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RPG RPG Maker NTR Loli [dorgel] スフィリアの使い魔 / Sphilia's Familiar (RE269667) (RJ234605)


May 29, 2018
Reputation score
That's my point. It's pretty obvious that the official translations get the full support from DLsite. If Dlsite takes the western market seriously, they should really invest into making their translation team to do QA on all English version descriptions too. Relying on the game devs is just dumb, h game devs are usually small team with limited access to fluent English speakers, while DLsite definitely has the connection.

The official English translation is obviously created as a response to kagura games releasing on steam. If they really want to compete, these small things affects alot, depsite that, like you said, it's easily fixable. It's simply that they don't have a person doing English QA, at all. And it's a huge shame, since I don't doubt that they could outsource for cheap too. Some Indian weeb will gladly take a few beers worth of money per month considering the exchange rate lol.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Point of fact = DLsite started advertising and publishing english dlsite translation before Kagura existence.
However, just go check the requirement for working as a dlsite official translator, and you'll see they really narrow the possibilities (broadly speaking, they want Japanase / English fluent living in Japan only).

Still, the fact that they created a specific tag "dlsite official translation" and insist in every game description to announce if the translation is made by the dev (ie : the dev gave an english translated game, made by him, a 3rd party, a machine...) or by dlsite (using official translation) is a de facto attention to western market as to announce that they have a control or not over the quality of the english translation. They do not test translation quality. Dlsite check that a game don't break their rules (censoring & such like).

And it's better to get some Engrish but playable game provided by the dev than japanese only version. Using professional to translate a full game require money - that you have to be fairly sure you'll get back (and more) by selling the translated product.
Dliste isn't just a platform where you found japanese (h) work. It's a compagny that need (want ? :p) to make money.

Although I guess we're really side tracking the thread. We might consider dropping the subject or starting a thread about translation qualities & reasons to get this into a full debate ;)


Aug 9, 2019
Reputation score
So what version of the game is the dlsite english translation? The 2.0 version with the real NTR? and can we remove mosiacs in this game?


Apr 6, 2016
Reputation score
i would like to point out the good end doesnt require your sex slave and slut rate to be 0%. you just need the sex slave rate to be higher than your slut rate. i sorta did the demon lord end first because fighting monsters naturally will raise her slut stat and it ended higher than her sex slave stat when i reach the throne.

the demon lord end option is locked if ur slut stat is higher than your sex slave stat. as far as my playthrough went.

Okay, I've got Sphilia's Sex Slave to 400%, Slut at 9%, and Babe at 400%, and I still can't get the Demon Lord ending. I'm still on the first playthrough, and all I'm getting is the Neet throwing a tantrum, saying he doesn't want to work, what is it I'm missing please.

And sorry to necro the thread, I just found this gem, and got to the ending.