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Dark Empire - Charsheet stuff


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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~Post your charsheets below, creation rules:~

This is a Pervdark Fantasy setting, with heavy Mind control and BDSM focus. Pathfinder, 25 point buy, starting lvl 4, core options prefered, other stuff on DM approval, 2 traits, HP max on first, half on follow up levels. Starting gold: Lvl 4 character apropriate(6000 gold usually) You can be any race or class, but nonhuman races will face.. let's call it stigma

If you start human you may get either the Racial Heritage (any) feat for free, or be pureblood.

Charsheet code:
Name:                                                    *Cute character image here!*
Class(es): (Also favoured classe here)
Description: (If different from the picture)
Backstory: (Keep in mind, there’s no need to write multiple pages, but a good backstory should explain a character’s motivations, what they want to do and what matters to them in life.)

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know:
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?:
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?:

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)

HP:  Armor Class:  Initiative Bonus: CMD:
Fort: Ref: Will:
Class/Racial Abilities:
Equipment and items: (+Gold)
Attacks/Actions: (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon)
Spellcasting: (Delete if your character has none)

Grade 1:

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Name: Cris 21458
Class(es): Unchained Rogue 3 / Urban Barbarian 1 (Both favoured class)
Race: Half-elf scum
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description: Short cropped, strawberry blond hair and seagreen eyes in a bony face, Cris is somewhat pretty, though far from stunning and rather plain for even just a half-elf. Her posture is often hunched and defensive, making her seem shorter than she is. When not balled up, her long and slender fingers are revealed.
Fetishes: Daddy-dom and affection (character) Literally everyhting else, especially punishments, discipline and humiliation (player)
Cris’s father couldn’t believe how lucky he was, getting to tumble in the hay with a pure blooded elfen maiden. He was the envy of the village, and traded his story of the pale haired beauty’s body and tight snatch many a time after the band of elves left the village. Of course when the blonde slut showed up eight month later with a fat belly he was distinctly less pleased, and the bitch ended up dead shortly after. No one knew why. Perhaps human food disagreed with her, or her people had her marked for dirtying their blood.

Left with a child he didn’t want in a village not racist enough for him to dispose of it, he decided to make the best of a bad situation. Surprisingly well read, he spoke a bit of elven, and named the child Cris, who made good on his perceived promise to be a vex at every turn. She had cost him good money to raise, would cost more to marry off, and was too weak to work in the field for more than an hour or too. She slept out of his sight and ate what she was worth: leftovers not suitable for the dog.

It wasn’t until he caught her eating a piece of fruit that he found a use for her. She was hungry, she’d stolen some fruit, not surprise there. But she had a large ursh pear, and there was only one tree which grew such fruit, and it was deep in the headman’s orchard. Cris had managed to scale the wall, avoid the workers and anyone looking out from the house, pick a pear and return without being caught.

Her father now had her steal some more valuable things, and was always happy when she returned with some silver or gold. Cris, mistaking this happiness for the affection she had always wanted from him, happily obliged. Alas a greedy man and an eager teen are found to slip up sooner or later, and for them it was sooner. Someone noticed how well the father was living, how it coincided with the robberies, and a quick search of his place revealed enough for him to hang. He wasted no time flipping on her, but it did nothing to reduce his guilt, and so Cris would have joined him dangling from the noose (he was to be hung first, a last act of mercy that a parent should not outlife their child, though here is was likely wasted), had someone from the crowd not spoken up. Her life was judged to be worth 6 silver in the hand of her would be executioner, with an additional 6 distributed among those she stole from, to compensate for the troubles. A bewildered Cris left the stocks in the company of a stranger and was led away by a mysterious savior.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: The identity of who saved her from hanging, she's worried that would be betraying their trust though she was never explicitly instructed to keep it a secret
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?:
You : That depends. Do her jailers include an authoritarian figure who says that reconditioning is neccissary for her own good and that they know she will make them proud? If so she might just be a good girl and stay put. If her jailers are flesh monstrosities however, she will try and escape, relying on her flexibility and good at first, searching the cell for weak points. If a throrough, double search of the room yields no such flaws, she will instead try bluffing the guard.

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str 9
Dex 20
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 13
Cha 14

HP: 22 Armor Class: 19 (20 vs. traps) Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 17
Fort: +3 Ref: +8 (+9 vs. traps) Will: +2 (+4 vs. enchantment effects)
Class/Racial Abilities: Elven immunities, Low-light vision, Finesse training (daggers), Evasion, Trap Finding, Controlled Rage (4 rounds/day), Crowd Control (+1 to attack rolls and dodge bonus to AC when adjacent to 2 or more enemies, no movement penalty for moving through a crowd)
Traits: Elven Reflexes, Hidden Hand, Lonely (drawback)
Feats: Skill focus - stealth (racial), Human Spirit (1st), Weapon Finesse (rogue), Agile Maneuvres (3rd), Improved Steal (rogue talent)
Acrobatics (Dex) +12
Bluff (Cha) +9
Climb +3
Disable Device (Dex) +12 (+14 with masterwork thieves tools)
Disguise (Cha), +9 (+11 with masterwork disguise kit)
Escape Artist (Dex) +12
Knowledge (local) (Int) +9
Linguistics (Int), +7
Perception (Wis) +10 (+11 to avoid being surprised)
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +12 (+13 to conceal a light weapon)
Stealth (Dex) +15
Swim +3
Use Magic Device (Cha) +9

