma At the highest rank (6 or more) They can slowly regrow as long as a bit of them remains intact.
At rank 3 and 4 you also gain +1 Stamina At rank 5 and 6 you gain +2 Stamina.

Pre/postcognition: 1-2/Rank:
Your character has a kind of special sense, allowing them to anticipate unusual circumstances. This costs 1 If they can only look into the past or future, 2 if they can do both. They are able to see a single second per rank into the future, or an hour per rank into the past, allowing them to gain supernatural insights.
This also allows them to roll the very first combat dice(s)/rank twice and pick the better result. With the two point version at rank 5 and 6 they get so aware of their opponent they take 1 less damage each.

Size change:
1 or 3 points/Rank
You can shrink yourself (1 point), reducing your battle dice to a 1d6, but making it hard to detect you(-1 on attack rolls against you/rank), or grow yourself (3 points), making it easier to hit you (+1 to attacks against you/rank) but also increasing your attack roll dice for all attributes to a 2d6. Each additional rank of this ability allows you to reduce or increase your size further (becoming tiny or huge, etc.) Your attack roll also progresses, 1d4 for tiny, 1d2 for diminuitive, 2d8 for huge, 2d10 for gigantic individuals, etc. At rank 3 you also gain +1 Physical to your physical attribute, at rank 4 +2 and at rank 5 +3 physical.

Super Speed 2 points/rank
Gives you a 10% chance per rank to dodge an attack, completely avoiding it, as it hits only an after image. Each sucessful dodge reduces the chance by 10%.

Natural resistances:
1 point/rank
This is used to determine if you have special, perhaps sometimes combat relevant abilities. Some are more apropriate to demons, some more to heroes. A resistance is NOT an immunity to an attack, for example, a hero with a resistance to cold isn't immune to ice attacks.. but they may well take -1 damage on each of such attacks, rp responsibly.):
Element (Any): You are resistant against the effects of one element, heat, cold, etc. (-1 damage)
Hunger: You don't need to eat/drink. Resist corruptive liquid based attacks(-1 damage).
Sleep: You don't need to sleep, ever. Resist 1 rank 1 illusion based power.
Breathing: You don't need to breathe. Resist pheromones and the like(-1 damage).
Poison: You are resistant against toxins and physiological effects. (-1 poison damage, the poison ability is decreased by 1 rank Resist the contaminate ability for 1 round longer than normal!)
Fear: You are fearless and immune to psychological intimidation attacks.
Mind control: You resist minor suggestions (-1 Geas and forbiddance duration)

Special movement: 1/Rank: Each rank of special movement allows you to reduce the damage(rounded up, min 1) you take from a single physical or melee type special attack by 50%. (once per attack)
You can move in ways a normal human could not.
Flying: YOU CAN FLY!
Cat like: You jump like a feral creature, are hard to knock over and land on your feet always.
Light footed: You can move over all difficult terrain(snow, stand, glass shards) without slowing down or leaving a trail.
Slithering: You can slither over the ground like a snake, maintaining normal speeds, while being hard to see from a distance.
Wall jumping: If there is two walls side by side you can quickly climb up jumping back and forth, or run along a wall for a short moment to dodge an obstacle
Wall-crawling: you can hold onto walls and other 90° surfaces as if they were solid ground, moving up them at normal speed.
Water walking: You can run over water itself without sinking in. Because you are hardcore.

Telekinesis: 2 or 3 points/rank
Ah, the good old lifting stuff up, and throwing it around! At 2 points you can only chose a specific element, water, air, metal, etc, at 3 points you can lift anything you desire, only limited by weight and rank of the ability. If used against a moving object like a bullet or a person your ability counts as 1 rank lower than it actually is. Telekinesis has two combat appliances, hold and throw. Throw deals additional physical damage in offense or defnce, hold is only available at 3 points and prevents a target from moving and attacking(but not attacking with mental or special abilties). You can only use throw or hold at a time. After throwing or holding you need to recover and do something else for one round.
rank 1: Lift 2 lbs, +1d2 damage
rank 2: Lift 20 lbs +1d4 Damage
rank 3: Lift 200 lbs (an unmoving person) +1d6 Damage
rank 4: Lift 1 ton (a horse) +1d8 Damage, Hold for 1 round
rank 5: Lift 10 tons (a coach) +1d10 Damage, Hold for 1 round
Rank 6: Lift 100 tons (a small house) +1d12 Damage, Hold up to two people at once.

