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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

We've got a pretty clear thing going here. The crowd has spoken! A has been chosen


Mikasa whimpered within the machine, hands squeezing against the handles up front. If this was a normal sex machine, like something invented or built in the 21st century, it'd almost certainly have slipped out of her or messed up or loosened at least once by now. The toy within her cooch wouldn't still be thrusting, the cups swallowing her breasts wouldn't still hold fast, and as good as the vibrations were, they wouldn't be focused almost supernaturally perfectly.

But this wasn't such a machine. It was an artifact of the dungeon of lust, operated by magic, and powered specifically by the orgasms of the human battery within. Poor Mikasa didn't stand a chance as it ravished her, drawing out yet another orgasm as the drill surged forward, drilling minute by minute through the wall.

The worst bit was her poor clit. With her positioning, and with that blasted thing within her, she couldn't really move it away from what seemed to be like a little nub in the seating she laid on. And so it kept rubbing and rubbing hard against that sensitive little spot as she wriggled and writhed, and each movement was accompanied by such vibrations.

She came, again, and she was just so sensitive she felt like she could die. She wouldn't, though, this place was magic and had a different plan in store for girls. Maybe the rumors she heard were true? Maybe she'd be trapped in this living hell, molested and pleasured, for all eternity in the darkness of a drill as a living battery?

Maybe -- "EEK! Something's happ-en...happening... oh God, it's jolting forwaaaaaard!" The drill broke through the wall, and started moving forward at a much higher speed. And all she could do was cum again, so soon after the last one. Yes, she'd experimented with masturbation, and yes, she'd experimented with cumming multiple times, but as she thought briefly of the endless pleasure that seemed to await, she felt herself orgasm again, almost before the last one had ended. It was nearly unbearable.


Kyrie knew things were dire the moment the drill set free and kept going.

"Of course nobody thought to stay close and shut the damn thing off! If I lose Mikasa you'll all pay!" Kyrie cried out, yelling even as she ran to catch up to the machine. She paid no attention to the realm she was in now, which could be as dangerous as anything happening to Mikasa.

Trap roll... 3. Nothing triggered

Kyrie reached the machine, and knew she had to jump on top. So she took a leap, grasping onto the thing's side and climbing up. As she pulled herself up, her crotch pressed against a protruding pipe, and she gasped. With all those vibrations that felt pretty good, actually... but no matter. Kyrie climbed up to the portal into the machine, grasped tightly, and pulled, as hard as she could, damn the mechanism!

Strength check... 7. Success! With a yank, she pulled the frame completely off, revealing Mikasa down below. With a smile she looked at the poor girl, still moaning and crying out.

"I'm here for you. Try to grab my hand!" But Mikasa instead shuddered in orgasm, the coolness of the open air exciting her and instigating it as much as anything. Kyrie blushed, but pouted, ever so slightly. As she reached in, there was a jolt.

She looked up. They had turned from the corridor onto a bridge! Narrow, barely wider than the machine itself. And down below, she could see the inky black water. Could a sea monster be down there? Well, this was the dungeon of lust, and Kyrie, in her many years, had seen enough to expect some trouble.

"Okay, I had best get you out of here now, or else we may both end up like the fisherman's wife," Kyrie said, though Mikasa didn't register it. Kyrie grabbed the girl, and pulled, as hard as she could!

Strength check... 15. Success! She managed to pull Mikasa out of the mechanism, to the latter's scream of pleasure and final orgasm. And with that, Kyrie outright carried the other girl off the machine. Due to the imbalancing of her movements, the machine listed slightly to the right... and with the sheer length of this bridge, that was all it took for it to fling itself off entirely, and into the inky blackness below!

That was very loud...

Loud Noise-based Wandering Monster Roll... 4. No Monsters

Luckily, nobody from outside had heard it. Kyrie held Mikasa, who clung to her almost unconsciously.

"So, how'd you like it?"

Mikasa's eyes finally refocused, and looked up at her. A trail of drool had fallen out the corner of her mouth, down her chin. She blinked, and stirred.

"It was... incredible..."

"Then I have just that much more to compete against, hmm?"

Mikasa giggled a bit, and so did Kyrie. She lifted the woman up, and handed her her clothes... along with a small towel. Kyrie took watch as Mikasa got ready... albeit slowly. Soon, however, she was back and looking like herself again.

