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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'll go ahead and vote for A1, E3 and B1. A1 because it's always handy to have a full set of supplies, E3 because that outfit is really useful, but I think it'd be more fun to leave its sexual-ness intact and we can always use it on someone else to incapacitate them. And B1 just to save on cash and also there is a chance of loot from any monsters we end up having to fend off.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Alias, the 25 Rupees on Romani has already been taken out. The previous update Link had 340.

A2 - 50 Rupees
B - 50 Rupees
(if helpful)
D - 20 Rupees
E2 - 100 Rupees

(E3 - 100 Rupees if B is ignored)

Total Cost: 220 (270 if B dropped and E3 included)

I think the partial restock is all we'll really need. Remember, we can find items in grass and other places, and finding a chest with bombs when we're already fully stocked would be disheartening. A Green Tunic would be good just so we get a functional outfit, and having something familiar could make Link a little more confident. I say attempt to uncurse the Cursed Dress because I'm curious what kind of bonus it could bestow. It may also help when trying to rescue Cremia since the Slavers would most likely recognize the dress for what it was and drop their guard.

The only part I question is the dress for Romani. If she does get attacked again will the combat dress noticeably assist her in another fight? If not then I say scratch that and buy the Large Magic Bag instead.


Just to help keep Romani a little safer while we can.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Shopping: A2, D, E1.

Bathing A1.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Alias, the 25 Rupees on Romani has already been taken out. The previous update Link had 340.
B - 50 Rupees[/b] (if helpful)
The only part I question is the dress for Romani. If she does get attacked again will the combat dress noticeably assist her in another fight? If not then I say scratch that and buy the Large Magic Bag instead.

Rupee count is accurate. 340 - 25 = 315, your current count of what you can spend.

As for the dress. This was a "fancy dress" not a combat one. It's similar to the non-combat dress Link would buy for herself. Combat penalties if trying to wear it in a fight, but it's designed more for formal events and showing off, especially towards high class merchants and nobility. (Note: The dress alone won't be enough to impress them, but it would be a start, and could impress commoners.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hrm... yay, shopping! I vote for:
  • A1 - full restock. Might this include something for Link's empty bottle?
  • D - buy a brand-new Green Tunic, Link's favourite form of dress
  • E3 - spend 100 rupees on an Anti-Magic Bag
  • F - investigates a "mystery chest"
Afterwards, I vote B3 - Link gets a private room at the Inn to clean up in and invites Romani in with her.

That-all leaves Link with 0 rupees... but I'm sure we'll be bashing monsters and bushes and whatnot soon enough. Assuming the "mystery chest" doesn't itself contain rupees, of course...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

D (Incase the enchant fails)

For G, is there anyway we can get good, military-grade chain-mail?

Bathing- B1
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hrm... yay, shopping! I vote for:
  • A1 - full restock. Might this include something for Link's empty bottle?
  • D - buy a brand-new Green Tunic, Link's favourite form of dress
  • E3 - spend 100 rupees on an Anti-Magic Bag
  • F - investigates a "mystery chest"
Afterwards, I vote B3 - Link gets a private room at the Inn to clean up in and invites Romani in with her.

That-all leaves Link with 0 rupees... but I'm sure we'll be bashing monsters and bushes and whatnot soon enough. Assuming the "mystery chest" doesn't itself contain rupees, of course...

Hmmmm swapping votes to this... Mostly because it leaves Link at 0 rupees... Possibly can lead to prositution in a feature area for rupees..
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Partial restock because Link really doesn't ever use all her equipment. A fancy dress for Romani just to be nice, and a new green tunic to get Link back in the "hero" mindset. Try to decurse the outfit so Link always has some backup. And bathe in the lake for a little fun ;)

Shopping: A2, B, D, E2
Bath: B1
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hrm... yay, shopping! I vote for:
  • A1 - full restock. Might this include something for Link's empty bottle?
  • D - buy a brand-new Green Tunic, Link's favourite form of dress
  • E3 - spend 100 rupees on an Anti-Magic Bag
  • F - investigates a "mystery chest"
Afterwards, I vote B3 - Link gets a private room at the Inn to clean up in and invites Romani in with her.

That-all leaves Link with 0 rupees... but I'm sure we'll be bashing monsters and bushes and whatnot soon enough. Assuming the "mystery chest" doesn't itself contain rupees, of course...

I'll endorse this as:
  • It never hurts to be prepared.
  • The laws of the Zelda universe demand Link to have a green tunic.
  • An anti-magic bag has more uses than one.
  • Gambling is fun at times.

Plus we can make more money in the future, regardless of prostitution or not (actually a bad option given that last time only procured 15 rupees. Not worth it really :p)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


Originally Posted by DeMatt
Hrm... yay, shopping! I vote for:
A1 - full restock. Might this include something for Link's empty bottle?
D - buy a brand-new Green Tunic, Link's favourite form of dress
E3 - spend 100 rupees on an Anti-Magic Bag
F - investigates a "mystery chest"
Afterwards, I vote B3 - Link gets a private room at the Inn to clean up in and invites Romani in with her.

That-all leaves Link with 0 rupees... but I'm sure we'll be bashing monsters and bushes and whatnot soon enough. Assuming the "mystery chest" doesn't itself contain rupees, of course...


Going with this. For some reason i dont see a strong reason not to invest the money we earn. After all the better equiped the hero is, the best.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hrm... yay, shopping! I vote for:
  • A1 - full restock. Might this include something for Link's empty bottle?
  • D - buy a brand-new Green Tunic, Link's favourite form of dress
  • E3 - spend 100 rupees on an Anti-Magic Bag
  • F - investigates a "mystery chest"
Afterwards, I vote B3 - Link gets a private room at the Inn to clean up in and invites Romani in with her.

That-all leaves Link with 0 rupees... but I'm sure we'll be bashing monsters and bushes and whatnot soon enough. Assuming the "mystery chest" doesn't itself contain rupees, of course...

Yeah, let's go with this. Especially that last part with Romani, heh.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Not forgotten, just slow to update, as I warned everyone it would be this time around. Just making a gentle bump to inform people. I am around, and I am still updating when I can get the time to sit down and handle it.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Well, I know I'm not the first, but I'm a relatively long time lurker in this place, and I gotta come out of hiding to say this thread is one of the most impressive I've ever seen, keep up the good work! *Scurries back into my dungeon*
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I would like to know too. : )
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

i wish it werent, best zelda game ever and thread ever!!!!!!!! technically a long time lurker, tho dont think of myself as much of 1. only hated how no1 voted for romani's safety way back when, every1 wanted to take there chances with action to action/post to post :mad: probably wouldve gotten to her just b4 the garo leader did his mind spell thing and tossed the cursed outfit or just after, b4 he got to a foot away from romani, and that outfit reminds of the idle hand from that silly horror movie not sure if thats the title :D :p
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I believe Kathy has mentioned in the shout that this CYOA is for all intents and purposes dead.