Telepathy: 3 points/rank
You can read progressively indepht thoughts. This enhances your own mental ability, allows you to somewhat anticipate and thus ignore attacks and reduce the duration others can influence you for. Using Telepathy in battle to read anything more than surface thoughts requires concentration. Non defeated targets are aware of you attempting to read their mind if you try to read anything beyond surface thoughts. (Note that an ability has to first affect you for you to reduce its duration)
Rank 1: Rough emotions, gain +1 Mental attribute
Rank 2: Current emotional state, reduce the duration of all effects on your mind (Geas, Forbiddance, Mind control, Corrupt, etc) by one round.
Rank 3: Emotional state and surface thoughts, gain +1 damage reduction
Rank 4: Emotional state, surface thoughts, deeper ideas and current lines of thinking, Reduce the duration of effects on your mind (Geas, Forbiddance, Mind control) by two rounds.
Rank 5: All of rank four plus hidden desires and fetishes, gain +1 damage reduction
Rank 6: All of rank five plus Subconscious thoughts and potential hidden brainwashing. +1 Mental attribute, once per fight you can bolster yourself or an ally with courage, adding +5 to a roll of theirs. You can't implant suggestions in yourself.

Teleport: 3 points/rank
You can well.. teleport around, avoiding danger and repositioning yourself. Chose one of the following benefits per rank and use them: 1/teleport rank in a fight:
1. Assasinate: Teleport behind a target to gain +2 to your attack roll and phasing (ignore grunts and power defence) for one attack.
2. Avoid: Teleport a safe distance away as reflex. Reduce the damage you take in a single attack by 90% (rounded up)
3. Crash: Teleport through someone on purpose to increase your attack damage by 1d6 at the cost of 1d6 stamina drain to you as well.
4. Reposition: Ignore one instance of entangling or mine special attacks, special movement, poket dimension or being held by telekinesis.

Temporal control: 2/Rank
Bends time in small ways. For each rank of this ability you can Quicken or slow down the recharge time of another ability. You can split up the use of this ability over several uses. For example, at rank 3 of this ability when fighting an invisible opponent you can make their invisibility run out 3 rounds earlier, force them to wait longer until they can use it again, or recharge a special attack you just used 2 rounds earlier, end their invisiblity 1 round earlier, etc.

Thrill of Battle: 1,3 or 5 points/rank
Gain +1 on attacks to an attribute of your choice(determined when picking Thrill of Battle), lasting 1 round/rank whenever you damage an opponent with a sucessful attack with that attribute. This bonus stacks but its total cannot exceed your ranks in Thrill of battle.
Gain +1 on attacks to all attributes for the 3 point version.This bonus stacks but its total cannot exceed your ranks in Thrill of battle.
At 5 points /rank you gain +1 to an attribute of your choice until the end of the fight instead. This bonus can exceed your ranks in Thrill of battle.

Unique power:
Anything you want thats not on the list? Don't despair, poke your DM, ideally with cute pron pics to appease them
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Re: Corruption Tournament Powerlist

Special attacks and Forcefields
Special attacks are abilities you can use once every 10 rounds, while Forcefields absorb a certain amount of damage. All of them add a bonus to your roll, but force fields do not deal damage to opponents.

A special attack costs 3 points/rank, and adds a 1d6 diceroll in your favour, however, you can reduce an attack by 1d6/rank to add any of the following bonuses to your attack this round: (Basically, similiarly to your points they need to be balanced. You can have a rank 1 burning attack for 0d6, or a rank 2 burning attack for 1d6, or a rank 2 burning and lower defences 2d6 special attack.)