Equipment and items: Hand havesack (2,000gp), Peasant clothes, Mithrall Chainshirt (1,100gp), +1 dagger (2,302gp), dagger (2gp), shortbow (30gp), 18 arrows (1gp), "master work" empire amulet (50gp), onyx dragon earring (150gp), silver sigiled letter, old snuff box, a bedroll, a belt pouch, caltrops, chalk (10), a flint and steel, a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, pitons (10), rope (silks), soap, masterwork thieves’ tools, masterwork disguise kit, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, breast bindings, trail rations (5 days) 10 platinum, 59gp, 218 silver, 30 copper
Carrying capacity: 28/30
Attacks/Actions: +9 (+10 in the surprise round) 1d4+6 (+1 dagger) (+2d6 sneak attack)
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21475 Name: Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Class: [ ] (6)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Kagami: Putting others under lust/charm effect, dominating others, getting dominated[subconscious], pet-play, enslavement, bondage, and disipline.
Mine: Corruption, pet play (specifically making a kitsune think they are a dog or cat)
Note: Kagami is afraid of ego death, loosing who she is. So things like reprogramming or being a mindless puppet she will fight hardest against.... I love that stuff, especially reprogramming. I just though it would be fun if she fought hard against her new personality.
Kagami was born to and raised by a tribe of particularly vivacious and lustful kitsune. The tribe was made of entirely female membership and it was their practice to keep male breeding slaves. Both slaves and children are not considered property of the tribe, rather are shared communally. Being raised in such an environment, Kagami fails to grasp common family rolls.
Growing up Kagami absorbed much of the tribes disposition, that her sisters where worthy of true affection, well others where only potential slaves. Well her young life could be described, by Kagami at least, as idyllic it was ended when men of Hawken finally caught up with them. The men where unable to capture all of the tribe, but Kagami was not lucky enough to escape.
For the first time Kagami was the submissive. Her master was wealthy, cruel, but not a noble. He also had an arrogant strike, thinking that preventing her spell casting, and regular beatings would be enough to break Kagami's spirit. This mistake would prove fatal, as after a several weeks of Kagami submitting to him without protest, he let his guard down. Falling asleep after vigorous sex with his fox slut. Kagami straggled the man in his sleep, escaping out of a window.
Now free in the streets of Hawken, Kagami was able to use her magic to pass as a pure blooded human. She spent her time doing odd jobs, whoring; though her clientell always found themselves strangely submissive, and stealing. The culture of Hawken made a deep impression on Kagami. Those without pure blood where slaves, thous with it where masters to be obeyed. She naively decided she liked this veiw, and she obviously was just as worthy of being a master as any human.
Thus Kagami once again indulged in wanton domination of her lessers, something that made her quite popular with some of the right people. Combined with her magic skills she was offered a position in the Hawken military by a noblewoman. Something she was just as excited for as any true Hawken human would be.
Since this event, she has been living a nomadic life. Taking odd jobs, training her magical skills, seducing, and even stealing. She doesn't know what happened to her sisters, and has long since given up on looking for them. She refuses to allow herself to be submissive any more, no matter how much her body disagrees.
After a spirited night with a noblewomen, she planned to 'borrow from' she found herself instead conscripted into the Hawken military. Figuring her disguise as nonhuman was fool proof, and it would be easy food she joined up.
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: That she is a kitsune. Not that it makes her inferiour, she is just as worthy of being as master as the humans of Hawken... totally.
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Try to talk her way out of it. If that doesn't work, use magic and try again. If that fails use magic on an ally so they will be a distraction well Kagami runs away.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?:
You :

Plan A) Bluff and charm to get the guard to think it was all a misunderstanding, and let her go.
Plan B) Distract the guard with seduction to get away.
Plan C) Try to get out of the reconditioning, but promise to serve master loyally. Even volunteer to get master new slaves. Would be willing to accept any form of insurance that she will be loyal, so long as she can keep her personality and sense of self.
Plan D) Panic, than get fucked like the impure scum she is.
PointsModTotalPointsRacePermanent Bonuses
HP: 30/30 (d6+0) Armor Class: 14 (3[Dex] + 1[Bonus]) Initiative Bonus: +3 CMD: 14
Class/Racial Abilities: , , Gregarious (Ex), Change Shape (Su), Duplicitous, Natural Weapon (Ex), Low Light Vision
Traits: [Charm Person],
- Slave to the rythm: +2 charisma, but you have to roll twice against any bardic performance or music based magical attack, and take the lower result!
TotalRankModClass SkillBonus
743 (DEX)
202 (INT)3
2046 (CHA)37 (+1 to those who find her attractive)
-20-2 (STR)
202 (INT)X
1156 (CHA)(+1 to those who find her attractive)
(Trained)XXX (DEX)
2046 (CHA)37 (+10 to pass as human)
303 (DEX)
1153 (DEX)3
(Trained)XXX (CHA)
000 (WIS)
606 (CHA)
XXX (Int)X
000 (WIS)
606 (CHA)
303 (DEX)
000 (WIS)
(Trained)XXX (DEX)
(Trained)832 (Int)3
202 (DEX)
000 (WIS)
-20-2 (STR)
(Trained)1016 (CHA)3

- When making a new friend with diplomacy, gain a +2 on CHA skills used on them for 24 hours
- For 1d4 rounds after using charm compulsion magic gain a +SL bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
Gold: 12G, 4S
: Backpack, carrier; Bedroll; Blanket; Mirror, small steel
Combat: Masterwork
: (2), (2), [CL2] (3), (2)
: +1
: +1
Basic Attacks: (BAB +3)
Masterwork +21d4-2(19-20)x2
Bite Attack (Kitsune Form only)+11d4-2

SelfStandard Action
(CMB: +0)VariesVaries
8/8[Uses per day]Melee Touch AttackStandard Action
5/5[Minutes per day]SelfStandard Action
DC: 16+Spell Level (10 + 6[Cha])

+1 Lv: Remove verbal component of spell.
+1 Lv: Add a trip attempt to spells with force descriptor: 10 = 5[CL] + 5[CHA]

+1 DC to language dependent skills when the targets find her attractive.

Cantrips: , , , , ,
Grade 1 (8/8): [+1 DC], , ,
Grade 2 (4/6): ,
Grade 3 (4/4):
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21480 Name: Hana (華, Flower)
Class(es): 5 Swashbuckler (favored, +3hp)/2 Monk of Scaled Fisting
Race: Human
Alignment: LN
Hana was born in a family of honorable samurai. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, her family had an inherited duty.
Aions ago, an evil spirit was wreaking havoc in the world. In the form of a malovent flower it would release it's spores in the wind, and it would infect countless creatures. The creatures would then become corrupted, consumed in a breeding frenzy, they would fuck each other to death. From the corpses, flower-monsters would bloom, seeking to find and breed even more creatures...

The scholars called the evil spirit 'Endless Spring', because they believed the world would be consumed by the endless blooming flower monsters.

Luckily, there was someone who wasn't corrupted by the spores. Descendand of a dryad, she was already part plant. She picked up her katana, and fought by herself to seal the evil spirit. She was raped countless times, more than a mortal would be able to endure...yet she endured. Because she had to. She reached the evil spirit, and she put an end to it's reign of terror, sealing it in her special sword.

She was recognized as a hero of the realm, and she got her own lands, to form her own dynasty...
For the ages to come, her female line of descendands, resistant to the spirits corruption because of their bloodline, would wield the evil sword. The female descendands would get special training to endure the swords attempts to break out. They weren't allowed to use magic weapons or items, avoiding even prolonged contact with mundane things. The less they wore, the closer they were with nature, making controlling the spirit easier.

