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Joanna Summers (X-man)

Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The warrior run toward the pair of rapers feeling the wind around her foul by themm and witth a move of her spea she land a hit in one of them making her notie by both, they leave the girl who was creampy and very filled by the cumm of both, Joanna then saw that the creatures were twisted by the dark essence and now had tentacles on their back and a dark skin.

Joanna 6/6
Annete 6/6

tentacle human 6/5
tentacle human 5/5
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Jo backs off slightly, wary of being entangled again, turning her head slightly, one eye still on the creatures she shouts to her friend "Stay at a distance and try to blast them with your magic, I'll keep them at bay so they don't grapple you."

Jo does her best to fight defensively, concentrating more on keeping the creatures occupied than on damaging them, leaving that part to the mage.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna stay firm bloking the exit of the alley and soon the tentaclres tried to grapple her, the warrior evaded the tentacles moving her staff and using her speed, some of them pass around her for inches. Then the magician girl make that the floor bellow the damaged creature turn into a stone stalagmite, one for one these big stone daggers mage a big damage on the creature until after some turns was able evade them, the weak creature saw the mage and run toward her but Joanne with a subite move hit the head of the creature. Unfortunately this make her prey of the other, many tentacles begin to disolve her remaining clothes with his slime, turning her on at the same time, but at least she saw how her friend impale the creature.

Joanna 5/6
Annete 6/6

Tentacle human 6/6
Tentacle human 0/6 (dead)

(9 turns)
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Jo simply growls at the creature, daring it to try and pass her, she continues to try and keep the path to her magical companion blocked.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The creature now had destroyed the remains of Joanna ´s clothes, the gilr struggle and try at lest to maintain busy then an icicle edge cut some of the tentacles of the creature but this dont leave his victim.

Joanna 4/6 ap 2 (-2 grappled)
Annete 6/6

Tentacle human 5/6
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna concentrates on escaping from the tentacles of the creature, struggling against it's grip as hard as she could.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

4 vs 20
4 vs 7
11 vs 8

The useless struggle of Joanna dont stop the creature to fondle and drench her body with the slime, soon she noted the tentacles getting inside her holes and her mouth get filled with an apendage who dont stop until be very deep of her throat making her nearly loos her breath, her mind was starting to betray her and soon the humanoid pump and secure her body who was boucing without stop. Her ally was trying to hit her captor but Joanna was very close

Joanna 2/6 ap 4 (-4 grappled)
Annete 6/6

Tentacle human 5/6
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Jo tries to push the lewd thoughts form her mind as the tentacles do thier best to rape her, she fights with all the strength she can muster to get the creature off her, hoping that Ann could finish it off quickly.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Even when she want to escape her body just give the welcome to the creatures apendages, even her hips try to get impaled by the creature and she get wet and ready, then the tentacles went inside her with full force and trying to take care of her before hunt the noise mage. Joanna feels how the hard sex was to much for her and she come after a pair of minutes as the creature evaded the spells of Annete. She then went to sleep in a loud moan.

The fight continued and a potent and precise ray get through the creature making him drop the poor Joanna on the floor, her breast bounce a little and she remain there until the fight end. Annete cast a magic followed for other as the creature get closer, then when he was close to grapple her a last magic sphere destroy him.

Joanna wake up in the alley close her friend, the other girl remain in the same place without wake up, her ears were pointed and she had fangs, her breasts leak milk and she had little protuberances on her back, she then with a loud moan arch her back and a cat tail sprout from her rear.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna awakens slowly, stretching and yawning she looks around seeing Ann and smiling before she jolts upright at the sight of the cat girl. "Wh-what the hell happened!?" She asks, shocked at how another girl seems to have undergone a transformation at the hands of the creatures.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

I dont know, its like a curse or something like that. I never saw or hear about this kind of magic Annete said as she get close to the girl, the transformation process look painfull but the lewd moans of the cat girl say other thing. Annete sumon some water and clean her, trying to stop the process but this dont stop until the girl transformation end, the girl ended with cat ears over her head, at least her face and body was human with a body more curved and atletic the girl stay there sleeping for a little more of time until Annete move the floor to trap her in case that she had losed her mind.

The catgirl wake up surprised by the move of the heard and make many mewls until saw her captor You are Annete, right? why do you make me this nya? The mage caress her head and the girl make purffs for a while then she noted the noise From where come that noise? Annete then sigh and free her We save you of a pair of monsters but, looks like we come late to avoid your transformation the girl get scared by the words of the make and look her body to check if she said the true, soon she saw her now slutty cat body and look to both girls Nooo! this is cant be happening, its just a dream or... a trick, you cast a spell on me to make a joke isnt, please return me to the normality, please the girl just sob and hug herself when she saw the faces of the two girl.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

"I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner." Jo says to the girl, feeling sorry for her. "We'll fix all this, we're trying to find a healer who can reverse these transformations. You're welcome to come along with us but it will be dangerous, there are a few pockets of survivors around too that might be safer to stay with if you'd prefer?"
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The girl raise her ears when heard the word healer, Im the helper of one, Mistress Elza went with the mayor of the city to his house, but i was trapped by the creatures and... Anette hug the catgirl and this moved her tail until the poor girl get calmed Its ok, you dont need to talk about this anymore, can you fight? so you are the helper of Elza, you are Mina? the girl noded and then said to Joanna i can only cast low healing spells and create medicines, i can go with you but, i will be usseles in a fight. Anyway, this cant get worse if they rape me again, right? Annete look to Joanna and said We cant lose more time, the creatures could been raping the healers or worse. Lets move to the house of the next healer


As this happen inside the game, a terrible event had been started to happen in the real world, many testers had been having problems with their games, some even had get on a deep comma and others had been traped in their games for an hour or more, but they had changed a loot, as if something really bad had happened to them for ages, a few of them luckyly stay sane and explain what happened to them, it looks like their games were corrupted and they appear in a world completely diferent and bizarre of what they choiced at the seetings, they tried to escape but it was not possible, for days, months or even years they had to survive inside the game who was filled of perver monsters and corrupted humans, getting worse as the time passed until they get caught in a hopeless situation, like a room filled of monsters, a breedder. Also some testers turned into sex slaves or even worse of towns filleds of demi creatures or monsters, not having any right and being useds in any degrading task for a life. The scientists tried to save the remaining testers but they were onlt able to save a few of them, unfortunately Joanna was also trapped inside, but only the time could said what will happen with her, maybe she have the luck enought to escape safe of this world before all get worse.
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