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Lexwyn Chronicle One/Clover Grove Prelude


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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I've been meaning to write this forever. Two of my primary characters, and one example of how they "know" each other. Takes place in the Clover Grove universe, where Lexwyn is known as Alexis and both are NPCs. (And no, I don't godmod them)

And yes, the "one" in the title means I may make more at some point in the future.


Night was falling across the small, woodland camp as two figures worked to get ready for a good night's sleep. There was no fire, these were two soldiers in a foreign, if not hostile land. They were not in any real danger, they were helping their ally, the government of this land, hunt down drug lords, after all, but it was still in their best interest to remain hidden, lest the local get suspicious.

Laying down her bedding was one Corporal Alexis Rider, her medium length red hair blowing gently in the cool breeze. She was tired, having spent most of the day crawling along the edge of the woods, watching for any suspicious activity. The area was a hotbed for gangs, not within the woods itself, but around it. Their primary mission was just stealthy observation, not the most physically demanding work, but tense and dirty, especially when the ground was moist from recent rain, as it was now.

On the other side of the tiny clearing was her partner, Corporal Natalie Enns. She was humming to herself as she finished the last of her dinner, a fish she'd plucked out of a nearby stream as opposed to the usual rations. Natalie seemed somewhat out of place, she was very undisciplined, even more so out away from the authority of the officers or the Sergeant. In a good mood as always, she flipped her black ponytail back and forth as she started to put away her trash, she wore her hair almost past regulation length, longer sometimes when she knew she could get away with it. She loved being out here in “the wild” as she had been known to put it, and was at an all time peak of rebelliousness. Sometimes it was a wonder how she'd even managed to get in the army in the first place.

As Alexis lay down, Natalie came over and plopped her bedding down right next to her comrade, close enough to touch. “We should snuggle, it might a little chilly tonight.” Not waiting for a reply, Natalie moved in quickly, wearing a cheery smile. While Natalie was known for her promiscuity, and for her somewhat unorthodox views about sexuality, Alexis only sighed for the moment. They had known each other since they were about sixteen and were “best friends”, though their relationship was quite strange at times. She thought nothing of her friend's flirtatious way of doing things, knowing better by now then to argue with the woman. In fact, after working alone for much of today, Alexis even felt like poking fun at her comrade's mannerisms tonight, relishing conversation of any sort.

“Is that the line you used last week on Hoffmann?” Alexis tensed a bit as Natalie wormed in next to her. They had discarded their heavy jackets for the night, their white undershirts rubbing gently together. “I swear, people are going to start thinking you're trying to sleep your way to the top...” The redhead scowled, having a very low opinion of women who stooped to that level.

“You're such a prude. You know I don't do it for that reason. I do it because it feels good.” Natalie smirked, she loved to tease her friend about things like this. However, tonight something was different, and an interesting idea crept into her head. She glanced over at Alexis, sizing her up. In their work the past few days they'd seen lots of hot men and women, most of the low life around here was of the very fit variety, and Natalie hadn't had even the chance to relieve her own desires lately, let alone get her freak on with someone else. She'd always wanted to do her best friend, as well, and while she'd had chances before, she'd never been as pent up as she was right now. Slipping an arm around the woman with a sly grin, she decided to see how much she could put the moves on Alexis tonight. “You know, I really should show you how good it feels. You're missing out on a lot, you know. There's no shame in seeking out pleasure.”

Alexis flinched away slightly. Sure, Natalie had teased her a little aggressively in the past, but she could tell her friend was a little more determined this time. “No! We shouldn't... it is... you are... ugh”. She couldn't find the right words, not at all. Natalie was prepared for this type of response, knowing her friend quite well.

“What? I know it isn't because you don't like women. Indeed, you can be 'Little Miss Man-Hater' sometimes.” She leaned into Alexis slightly, stroking her leg slightly. Natalie tried to position herself as if holding the redhead, just a little bit, making her feel more comfortable. Alexis was very shy, and while tough as nails, it was obvious to those close to her that she was needy, deep down. Natalie's warm breath rolling down her neck chipped away at her inhibitions, and soon she was yielding to the other woman's desires.