The same happened with Hana...only that after so many years, her dryad blood wasn't enough to entirely keep the sword in check. The spirit tried to escape, but Hana managed to resist and keep it sealed. The spirit got no foothold in the outside world...but it got a very good foothold at Hana's body. A tattoo of flowers manifested all over Hana's body - the power of the spirit had planted it's seeds in her.

The evil spirit had almost won. It could control Hana's body perfectly...but it still couldn't make her things she would absolutely never do. Knowing that the time for its return was nearing, it laid in wait, waiting for an opening.

Hana knew she had fucked up. She had to find a way to cleanse her body...otherwise the spirit would be released sooner or later. She roamed the world trying to find a cure...

When she reached Hawken, she learned of the monster girls and the demonic corruption...and decided that while Hawken's honor was questionable, since they were fighting enemies who had similar traits to her condition, maybe they could cooperate to find a way to fight the corruption.

What she didn't know, was that Eternal Spring (called Sleeping Spring after countless years of being sealed) allowed that for a simple reason. To let Hana get corrupted, and then gain control not only of her body, but of her mind too.

Note: Now the Sleeping Spring is in her body, throwing away the sword won't help.

[Mechanics: None really, I will just have the 'Sleeping Spring' awaken and control her body, when it fits the lewd to try corrupt her. ]

Fetishes: I would prefer mind control for her to be more of "body control, but the mind can only sit and watch". Maybe because of the spirit some spells would work like that? The others you know.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Nothing. She is an open book.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?: She would wait, knowing (?) that her mind would not break.
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Fight him to the end, honorably. The Sleeping Spring however would take control of her body and surrender to avoid getting trapped in the sword once more. Why? Who knows...

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str 8 (-1)
Dex 22 (+6)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 20 (+5)

HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 (6 dex, +5 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor, +1 deflection) Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Fort: +7 Ref: +14 Will: +7 (+6 vs mind affecting)
Class/Racial Abilities: Deeds, Panache 7/7, Charmed Life 3/3, Evasion
Traits: Auspicious Tattoo (+1 Wil), Reactionary (+2 Init)
Weapon focus (temple sword)
Slashing Grace (Temple Sword)
Stunning Fist 3/day DC 18 vs Fort
Combat Reflexes
Extra Panache (Panache)
Cornugon Stun
Steadfast Personality
Acrobatics 5 (+14), Diplomacy 3 (+11), Escape Artist 1 (+10), Perception 7 (+10) , Perform (Erotic Dance) 3 (+12), Sense Motive 4 (+7), Ride 1 (+10), Stealth 6 (+15)

Resistance +1
Weapon +1
Armor +1
Deflection +1
Charisma +2
Dexterity +2
On hitting a plant enemy, I'll let you cast either grow or diminish plants on that target alone for free, foregoing damage.
+15/+10, Sleeping Spring 1d8+8 [+12] (17-20/x2)
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Character Sheet: Seena Livy (Crunch)

Name: Seena Livy
Class: Fighter (8)
Preferred Class: Fighter
Race: Drider (20 RP)
Alignment: True neutral
Size: Medium
Type: Aberration

Ability Scores:
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 21 (+5)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)

HP: 60/60
AC: 17 (No armor, 26 with armor), (15 against Touch Attacks) Currently: Armor Off
Initiative: +6
CMB: 10
CMD: 25 (+12 vs trip attempts)
Basic Attack Bonus: +8
Carry capacity: Light: 87 lbs, Medium: 174 lbs, Max: 262.5 lbs
Speed: 40 ft.
Climb Speed: 20 ft.
Languages: Common, Elven, Terran

Fort: +7
Ref: +7
Will: +2 (+2 vs Fear)

Racial abilities:
Natural Armor: +2 natural armor bonus
Greater Spell Resistance: Spell Resistance of 11 + CL (Currently 19)
Climb: Natural climb speed of 20ft, +8 racial bonus to climb checks
Darkvision: Range 60ft
Quadruped: +12 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and a +10ft bonus to base speed

Class abilities:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with simple and martial weapons, and all types of armor and shields
Bonus Feat: Additional combat feat at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8
Bravery: +2 to will save against fear effects
Armor training: -1 Armor penalty, +1 Max Dex bonus when wearing armor, Medium and heavy armor impose no speed penalty
Advanced Armor training - Armor Specialization - Chainmail armor: +2 to AC when wearing the armor type
Weapon Training (Bows): +1 to ATK and DMG rolls with all bows

Acrobat: +1 to Acrobatics checks, -2 penalty instead of -5 when attempting an accelerated climb
Ambush Training: +1 to initiative, +1 to DMG rolls during surprise rounds

General Feat: Sure Grasp: Roll Climb and reflex (against falling) checks twice, take higher
Combat Feat: Weapon Focus: Longbow: +1 to ATK with Longbows
Combat Feat: Point-Blank Shot: +1 to ATK and DMG rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet
Combat Feat: Clinging Climber: Can use both hands while climbing.
Combat Feat: Deadly Aim: -3 to ATK to gain +6 to DMG with ranged weapons
Combat Feat: Rapid Shot: Additional attack during full-round attacks
Combat Feat: Precise Shot: No penalty when firing at a target in a melee
Combat Feat: Manyshot: Additional arrow during full-round attacks
Combat Feat: Clustered Shots: Damage from Full-round attacks is totaled before damage reduction applies

Stealth (6) Acrobatics (3) (+1)
Intimidate (4) (C) Climb (4) (C)
Survival (4) (C) Perception (8)
Escape Artist (1) Perform (Sing) (2)
Sense Motive (4) Heal (1)
Bluff (3)

Equipment: +1 Composite Bow (+2) (2300 gp, 3 lbs), +1 Mithral Chainmail Armor (2150 gp, 20 lbs), Longsword (15 gp, 4 lbs)
Items: Upper half of a Hawken Soldier's uniform (starting outfit, 5 lbs), 49 Cold Iron Durable arrows (98 gp, 7.5 lbs), 40 Common arrows (2 gp, 6 lbs), 5 Cure Light Wounds Potions (250 gp, ? lbs), 3 Stabilize Potions (75 gp, ? lbs), 1 Healer kit, (50 gp, 1 lb),1 set of Surgeon's tools (20 gp, 5 lbs), +1 Cloak of Resistance (1000 gp, 1 lb), 50ft spider silk (100 gp, 4 lbs), Melana's vial (? gp, ? lbs) Spider-silk dress (? gp, ? lbs, equ. to ?)
Gold: 26 gp (1 lbs), Total weight: 59.5 lbs

