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MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Spriting

Looking nice,like barreytor said arms are still a little off but they are bent so maybe could bend out a bit more or fool around with the shading a bit so the middle looks further in, but they are a lot better than before, you may also have to do some more frames for a nicer jiggle or have the second frame move up a bit at the breast area but it may be too dynamic with just 4 frames.

You know, after looking at your example I realized something...the real problem are the legs, too short. Also, liked your detailing a lot. Though I don't think it's my style, I like to make them more cartoony. Also a lot easier to animate =P.

Yea if you proportion your stuff nicely you notice some things are too short or too long, it happens.It really doesn't change much for any style of artwork for how long it takes to animate you pretty much need to put just as much effort for anything. I find the first fame is usually the longest part.It can take much more time if you do a large transition like almost all fighting games do, but if the movements are compact to the first frame, it is usually just minor changes to the first frame
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Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Spriting

I would love to use more frames but I will be using the "stepping animation" of RPG Maker typical of older RPGs like Dragon Quest, which are just sets of 3 frames like this: middle, left, middle, right...

I already made the left and right view, almost finished the back view too but been busy yesterday and today, going to try to finish it today before going to bed though. :)
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Well, I changed the name of the thread from spriting to digital art because I'd like to share things besides sprites to get feedback and didn't think I should open a whole different thread just for drawings. I have been practicing mostly drawing, not so much spriting, though I will try to do a few each week too.

I'm kind of delaying the game because I felt I needed some practice first, though it's very hard to do since I'm always getting ideas for it and for games after that one and I just want to work on them :rolleyes:

I'm trying to get up early to practice because I realized at night I'm just beat and just want to rest so I end procrastinating a lot.

So, here's the first one I did as practice this week. The shadows and highlights aren't refined at all, I just put something quick as reference to refine later as I wanted to just move on to the next drawing I have in mind. I'm focusing first on the drawing themselves, trying to get a style, which is the main reason I'm practicing before the game.


What do you think? Any feedback is welcome :D
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

I'd like to know what kind of style you like since I'd rather not try to influence you to simply "fix" anything you do, although it's good to memorize some basic rules.

My first impression is that the body is "big", perhaps wide in general. I think the thin neck is giving that impression away. Other than that, you seem to have some basics covered that I can't criticize your artworks immediately.

Some of my personal techniques take extra time, so don't try to break your back maintaining something beyond your capability. If you're interested in eye style, however, I'm gonna post something in the next hour about mine in my thread.
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Hmmmm... that's kind of a hard question. Well, maybe not too hard, just that a good answer may get a little long, but yeah, overall I was going for big milf style body, I actually had to make her taller as I was drawing because I did saw it was too wide at that point, I'll try playing around with the neck too, see if I like it a little bit wider.

So, for the styles, I'll give you a short answer now (tired, going to sleep =P) and then I'll think a better one for another post.

Just skimming over it, I can say I like big breasts, I use Chichinoe books a lot for reference, love that style of bodies and though I like pretty much everything about that style (forgot the artist name right now...), I don't see myself using the same coloring, hair and face styles, the eyes I think I can take a bit. I also love body styles like the sorcerer from Dragon's Crown, kind of a combination of slender body and big boobs. I like Super Sonico style, big girls with "meat" but not fat. Something I'd like to emphasize a lot is the curves, the hip bones, meaty thighs, etc. Coloring wise, I'd like to keep it simple, don't know yet if I prefer to use sharp or soft shadows, I've been doing courses on digital tutors and I liked a lot the cell shading they do there (soft) but I noticed that most drawings I like, have sharp shadows (like yours). I also usually prefer the sexy older sister or milf kind of face but I expect to draw kind of high school girl face for some situations, not loli though.

The eyes, I haven't thought much about it yet, like I said, I like Chichinoe style but they are a bit too detailed for what I think would be more my style. I'll check your post.

And that's about it, what I can think of right now. Thanks for the feedback :D
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

In terms of art feedback; aren't those legs a tad too long? I might be wrong, but they feel like that, as far as I can tell.
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Well, yes, they are. Actually I was going for that. Realistically speaking, it would be bad drawing, but being stilized I think it's ok, at least for my tastes. Which I think it's probably the thing here. I'll leave a picture here as comparison.


That's a figure of one of Inoue Takuya's drawing in the book Chichinoe, which I heavily use as reference for body style :D
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

I refrained from commenting about her thigh length, but I think it's important to rectify the mistake. If you can indirectly measure and compare, try not to make her thigh longer than the torso length. Think of it this way: A bent up leg cannot reach beyond the collar bone when you sit straight up. Also, a fine comparison error I see is that the shin needs to be a tad bit longer, but try not to go far with that either. This is also based on your reference model (and artist) I searched up.