“I'm... just not sure.... I... you know.” Alexis looked away, to the ground. She had never been with anybody else in this way, and kind of wanted her first time to be special. Natalie quickly shushed her, but gave the redhead a moment to think, before smiling, knowing she had won.

“Look. Everybody touches themselves, you can't deny that,” Alexis blushed slightly as her comrade drove the deal home, “this won't be any different. We're friends, best friends, and friends help each other. Plus, I think you deserve to be shown a good time.” Natalie slowly trailed her hand up from Alexis' pants, up to her waistline, pushing at it gently. Taking a deep breath, the raven haired woman softened for a moment, looking into her friend's eyes. While Natalie was being rather pushy, she wouldn't do anything against her friend's wishes. “I promise I'll be gentle, and do my best to make you feel wonderful. I won't break your virgin barrier either, okay?” The two stared at each other for several seconds, but before long Alexis weakly nodded. Truth be told, her heart was racing, excited for this opportunity. It surprised even herself, but Alexis was getting turned on very much by being held, as it were. She hated to show her soft side, but when she could safely it felt amazing.

Smiling sweetly, Natalie kissed the redhead on the forehead, then slid her hand down, into Alexis' pants and under her panties. The woman gasped as her comrade rubbed along the outside of her womanhood, carefully avoiding her sensitive nub. Natalie wanted to go slow, to make this experience last awhile, no sense making too much pleasure to fast. Her smile began to take on smirk like appearance, she enjoyed watching people wriggle in pleasure from her touch.

For her part, Alexis arched her back hard before relaxing in Natalie's grasp. The feeling of someone else's hands on her nethers was at least ten times better then the feeling of her own, and the fun was just starting! She was moaning already, unused to sudden pleasure. Looking up, she couldn't help but shiver in pleasure as she saw the look on her friend's face.

Deciding it was time to take it up a notch, Natalie rubbed harder, though not necessarily faster. Her skillful hands now lightly brushed against Alexis' clit a few times, making the woman convulse with pleasure each time. Natalie was very horny by this point, so was in need of some fingering herself. “See honey, doesn't this feel nice?” She used her spare hand to stroke Alexis' face while hitting her nub hard. However, then she slowed, almost to a standstill, leaving the redhead wanting more, she made puppy dog eyes begging for Natalie to resume. “Not so fast, you have to pleasure me, too.” Taking the woman's closest hand in hers, Natalie moved it to her own pants, lightly stuffing it down into her panties. Patting it through the fabric, she leaned over to kiss Alexis again in encouragement. “You're doing good. Now, just explore down there a little bit, don't be shy. You can even stick your fingers inside me.” She rubbed her comrade's womanhood harder again, keeping her horny and moaning, knowing it would be good motivation. For the moment she also gently rubbed her friend's hand, sometimes guiding her, but mostly content to feel the fingers working from both sides, starting to sigh softly in pleasure.

Alexis pressed herself tightly against Natalie, sliding a finger into her friend and gently feeling around. “Rub like I do you.” The raven haired woman called out little shreds of advice, all of which Alexis did her best to follow. She was still thinking about those massive bursts of pleasure she had had, but this low level feeling, while laying next to Natalie's warm body was also nice, very much so. Natalie seemed to be enjoying it too, after telling her to stick another finger inside she had moved her arm back to hug her. Alexis cooed softly, burring her head against the the dominant woman, who was also vocalizing her pleasure with deep, content noises.

Natalie kept them like this for many minutes, around half an hour, the only sounds in the forest coming from the two lover's mouths and sticky fingers. Someone as experienced as her would never achieve orgasm with fingering this gentle, and she was careful to regulate Alexis' pleasure. However, she was growing bored, deciding it was time for them both to cum. “Okay, enough of this. Now I'm going to show you what it feels like to reach the ultimate peak of pleasure. But first, you're going to have to do some work too.” She almost ran out of breath, moaning a bit just thinking about it. She took a moment to use her free hand to tighten her pants, not exactly trapping Alexis hand, but certainly pressing on it hard. “Here's what we're going to do. I want you to get rough. Pump your fingers hard and rub my clit, the better a job you do, the more pleasure I'll give you, got it?” Alexis looked up and weakly nodded again, Natalie moved her arm back to cuddle, almost possessively so as she began to stroke the woman's side.