Composite Long Bow:
ATK +16, DMG 1d8 +4, Range 110 ft, piercing, x3
ATK +11, DMG 1d8 +4, Range 110 ft, piercing, x3
ATK +10, DMG 1d8 +2, slashing, 19-20/x2
ATK +5, DMG 1d8 +2, slashing, 19-20/x2

Arrows 1&2: ATK +12 DMG 1d8 +11
.............................................DMG 1d8 +11
Arrow 3:.........ATK +12 DMG 1d8 +11
Arrow 4:.........ATK +7 DMG 1d8 +11
If 4 hit, no crit: 48-76
If 4 hit, 1 crit: 72-114
If 4 hit, 2 crit: 96-152
If 4 hit, 3 crit: 120-190

Character Sheet: Seena Livy (Fluff)
Age: 68
Alignment: True Neutral
Allegiance: Family, Close friends like Hana
Attitude: Lazy, calm, generally obliging if threatened, averse to fighting, prone to daydreaming/spacing out, always hungry, can be quite snarky or spiteful, has a hidden sense of pride
Likes: Sleeping, eating, playing physical or mental games, good food
Dislikes: Fighting, hard work, work in general
Habits/ticks: Sings loudly when bathing or lounging atop of trees or cliffs
Fetishes: Dom/sub (herself being dominant), sex while swimming or in the treetops, bondage play, cuddling and handholding
Goals: Permanently escaping the Hawken Empire and return to her family. Should it be revealed that her family was killed or corrupted, she'd be driven to despair and give herself up to whoever lays claim to her.
Physical dimensions: She is on the upper edge of medium-sized. In a relaxed stance, she stands at 2,1 meters (7ft 11 in) and her leg span is between 2 and 3 meters. She weighs about 150 Kilograms (330lb). However, her agility allows her to move in confined spaces and she can wear medium-sized equipment (as long as it supports her general form).

Background: The spiderpeople of the Phiddipi mountains are not mere transformed humans. They can trace their heritage back to the earliest men, when wild magic ran through the veins of the world. Throughout the eons, they have fiercely held onto their home, and can lay claim to being among the least tainted people by various forms of corruption. Of course, this did not impress the Hawken Empire, which preyed on them ever since the arrival of the corrupted angel and the demon hordes. Seena was captured, abducted really, and put to use in the penal guards of the Empire. Her supervisors did not even attempt to indoctrinate her, relying on violence to keep her in check, using her to carry supplies, do menial work, or forage for supplies. After years of abuse, Seena has ceased resisting, but her will remains unbroken, and she dreams of the day she will reclaim her freedom, and return home to her family...

Physical description: Her lower body is sleek, black and covered with soft long hairs. Her upper body resembles a comely human with pale skin, ample breasts and long platinum-blonde hair. Her facial features are young and soft, her irises are of a dark ruby-like red.

Her bow is a finely crafted but weathered and worn Hawken composite bow, the kind that is normally not available to normal soldiers, let alone slave beast. It is not uncommon however for troops and irregulars to use scavenged officer or elite guard equipment. All markings and adornments proclaiming Hawken superiority have been worn out or scratched away, instead the shaft is littered with kill-mark scratches.
Her armor is not of Hawken manufacture at all, but a gift given from a traveling shadowstrider Seena met during an excursion. It is black and white in coloration, made from the finest material the spiderpeople have managed to acquire, and bears the symbols of her homeland. For obvious reasons, Seena keeps this armor off most of the time, not showing it to officers.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Seena is secretly quite fascinated by the Demons and the Corrupted ones, and sometimes dreams of joining their ranks...
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Seena would stoically stand her ground and try to face her fate with her head held high.
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Seena would try to persuade her comrades to retreat.

OOC Fetishes: MC, especially change in allegiance, Demonic corruption/falling into temptation, Hypnosis, Controlling kisses,

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Name: Vivian The Slut

Class(es): Cleric (Pharasma)(Favored) Level: 4

Race: Wyvaran

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Description: Bright blue, crystal clear like ice eyes, with pale blue hair. Her wings start off a light hue of purple and turn blue the farther down her wings you go. The last of her physical features to stand out are the horns that crown her head. Coming out the side of her head, they curl upwards and end in points that are almost blue crystal in nature. Vivian can always be found wearing her collar (see equipment), and very revealing clothing that usually contains a heavy amount of see through lace, rendering much of what little they cover visible. (Clothing in picture is what she actually wears)

Fetishes: Breeding, nonconsent, tentacles, mind control/parasites, pet play, doms, futas, beastiality, and slavery are all the main ones. Note: Vivian is also trained to see whoever carries her leash to be her master, but it is not a magical compulsion, an enemy would have to get her to submit and have her leash for her to start to see them as her new master. The leashes abilities help with the submission.

Dislikes: Scat, and vore

Backstory: Vivian doesn't remember much about what life was like before she was a slave, only that at first she had resisted her new life. Hard. She knew that she had been such a bad girl back then, but it's because of the resistance that her Master chose her, he declared she would be his Magnum Opus! He had picked her up from some ratty old slave market for a rather cheap price even with her rare race and physical beauty. All who had owned her before couldn't break her no matter what they did! But not Master, it took a few months of ‘training’ before he managed to skillfully break Vivian, he even managed to recondition the tremendous will she possessed before and turn her into a willing slave slut, one who would do whatever her Master desired!

Years passed as Vivian’s talents were found and made use of in order to form her into the most useful and appealing slave Master could make out of Vivian. What did come as a surprise though, was Vivian’s potential with divine magic. She had felt a connection of some sort with Pharasma, the goddess of fate, death, prophecy, birth. She was trained as one of her priests, specifically taught how best to protect her Master and how to please a partner.

