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DG4 Rules (Beta)

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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Figured I would make it a bit easier to find this. Will possibly eventually edit this into a thread like the DG3 rules, but don't expect that to be soon. Keep in mind that this is incomplete, bereft of lore for the most part, and still subject to a lot of change both mechanically and depending on how a number of active threads end up going.

which I will probably copy and paste below anyway.

and a rundown of the stats and how they are calculated.

which are now actually important

which are basically like ye olde dnd skills.

and a lot of which still needs a bunch of work. It will eventually be consolidated into a single much easier to read document... Hopefully.

which are basically expanded Talents that need to be bought with XP

Mechanist stuff will come... Eventually. It has had some work put into it, but it is nowhere near finished.

Even though it's incomplete, I prefer to run DG4 over 3.5 at this point because the dice swing makes it more fun and it accounts for more things. I wouldn't necessarily call it balanced, but it is less lopsided and alpha strike-y than previous editions.

Character Creation Primer
Step 1 - Read the fluff material. Knowing the basics about the setting, and about the assorted playable races if the first step in figuring out the sort of character that you want to play. There’s a lot of lore to look through, but the basic primer is enough to get you started on a basic character concept. Feel free to ask questions of any of the GMs for help in working out ye character concept. Come up with a backstory, goals, character quirks, all those things that might make them feel like an actual person.
Step 2 - Choose a race, a backstory template, and a class. These choices should support your character concept and make sense given the lore related to your choice and whatever backstory you’ve concocted for them. If you wish to include another Template, you may want to choose it now, though they are not necessary and generally somewhat complex.
Step 3 - Assign your character’s base stats and plug in the stat bonuses from their race, if they have any. A character has 50 points to spread among Body, Mind, and Spirit at character creation, but these stats must be spent in 2 point increments. No base stat is allowed to be an odd number, ever. Racial bonuses are applied afterwards, but spending base points follow the same scaling rules as spending experience to increase base stats. If any base stat would have more than 40 points put into it, it costs 3 points for every 2 point increase, with excess points lost if they cannot be spent. Above 60, each 2 points costs 4 stat points, and etc.
Step 4 - Calculate your secondary stats as based on your primary ones. Some of them aren’t affected by any primary stats, while others are. Keep in mind that any division or multiplication in Dark Gate that doesn’t say otherwise rounds naturally.
Step 5 - Choose your Talents and Flaws. Characters are allowed 5 Talents at character creation, and may take 3 Flaws in order to gain 3 more. Flaws and Talents gained from Races, Classes, and Templates do not count toward these limits. After this, add any effects Talents have on your stats.
Step 6 - Depending on your chosen class and what Talents you took, pick what you want for your secondary class and ability related stuff. Mutations, Skills, Mage Feats, Elements, Wielder Aptitudes, Powers, and *insert Mechanist class ability names here* should all be chosen now, and their effects added into your stats.
Step 7 - Choose your equipment. By default, characters are allowed 3 weapons, one shield, and one piece of armor at character creation, plus 50 denarii that they may spend or keep as they see fit.
Step 8 - Fill out your character’s trades, including any they get from already chosen bonuses. Remember that each character automatically gains 5 dice in a single language of your choice for free, and 2 dice in Perception and Stealth.
Step 9 - Fill out your character’s backstory and description.
Step 10 - Your character sheet should be in a spoiler tag, created by putting the word “spoiler” inside of square brackets at the top of your sheet, and then “/spoiler” at the bottom also in square brackets, ignoring the quotation marks. Square brackets are the ones that look like this: [ ]

I maaay be running a mud-wrestling esque testing area at some point in the near future, but on that I guess we'll see.
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Clarification on the OOC Section of the character sheet
I endeavor to give people what they want as much as is possible, and so have come up with a system that I think might help me do that better for everyone based on a set of sliding scales to determine how you want certain aspects of the RP to go. Simply put a number to each of these ranging from one to five, with one generally equating to wanting zero or near zero of that thing and five equating to wanting lots of that thing. This is entirely optional for all players and may be rewritten, amended, or deleted depending on how I feel about it going forward.