The redhead did her best, it was far from the best fingering Natalie had ever had, but it would do. She did her best to “reward” Alexis just the right amount for her efforts. She could feel her pleasure building, like a knot deep inside her, as her friend was once more squirming like crazy in her arms. The movements increased Natalie's pleasure as it added small jerkings to the rhythm Alexis was working with. Natalie wanted to cum first, but was afraid Alexis' inexperience would mean she would soon, long before the raven haired girl was ready. She leaned down, right to Alexis' ear, licking it slightly before letting out a feral growl. “I need you to do better.” The redhead's moans skipped a beat as she instinctively scrunched up a bit, but she complied. Closing her eyes, she pumped harder and harder, her hand visibly bulging out Natalie's pants. “Good... good...” Natalie's voice was still gruff, she continued licking and nipping at her friend. She hadn't planned on showing what she considered signs of affection such as this, but she was really getting into their lovemaking.

With the increased activity at her groin, Natalie could feel that she wouldn't last much longer. Picking up her speed for the redhead, she clutched Alexis tightly, pushing the woman's head into her covered breasts. She rubbed her legs together with the hand still between them, still fingering her. By chance Alexis managed to hit Natalie's g-spot, providing the final push needed to send the woman over. She jerked her head back, eyes going wide, grunts and growls turning into a sharp moan. Her panties were instantly soaked, even more so then they were already, Alexis' hand was similarly coated. She couldn't help but try and buck and grind, a gruff “Keep it in!” managing to be heard through the moan. Alexis' moans increased as well, surprised and a bit startled by the sucking feeling against her fingers, but the tightness of Natalie's pants as well as her legs keeping the redhead in position.

Regaining some control as her orgasm started to fade, Natalie rolled over, getting an even better hold on her lover, both of their hand's still locked in position. She started rubbing as hard as she dared, tempted to enter the virgin, but manage to restrain herself. As she worked Alexis' clit she cradled the redhead with her other arm, gently stroking her hair. “You've done well, time to experience the ultimate form of pleasure. Let yourself go, you can do it.” The soft words, spoken by Natalie's strong voice was all Alexis needed, her orgasm exploding at once as Natalie continued to pet and pleasure her. The raven haired woman stifled her lover's moan gently with her lips, Alexis' voice really carried, a little too loud for comfort. She continued to pump the redhead's womanhood, making her orgasm last longer then it would have. Alexis was in a trance-like state, bucking upwards against Natalie's hand as she felt the most pleasure she'd ever had.

Eventually the feeling faded into the warm embrace of the afterglow. Both exhausted women lay on their backs, legs slightly spread, hands still on their lover's privates, panting to catch their breath. Natalie spoke first, slowly withdrawing her hand, leaving a trail of cum against Alexis soft skin as she brought it to her mouth to clean off. “See, that wasn't so bad, now as it.” Alexis could only mumble something in reply, though it sounded positive. Natalie squeezed her tight and smiled, turning the redhead to watch as she sexily licked off the cum on her fingers. “You taste good, you know. Women always taste better.” Her friend smiled slightly, and lay back down. “Tired? I suppose first times are pretty intense...” Alexis' head bobbed twice in reply. “Well, sleep tight then, I'll be right here all night.” The redhead drifted off quickly as Natalie watched, smiling and petting her head.

Sighing, Natalie stretched out and relaxed a bit, not quite sleepy enough to fall asleep yet. She felt Alexis' hand still between her leg, and gently removed it. The woman must be extremely tired, as she was a light sleeper and would usually wake at anything. She tested her luck by licking off her own cum from her comrade. She was still kind of horny, getting more so as she replaced love juice with saliva. Alexis did not wake up, though she did mutter in her sleep, dreaming already.

Putting her friend's hand back, Natalie reflected on what had just happened. She mentally added Alexis to her impressive list of conquests, something she'd always wanted to do. Looking over at the woman's sleeping form she couldn't resist feeling around on her body a little more. Exploring with one hand, her other went down her own pants, she felt like she could cum another time before bed...
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