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Impropable Pudding (Shotgun/Pervy)

Re: Impropable Pudding (Shotgun/Pervy)


The officer seemed happy about the tissue.. as happy as she was allowed to be, towards a defense attorney, that was. "Sorry, unless you are the official attorney, I'll have to board the scene up now, so no one messes with any potential evidence."


"Whats that, rookie, not feeling up for defending her yourself? Well, I'm certain you can find someone with an empty spot in their schedule quickly. Eh eh eh! Feel free to hmnn.. come to my office and tell me if you come up with anything.." He grinned and It seemed Dee wasn't afforded the time she wanted to look for someone else, and she had a rising suspicion just whos fault that could have possibly been..

"Well.*acho!* by what I heard you did suprisingly well for your first case, so perhaps you can make lightning strike twice.. err.

eh eh.. that didn't sound as endearing as it did in my head.."
The officer offered.

--At the holding cells--


"Huh? Oh hey! It's you! You gotta do something, this was a biiiig misunderstanding!" Mary bounced up as soon as she saw you enter, trapped behind a glass wall, against which she immediatly presed her face.


"They.. they say I killed the big-scary whale! S.. s totally not true. nuh uh! Slander! Evil! Waaaaaaaah!" She whimpered, then sniffed, then looked at you. "Wait.. don't tell me -you- wan to be my attorney.. I mean.. uh.. uh.. you're.. I mean you were kinda neat the first time, but but.. you got lucky once, tops and.. and haven't you heard about just who the prosecution for this case is? They call him the Lawyer-Destroyer, because he won like. I dunno hundreds of cases! Some say he never lost! Bwaaaaaaah I dun wanna get mind-erased!" There were a few moments of uncontrollable sobbing, as your currently locked up assistant slowly wettened the seperating window..
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