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DTT6 - Game Over

Re: DTT6 - Day 3

Jesus christ... I change my vote to one of the AFK peeps.

Shrike, gold, Garfield, and myself have voted, and Syphon/Talvesh expicitly did not vote.

That leaves Pmlko,

Lynch Pmlko
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

Who is pmlko? She is the last one?

Lynch pmlko or Shrike7 if pmlko dont exist

(i forget to post , this was really a busy week)
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

For obvious reasons, I CHANGE MY VOTE TO LYNCH SHRIKE -- For the lynch, I might add
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

*sighs.* For the sake of moving this along since we're not getting anywhere unless we lynch, due to the mistrust, I'm going to vote to Lynch Shrike. MMK, Garfield, if your right on this, then I owe both of you an apology. If your wrong, I suggest anyone left kill one of them next tomorrow morning.
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

Shrike7, the succubus, has been lynched.

Night actions please!
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

"I owe you both an apology MMK and Garfield. Good call. Now all we have to worry about is the TM."

*Heads to bed.*
Re: DTT6 - Game Over

Sorry I don't have long, so for now I'll just confirm that MMK the tentacle monster was successfully targeted by SiphonTalvesh, the soul mage turned lust mage, and forced MMK to fuck herself all night long, until she eventually died of exhaustion.

The village win, and I'll post all the roles and stuff later.
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

Wow, that was a total gamble there. Your slip up voting for me MMK was the breaking point for me, I knew if I survived the day that I had to target you.

I could have just as easily been wrong about that, but when you don't expect to survive the night .... may as well take a stab in the dark.
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

Bah, I was going to co-op win with the Demons, but Garfield somehow magically figured out BOTH of them. Too late to do anything about it, so I tried to regain some grace.

I also thought that playing my standard "loose cannon" would protect me somewhat.

And it was an honest mistake, actually. I totally ment to vote for Shrike, but my fingers wrote Siphon. Absent-minded typing strikes again!

Good Game, and I look forward to the next one (hopefully more active...)
Re: DTT6 - Day 3

Heh, that actually was your undoing that mistake. I would never have suspected you to begin with without it.

After Shrike was proven to be the other demon, I began considering my options.

There was you and your blunder that ultimately proved too much for me to overlook, so I went with my gut there.

There was Garfield, who I almost went after instead because I found it fishy she'd identified both demons so soon. This led me to think that the demons were working with the TM, and it made me wonder about potential backstabbing. In the end though, this wasn't enough for me to act on, and I gave the possibility of sheer blind luck a nod.

The others left I didn't give much thought to actually. After the previous day with the voting, my money was on either you or Garfield. I actually got lucky on two accounts.

One: That you WERE in fact the TM and not Garfield.

Two: That you didn't take the chance and attack me that night instead of trying someone else.

Very well played out, I look forward to the next one.