-Area attack(Aura): You target multiple targets with your offense. your attack hits 1+1 additional target/rank
- Burning: Your attack sets opponents ablaze, keeps shocking them, or otherwise lingers. If you deal sucessful damage they take 1 additional point of Stamina damage/rank for 1 round/special attack rank afterwards unless they spent a round to concentrate(not attacking) on recovering.
- Sacrificial: By sacrificing some of your grunts you can empower your attack, dealing 1 point/rank additional damage and recharging 3 rounds faster!(1 round minimum)
-Drain Body: take away their energy to fight you! Instead of dealing damage your attack drains half of the damage(rounded up) directly from your opponents physical body
-Drain Energy: take away their energy to resist your sexual advances! Instead of dealing damage your attack drains half of the damage(rounded up) directly from your opponents Sexual resistance
-Drain Mind: take away their ability to resist you! Instead of dealing damage your attack drains half of the damage(rounded up) directly from your opponents mental capacities
-Drain soul: By foregoing half of your normal damage(rounded up) you can instead seal your opponents ability to use one unused special or one rank of a power of theirs.
-Disrupting: Your special attack distracts the opponent, stopping the use of any ongoing power they have for the next turn.
-Faster Recharging: Your special attack may be weaker, but you can use it multiple times, powering up again every 5 turns infact. If you take this ability twice, you can use it every 3 turns.
-Homing: Your special attack is a blast of energy, homing goo, a spirit animal.. something that is hard to get rid of. If your opponent manages to overpower or defend against your special attack it chases them down and attempts to strike them again 1/turn, with a penalty of 1/turn that has ellapses since the attack was fired.
-Linked(X): Your special attack is combined with an attribute of yours and both empower one another. If a Linked special attack sucessfully hits it will affect the opponent with 50% strength(if dealing damage) For example, If you have elemental control rank 3(1d8) and link it with a special attack, a sucessful special attack deals an additional 1d4 points of damage.
-Supress healing: If your attack hits it supresses all kind of Stamina recovery for 2 rounds/rank.
-Penetrating: You can cut through 1 point of resistance and ultimate defence per rank, and ignore 1 rank of forcefield/rank.
-Entangling: Your attack webs up a foe, entangles them in tentacles, or otherwise keeps them in place. Entangled targets suffer -1 to all rolls/rank until they spent a round concentrating on freeing themselves rather than attacking or have a power to escape.
-Phasing: This kind of attack cuts through objects, clothing.. and hits only your designated target. Energy beams can still stop it, but normal cover wont. Ignores 1 rank of power defences or grunt usage/rank. (To block it the defender needs to use up 1 power defence or grunts/rank or be hit anyway)
-Trap: You secretly (spoiler, rp responsibly!) specify a set of conditions that if met will attack your foe for the special attacks damage + another 1d10. The conditions have to be precise enough to not be met all the time. For example an acceptable condition is 'you will hit me and I will still overcome you' It would not be 'you will physically attack me'
-Dominating: Rather than dealing damage your target will obey one reasonable command of yours to the best of its ability if this attack hits, as rank 3 mind control. Can't be taken with the no damage weakness.
-Undetectable: Unlike most flamboyant special attacks, your attack is actually impossible to detect without special senses, allowing you a suprise strike. (you wont have to drop stealth or can attack without giving yourself away if in disguise.
-Vampric: Instead of dealing damage, you recover that much stamina.

You can chose a Drawback to make up for an attacks special ability, or give it back its flat attack bonus (up to 1d6/rank maximum!) Drawbacks are:
Backblast: You hit your own Stamina for half of the damage you would deal normally(rounded down, minimum 1)
Backbite: The attack can hit you too, dealing the on an attribute roll of a 1 you are affected by any special abilities the attack has instead of your opponent. (if you are hit by A drain soul or dominating special attack your opponent determines the effect)
Burnout: Using the Special attack prevents you from attacking with the same attribute you used it with for the rest of the fight. Counts as two weaknesses.
Exhausting: The attack places enormous strain on your body, draining 1d6 points of stamina, if it is sucessful or not. (Drain can't be healed or regenerated)
Lower Defences: You lower your own attributes by -2 each on your next defensive roll.
Melee: Usually most super powered attacks are ranged blasts, energy constructs.. yours is only usable in melee range, and can be avoided like a physical melee attack could
No damage: Your entire attack deals no damage whatsoever, but may still have all special effects.
Tainting: Only applicable if you have at least one point of corruption. Deals 1 additional point of corruption to you
Self destruct: Counts as two penalties. VERY rarely assigned to an attack done by oneself, but could be used with an artifact/special equipment item: Destroys the object when fired, requiering extensive repair.
Slow: You need to charge up your attack, focus, or otherwise make very clear you are about to use something big to your opponent.

