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Iron City - Superheroine peril recruiting!


Mystic Girl
Jul 16, 2010
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This has a lot of inspiration draw from a number of wonderful sources for those of us who enjoy super heroine, peril, you will probably recognize some.

Edit: Credit goes to XSI and his DoD system which I heavily borrowed from, then again he was the inspiration to start this so it shouldn't be a huge surprise

Setting Idea:
Imagine a world, where woman were histories notable leaders and thinkers; where men were the minority. These “Alpha females” are stronger and smarter than any man. In ancient times they were queens and chieftains, they hunted and provided for their tribes and waged wars for their people. In modern times they have been every president of the United States, with the historic election of JFK, the first man in the oval office.

There are females, who would seem familiar in our world, but a significant minority of woman can only be described as driven, powerful, perfectly formed, strong and fit, they are a paragon of females. They are referred to as Alpha Females, and in some way control almost every major corporation and government.

This is also a world of evil; many men have degenerated, lusting after and performing depraved acts, committing crimes and violence. While there are noble and just men, there are also many evil and corrupt men. They seek to usurp these Alpha Females, for hundreds of years they have fought to seize ground from them, but every time they flare up they are crushed back down by the superior Alpha Females. Now with the advent of the internet and secret ways of communicating they have returned and are harder than ever to eliminate. They do everything they can to enslave, dominate and humiliate the women of power.

But even amongst the Alpha Females there are those who are a cut above, they exhibit superhuman abilities, they can fly, lift cars, cannot be harmed by bullets. They may have gathered ancient artifacts or been trained in secret masteries. They have come together to put an end to this new male threat.

Word is trickling outwards that these woman have a weakness: sex, their bodies are perfect for warriors, but also as mothers. They can lose their mind and be broken by the brutal application of sex. Some blow this off as lies and madness, how could it have been unknown for so long?

But it is true, every time a man finds this out they are crushed and the knowledge contained, throughout history the Alpha Females have done everything to stop it from being known about their great lust and desires.
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Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Combat is: when rolling to hit, d20+STR vs d20+SKL for melee attacks, or for ranged attacks d20+INT vs d20+WIS. Damage is d3+Str for melee or d3+INT for ranged, but for every 5 points your hit roll beats their defense roll the die size increases.

Grapples are the same as to hit but don’t do damage, some attacks require a grapple first (example: chloroform rags)

Poison damage includes all forms of drugs and knock out gases. Psionics includes any mind control or seduction that is not magic.

Every point of damage you take in a round gives you a -1 to all action the next round only.

Damage is either done to your Body or your Mind depending on the kind of attack.

Arousal can be gained by certain attacks, for every two points of arousal you get a -1 to all actions, if you reach arousal 10, you are climaxing.

Strength (How good you hit people and how much you hurt them, any STR higher than +2 is considered superhuman)
Skill (How hard you are to hit)

Intelligence (How hard you hit them with magic, psionic/non physical ways)
Wisdom (How hard you are to hit with above)

Body: Hit points (Base 10)
Mind: Mind points (Base 10)

Finally there will be a mental fortitude stat out of 100, this one cant be increased or decreased, instead it will go down every time you are defeated, by how much depends on how badly you were defeated (So every time you are defeated you will either escape or be resucued or something how long it takes for that to happen is the depends part of the last sentence) when it is dropped to zero you get your bad end, in whatever way is most appropriate (If finally defeated by slavers, you would be sold off, if by a monster you would become its breeder, if by a psion, you would become his brain washed slave etc)

You get 10 points plus how ever many negatives you take

Str/Skl/Int/Wis boost: +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 to stat for 1/3/6/10/15 points
(3)Body boost: +1 Body, can be taken as many times as needed
(4)Mind boost: +1 Mind, Can be taken as many times as needed
Toughness: -1 from body damage, can be taken up to 5 times cost = 2/6/12/20/30
Resistance: -1 from mind damage, can be taken up to 5 times cost = 2/6/12/20/30

Poison resistance: -2 from Poison Mind damage can be taken 3 times cost = 2/6/12
Psionic Resistance: +2 to WIS against Magic can be taken 3 times cost = 2/6/12
Magic Resistance: +2 to WIS against Magic can be taken 3 times cost = 2/6/12
Bullet proof: -2 from Projectile Body damage can be taken 3 times cost = 2/6/12
(20)Regeneration: -1 to Body Damage total each round

