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[WIP - Full] LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]


Totally is a Pervert
Jun 24, 2016
Reputation score
LoadAgain~The Dog, the Girl and the Golden Treasure~

Hey all,

As you may or may not have seen on the first post, I'm working on this full translation with Bryanis. That of course means that for now, Sword Princess Fine (in my sig if you haven't seen it ;)) is postponed for now. At the moment I'm more motivated to do this at the moment. That said, I'm still busy with revising for exams this month so I'm not sure when I'll be free and as such so there won't be an ETA or anything like that (not that I would've given one anyway, can't meet those lol).

On the translation itself, it's got a fair bit done already, but not enough to be released as of yet. If you want a halfway release let us know and when we've got to that point we'll upload it for you guys. Likewise, if you just want it released near full that's also fine, just let us know. As of when we'd get to halfway is another issue since some scenes are longer than others as shown in the picture above (that scene in particular will be a pain...) and I would like to QC before we release it so be patient but hopefully you won't have to wait too long. This game is pretty text heavy in some parts so all encouragement will be appreciated. ;)

Lastly a special mention to Wahoo for help with a bit of the translation. Wahoo helped with my last full translation (Safi's Ecchi Adventure, check it out in my sig...another shameless plug I know...) and kR1pt0n1t3 for help with some scripting errors, he's done a few partials and a full as well so check them out if you haven't already.


Demon Girl
Jan 17, 2014
Reputation score
Re: LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]

I`m a big fan of Z-jirushi Games so it`s a very goos news to me!
Wish you luck with your work!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Re: LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]

I`m a big fan of Z-jirushi Games so it`s a very goos news to me!
Wish you luck with your work!
Me too, that's why I made my debut in translation with this game.

I'm kinda worried about his current work though - mystic mine being straightforward, the blond knight being small and easy... But at least he explained for both of these game (Mystic mine because he was using it to experiment the corruption system, the blond knight because he want to gave peoples something wihle he was busy tinkering with rpg maker).
yet nothing on the next small game, and not much on his latest work (delayed, should have been out late april), and he won't have colored cg due to the game system (lot of custom character) - so I'm a bit apprehensive of his next work, but wait & see.
At least for now I got my hands full with what I think is his best rpg so far :D


Demon Girl
Jan 17, 2014
Reputation score
Re: LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]

I'm kinda worried about his current work though - mystic mine being straightforward, the blond knight being small and easy... But at least he explained for both of these game (Mystic mine because he was using it to experiment the corruption system, the blond knight because he want to gave peoples something wihle he was busy tinkering with rpg maker).
Well, I`ve played both of this games and know what you are saying.
While the blond knight was kinda dissappointing (too short game, too little CGs) I enjoyed playing Mystic mine with its battle rape and corruption system.

yet nothing on the next small game, and not much on his latest work (delayed, should have been out late april), and he won't have colored cg due to the game system (lot of custom character) - so I'm a bit apprehensive of his next work, but wait & see.
All we can and need to do is just to wait. Hopefully all kinds of delays and postpones will be as small as possible.

At least for now I got my hands full with what I think is his best rpg so far :D
Man, and now I`m so hyped about your work! Thank you (and also thanks to Tottaly Not a Pervert:D) for the efforts! ;)


Totally is a Pervert
Jun 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]

Just an update on the translation effort.

It's still progressing, slowly as ever though. Since I last posted on here I've done 4 H-scenes and Bryanis has done all the dungeons and battle talk. In any case, from now I'll be posting updates for this on Fukukaze's discord server that he made for translation projects.

Feel free to ask questions or nag at us for being slow ;)

If you want a halfway patch, you'd be better of going there since we'll only post updates here when there's been a significant amount of progress and the only patch that will appear here is when we finally have a full translation for you.


Demon Girl
Jan 17, 2014
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Re: LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]

Thanks for the great news!