What these settings mean and how to figure out what numbers you want:
(Agency) How much Agency do you want; this is sort of the difficult one as it's fairly abstract, but here is where you essentially decide how "on-rails" you want the RP to be. The lower the number, the less you want to be in the driver's seat in terms of the overall narrative and the less important decision making you want your character to have to do. A lower number will also probably make for a much shorter RP with a simple, immediate goal for the character. Also, if you're playing with the intent to have your character quickly turned into some NPC's plaything or stuck to a tentacle wall being perpetually cumflated, this should be low. If you put a five here, you basically want a sandbox game without a main plot outside of what you decide on.

(Lewd) How much sex versus adventuring do you want; If you're in it for an at-most short adventuring period followed by lots of celebration sex or capture rape, I can do that. If you're in for a long term story with the lewds sometimes sprinkled in, I can do that too. Putting 5 here means you want high lewd, putting 1 here means you want mostly adventure with just some occasional quick smut here and there.

(Social) How many social connections do you want; If you want your character to be a murder-hobo with no attachments, that's fine, but I'd like to know ahead of time if that's the plan so I don't waste time fleshing out a bunch of NPCs. I'd also like to know beforehand if you're more interested in the social aspect of roleplaying, so that I can avoid sending you into a twenty level dungeon full of traps and monsters. The lower the number here, the less interested you are in dialogue and social exchanges.

(Horror) How are you with horror; I use a lot of horror tropes and horror-esque scenarios in my RPs, so if you aren't comfortable with stuff like gore, human hunting, urban decay, insanity, implied torture or implied imminent danger, let me know here with a low number. These scenarios generally don't get too involved in the sex parts regardless.

(Rape) Consensual versus not; This is an H-RP, but some people aren't into noncon even in fantasy so if you don't want rape in the RP, just tell me beforehand. Likewise, if you aren't interested in playing out consensual encounters or a romantic relationship at all, I'd like to know. In this context, 1 means no-rape mode and 5 means you basically want to play a run-or-rape in the style of jungle/demon girl.
(Crunch) Rollplaying versus Roleplaying; If you want to do lots of combat with a heavy focus on stats, put a higher number here. If you want to do as little numbers-based combat as possible, but a lower number here.

A Quick List of Things that I WILL NOT DO:
-Loli/Shota; no, and if you try to sneak one in I will immediately drop your RP and permanently stop talking to you. You can headcanon however you want, but all characters involved in the RP are meant to be of a physically and emotionally mature state so as to be comparable to an adult, regardless of any magical race shenanigans, and I expect their overall aesthetics to be described as such even if you don't like big boobs and an hourglass figure. If you want to describe a character like they're a thirteen year old girl, kindly look elsewhere.
-Sexualized guro or vore; I don't like mixing my lewds and my gore thanks.
-Piss/Scat/Vomit/Farting; I know it's just bodily functions, but I couldn't describe it in a sexual manner. So don't ask.
-Incest; I don't actually have a problem with it in fantasy so it's fine if it occurs, but if you want any sort of major focus on it I am probably not the GM for you.
-Yaoi; I don't mind it or things relating to it being about, especially in a romantic context, but it's not something that I have that much fun describing so if you want to RP a purely homosexual male character, I'm not the guy to ask.

Last of all, fetish interests; You can just put an f-list link, or fill out one of the setting lists you can probably find somewhere over on the EGG section of the forum, which I will edit in here if someone links me to one that I like or I bother to make one of my own. Or just put a short list of stuff that you really like, that's fine too.
That Fetish List
A slightly edited list from one helpfully PMed to me by plmnko, just number them 1-5 as above. Putting a 1 or an N means you want none, putting a 5 means you want lots. Deleting an option entirely counts as one.

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, faeries, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals):
Artificial Enemies (Golems, animated toys, possibly robots) :

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.):

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:
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For people who do not like really crunchy things with a million billion options, I also made this because I am addicted to mechanics derpery plz send help.
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