When Master heard that the nobility were collecting useful slaves for an important mission through his contacts, he instantly decided that Vivian would join the mission. She would be proof of his skill in training slaves to all when the mission succeeded, and so he made his plans. Through those same connections, Master sent Vivian off to be a living example of his skill.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know?:
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?:
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?:
Ability Scores(+Modifiers)
Str 14 +2
Dex 12 +1
Con 14 +2
Int 8 -1
Wis 20 +5
Cha 10 +0

HP: 37 Armor Class: 17/18 Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 30' Fly: 30ft CMD: 16
Saving Throws: Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +9

Class Feats: Ice Subdomain (water), Healing Domain
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Clerics are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Positive Channel Energy 3d6.
Spontaneous Casting:
A good cleric can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower.
Icicle (Sp): As a standard action, you can fire an icicle from your finger, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The icicle deals 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Rebuke Death (Sp): You can touch a living creature as a standard action, healing it for 1d4 points of damage plus 1 for every two cleric levels you possess. Only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit points. Can use this ability equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Orisons: 0-level spells, they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Racial Feats: Flight: Wyvarans have dragon like wings that grant them a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability.
Slapping Tail (Ex): Wyvarans have a tail attack they can only use when making attacks of opportunity. This slapping tail attack deals 1d8 points of damage plus the wyvaran's Strength modifier.
Darkvision 60 ft.: Wyvarans can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Wyvarans have low-light vision

Chosen Feats: Channel Smite, Guided Hand, Power Attack

Traits: Meditative Rest, Reactionary
Languages: Common, Draconic
Skills: Heal (+10)2, Knowledge (nobility) (+3)1, Knowledge (religion) (+3)1, Profession (Whore) (+9)1, Sense Motive (+9)1, Perception (+7)2, Spell craft (+4)2.
Equipment and items: 775g, Cure light wounds dildo (wand) (1d8+1) 48 charges , Light steel shield (quickdraw), Four mirror armor, Dagger x4, Dagger +1(Has religious symbol carved into handle), Heavy Mace +1, Quality Dildo x2m Backpack, Flint and steel, Manacles (Masterwork), 10 Days of rations, Waterskin, Rope hemp 50ft, Healer's Kit, Courtesans Outfit, Potion of Mage Armor x3.

Lesser Collar of Slavery (Current Master: None): This semi-magical collar comes with a ring which is held by the slave’s Master, giving them a +2 to sense the location of their slave. On the other hand, the slave suffers a -4 penalty to action they knowingly take against the Master and are susceptible to the Master’s will, making them roll twice and take the lower roll when doing a defending will save or charisma check.

Dagger: +8 d4+2
Throwing Dagger: +5 d4
Dagger +1: +9 d4+3
Heavy Mace: +5 d8+2

Spells: Spend an hour a day to get 4 L0, 5+1 L1, and 3+1 L2. (+1=Domain)
Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, cure light wounds, 2nd—cure moderate wounds, fog cloud, 3rd—water breathing, cure serious wounds
Spells currently prepared:

Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, and Light

First Level: Obscuring Mist(D), Bless, Detect Chaos, Command, Magic Weapon, Protection From Chaos.

Second Level: Fog Cloud (D), Aid, Hold Person, Owl’s Wisdom
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Name: Oriala Lend

Class(es): Slayer Level 8 (favored)

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Description: Oriala is tall and well-built for a woman. Her dark hair, skin and piercing brown eyes make her stand out in a crowd. Her height and strength is matched by large, firm breasts that might look cartoonish on a smaller woman as well as rounded, child bearing hips and a lithe form overall. Magically altered Oriala has a set of extremely large male organs between her muscular and shapely thighs instead of those of a woman.

Fetishes: Impregnation, creampies, transformation, slavery, mind control, rape, monster rape, bondage and slavery

Backstory: Oriala's father was an ex-soldier who retired as a blacksmith in a small town. He was a lusty man who preferred to sleep around and seduce maidens and wives as opposed to settling down and having a family. Her father joined the local militia as well for extra money and the excitement of occasional combat against the hated foe and nonhuman scum. During an expedition against a tribe of wild elves he was separated from his command and managed to capture an exotic elf maiden. The lusty blacksmith thoroughly raped the woman and smuggled her back home. He kept her locked her in his workshop basement where he used her even as she became pregnant with a child. The elf woman died in childbirth but the blacksmith could not find it in himself to kill the child. Instead he hired live-in help (in his bed and with the child) to raise the girl. He never told anyone that she was a half elf instead passing her off as a dead sister's child.

When Oriala was 15 her father died from a jealous husband. This put her out on the street where she quickly joined the militia due to her quickness and strength. Her fierce, angry nature hid a desire to please and seek a master but served her well in the militia. Her ability led her to work as a freelance and contract hunter for escaped slaves and criminals. All during this time she suspected her heritage but remained silent, denying it even to herself.

Bonus questions!

What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Oriala is a half elf on her mother’s side.

Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?: She would try to resist the eroticism of knowing that she was to be shaped and changed by a master. Oriala would try her best to resist and escape but ultimately she would go willingly deep in her heart.

You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Oriala would offer herself as a prize to the enemy in order to let her friends escape. She would wait until the foe had let their guard down and then attack or flee or both.

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)

Str 18 +4

Dex 16 +3

Con 14 +2

Int 10

Wis 10

Cha 14 +2

HP: 69 Armor Class: 20 touch 14, flat-footed 17 Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: +8

Fort: +8 Ref: +10 Will: +2

Class/Racial Abilities: Human

Studied Target +2 (move or swift action, 2 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam disguise, intimidate, stealth, bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive and survival vs. them. Immediate action to study a target when attacking with sneak attack damage

Track +2 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.

Sneak Attack +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.

Traits: deft dodger, fast-talker

Feats: Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Perception), Many Shot, Furious focus, Weapon focus (greatsword), Toughness, Intimidating Prowess, Shield Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Weapon Proficiency (Martial weapons, simple weapons)

Skills: Acrobatics +10, Bluff +12, Climb +7, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +11, Heal +4, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +11, Profession (courtesan) +4, Ride +4, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +11, Survival +6, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +3

Equipment and items:

Potion of cure moderate wounds (2); mwk breastplate, +1 greatsword, arrows (20), composite longbow (+4 Str), dagger, dagger, ring of protection +1, nose piercing (+3 Acrobatics), belt pouch, belt pouch, blanket[APG], disguise kit, flint and steel, manacles, masterwork backpack[APG], soap, torch (2), waterskin, 75 gp, 4 sp, 7 cp

Mwk dildo sickle, Mwk dildo war razor, chainmail, light steel shield


+1 greatsword +14/+9 (2d6+7/19-20)

Dagger +12/+7 +11 thrown (1d4+4/19-20)