Totally is a Pervert
Jun 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: LoadAgain ~犬と少女と黄金の秘宝~ [RJ133001]

Quick update on here. Didn't do that much last month since I was more burned out from exams than I thought I was, will get back on it soon. Threw a "halfway storywise" patch up on the discord so check that out if you want (look in my sig for a link). Nothing's been proofread but should be fine for now.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Any new update of this game?!
You could say it's on hold.
Burn my wing on it doing to much too quickly. And get manage to get back to it after taking a break.
Still try, but don't manage to do any real work. But I don't gave up yet.

So far, the untested translated content is roughly 20% of the H scene, all the items / skill and in battle text, all dungeon and about 50 % of the 2 towns.

I'm really sorry to make all of you guy wait :(

PS : Immatopervert who's kindly helping me on it may have done some more work on it, but he have is own translation project so not certain how much he did on it since the last checking.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
It on hold for an undefined period.
Between personal life and work, I lose motivation - so I'm only progressing at snail pace.
But I know myself : I'm not one to leave something started unfinished. Once I got some motivation back, thing will start progressing quickly.
Sadly I can't tell when this will happen.

as now, translation is like :
Story = 75% done (and alll story related content left are, sadly, a about half a dozen big wall text)
non h text (including story) = around 55%
H scene = a bit above 20%

I try to avoid the h part for know, but yeah, don't keep checking for update. The day I made some progress I'll update.
And if I throw the towel, I'll post too to let peoples know (and maybe hand over the work to anyone willing to finish in my stead).


New member
Nov 1, 2018
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Dammit. I saw 180926 update. But there is no link for this version. Well, what about the translation work? Is it possible to do this version?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Aplying the trnalation to the latest update will delete the new content so far. Plus the cg gallery save system was changed in the last update, so just porting your save over the new version will leave you with an empty gallery, so porting the translation on the last gmae version might just break some thing. For the moment I'm more into trying to get into finishing the version I was working on - There just one more scene added on the last version and the gallery save system changed.
As far as the new scene is concerned, it only occur on the last dungeon, so it's just a trigger on theses map and the common event to edit. But the thing is to port over what was already translated.
I'll have to figure later on if there a way to port over the translation other than massive copy & paste (and yet, I didin't use rpgtrans tool because I really though the game wouldn't have update and use the opportunity to get a good look into rpg maker working system).


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Still anemic snail pace. Same reason.
Plus Since I though the game was finished I directly edited it so I'm not even sure where I'll start to update to the latest content (one extra scene cold have been done with copying the extra content in the old version, but I don't know how to handle the change in the gallery - ie how the switch are saved in a different save file and all it mean).

And before someone ask, the current translation isn't tested so I won't release it.


New member
Jul 12, 2020
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Can I get an invite to the discord server? Interested in Z-jirushi games. The invite is expired.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
Knock knock, it's me again, just checking in for my bi-annual status check. How's life?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Knock knock, it's me again, just checking in for my bi-annual status check. How's life?
Full of problems.

Lost the latest version I had during a computer switch when the old one died. Lot of work taking me away from home frequently... so I end up not working on it during big period.
Wihle I do try to keep at it, it's best to consider it "on hiatus / hold" because I really can't spare enough time for it (sorry, but I prefer to use my free time to unwind at the moment rather than translate a game - since it's all tool & dictionary since I don't know a word of Japanese and English isn't my native language too....). And I can't see a change in my work load untill next fall.....

If someone when to take over they can PM me.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
Full of problems.

Lost the latest version I had during a computer switch when the old one died. Lot of work taking me away from home frequently... so I end up not working on it during big period.
Wihle I do try to keep at it, it's best to consider it "on hiatus / hold" because I really can't spare enough time for it (sorry, but I prefer to use my free time to unwind at the moment rather than translate a game - since it's all tool & dictionary since I don't know a word of Japanese and English isn't my native language too....). And I can't see a change in my work load untill next fall.....

If someone when to take over they can PM me.
Oh damn, sheesh, translating without speaking the language is one hell of an undertaking. Don't stress about it mang, just a porn game.