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RPG PUZ RPG Maker Loli [ぎゃらくしぃ☆うぉーず / Galaxy Wars] 魔界洞ルル・ファレア~倒して、犯して、嫁にする!~ / The Dungeon of Lulu Farea -Kill, Screw, Marry!- (RE144613, RJ144613)

Re: 魔界洞ルル・ファレア~倒して、犯して、嫁にする!~ RJ144613

Apparently there's another condition for entering the dark elf's room?

Found the fairy tip and read through here to find you are supposed to need under 50 hp to pass the red crystal, I just worked my ass off trying to find the right combination to get under 50 and I still can't enter. I haven't seen anything here mentioning any other reason it should still not allow me to enter though. I have the bracelet as well. Is there something I'm missing? I can't use the bracelet or anything. Only item from the shop I'm missing is the 16k ticket, my top floor is like 57 or 58.

Are you not meant to enter until after you beat the boss? No story spoilers if possible. By the way people mentioned restarting just for the 50 hp pot, I'd think you could do it as early as possible. Have like 23 hp btw, over 10k max.

Damn all that work and I still can't enter it to use the bracelet. That's hella frustrating. I'm probably going to be putting the game on hold till I figure that out. Took way too long to get my health down, don't wanna heal up and continue then have to do that again when I have even more stats to complicate things. I'm running out of enemies too.

Answer found (How to use the bracelet):

Gotta talk to Collete about the bracelet first, then beat the dark elf girl first to enter her room. So I'm going to have to do this low hp business again... The way everybody mentioned it made it seem like you had to identify the bracelet in her room before fighting her.

I guess at least it's the first time I've been stuck. The difficulty of even normal mode means you end up gambling occasionally. Sometimes it's like "Should I get the upgrades and keys or fight to the stairs and hope there's something better next?".
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Re: 魔界洞ルル・ファレア~倒して、犯して、嫁にする!~ RJ144613

if walkthrough can find in click lower hmmm new PC cant see any japanese words... before ok... or IE suck?
or , but this one tell you how to clear it without get cheat item, not tell you where do what...
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Re: 魔界洞ルル・ファレア~倒して、犯して、嫁にする!~ RJ144613

Was close to true clearing the game first play without the aid/cheats in baby mode normal difficulty but missed the dark elf's 2nd scene. Darn.

Gameplay is certainly unique, an entirely non-random puzzle RPG. Graphics are okay, the story and scenes weren't really my taste but I appreciate some of it.

Definitely worth a try for a slightly different experience compared to the dime a dozen RPGmaker games out there, and the translation by u-ray is very well done so there shouldn't be any understanding issue.
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Re: 魔界洞ルル・ファレア~倒して、犯して、嫁にする!~ RJ144613

For those of you who are interested, he appears to be working on the sequel to Lulu Farea right now: htt[damn15posturllimit]p://galaxywars.blog.fc2.com/page-1.html
Re: 魔界洞ルル・ファレア~倒して、犯して、嫁にする!~ RJ144613

How to enter konkon house?
Sequal! SEQUAL!!!!!!
Siri please clear my schedule for the entire month of February thank you
Huh, a DLsite-published translation appeared on Steam.

So this is a bit buggy at least on my machine, anyone have a gallery save for the english version?

Update made it less crashy, here have my cheaty gallery save. Might be missing a scene, not sure though.


  • save.zip
    28.2 KB · Views: 139
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This game has been moved to the H-Section for deletion due to a lack of gameplay explanation. If you wish to preserve this thread, PM a moderator with an updated description.
It'd be a right shame to have this wiped especially since u-ray already wrote one, albeit in his translation thread. Here's his writeup plus some of the missing info. I don't have the game and don't remember the controls but it's probably arrow keys to move and z/x to interact/cancel. Anyone can confirm?


Genre: Puzzle RPG
Features: Harem, Monster Girls, Defeat Sex, Pure(?) Love

Hundreds of years ago the demon world declared war on the human world, but the tide turned when a goddess sacrificed herself to create the Goddess Fragments, items which draw out the latent power in humans but are lethal to the touch for monsters.

With the war long ended, countless Goddess Fragments still litter the dungeon of Lulu Farea, the entryway to the demon world. Humans come in search of fame, fortune, and power, while monsters guard these divine items from would-be heroes to maintain the balance of power.

But Klurs has no interest in any of that! He's here for one thing and one thing only: "getting along" with tons of cute monster girls!

Lulu Farea is a puzzle RPG where each floor of the 60-floor dungeon is a brain-teaser. You're tasked with using your head to look for the most efficient way through each floor, defeating enemies through an automatic non-random combat system dependent on stats and picking up power-ups along the way.
I am not a particular fan of people just using write ups that other people made, but I suppose this is fine. I'd also consider that rather sparse on gameplay detail. Thread's been moved back, regardless.