She took a step -and wobbled, due to what happened!- but managed to keep her balance. She smiled. She was ready.

Two turns taken for recovery.

Wandering Monster roll... 4. No monsters

"Okay... so... where are we?"

That was the question. The drill had moved fast. Who knows what they had missed? There were two routes they could take. Forward... and back. Forward, past the bridge, who knew what existed? Behind, Kyrie remembered a corridor that had slowly inclined up. There may have been passageways or the like there to explore, not taken.

A.) Head Forward! - Forget the dwarves, forget all that they'd bypassed. Keep going! Who knew what treasures awaited?

B.) Explore the Passageways - If there was another door in the long, somewhat twisted hallway, they might be able to find something nice before the dwarves do.

C.) Return to the Central Room - It was the node, after all, and it'd pay to see whether the dwarves were still there, and what all Kyrie ignored. There could even be other paths to take, too!

D.) Retreat to previous sections - Perhaps this entire area is a bad idea. Why not try the only real door in the dwarves' chamber? Just because the dwarves were afraid of what lied behind didn't mean you had to.

Kyrie's statistics

Medium-Veteran (Elf 1)
HP: 9
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 400/4000

Strength: 18 (+3)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+3)
Charisma: 18 (+3)

Charm Person With this spell, Kyrie can charm even a hated enemy into believing her to be their best friend. An intelligent humanoid creature as large as an ogre can be charmed, and would even fight to the death for her. Used for the day

Unlike humans, elves gain magic naturally, and so no studying will allow them to learn new spells outside of leveling up, and they gain no extra spell slots for higher stats.

Platinum Comet: A magical, silvered longsword with a blazing white hilt.
- it can glow as the spell Light upon command.
- It adds +1 to attack and damage.
- It also becomes sheathed in fire when in use, giving it +1d6 damage.
Final stats: 6-18 (1d8+1d6+4) damage

Shooting Star: A magic wand of great power, black like the night sky, but filled with stars when in use, which streak out as the spell Magic Missile, which does 1d6 damage and auto-hits.
Can be used 3/day, at which point the stars go out, and the blackness turns blue like the day. Regenerates at dusk the next day. 0/3 remaining

Elfen Royal Plate: +1 full plate armor.

Map to the Ancient Treasure: This map shows the way to an ancient magical treasure. It also acts as a potential key to understanding the dungeon after all this time.

Age: 97
Hair: Sky Blue (natural!)
Breasts: B cups
Height: 4'10
Body type: very petite
Virgin: yes, and extremely proud of her purity, to boot.

Mikasa's statistics

Novice (Mystic 1)
HP: 7
Armor Class: 3/7
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Charisma: 12 (+0)

Thief Skills: Like thieves, Mystics have the potential to pull off outrageous stunts that nobody else could manage. Climbing a sheer wall without a rope. Hiding in shadows out in the absolute open. Unlocking masterwork locks. These are not mere normal capabilities, no. These are well-nigh supernatural in nature!

Find or Remove Traps: 20% - a double ability. Finding traps in this case means using the ability when there is absolutely no hint given in the description of an area. Removing traps should be obvious.
Move Silently: 30%
Hide in Shadows: 20%
Climb Sheer Surfaces: 90%

Mystics wear no armor, and though they can use weapons, Mikasa doesn't feel the need. She fights with her fists! 1d4+2

Boots and Cloak of Elfenkind: Allow one to sneak silently and nearly invisibly. One can only notice them, if in use, with a 1/6 chance.

Map to the Ancient Treasure: This map shows the way to an ancient magical treasure. It also acts as a potential key to understanding the dungeon after all this time.

Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Black and very long
Breasts: D cups
Height: 5'1
Body type: athletic
Virgin: no
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Going once, going twice...?
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B. Might as well look around here before heading back or forward.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


None of the current options appeal to me, so I'll pass. Whatever the others decide.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B, we should go so deep... not when we dont know what we will face later
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Yeah, B works for me, too.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

It looks like B (for bandwagon? :p) won! Post coming in the morning, due to need to finish homework. I hope you guys enjoyed the two-post long sex scene I gave to Mikasa! Who knows, maybe Kyrie will get one too? Or maybe not, in which case I'll certainly give a full-scale bonus scene, as requested.