Force fields 3 points/rank:
A force field is the opposite of a special attack, mitigating any damage after your roll is calculated but before damage reduction applies. Instead of a 1d6 a Forcefield adds a static +5 bonus/rank. It too recharges every 10 rounds unless specified otherwise. You can end a forcefields usage anytime on your turn, if you don't it stays active until dealt enough damage to be destroyed. (Note, only once dismissed or destroyed does a forcefield begin recharging.)
If the forcefield bonus would help you overcome an attack you deal no Damage.. forcefields are purely defensive. They also take damage first, even if you sucessfully defend without them.
Like special attacks you can lower their bonus to gain additional effects, or apply drawbacks:
-Air tight: The forcefield stops all manner of attacks, like entangling special attacks, or poison based superpowers. It can also negate enviromental control, but only in close proximity to you.
-Charging up: If not destroyed the strength of your forcefield increases by +1/rank every turn.
-Emergency reactivation: When the user is about to get knocked out by their enemy's next attack, they automatically trigger an emergency force field which has 50% of the original force field's value (rounded up). Can only be triggered once per battle, and cannot be triggered if the original force field hasn't been destroyed yet.
-Mind shielding: While active, your forcefield blocks mental control, geas and similiar effects. Doing so deals 2x the rank of the ability blocked as damage to the forcefield.
-Offensive: The Forcefield automatically deals 1 damage/rank invested to the attackers Stamina when destroyed in melee combat. Can't be combined with regenerating.
-Faster recharge: Taking this ability halfs the recharge time of your forcefield to 5, taking it again reduces it to 3 rounds.
-Sacrificial: You can immediatly restore your forcefield by paying 25% of your maximum Stamina or sacrificing grunts. (Sacrificed grunts don't restore for the rest of the fight)
-Regenerating: The Force field creator can recreate it by not attacking one turn. A regenerating Forcefield does NOT recharge otherwise.

-Power up time: The Forcefield can't be used as a reaction to an attack anymore but has to be activated on your turn.
-Limited: Only blocks a specific type of attack (for example, all physical), designated upon character creation.
-Draining: Maintaining the Forcefield costs 1 point of Stamian/round.(Drain can't be regenerated or healed and is applied if you begin the turn with a forcefield active and don't dismiss it.)
-Both ways: The forcefield also hampers the attacks of the one inside, and, if not dismissed or destroyed by the opponents attack first, will actually lower its users damage output as well.
-Sacrificial: Erecting the forcefield drains 1 point from an attribute of your choice when picking this ability
-Static: The forcefield is static, making it so that its creator is unable to move while the forcefield stands, imposing a -2 penalty on all attack rolls.


Weaknesses ADD points as indicated by them, rather than substracting them. They generally have only 3 ranks and you shouldn't have more weaknesses than powers:

Weak Body: Reduce your physical stat by 1/rank

Weak minded: Reduce your mental stat by 1/rank

Inexperienced: Reduce your sexual stat by 1/rank

Feeble: Reduce your Stamina by 1/rank

Horny: 1/rank
10%/rank of damage done to your stamina through sexual attacks is dealt as damage to your mental stat as well. (rounded up)

Masochistic: 1/rank
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through physical attacks is dealt as damage to your sexual stat as well. (rounded up)

Decay 1/Rank
Your highest non-stamina attribute is decreased by 1 point/rank at the beginning of each round after the first.

Easily influenced: 1/Rank
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through mental attacks is dealt as damage to your physical stat as well. (rounded up)

Easily Discouraged: (3 points): If the enemy rolls a 10 (or the maximum amount of their attack dice), you are discouraged, roll for the defense TWICE, and pick the worse result.

Gadget Fan: 1/rank
When you encounter someone with an item of power or artifact you have not seen before you suffer a -1 per rank penalty to all attacks, unless you spent one round per artifact concentrating to examine it.

Honorable: (2 points)
If your opponent made an Attack Roll against you in the previous round, you take a -2 penalty to your own Attack Roll if you do not use the same attribute as your opponent.

Sadistic: 2/rank
10%/Rank of damage your attacks deal to others is dealt to your stamina as well. (Rounded up, if you reduce a target to 0 and the fight doesn't end you only take the damage it would require to knock your opponent out)

Desperate effort: 2 points
Your ability will only work if you are in great peril, usable only once you have 50% or less Stamina left. (An abilities points should not be reduced under 0 by Desperate effort)

Untrained 1/rank
You can not yet fully use the full extend of your power. There is a 10%/rank one of your abilities does not function.

Lazy: 1/rank
You don't give it your all and dislike the effort of combat. Whenever you attack and sucessfully deal damage to someone you suffer -1/rank to your rolls next round.

Upper Limits: 1/Rank
Your attacks and abilities do a maximum of 10 Stamina damage to your opponent. -1 Per rank

Lustful: 1 point/rank
If your oponent doesn't take any actions you too must take a turn just fantasizing(if sub) or tempting (If dom) them, if you don't you suffer -2 to your attack roll/rank. (limiting this to a maximum of 3 turns.)