Composite longbow +11/+6 (1d8+4/×3)
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Name: Morrigan 21786
Class(es): !Unchained Rogue 4/Martial artist 2 (+1 HP/lv)
Race: Asura spawn Tiefling
Alignment: Neutral-Neutral
Fetishes: Practically anything except for basic bodily functions and the items that are generated by such. (No scat/watersports)
Backstory: A half blood born to a human woman raped by an Asura during a demonic invasion several decades prior. Morrigan's mother died birthing her and as she wasn't a human but child of mixed heritage, the girl was given to slavers to deal with. For the better part of nearly twenty five years the girl was handed off from caravan to caravan, no one willing or wanting to put her on the block due to her not having anything outstanding aside from her moniker of "daemon child," though eventually she was purchased by a wealthy family who's lord was known for his preoclevity for purchasing lesser races due to either a sexual deviance for them, or an odd altruism, or sometimes a mix of both people wisper. The, at the time, young maiden, was taken in as a maid to the estate and was rigirously trained to be a proper servant, which included but wasn't restricted to, beatings, lashings, verbal denouncement and many other unsavery actions that eventually broke the young lady into a dower blank eyed shell. When she was properly broken in she was introduced to her real role, being a personals serf to the lord of the manor, her job being to cator to all whims be they menial, social, personal or even sexual. This life went on for the better part of nearly forty years. She was seen as a hereditary gift, being given from Parent to child as they came of age. She didn't object, as it was her position to be the tool of her masters, since compared to the slave auctions, this was paradise.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Cannot and does not keep secrets.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Will accpt her reconditioning since she obviously did something wrong, and slaves who did things wrong need to be properly punished.
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Will attempt to work the situation to the advantage of her masters and betters, if that means she sacrifices herself for the greater good of her lord or lady's plan then so be it.

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str 10 +0
Dex 18 +2 20 +5
Con 10 +2 12 +1
Int 12 -2 10 +0
Wis 14 +2 16 +3
Cha 10 +1 11 +0

HP: 37
Armor Class: 24 (10 + 5dex + 5dex +4 dodge)
Initiative Bonus: +9 (+5 dex, +4 Feat)
BAB: +5 (+3 Rog, +2 MA)
CMD: +22 (10+ +3 BaB, +5dex +4 dodge)
Fort: +5 (+1 con, +1 Rog, +3 MA) Ref: +12 (+4 Rog, +3 MA, +5 dex) Will: +4 (+1, +3 wis)

Class/Racial Abilities:

Type: Considered an Outside with the Native subtype
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Skilled: Asura Born Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Knowledge (Local) checks.
Dark vision: Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Spell-like ability: Asura Born ieflings can use hideous laughter once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability equals the tiefling’s class level.
Racial Mutations: hoofed feet, forked tail.

Martial Artist:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Simple, Martial, kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, and siangham
No armor
Improved Unarmed Strike: Martial artists receive Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Dodge: Martial artists receive Dodge as a bonus feat.
Agile Defense: Martial artists receive Agile Defense as a bonus feat.
Chosen Weapon (Ex): The martial artist selects one type of weapon or unarmed strikes as his chosen weapon(Dagger). When striking with his chosen weapon, he gains a bonus to damage equal to half his level (+3)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Cannot be flanked. Cannot be SA'd unless +4 Lvs.
Intimidating Stare (Ex) +2 Intimidate
Bonus Combat Feat: Improved Initiative

Unchained Rogue:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Simple, , , , , and
Light Armor
Sneak Attack: +2d6 Precision
Trap finding: +2 Perception to find traps.
Finesse Training (Ex): Lv1: get weapon finesse as a bonus feat
Lv 3: add dex to damage over str for finessed weapon.
Evasion (Ex): rfx save = no damage from aoes
Danger Sense (Ex): +1 ac/rfx/percep vs traps.
Rogue Trick: Ninja Trick: Fast Stealth: move full speed while stealth with no penalty.
Debilitating Injury (Ex): On successful SA can deald -2 AC, -2 Att or 1/3 land spd for 1 rnd.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Can't lose Dex to AC unless immobile or feinted.
Rogue Talent: Weapon training - Gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat.

Traits: Born Damned (Teifling racial trait): +1 to saves vs curse, Hidden Hand: +1 trait bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal light weapons and a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls when making an attack with a light weapon during a surprise round. Mud-doll touched: +2 Profane bonus to Constitution but -2 AC against undead. This penalty is doubled against zombie type undead like the mud-dolls.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strikes, Dodge, Agile Defense, Weapon Finesse (dagger), Unarmored specialist, Improved unarmed specialist, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Dagger), Improved Initiative
Skills: 26/26
Acrobatics (dex): +10 (+5 dex, +3 prof, +2sp)
Perception (wis): +10/11 vs traps (+3 wis, +3 prof, +4sp)
Slight of Hand (Dex): +10 (+5 dex, +3 prof, +2 sp)
Stealth (dex): +14 (+5 dex, +3 prof, +6 sp)
Sense Motive (Wis): +10 (+3 wis, +3 prof, +1 sp)
Disable Device (Dex) +10/12 vs traps (+5 dex, +3prof, +2sp)
Escape Artist (Dex): +10 (+5 dex, +3 prof, + 2sp)
Profession [Maid](Wis): +8 (+3 wis, +3 prof, +2 sp)
Craft [Cooking](int) +8 (+3 prof, +5 sp)
Knowledge (Local) (Int): +7 (+3 prof, +2 sp, +2 racial))
Appraise (Int): +7 (+3 prof, +2sp, +2 racial)
Intimidate (Cha): +10 (+3 Prof, +2 ca, +5sp)

Equipment and items: (+Gold)
+1 Dagger
Masterwork Alchemical Silver Dagger
Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger
Handy Haversack
Outfit, Maid's Uniform
Knife Sheath, left thigh.
Kit, cooking (In the sack)
Kit, Grooming (also in the sack)
Various foodstuffs and spices meant for cooking.
~574 gold.

Unarmed: +3/+3 att, 1d3 x2
Dagger (Melee): +9/+9 att, 1d4+9/id4+9 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown): +9/+9 att, 1d4+9/1d4+9 19-20/x2
Sneak Attack Damage: +10 att, 1d4+9+2d6 19-20/x2
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21747 Name: Sevia Mericcu
Class: Life Oracle Level: 5
Race: Human
Alignment: NG
Description: Sevia has blue catlike eyes and a white fur for her tail and cat ears.
Fetishes: IC: Gentle displays of affection and a small submission fetish.
OOC: Mind Control, Corruption, Futa, Monsters/Tentacles, Transformation, Monstergirls, Drugging, Addiction, Yuri, any others just ask.
Sevia was born in the east to a half-catfolk father and a human mother. She was just a baby when the forces of Andrauxine encroached on her village, and her mother was forced to sacrifice herself to delay the monsters from catching her daughter and husband. This event left a stain on the family that would not be easily washed away. Her father was able to find shelter deep inside of Hawken after a long journey, but due to the discrimination against her half blooded father Sevia lived in destitute conditions.