(10)Natural Ranged Attack (NRA): Can choose element; force, fire, lightening, ice.
Note: Natural ranged attack is required for any NRA skills below
(3)NRA Second Element: switch to second element with NRA, can take multiple
(5)NRA multiple: additional target near first target can be taken 4 times
(5)NRA boost: does extra damage on single target
(5)NRA accurate: Bonus to hit with attack
(10)NRA Shield: Creates a shield that attacks the next enemy to get close
(10)NRA knockback: throw enemy away
Note: when fighting only one of these may be used in conjuction with an attack, they just give you more options. For example you can’t use both NRA boost to increase damage and NRA multiple to do extra damage to lots of targets, its one or the other. The eception is second element which can be combined freely as it merely changes the element of the attack

(5)Finesse Fighting: Use your SKL instead of STR to hit rolls, but use up to a +2 STR bonus for damage. In addition you damage die increases quicker than normal. (This is intended to allow someone to play heroines who are not superhumanly strong)

(10)Melee Training (MT): Can trade to hit bonus with damage bonus
Note: Melee Training is required for all MT skills below
(3)MT Element: Add element Damage to melee damage
(5)MT multiple: additional target near first target, can be taken 2 times
(5)MT boost: does extra damage on single target
(5)MT accurate: Bonus to hit with attack
(10)MT Grapple: Can do simple attack while grappled
(10)MT knockback: throw enemy away
Note: you cannot combine multiple MT abilities in a single attack just like NRA attacks above

(3)Observant: +2 to notice enemies; can be take up to 5 times
(3) Escape Artist: +2 to escape grapples
(3) Strong willed: +3WIS resist mind control or seduction
(3) Stealthy: +2 to Remain hidden can be taken up to 4 times
(2) Rope skills: +4 to use rope
(5) Tracking: can track creatures
(5) Advanced Tracking: can identify creature from tracks and bonus to it

(4) Healing Milk: your milk heals creature (Body stat), may be taken 3 times
(3) Dark sight: you can see in the dark much better
(4) Water breathing: what it says on the tin
(10) Flight: Ditto
(2) Extra Milk: can be milked more but are more attractive to others
(0) Beautiful: creature wish to have sex with you more
(2) Infertile: harder to get pregnant

(+3) Weak -1 to STR Can be taken up to 3 times
(+3) Clumsy: -1 to SKL Can be taken up to 3 times
(+3) Dumb: -1 to INT Can be taken up to 3 times
(+3) Vapid: -1 to WIS Can be taken up to 3 times (changed from 5 to 3 times, due to silliness, no need to change existing characters if they are already down at -5)

(+3) Weak to magic: -2 to WIS against Magic can be taken 3 times
(+3) Weak willed: -2 to WIS against Psionics and mind control can be taken 3 times
(+5) Weak to Poisons: -2 to WIS against Poisons can be taken 3 times (It should be noted that when I say poison, i usually mean chloroform, knockout gas, drugs etc)
(+5) Vulnerable to element, choose Fire, ice, or electricity, it ignores toughness or bullet proof.

(X) Item of Power: Halve the cost (Rounding against you) of any bonuses granted by an item on your person, clearly note on your character sheet which power is dependant on which item.

(+4) Bad Escaper: -2 to escape grapples, grabs and bindings can be taken 5 times
(+3) Inattentive: -2 to notice things can be taken up to 4 times
(+2) Easy to spot: -2 to stealth can be take 4 times

(+5) Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted
(+8 Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above
(+5)Fetish X: When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes, second time worth only (+3), third or more only worth (+1) each
(+5) Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 50% chance of receiving an additional one, can be taken up to 4 times
(+3)Secretly Submissive: -2 to rolls to escape dominant things can be taken 5 times
(+3) Fertile +3 to getting pregnant, can be taken 6 times
(+2) Increased offspring +1 to maximum off spring can be taken 5 times
(+3) Need for milking: -1 to all actions if not milked daily, can be taken 5 times, each time increasing the minus
(+4) Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back
(+5) Caring: Cannot risk the lives of hostages

Note: you can never take conflict traits, so no being both weak to poisons and resistant to poisons. It just doesn’t work like that.
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Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Our story is set in Iron City, a massive urban area that once knew great prosperity but now has degraded, in many areas to disrepair. Here crime is rampant and it is easy for evil to take hold in men’s hearts, where Alpha Females have seen the start of a new resistance and have dispatched many of their best there to combat it.

I figure there could be arch villians, who when defeated would cause a drying up of their brand of evil, so if The order of the red staff is scattered, no more mages helping other groups.

Major threats include:

The order of the Red Staff, ancient order of male sorcerers, they have been crushed a doze times since the Roman Empire, but always survive to rebuild. They are ruled by the immortal wizard Narzarx. Who loans out his apprentices like mercenaries to give magical power to the other struggling groups of the city.

