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Ideas for RP Systems


Nov 10, 2008
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I am lazy. Why do I say this? Because from time to time I get an idea for a game that might be fun to run here, that I end up dropping due to the amount of time I know I would have to spend replying in order for it to work. Since others are willing to run games, however, I thought maybe it would help if there were a thread where we could share ideas, whether they be vague outlines or complex systems. I'll start.

The first RP idea I had was inspired by lurker's Path of Ashes. The story was going to be something where the players were survivors of a plane crash or shipwreck on a tropical island where, surprise surprise, strange monsters are running around looking for women to breed with. Kind of like if rape monsters had turned out to be the big scary on Lost. I even had a general idea of the various important places that would be around the island, as well as clues the characters could find that would explain what was going on, as well as how they could escape.

For this game, I was thinking of forgoing physical and mental stats altogether, and instead basing everything off skills. For example, a guns skill with a range of 0-4 would figure into a characters ability to hit, a wilderness skill would determine how likely a character would get lost in the jungle, and an electronics skill would give a character a chance to repair things like computers and security systems to let them into the numerous facilities dotting the island. This was already used to some success in AWMBI by RaptorJesus, though it also had physical attributes.

The second idea I was toying with was something of an open world RP, where the players were given free reign as to what they wanted to do in a land over run by monsters that want to, you guessed it, mate with them. The basic story was that a sorceress magicked away all the male humanoids so she could enjoy them, while taking away all the female monsters so they would stop the remaining women from freeing the men. So the players can decide if they want to try to be heroic and free the men, try to escape the land before they get captured by monsters, or just be regular people trying to live their lives in this strange land.

This second game was going to have a simple stat system. Just a few attributes that would be rolled against each other to cut down on the math involved (I am very anti-math >< ). This never really left the idea phase...

The third idea I came up with was more of an adaptation of an existing system than one designed from scratch. A while ago I revealed that I like WoW. Well, this game was based on it, an attempt to make a message board system out of it. This is one that I actually put the effort into writing down some formulas for, though I never got far. Here's what I came up with:
Primary stats
Strength: Affects attack damage and grapple rolls
Agility: Affects chance to hit and dodge
Stamina: Affects energy and pleasure
Intelligence: Affects magic damage and resistance
Spirit: Affects corruption resistance and levels

Derived Stats
Health: Stamina + Strength * 2 + 10
Energy: Stamina + Intelligence * 3 + 20
Pleasure: Stamina + Spirit * 2 + 10
Corruption to Level: Spirit * 5 + 10
Corruption Levels: Spirit + 2

When Pleasure points reach max, character orgasms, loses 1 turn, and must roll to resist sexual frenzy (spirit + d10 vs corruption level + 10)

When Corruption reaches point to level, character gains one corruption level and enters sexual frenzy for 5 rounds. Sexual frenzy prevents character from resisting grapples and penetrations (roll is auto 1). When current Corruption Level is 1/3 max or more, character must resist lust when grappled (spirit + d10 vs corruption level + 10), or receive -3 to grapple and penetration rolls for 3 turns. When current Corruption level is 2/3 max or more, character must roll to resist lust when penetrated (spirit + d10 vs corruption level + 10) or enter sexual frenzy.

Attack roll: Attacker agility + d10 vs Defender agility + d10
Attack Damage: Difference between attack roll success + Attacker weapon damage + Attacker strength - Defender Armor
Grapple Roll: Attacker strength + Attacker Energy + d10 vs Defender Strength + Defender Energy + d10
Grapple Points: Difference between grapple success + d10
Max Grapple Points: Attacker Strength * 3
Penetration Roll: Grapple Points + Attacker Strength + d10 vs Defender Strength + d10
Pleasure damage: Difference between penetration roll success + Attacker strength
Corruption Gain: Pleasure damage - Defender Spirit

Every attacker past the first on a grappled opponent adds + 3 to attacker grapple and penetration rolls.