Despite their situation Sevia and her father always took the abuse on the cheek, her father having taught her that being kind to others would get you better standing in the world. This way of thinking had mixed results in the land of Hawken. She and her father followed the belief that all life was precious, and that even the wicked lives in the world held value and should be loved. Her father worked as a handyman while Sevia grew up living with him, eeking by thanks to a friendship she formed with a local scholar. The scholar taught her about many things, including how to read and write, which let her get by doing small jobs of her own.

When she was nearing adulthood, her strong ideal along with the lingering effects of Andrauxine's minions on her soul manifested into something fantastical. Sevia gained powers she herself did not fully comprehend, and with the advice of her scholarly friend and the blessing of her father, the young cat-eared girl set out to travel the lands of Hawken to learn more about her mysterious powers.

Over the last years Sevia has done her best to be kind to all she meets, and provide aid to all who need it thanks to the powers granted to her. One day she provided healing to a Hawken Knight who had fallen from her horse, and she saw the potential of using Sevia, sending her to join the Hawken military.
Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Sevia wouldn't want others to know she is still troubled by dreams of Andrauxine and her minions, and that some of her power comes not from her ideal, but the curse left upon her soul by the close encounter with their kind.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Sevia would attempt to negotiate for the release of herself if possible, using her diplomatic attitude to the best of her ability
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Sevia would attempt to bargain for their lives diplomatically, even offering herself if need be to sweeten the deal as it were.

Ability Scores
Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 7 (-2)
Cha: 22 (+6)

HP: 46 Armor Class: 15 Initiative Bonus: +1 CMD: 11 BAB: +3
Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +0 (-2 against mind affecting)
Class/Racial Abilities: Channel (Life Oracle), Safe Curing (Life Oracle)
Traits: Weak Will, Strength of Submission, Trustworthy, Blessed Touch, Racial Heritage (Catfolk), Skilled
Feats: Selective Channeling, Seductive Channel, Extra Channel. Channel Ray.
Craft (Alchemy) (+9/4 ranks)
Diplomacy (+15/5 ranks)
Bluff (+16/5 ranks), Heal (+8/5 ranks)
Knowledge (history) (+6/1 rank)
Knowledge (planes) (+6/1 rank)
Knowledge (religion) (+6/1 rank)
Profession (Untrained Class Skill)
Sense Motive (+4/1 rank)
Spellcraft (+6/1 rank)
Knowledge (nature) (+6/1 rank)
Survival (+4/1 rank)
Handle Animal (+10/1 rank)
Stealth (+6/5 ranks)
Use Magic Device (+10/1 rank).
(71gp 4sp)
Mithral Shirt
Headband of Alluring Charisma
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Backpack (Masterwork)
20 Trail Rations
Outfit, Explorers
Morningstar: +1 to hit 1d6-2 dmg

Create Water
Purify food and drink
Enhanced Diplomacy

lvl 1 (8 slots):
Detect Undead
Charm Person
Cure Light Wounds
Remove Sickness
Haze of Dreams
Protection from Evil
Tap Inner Beauty
Weapons against Evil
Lvl 2 (6 slots):
Lesser Restoration
Cure Moderate Wounds
Stave off Corruption
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Name: Kessa Summersword
Class(es): Fighter (7)
Race: Half-Elf (Currently disguised as Human)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Description: Kessa is a 6ft tall, obviously well-endowed, blonde, green-eyed human (half-elf) that favors using a longsword and shield. (And despite being 26 is still a virgin.)
Languages: Common & Elven. Bonus: Sylvan and Draconic.
Fetishes: Corruption, mind control, mind break, bimbofication, pleasure control/denial, sex machine, potions/injections, aphrodisiacs, tentacles, egg insertion, living insertion, plants, pregnancy, breast growth, multiple breasts, lactation, milking, transformation, furry (cow or feline preferred), among others.
Born from the results of a threesome between a noble, his wife, and her elven handmaid, Kussa is beloved by her father and half-brother and the only one in the family that has shown any talent with the sword and shield, seeming to possess the combat skills that propelled her grandfather and thus family into nobility after showing great prowess on the battlefield for the Kingdom of Haven. She is polite, well-mannered, and under normal circumstances would've been trained from the earliest age to be a great knight in service to Haven, or even been a skilled diplomat in forging peace agreements with other nations.
However, it's a shame that she was born of impure blood and has to hide her heritage lest the idea that such a noble family has been tainted by their lust for the lesser races.
It's also a shame that her older half-brother blames the younger for the death of his mother (who died during childbirth), and views her as another slave to be broken into a subservient pet.
It's a further shame that her father has taken a severe illness and his affairs are very much up in the air as her two brothers battle things out in court. The older wasteful, unwise, bitter, and cruel to the family servants while the younger actually has a good sense on how to maintain the family business. The older is suing the estate for "his fair share" despite his will clearly spelling out the younger as his successor and with the family fortune tied up in legalities, most assets (Including unmarried women of the family not in military service.) are under legal control of the older brother.
However, thanks to his lawyer's ability, a small section of assets (Which includes her, obviously.) was gifted to his old friend, Lady Melana Von Blackshield. While known as a cruel and dangerous Mistress, her choices for safety, and possibly even the potential to rise to her own prestige await, and she will do everything she can to earn her freedom and live up to the family name, no matter the cost.
Grandfather: Kaurru
Father: Kukru
Mother: TBD
Actual Mother: TBD
Older Brother: Kridlug
Brother: Khopo
Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know?