Red Viper Gang: a newer but ascendant gang of toughes, who deal primarily in drugs and slave trade, capturing and selling women off the street, they have great numbers and are well trained in the abduction of females. They have been know to provide muscle for othe3r groups in the form of squads of thugs.

Xz’Sstr’Ka, An alien trapped on earth he seeks to breed with Alpha Females who can birth him hybrids, and is know for his fickleness and raw power.

Dr. Pump: a degenerate scientist who seeks to sexually experiment of Alpha Females, many of his experiments involve the milk provided by unwilling subjects. He provides the male resistance with accurate information of Alpha Females Capabilities and weaknesses.

Lord Mind-master: a psion of massive power, he claims to be an “Alpha Male” something the Alpha Females scoff at. He seems to be able to unlock psionic abilities in anyone, though he does so only to his most loyal allies.

Black Mask Gang: Much smaller than the Red Vipers, this seems to be 2-4 men, some of which have minor super powers, they perform high profile burglaries and are renowned for their abilities with chloroform and knock-out gas.

MING: his simple name belies his scientific power, he breeds horrible tentacled and beastly monsters, breeding them to create greater and greater threats to womankind as a whole. His labs are hidden all over, and he has a small order of deadly warriors at his command in addition to his monsters
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Interest shown
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Hmm. This looks reminiscent to DoD. Which I liked and haven't been able to play forever. :p So consider my interest gotten as well!

:d *thumbs up*

One question though: will this be run here, or elsewhere?
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Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

it is, I had hoped to ask him in chat if it would be alright, abd if he objects I will remove it. as of right now do you have any suggestions?
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Hum. Not at present. But If I think of anything that would fit for this theme and setting I'll post it up here.
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

On second thought I can't really think of anything else. Again If I do ill just edit it in. Might look over old DoD just to see.

Okay how about -
(X)Different genetelia: Character has different genetelia then normal, granting an effect, or bonus. Cost depends on effect. (Player chooses effect, but GM will have to aprove/disaprove and price. Having multiple genetelia falls under this.)
(X)Extra equipment start: Start with extra equipment of your choice, remember to let the gm approve it and the price.
(X)Natural weapons: Character has natural weapons, granting bonusses depending on the weapon, mostly used in combat, but some things may help with other things. Cost depends on weapon/effect, GM has to approve it first.
(3)Casual puzzler: a 1 out of 20 chance that the character will see right through a puzzle or trap to see exactly how to disable it for every pick. Can be picked up to 5 times. Only works on small or simple puzzles.
(4)Puzzler: Requires Casual puzzler, applies the same chance to normal difficulty puzzles.
(5)Master puzzler: Requires puzzler, same chance will now apply to advanced puzzles.
(4)Bloodlust: Character can attack two times in one turn, but anything that happens to the character will get a +5 to its roll, including grapples, attacks, and even traps.
(3)Unusual Being- Does not need to breathe, and can survive some hostile areas some races cant. But some creatures rather like this, so these strange traits may make the character more desirable to them...
(0)Provoking: Hostiles are more interested in fighting the character. +5 to the chance of a monster wanting to fight.
(+5)Multiple-Pregnancies: (Female only) character may become pregnant again even while pregnant, can be taken once for each possible additional pregnancy. Max of 5. (Note this will be heavy on the character, and having 5 pregnancies going on at the same time will land her in trouble, provided she isn't already However, it won't cause anything a few good days of rest won't fix. Only the first pick gives +5, the second +6, third +7, fourth +8, last +9)
(+4)Connected holes, mouth:(Female only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to get pregnant by blowjobs.
(+4)Connected holes, anus:(Female only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by anal.
(+8)Connected ho-... 'part', skin:(Female only) The mentioned part of the character is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by having the part come in contact with cum.
(+2)'Free spirited': gets a -2 penalty to all rolls when using any kind of clothing covering more then half the torso. Can be picked up to 5 times.
(+5)Nudist: Wearing anything will incur a -3 penalty to all rolls for every piece of clothing or armour.
(+5)Pacifist: Gets a -5 to all combat rolls. May only be taken once.
(+4)Life Lover: Character can never kill anything, when the character does kill something by mistake or accident, he will get -10 to all rolls for 3 ingame days.
(+3)Claustrophobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a small space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+3)Agoraphobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a wide, open space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+2)Naturalist: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in Cities/Manmade Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Citydweller.
(+2)Citydweller: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in natural Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Naturalist.
(+4)Hemophobia: When the character sees blood, roll a d20, if the result is below 10, character will faint.
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Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

I had gone through his post and picked the ones I liked. I did have reasons fo not including some of these:

(X)Extra equipment start: Start with extra equipment of your choice, remember to let the gm approve it and the price.
(X)Natural weapons: Character has natural weapons, granting bonusses depending on the weapon, mostly used in combat, but some things may help with other things. Cost depends on weapon/effect, GM has to approve it first.
-This was not going to be included because you don't really have equipment, you take perks, if you shoot a ray gun or use a magic staff or fire lasers from you eyes, you take the RA perks to represent it. ifv you use a sword or fight with claws you use MT perks. Around is under the toughness perk.