Most importantly, however, try to expose yourself to us with all kinds of pose drawings you can produce. Sometimes being your own teacher is better than relying on references. And every perspective is bound to question your handle with anatomy
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Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Please, don't refrain, I do want every bit of feedback :)

So, basically, make the knee a bit higher. Got it, I'll try that along with widening the neck a bit, see the result.

Well, about different poses and situations, that's exactly why I didn't bother too much with the shadows and highlights, I wanted to move on. That was basically introducing a character who I plan to use on my practices because I thought that would help with maintaining characters recognizable. So, it should also serve as a reference for next drawings.

Here's what I'm currently working on, I did a extremely rough overall pose and refined a bit the faces in the morning, and I just refined it until here. Btw, before inking I do work veeery, very rough :rolleyes:

*Well, Photobucket is sucking ass right now, can't upload the pic, I guess I should get a tumblr for this as you did :(*

EDIT: Finally!


EDIT2: Btw! I think I remember reading in your thread something about wanting to delve into game making yourself, not just the art, I saw this yesterday and thought you may find it useful

Some stuff in the bundle is utter crap (like Game Guru), but it has some nice resources :D
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Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

So, basically, make the knee a bit higher. Got it, I'll try that along with widening the neck a bit, see the result.

I think that's what threw my body-proportion-sense off, on your reference example, the thighs and lower legs (shins? English isn't my first language) are fairly natural-looking in proportion to each other, making movement look fluid, whereas your piece had the thighs be a bit too long.

I like you next piece.

Just a question - inside the futa's right arm (from the viewer's perspective) there's a shape that reached downwards, but doesn't appear to connect to the shoulder, so it doesn't appear to be an arm - is it the lower reaches of the smaller girl's hair?
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

I think that's what threw my body-proportion-sense off, on your reference example, the thighs and lower legs (shins? English isn't my first language) are fairly natural-looking in proportion to each other, making movement look fluid, whereas your piece had the thighs be a bit too long.

I like you next piece.

Just a question - inside the futa's right arm (from the viewer's perspective) there's a shape that reached downwards, but doesn't appear to connect to the shoulder, so it doesn't appear to be an arm - is it the lower reaches of the smaller girl's hair?

Your first thought is right, is the smaller girl's arm, it is connected to her shoulder but it's overlapped by the girl's boob. Maybe when colored it will make more sense :confused:

A lot more clean:

It's pretty much ready for inking which I will do later tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll just detail a little more the futa girl's hair, maybe change the feet a bit, I'm not entirely convinced with those proportions and also see if I should show some of the futa girl's other boob on the other side of the smaller girl's neck. Of course, I'll take in account any feedback too :)
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

I definitely see you building up some kind of style. What first came into mind is the narrow shoulder of the giant futa. A hold from behind is pretty tough to draw, in my experience. I think her left bicep is moving inward too much, and what might help is to express the elbow cap area a little more.

Oh, and her dick's front bulge might be too thin, according to where the outline is.
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Aaaah, it's the cow-girl's breast, gotcha. ;)

I think maybe that the cock's "joint" seems a bit too narrow. The way the lines draw together towards the clit kinda makes it look like the dick is barely hanging on. Maybe straightening the lines a bit before they end?
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

I definitely see you building up some kind of style. What first came into mind is the narrow shoulder of the giant futa. A hold from behind is pretty tough to draw, in my experience. I think her left bicep is moving inward too much, and what might help is to express the elbow cap area a little more.

Oh, and her dick's front bulge might be too thin, according to where the outline is.

I think the shoulder probably seems like that because there's no color and I don't use shadows while doing the rough sketch, here I roughly drew in blue the actual size of the arm, does it still seem too narrow? =O

In red I also drew the elbow cap, is that where you meant?


Totally agree with you on the bulge, didn't notice it, will change it before inking

As always thanks for the feedback :D

I think maybe that the cock's "joint" seems a bit too narrow. The way the lines draw together towards the clit kinda makes it look like the dick is barely hanging on. Maybe straightening the lines a bit before they end?

Yeah, I think the problem is that the base of the dick is too close to the pussy, the curved lines give the impression it's bent upward, if I straightened the lines it would look like her dick is a missile always pointing to the ceiling xD

Thanks, I will play around with that too before inking :)
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Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Cleaner. base colors on. Had a hard time deciding going for brownish or light bluish skin for the futa, for now I will keep it brown but I will make both versions, see how that goes. The rest of the weekend will be for my other hobbies so next updates will be next week :)

(I noticed the brown spot between the girl's breasts and the futa's arm that should be the girl skin color when I was uploading the pic, I'll fix that next time :rolleyes:)

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Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Wow! That cleaned up great!

The dick looks to be in a much more anatomically plausible position now. :)
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Look really great after colorered!
Re: MajinLuffy's Rocky Road to Digital Art

Thanks, I decided adding a background so I can practice a bit more the lighting and also working on the variations, but it's going slow, not much free time these past few days :(