Vengeful: 2 points/rank
When sucessfully damaged by an opponent you have to damage them with your next attack. If you fail to you are drained of 1 Stamina/rank every turn until you do.

Overconfidence: 1 point/rank
Chose one attribute in which you have 20 points or more, or the mastered attribute power for. If you lose a struggle with the chosen attribute you are in disbelieve, increasing your cumulative penalty by +1/rank for that attribute until you succeed in a struggle. (The penalty still disappears if you use another attribute)

Triumphant pose: 3 or 2 points: When rolling a 10(or, worth 2 points, the highest number of your damage dice) and dealing stamina damage to your opponent you spent the next round posing victoriously and or triumphantly rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)

Vicious mockery: 3 points: When your opponent rolls a 1 and you deal damage to them through your defence action You spent the next round mocking them and telling them about your superiority rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)

Malfunction(ongoing ability, 1 point per rank) Every turn your ongoing ability (flight, insubstantiality, final form, etc) Is active there is a 10% chance per rank it malfunctions for 1 turn. This still counts towards the abilities duration.

Achilles heel(x): +1/rank
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks

Activation time(power X): +1/rank
Your power takes a while to activate, and it becomes clear to everyone observing closely what you want to do. Takes 1 round/rank to activate.

Backlash: (special attack X): +2/rank
Your special power has a chance to hit you rather than your foe. (most appropriate with special attacks with unique abilities, poke if unsure me)
At rank 1 this happens on a roll of 1, on rank 2 this happens at a roll of 1-2 and on rank 3 it happens on a roll of 1-3.

Bane +1/rank
You are vunerable to a specific item, object, holy location or even element that normal humans are unharmed by. Classical example is sunlight for a vampire. You take 1d6 damage/rank in this skill, max 3 ranks

Concentration: +3
The power can not be used in the same round you attack, as it requires concentration. Can't give more points back than the ability costs to buy 1 rank of in the first place.

Cursed: +1/rank
The character is cursed through some form or means. This may be limited to a minor inconvenience at rank 1, such as them always mixing up the names of colors, to a major disadvantage at rank 3, with them becoming obediant to someones commands whenever they roll a 1 in combat.

Dependent: +1
A power is dependant on another. For example, someone can only use a super sense when they are in their poket dimension.

Detectable: +1
The power is rather obvious, and can be seen from afar. For example, a corrupting alchemy transmutation that creates a large purple cloud above.

Easily distracted: +1
The character can be distracted by shiny things, cats, a certain song... when distracted they roll their attack dice twice and pick the worse result. The higher the rank the more common a thing to happen.

Inept offense: +2/rank:
The characters attributes are only good for defending with and they suffer a -1/rank on rolls when attacking

Inept defence: +2/rank:
The characters attributes are only good for attacking with and they suffer a -1/rank on rolls when defending

Involuntary Activation: +1
The character can't quite control their power and might activate them on accident, when startled or in peril, even if that may be detrimenial to them.

Touched By Corruption +2 points/rank (Available only to the heroines via Corrupt ability, or by direct Corruption after a loss)
A demon has twisted your body to his or hers perverted desires. Maybe you begin speaking like a total ditz. Maybe you suddenly grew a dick. Maybe you started lactating. Maybe your skin has become super sensitive. Regardless of the reason, you take a -1 to two attributes or -2 to one attribute per rank (whichever attributes most fit the change), as this new development distracts you from combat.

Marked: +1/rank
A character is clearly marked, as either a Demon, or belonging to a Demon. At rank 1 this can still be hidden, at rank 3 it becomes obvious to nearly all

Part of the body: +1/rank
The superpower actually only affects part of the body, for example, super powered legs, but weak arms, becoming half insubstantial, etc.
at 1 rank only part a small part of the body can not use the power, at 3 ranks only a small part can use it, like a hand or the face.

Phobia: +1/rank
The character has an irrational fear of an object or item, and will attempt to withdraw from it, like a vampire from a cross. You can't
At rank 1 the phobia is rare and light, at rank 3 the phobia is extreme and frequent

Fetish: +1/rank
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.

Physical impairment: +1/rank
The character has some sort of physical limitation. A missing eye would be a small impairment, while being unable to move without help, or a transformation would be a major impairment.

Other Restriction: +1
The ability has some other restriction. It can't be used on oneself, it restricts movement, it requires the character to be nude, using it makes the character become sleepy and suggestible, etc.
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