(3)Casual puzzler: a 1 out of 20 chance that the character will see right through a puzzle or trap to see exactly how to disable it for every pick. Can be picked up to 5 times. Only works on small or simple puzzles.
(4)Puzzler: Requires Casual puzzler, applies the same chance to normal difficulty puzzles.
(5)Master puzzler: Requires puzzler, same chance will now apply to advanced puzzles.
-Was not going to includes puzzles

(4)Bloodlust: Character can attack two times in one turn, but anything that happens to the character will get a +5 to its roll, including grapples, attacks, and even traps.
-I just didnt feel berserking fit into the setting

(3)Unusual Being- Does not need to breathe, and can survive some hostile areas some races cant. But some creatures rather like this, so these strange traits may make the character more desirable to them...
-part of the point is being human

(+5)Multiple-Pregnancies: (Female only) character may become pregnant again even while pregnant, can be taken once for each possible additional pregnancy. Max of 5. (Note this will be heavy on the character, and having 5 pregnancies going on at the same time will land her in trouble, provided she isn't already However, it won't cause anything a few good days of rest won't fix. Only the first pick gives +5, the second +6, third +7, fourth +8, last +9)
(+4)Connected holes, mouthFemale only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to get pregnant by blowjobs.
(+4)Connected holes, anusFemale only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by anal.
(+8)Connected ho-... 'part', skinFemale only) The mentioned part of the character is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by having the part come in contact with cum.
-to me these all seemed weird and didn't really have a point,

(+2)'Free spirited': gets a -2 penalty to all rolls when using any kind of clothing covering more then half the torso. Can be picked up to 5 times.
(+5)Nudist: Wearing anything will incur a -3 penalty to all rolls for every piece of clothing or armour.
(+5)Pacifist: Gets a -5 to all combat rolls. May only be taken once.
(+4)Life Lover: Character can never kill anything, when the character does kill something by mistake or accident, he will get -10 to all rolls for 3 ingame days.
(+3)Claustrophobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a small space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+3)Agoraphobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a wide, open space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+2)Naturalist: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in Cities/Manmade Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Citydweller.
(+2)Citydweller: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in natural Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Naturalist.
(+4)Hemophobia: When the character sees blood, roll a d20, if the result is below 10, character will faint.
-I thought these were just too harsh of modifiers fort hings that can just as easily remain role playing.

On the topic of Unusual genitalia, I just don't like futa, nor would I really know whats hot for people who wold want to play a futa so I left it out. If someone else were to DM theywould be welcome to it. as with most of these can be included if specifically asked for.
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Alright. Is this going to be on Rachels chat it the forum.
Cuz I don't know how often or if I'll be able to get into there at all, so i would kind if prefer it on here. Not to push you or nothing.
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

i could be either, i'm not too picky. though I prefer chatroom because it is faster
Re: Iron City - Superheroine peril - Initial Ideas

Heres an example of a character to give you some idea on how it should work

Stats: Wondrous Woman
Strength 5
Skill 4
Intelligence 1
Wisdom 3
Body: 10/10
Mind: 15/15
Arousal 0/10
Mental Fortitude:100/100

8 Str Boost +5 ITEM
5 Skill +4 ITEM
1 intelligence +1
6 Wisdom +3
20 Mind boost x5
15 Toughness 5 ITEM
10 Regeneration ITEM
5 MT Multiple x2 ITEM
5 MT Knockback ITEM
2 Darksight ITEM
5 Flight ITEM
2 Waterbreathing ITEM
2 Extra Milk
0 Beautiful
5 Tracking
5 Advanced Tracking
Total: 91 (+10 base)

x Item of power: Belt of Osiris, if removed lose all powers with ITEM beside it price ajest taken into account
15 Weak to poisons x3
20 Bad escaper x5
3 Inattentive
2 Easy to Spot
5 Fetish: Chloroform/ knockout gas
4 Honorable
5 Caring
15 Secretly Submissive x5
5 Constantly Aroused
8 Nympho
9 Weak willed x3

Total 91