Armor removal: During grapple, a roll of 1-7 on a d10 indicates a piece of armor being removed. Armor removed cannot be replaced until the end of the encounter. Armor is destroyed on the following rolls: Plate 1, Mail 1-2, Leather 1-3, Cloth 1-4.
Weapon Disarm: During grapple, a roll of 1-7 on a d10 indicates a weapon or held item being disarmed. Disarmed items can be recovered on a roll of 1-3 on a d10.
Not much, I know, but as I said before, I'm lazy. The Energy stat I was working on in here was to be a representation of how much physical energy your character has during the fight. Basically, swinging a sword and using special abilities requires your energy, which makes you weaker in general and an easier target for grappling. Energy is spent for every attack, special ability, and spell used, lost for every hit taken, and regained by simply resting for a turn (the equivalent of defending in other systems). I was thinking that energy would be an important stat that would determine effectiveness in battle. Knowing when to attack and when to rest would make a big difference in being successful.

There was another system I was working on for this game, which was the class system. Unlike the other two games I mentioned above where the player could basically do anything, I decided for this game it would be better to go with a class system to encourage team play. I wanted something a little differently than just making the regular tank, healer, mage, etc classes, so I decided to go with a more flexible system that allowed players to customize their characters to have whichever abilities from whatever class they thought was interesting. Basically, in WoW, each class has three different talent trees that represent the different kinds of focus they can take. A paladin, for example, can specialize in protecting team mates, casting healing spells, or dealing melee damage, while a warlock can choose between specializing in dealing direct damage in bursts, doing steady damage over a period of time, and summoning demons. What I was planning on doing was allowing players to pick and choose three talent lines from whichever class they wanted to make custom classes. So a character could play as a paladin that could deal melee damage damage to it's enemies, heal it's friends, and summon a demon to assist.
Arms: +2 on melee to-hit and gain heroic strike
Fury: +2 on melee damage and gain charge
Protection: +2 on melee dodge and gain taunt

Assassination: +2 to melee damage and gain backstab
Combat: +2 to melee to-hit and gain sinister strike
Subtlety: +2 to melee dodge and gain stealth

Marksmanship: +2 to ranged damage and gain aimed shot
Beast Mastery: +2 to ranged to-hit and gain animal companion
Survival: +1 to all dodge rolls and gain freezing trap

Holy: +2 to healing done and received and gain lay on hands
Warding: +2 to melee dodge and gain divine shield
Retribution: +2 to melee damage and gain hammer of judgment

Death Knight
Blood: +2 to melee damage and gain blood strike
Frost: +2 to melee dodge and gain icy touch
Unholy: +2 to spell damage and gain scourge strike

Discipline: +2 energy regen and gain power word: shield
Light: +2 to healing done and received and gain renew
Shadow: +2 to spell damage done and gain shadow word: pain

Balance: +2 to spell damage done and gain wrath
Feral: +2 to melee to-hit and gain shift: cat
Nature: +2 to healing done and received and gain tranquility

Elemental: +2 to spell damage done and gain lightning bolt
Enhancement: +2 to melee damage done and gain earth shock
Restoration: +2 to healing done and received and gain chain heal

Arcane: +2 to energy regen and gain blink
Fire: +2 to spell damage and gain fireball
Frost: +2 to spell to-hit and gain blizzard

Affliction: +2 to spell to-hit and gain curse of agony
Demonology: +1 to all dodge rolls and gain summon imp
Destruction: +2 to spell damage and gain shadowbolt
The idea was that each time a character leveled, they could choose to level up one of their trees, which would give them an extra level of the stat bonus, and a new ability. So if a character has the assassination tree and levels it up, they would gain another +2 to melee damage, and unlock the eviscerate ability.

So those are some of my ideas. If anyone else has any unused ideas, or just wants to laugh at how silly mine are, feel free. I don't have any plans to use any of the ideas here, so if you think they sound interesting, feel free to use them.
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Re: Ideas for RP Systems

Personally either one of the tree ideas sound good to me xivvix.
Re: Ideas for RP Systems

Psh. Real men play AD&D.

I've made two RP systems. The first one was needlessly complex universal system and the second one is basically OD&D clone. I never got to play either one so far.