She tries to hide it and is very embarrassed about it, but she's very much a lesbian.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for mental reconditioning, what do you do?
Do everything in her power to escape because it terrifies her. (Despite exciting her for reasons she doesn't know.)
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?
Organize a fighting retreat, stalling so that others can get away. It's her duty as a knight, after all.
Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
23 (+6) (Base: 21, +5)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 17 (+3)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 6 (-2)
Cha: 10 (0)

HP: 71 (6d10+Con Mod*7+FCB Bonus)
Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 11, FF: 22)
CMD: 22 (FCMD: 21)
Initiative Bonus: +2
Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Racial Abilities: Half-Elf, Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus (Diplomacy) as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Fey Thoughts: Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics*, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception*, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character. This trait replaces multitalented.
Class Abilities:
Bravery (Ex):
+2 Will vs Fear, +1 at 1st lvl and +1 per 4 lvls past 2nd. (6th, 10th, 14th, & 18th)
Armor Training 1 (Ex): -1 ACP & +1 Max Dex when wearing armor. Increases at 7th, 11th, and 15th. Can Move at normal speed in Medium Armor.
Weapon Training (Ex): Group of weapons gains +1 Atk and Dmg. Increases each time a new weapon group is gained.
WT1 Blades, Heavy: +1 Atk & Dmg when using selected weapon group.
Armor Training 2 (Ex): Advanced Armor Training: Armored Sacrifice, can still move as full speed while wearing heavy armor.
Armored Sacrifice (Ex): When damage would cause the fighter or an adjacent ally to be knocked or killed, the fighter can instead direct the damage to a suit of armor that he is wearing or a shield he is using as an . The original target takes no damage, but the armor or shield is treated as if it had only half its normal . The fighter can use this option once per day, plus one additional time each day at 11th level and every 8 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum of three times per day at 19th level.
Clever Wordplay (Social):
Choose one Charisma-based skill. (Diplomacy) You attempt checks with that skill using your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.
Ease of Faith (Faith): You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
Combat Reflexes:
Make additional AoOs equal to your Dex mod per round. Can also make AoOs while flat-footed.
Power Attack: (-2 Atk for +4 Dmg.) Take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. Dmg is increased by half if using two-handed weapon, wielding a one-handed weapon in both hands, or a natural attack that adds 1.5 times your mod on Dmg rolls. Bonus Dmg is halved with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When BAB reaches +4, and every 4 after, penalty increases by –1 and bonus to Dmg increases by +2. (Must use feat before making an attack roll, lasts until next turn. Does not apply to touch attacks nor effects that don't deal HP Dmg.)
Bodyguard: When adj. ally is attacked, may use to action to improve your ally’s . You may not use to improve ally’s with this option.
In Harm's Way: While using improve an adj. ally’s , can intercept an attack against ally as , taking full Dmg from atk and any effects ( , poison, etc.). A creature cannot benefit from this feat more than once per attack.
Weapon Focus (Longsword): +1 Atk with selected weapon.
Weapon Specialization (Longsword): +2 Dmg with selected weapon
Vital Strike (Combat): When you use the attack action, roll weapon damage twice and add it to the total. Additional modifiers such as damage bonus from Str or weapon properties are not added additional times and the extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a Crit, only added to the total.
Shield Focus (Combat): +1 AC bonus granted by shields.
Acrobatics: 15 (3 CS, 2 Dex, 7 Rank, +5 Item, -2 ACP)
Diplomacy: 17 (3 CS, 3 Int, 7 Rank, +3 Skill Focus, +1 Trait)
Knowledge (Any, Untrained): 2 (2 Int)
Perception: 10 (3 CS, -2 Wis, 7 Rank, 2 Racial)
Survival: 8 (3 CS, -2 Wis, 7 Rank)
Sense Motive: -2 (-2 Wis)
Stealth: 0 (2 Dex, -2 ACP)
+1 Longsword
+1 Breastplate (Hard. 12 HP 40/40, +1 Bonus = +2 Hard. & 10 HP): +7 AC (+6 Normal), 3 ACP (-1 Armor Training), 3 Max Dex (+1 Armor Training), 30lbs, 25% Spell Fail, 20ft (30ft) Spd (Don: 4 Min, 2 with help. Don Hastily/Remove 1 Min, -1 AC & +1 ACP)
+1 Heavy Steel Shield With Shield Sconce (Hard. 12 HP 30/30, +1 Bonus = +2 Hard. & 10 HP): +4 AC (+2 Normal), 1 ACP, 15lbs, 15% Spell Fail
Dagger (3)
Quiver of Javelins (7) with Ammentum (+20ft range, becomes Martial weapon.)
Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded (2, Each with Steel Vial of Cure Moderate Wounds oil, Heal 2d8+3)
Cloak of Human Guise: Conceals or alters non-human physical traits into human ones, allowing them to appear fully human. (Fangs become normal teeth, pointed ears become rounded, etc.) The wearer has no control over the specific guise and those familiar with their normal appearance can recognize them in human guise. (And assuming vice-versa.)
Boots of Elvenkind: +5 on checks.
Belt of Giant Strength: +2 Enhancement bonus to Str.
Handy Haversack: Has two side pouches, each can hold 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds. Retrieving any specific item from it is a that does not provoke AoO.
Traveler's Any Tool: A 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. It can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. Hammers, shovels, even a block and tackle (without rope) are possible. It can duplicate any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts, such as a pair of scissors, but not a handloom. It cannot be used to replace missing or parts of machines or vehicles unless a mundane tool would have done the job just as well. Counts as a set of masterwork artisan’s tools for most or skills (although very specialist crafts such as alchemy still require their own unique toolset). Always counts as improvised weapon and never grants any Mwk bonus on .
Mundane Items:
Outfit, Traveler's
Sash, Adventurer's
Kit, Fighter's (Includes a , an added blanket, a , a , an iron , a , rope, soap, 10 torches, 11 trail rations, and 2 waterskins.)
Kit, Gear Maintenance (Contains an added whetstone, metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a , and a few buttons.)
Kit, Grooming (Includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature , soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.)
Tent, Medium (Holds two medium creatures, takes 30 minutes to set up and half that to pack up.)
+1 Longsword (1Hand):
+15/+10 (PA 2: +13/+8) Dmg: 1d8+10 (PA 4: +14) Crit: 19-20 x2 Type: Slashing
Heavy Steel Shield (1Hand): +12 (PA 2: +10) Dmg: 1d4+6 (PA 4: +10) Crit: x2 Type: Bludgeoning
Javelin with Ammentum (1Hand, x7): +9 (PA 2: +7) Dmg: 1d6+6* (PA 4: +10*) Crit: x2 Range: 50ft Type: Piercing
Mwk Gladius (Light): +13/+8 (PA 2: +11/+6) Dmg: 1d6+6* (PA 4: +10*) Crit: 19-20 x2 Type: Piercing or Slashing
Dagger (Light, x3): +12/+7 {+10} (PA 2: +10/+5 {+8}) Dmg: 1d4+6* (PA 4: +10*) Crit: 19-20 x2 Range: 10ft Type: Piercing or Slashing
*Whetstone, +1 DMG for first attack only.
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